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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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I know I rave about Capullo all the time and I think he is really good and a hard worker and has a great inker and colorist. It helps they work on my favorite cape book. I would say though, my favorite artist right now is Wes Craig on Deadly Class. I feel every design choice in that book is perfect. To me, it's the most perfect comic being published.
That's OK friend. I can see why some might not enjoy it.
There's some stuff I liked though. It's a solid new origin (if origins are important to you) and Raven is actually really cool, which is funny 'cause she's like the worst part of the issues I read from the Wolfman/Perez run


I think one thing to keep in mind is that most recolored pages aren't gonna look great because older artstyles and inking techniques were done with the knowledge of what coloring at the time was capable of. Art styles change as reproduction has changed. As does coloring and inking.

I think recolores pages tend to look off for the most part because they make one element of the art look out of time.

Yeah this is definitely true and definitely something I should've mentioned

That but also I think I just don't like the Dodsons

I'm not too high on them either for whatever reason and I'm not sure what it is. It's not the cheesecake-iness of it... but it just doesn't work for me

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Just stumbled upon this JLU preview from Travel Foreman:

That looks like Cliff Steele, and I'm fucking excited.
Finally got around to reading Squirrel Girl #1

God damn, can't believe that we have Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, and Silver Surfer all running at the same time.


Just stumbled upon this JLU preview from Travel Foreman:

That looks like Cliff Steele, and I'm fucking excited.

I posted that page on Wednesday, the little caption for Cliff is great: "Robotman, Man who is a robot."

Here's the preview, Foreman drew the hell out of it, and there are a couple pleasant surprises.


Also, y'all need to stop posting that Incal recolor. It causes physical pain every time I see it.
Ok, my original statement, when I made it, I thought of it as pretty factual. Then you politely argued against it and JC was just obnoxious. So, upon reflection,why did I think my original statement was pretty factual and here is the reasoning I came up with.

So you conduct an experiment. You get a 100 people. 50 comic readers, 50 non comic readers. They each get a stack of 80's comics and a stack of present day comics from art teams considered to be the top of their times. They are asked which era of art they liked better. What do you think the results would be?

Me? Present era art wins hands down, by a landslide.
No freaking way. 80's comics were amazing in terms of art, colors, and style.
(If you had said 90s, then present era for sure.)


Just finished Born Again, wrapping up Miller DD for me. For whatever reason, the scene where
the Avengers showed up
is the scene that stuck with me the most. Brief, but with a lot of punch behind it. I don't know, just really, really liked that moment.

Now on to Bendis DD!

Edit: I totally didn't realize that Stick was a Miller creation as well. Then again, I only knew him by name and that he trained DD up until actually reading his run. Also, the whole ninja spirituality thing was probably the one point that kind of bugged me with Miller. Especially the thing where he pushed the idea, multiple times over, that the radiation didn't make Matt special, it just "opened his mind" or whatever. That idea just kind of bugged me for whatever reason.


This should surprise no one, but outside of a few predictable exceptions, I vastly prefer the art of the Silver Age. Gimme guys like Kirby, Gil Kane, and Infantino all day long.
While I understand JCs initial response, I also understand where Korrupt is coming from. Keep in mind he's still a relatively new comic reader and whether it's music or whatever different styles can be acquired tastes. And those tastes can grow and evolve. It'd make sense more modern styles are what interests him since..well he just got started and would be reading newer stuff. I think most do this.

I started reading comics in the 90s and started with the image comic look (along with being a fan of manga) and I'd hear about Jack the king Kirby but his art didn't do anything for me. I respected he was a big contributor but I didn't "get it". But over time I continued to expand my comic tastes, in genres, books, styles, etc. going back and reading the classics and my tastes changed. I look back at those 90s comics I collected and boy a lot look real silly.

So Korrupt, good of you to continue to expand your comic knowledge and trying new things. You might be surprised how your tastes change over time
Well, Ms marvel sells 30k+, SG 25+ and SS hovers around 20, so...

Weirdly, Ant-Bro manages 35+

Ms Marvel is at 32k
Squirrel Girl is at 20k
Ant-Man is at 31k - It has lost over 50% of its numbers from issue #1 (70+k) however and has been averaging 6-7k losses per issue after issue #1 to #2's larger drop.

Ms. Marvel seems to be the only stable one out of the bunch you mentioned. Silver Surfer, too, as its been pretty close to 20k for awhile.
While I understand JCs initial response, I also understand where Korrupt is coming from. Keep in mind he's still a relatively new comic reader and whether it's music or whatever different styles can be acquired tastes. And those tastes can grow and evolve. It'd make sense more modern styles are what interests him since..well he just got started and would be reading newer stuff. I think most do this.

I started reading comics in the 90s and started with the image comic look (along with being a fan of manga) and I'd hear about Jack the king Kirby but his art didn't do anything for me. I respected he was a big contributor but I didn't "get it". But over time I continued to expand my comic tastes, in genres, books, styles, etc. going back and reading the classics and my tastes changed. I look back at those 90s comics I collected and boy a lot look real silly.

So Korrupt, good of you to continue to expand your comic knowledge and trying new things

That just made too much fucking sense for this thread.


That just made too much fucking sense for this thread.

Someone partially re-enforcing your viewpoint doesn't give you the green light to insult those of us who have no stake in whatever got you heated. If you feel superior to the rest of us in this thread then when not GTFO? Unless you're willing to edit that post and make yourself not sound like such a douche.
Reading Swamp Thing 24 now with the Justice League. English language is kinda a funny thing. If I worded my original phrase like this:

This 80s art is amazing as its every bit as good as today's art with advanced coloring and lighting and larger color palette. Bless Bissette and Totleben.

That was every bit my intention with my original statement. That's how it played out in my head. It all worked out though, good comic discussion and JC got to use his custom emotes.
Someone partially re-enforcing your viewpoint doesn't give you the green light to insult those of us who have no stake in whatever got you heated. If you feel superior to the rest of us in this thread then when not GTFO? Unless you're willing to edit that post and make yourself not sound like such a douche.

What are you talking about man. I didn't insult anyone. Why do you get like this all the time towards me. Why don't you address me in a PM or something because you always get pissy towards me when there is a discussion in here I'm involved in. I dont feel like I'm above anyone. Quite the opposite. I feel insecure, and anxious of being accepted. That's why I'm on meds for anxiety and depression. something about you man, you don't like about me. You even I unfriended me on PSN for god knows what. That time everyone made fun of me because of the whole N word thing, that hurt my feelings. When JC told me to man up and quit whining all the time, when he does the same shit, that hurts me feelings. I am a sensitive guy, i wear my emotions on my sleeves. I do have some mental problems that I take meds for. That does not make me a weird or not normal person. I have a loving wife, I have a stable good paying job, I have loving friends and family. I'm a happy person for the most part. I try to get involved in this community and every time I get pushed back out by some of you all and why? What the fuck do I do?


Just a couple images to show why I prefer Silver Age art to a lot of modern stuff.

Here's the Reverse Flash from his first appearance in 1962, as drawn by Carmine Infantino. Nice clean lines, a vibrant color palette, and a basic understanding of anatomy and how the body looks when running. All in all, it's very easy on the eyes and pleasant to look at. Plus it had a proto Twix add!


Now here is the same characters first appearance(?) in the new DCU by Brett Booth. A needlessly busy design, god awful colour palette, and I have no idea what the fuck is going on with his body, it's like his arms and shoulders are directly attached to his waist with no torso. No thank you.


In summary, Brett Booth is a shitty artist.



Sliced my index finger opening a Coke bottle, of all things. Lost quite a bit of blood just from that one finger.

Coke was fantastic though.


What are you talking about man. I didn't insult anyone. Why do you get like this all the time towards me. Why don't you address me in a PM or something because you always get pissy towards me when there is a discussion in here I'm involved in. I dont feel like I'm above anyone. Quite the opposite. I feel insecure, and anxious of being accepted. That's why I'm on meds for anxiety and depression. something about you man, you don't like about me. You even I unfriended me on PSN for god knows what. That time everyone made fun of me because of the whole N word thing, that hurt my feelings. When JC told me to man up and quit whining all the time, when he does the same shit, that hurts me feelings. I am a sensitive guy, i wear my emotions on my sleeves. I do have some mental problems that I take meds for. That does not make me a weird or not normal person. I have a loving wife, I have a stable good paying job, I have loving friends and family. I'm a happy person for the most part. I try to get involved in this community and every time I get pushed back out by some of you all and why? What the fuck do I do?

Bro, I Unfriended you during Civil War. I actually have no ill will toward you. I like Nick. Korrupt, via the power of the Internet, kind of comes off as an entitled d-bag. Like this entire post. I get it bro. We all have problems, we're all fucked up. But it isn't a crutch to use when someone calls you out. I wasn't actually telling you to "leave", I'm telling you to take a look at that post and see how it could be read as offensive to others. It reads as if you think you're better than the rest of us here, and that really isn't the case. You're one of our equals, who uniquely brings something to the table like everyone else. We're all not going to agree that Greg Capullo is the best artist in the world. That's a good thing. It would be boring as fuck if that were the case.

You seem like a nice dude IRL. I actually wanted to add you back on PSN after I removed you. On my end that was dumb. All I ask for is for you to chillax. You don't have shit to prove, and people will talk to you naturally if you let them. Just hang out, shoot the shit, and learn about comics like I'm doing because I'm a noob like you are.
Bro, I Unfriended you during Civil War. I actually have no ill will toward you. I like Nick. Korrupt, via the power of the Internet, kind of comes off as an entitled d-bag. Like this entire post. I get it bro. We all have problems, we're all fucked up. But it isn't a crutch to use when someone calls you out. I wasn't actually telling you to "leave", I'm telling you to take a look at that post and see how it could be read as offensive to others. It reads as if you think you're better than the rest of us here, and that really isn't the case. You're one of our equals, who uniquely brings something to the table like everyone else. We're all not going to agree that Greg Capullo is the best artist in the world. That's a good thing. It would be boring as fuck if that were the case.

You seem like a nice dude IRL. I actually wanted to add you back on PSN after I removed you. On my end that was dumb. All I ask for is for you to chillax. You don't have shit to prove, and people will talk to you naturally if you let them. Just hang out, shoot the shit, and learn about comics like I'm doing because I'm a noob like you are.

I honestly have no clue what you are talking about though. I have no idea what I said that makes me look bad. I honestly, truly don't know what you are talking about. What did I say that makes look like a douche? Fuck, your entire post makes you look like someone acting above someone. What makes you think what you do is above me or anyone else? Why do I get private messages on Twitter asking me if I notice Zombine "always has to one up someone else", that he has a huge ego?" I'll screen cap them if you want, I'll blur the names of course.


I honestly have no clue what you are talking about though. I have no idea what I said that makes me look bad. I honestly, truly don't know what you are talking about. What did I say that makes look like a douche? Fuck, your entire post makes you look like someone acting above someone. What makes you think what you do is above me or anyone else? Why do I get private messages on Twitter asking me if I notice Zombine "always has to one up someone else", that he has a huge ego?" I'll screen cap them if you want, I'll blur the names of course.

Ok? And screen capping it is going to do what? I don't care who said it. Tell them I love them.
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