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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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The one thing I always admire about my fellow ComicGAF members is how passionate you are about your shit taste.


Ok, my original statement, when I made it, I thought of it as pretty factual. Then you politely argued against it and JC was just obnoxious. So, upon reflection,why did I think my original statement was pretty factual and here is the reasoning I came up with.

So you conduct an experiment. You get a 100 people. 50 comic readers, 50 non comic readers. They each get a stack of 80's comics and a stack of present day comics from art teams considered to be the top of their times. They are asked which era of art they liked better. What do you think the results would be?

Me? Present era art wins hands down, by a landslide.

I guess I don't really understand what that thought experiment is supposed to show. Like, yeah there are amazing artists today and a lot of those artists I would take over guys who worked 30 years ago. But also there are a lot of guys 30 years ago I would take over guys working now. Hell, in terms of the Average Monthly Superhero Comic I'd probably prefer a random sampling from the 80s than a random sampling off the racks today.


I can't until I catch up on Avengers and New Avengers. I going quickly though. Did you?

Yeah. It's probably the most Secret Warsy tie-in Book out right now.

Like you could have renamed it Secret Wars 2.5 and it wouldn't be wrong.

G-Man was fantastic and it really sets up a lot of stuff for the potential of a lot of Battleworld as a whole rather than a self contained story that uses Battleworld as a platform.
Ok, my original statement, when I made it, I thought of it as pretty factual. Then you politely argued against it and JC was just obnoxious. So, upon reflection,why did I think my original statement was pretty factual and here is the reasoning I came up with.

So you conduct an experiment. You get a 100 people. 50 comic readers, 50 non comic readers. They each get a stack of 80's comics and a stack of present day comics from art teams considered to be the top of their times. They are asked which era of art they liked better. What do you think the results would be?

Me? Present era art wins hands down, by a landslide.

I agree I find it hard to read most Silver Age era and before. There are of course, exceptions.


Never said that. Now imagine Kirbys pencils with today's colors. Today's lighting.

Yeah, I really can't co-sign this at all. So Dean White, right? One of the great modern colourists -- him and Jerome Opena > * etc etc. He 's done a few recolours of Kirby and Ditko's stuff in the Masterworks collections and I really don't think it's an improvement at all even though the original colours aren't particularly amazing either.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Most things get better with time.

Yes, like porn.

Everyone hates that one but I kind of don't mind it tbh
Oh, man, I totally feel you on that. I was just saying the way grays and buildings and stuff looks reminds me instantly of Flex. And yeah, I'm completely cool with Flex's recoloring, even if the dude with the lamb kebab brain lost some of his color.
Is this a joke? Where are you going to find 50 comic readers?

sidenote: i don't really like old comics in general. Narration boxes describing people putting hats on their heads is the main culprit.

This is my big gripe with older material. They read like radio dramas.

Also, I can't shake the sense that a lot of the reason oldschool comics are colored the way they are is because of the limitations of the printing process way back then.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I just think this is a passionate argument, and ain't nothing wrong with that.


I've bought all the Secret Wars tie ins but I can't read them as I am still catching up on Hickman. I am only mid Infinity too. Lol. So much money.

Why did you change from Manny to rudy JC. I seen that shit



Yes, like porn.

Oh, man, I totally feel you on that. I was just saying the way grays and buildings and stuff looks reminds me instantly of Flex. And yeah, I'm completely cool with Flex's recoloring, even if the dude with the lamb kebab brain lost some of his color.

Yeah there are a definitely a lot things lost (rip colourful Mentallium Man) but it's not all bad!

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
The Flex example Frye and I are talking about:

It's interesting that the decision was to remove all of the vibrancy and psychadellicness from the scene to make way for a more classic Collusus looking dude.

I still think the new Flex looks pretty great, though, but I'd love to read more about why certain recoloring decisions were made.
yeah i guess. One last thing I do want to say tho -- the best colorists today work in flat colours and with limited palettes and minimal fucking with the lines. Digital colours can be great but it took a long to get to where we are now and also the realization that old comics had stuff to teach
Hmm I'd say traditional colorists were more limited in how they could fuck up. I prefer digital colorists. The growing pains were so bad though. Those late 90s comics.... blergh. but now we have colorists like Dean White and Laura Martin!


I read all of Teen Titans Earth One today. Who wants to fight?

God I love Starfire.

Comics|OT|June 2015: I read a comic. Let's fight!
The Flex example Frye and I are talking about:

It's interesting that the decision was to remove all of the vibrancy and psychadellicness from the scene to make way for a more classic Collusus looking dude.

I still think the new Flex looks pretty great, though, but I'd love to read more about why certain recoloring decisions were made.

Why did they remove the shadow on Flex's back? Did they want to say there was no light source?
The Flex example Frye and I are talking about:

It's interesting that the decision was to remove all of the vibrancy and psychadellicness from the scene to make way for a more classic Collusus looking dude.

I still think the new Flex looks pretty great, though, but I'd love to read more about why certain recoloring decisions were made.

Can't co-sign the new one.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
To be fair, that is the most egregious thing in there, I feel. There are still plenty of really gorgeous pages throughout.


I wish I could get hyped about whoever the hell the artists and writers were that they had working on Convergence, but the reality is that I'm a fucking noob who legitimately couldn't tell you who any of those people were. I think I knew Rucka and that was it for the whole event.


Hmm I'd say traditional colorists were more limited in how they could fuck up. I prefer digital colorists. The growing pains were so bad though. Those late 90s comics.... blergh. but now we have colorists like Dean White and Laura Martin!

There was like a 5 year period from like 2007/8 where Marvel had basically every good colourist as an exclusive except Dave Stewart. I have no idea how true it is but it feels like it wasn't until then that digital colouring got its shit mostly together
I wish I could get hyped about whoever the hell the artists and writers were that they had working on Convergence, but the reality is that I'm a fucking noob who legitimately couldn't tell you who any of those people were. I think I knew Rucka and that was it for the whole event.

At least I recognized the name Marv Wolfman.
I wish I could get hyped about whoever the hell the artists and writers were that they had working on Convergence, but the reality is that I'm a fucking noob who legitimately couldn't tell you who any of those people were. I think I knew Rucka and that was it for the whole event.
Doc Shaner on Shazam was awesome
There was like a 5 year period from like 2007/8 where Marvel had basically every good colourist as an exclusive except Dave Stewart. I have no idea how true it is but it feels like it wasn't until then that digital colouring got its shit mostly together
Yeah I remember that. They were definitely first between them and DC to value colorists as much as they should. I think one thing to keep in mind is that most recolored pages aren't gonna look great because older artstyles and inking techniques were done with the knowledge of what coloring at the time was capable of. Art styles change as reproduction has changed. As does coloring and inking.

I think recolores pages tend to look off for the most part because they make one element of the art look out of time.
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