Tyrant Rave
Those guys are so greatWada x Anka
Those guys are so greatWada x Anka
Wada is such an amazing artist. Anka I am hit or miss with. But more hit than miss.
But who am I to judge as the talentless hack that I am
Inking and coloring in the 80s was not done digitally like it is today. Colors in a lot of 80s comics were flat and looked generic. Lighting didn't seem too important. The green palette and high vegetation really lends itself to making the scenes very dramatic. Also, out of all the 80s art I have seen, they do scene blurring really good, could pass for digital.
Congratulations Kipp. Just this once, I'm going to live vicariously through you.HAH. You expect too much.
Asked the girl from the bouldering gym out to coffee.
I kiiinda choked and didn't end up asking her to coffee when I was at the bouldering gym with her, but she asked me if I had Facebook and added me, then when I got home (well, just a few minutes ago actually) after making some conversation on Facebook I asked her if she wanted to get coffee this weekend and she said "Yeah!!!"
I feel slightly dumb for not getting myself to ask her in person, but the end result is the same, so whatever. Haha
I get kind of confused...some artist we all like who only does random covers and a page here and there worked on like...X-Men Evolution as an intern. I think it was Anka???
Digital inking vs traditional is mainly a choice for the artist and I've never felt one was inherently better than the other. Totleben would be one of the great inkers of American comics in any era. Digital colouring is... it can be great for sure. But it can also be so goddamn ugly (see: early 2000's superhero comics, hell probably the first 20 years of digital colouring in general) and fucking ruin the art when people are in photoshop and just don't understand restraint. Of course there were ugly comics in the 80s, but there are now too and it has nothing to do with the process that goes into making them.
The Bisette/Totleben/Wood Swamp Thing stuff is probably my favourite art on a monthly superhero comic ever tbh
For early 80s, the art in Saga of Swamp Thing is incredible.
welp this morning i went down a bizarre video game impulse buying/collecting spree. *shrugs* it happens
Steam Summer Sale coming soon man
How we are the other Earth One books? Really enjoying Teen Titans.
How we are the other Earth One books? Really enjoying Teen Titans.
I saw a review for Vol 2 of Batman complaining it wasn't more like normal Batman...Only read the first Batman one, it was a pretty different take on Batman. Much more grounded and some of the character dynamics are changed. I'd go into them with an open mind, it's definitely not traditional.
Steam Summer Sale coming soon man
I guess I disagree. I feel on a whole, scenes look better today with digital coloring and lighting and most stuff pre digital can't match the dynamics the digital process provides. Give the same art team the tools of the 80's and then the tools of today and I say their work would look better today.
See, I think 95% of the time it would look demonstrably worse. You can look at recolouring jobs of old comics to see that modern isn't necessarily *better* and for every Steve Oliff Miracleman you have 10 Brian Bolland Killing Jokes.
just read it
One of those art is subjective arguments. If it makes you feel better, I'm known to have shit taste around here.
i've given up on steam sales for the most part, whenever i want to play games it's consoles/handhelds usually, i still need to play the baldur's gate enhanced editions on my laptop but i'm never in the mood to play on a laptop, and even if i hook it up to my tv it still seems like a lot of effort.
One of those art is subjective arguments.
I am not ready for that Steam sale, bruh.
All of them. Even Daken.
yooooo nice
I've got 150 bucks set aside already. My budget is prepared for the coming storm.
I have 50...I've got 150 bucks set aside already. My budget is prepared for the coming storm.
I have 50...
Also does Uncanny X Force go before Remenders uncanny avengers, alongside it or....?
This man speaks the truth. Why, look wat came in the mail today...I love Uncanny Avengers. Second arc through the end of Avenge the Earth are awesome comics.
Cheers. I'll probably get his X Force run + the Busiek omnibus next month and postpone the Uncanny Avengers Omni to a later date.before it
yeah i guess. One last thing I do want to say tho -- the best colorists today work in flat colours and with limited palettes and minimal fucking with the lines. Digital colours can be great but it took a long to get to where we are now and also the realization that old comics had stuff to teach
Way to busy playing Splatoon. It's awesome.
Ok, my original statement, when I made it, I thought of it as pretty factual. Then you politely argued against it and JC was just obnoxious. So, upon reflection,why did I think my original statement was pretty factual and here is the reasoning I came up with.
So you conduct an experiment. You get a 100 people. 50 comic readers, 50 non comic readers. They each get a stack of 80's comics and a stack of present day comics from art teams considered to be the top of their times. They are asked which era of art they liked better. What do you think the results would be?
Me? Present era art wins hands down, by a landslide.
Agreed. I would have loved a Planet X vs. The Avengers/Kang storyline.The Avenge the Earth storyline was amazing.
That should have been an event way more than Axis
Haha, yeah; it took me a few games before noticing it doesn't add anything to my score lol. Still, the game is fun. I think this is the most fun I've had with a shooter since... Left 4 Dead 2?You know, for a game that is so inspired by Turn-of-the-Century skater/pop-punk/urban culture, painting on walls is surprisingly useless.
You should check out Totleben's artwork on Miracleman. Soooo gooooodFor early 80s, the art in Saga of Swamp Thing is incredible. Praise Bissette and Totleben.
Just read this comment
Ok, my original statement, when I made it, I thought of it as pretty factual. Then you politely argued against it and JC was just obnoxious. So, upon reflection,why did I think my original statement was pretty factual and here is the reasoning I came up with.
So you conduct an experiment. You get a 100 people. 50 comic readers, 50 non comic readers. They each get a stack of 80's comics and a stack of present day comics from art teams considered to be the top of their times. They are asked which era of art they liked better. What do you think the results would be?
Me? Present era art wins hands down, by a landslide.