This wasn't as awesome as the previous issue, mostly because it felt like a different angle on the same gimmick of the last issue, but it still came off really cool.
All-Star Batman
The Narrative style Snyder is using for this arc is really just not suiting me. I liked this more than the last couple, but I still felt confused and annoyed most the time I was reading this. The back up felt even more annoying because it was purposely just teasing the Duke name. That's just dumb.
Super Sons
God damn this book is sooooooo good. So glad it's living up to my looking forward to it for months. It's also kind of awesome that it can pull off the dark as hell beginning and then shift so easily to Damian and Jon bickering and being funny.
Book is great!
Wild Storm
I am liking what I'm reading, but I can't help feeling that I am completely lost reading it. It feels like it's really not written for new readers.
Extrimity #1
I really really liked this start. It had some negatives but overall I really liked the gruesome feel of the book and the establishment of arts being important in the world. It could still end up being pretty shallow and just about the action and gore, but this first issue has me really interested.
Kill or be Killed 6+7
Caught up to the last two issues of this and I think I'm back on bored. I was starting to think the book was too on the nose and a little too dumb, but I liked the turn in these two issues of stuff crashing in on him.