Manapul is easily in my top five artists. He might be my favorite, actually.
Just look at this stuff.
Manapul is my favorite writer.
Manapul is easily in my top five artists. He might be my favorite, actually.
Just look at this stuff.
oh man, scalped 4, dd 5 and DnA GOTG omni this week? My wishlist is getting dangerously expensive
Anyone here have a PS4 and would like an Overwatch Early Access key?
Gotham Central omnibus, too.
I'll take it pretty please.
So, Ted Cruz just dropped out. I think I'll re-read The Wake to celebrate his return to the watery depths of the sea
About to pull the trigger based on discussion here alone. Any good? I like Brubaker but have no clue what this is.
About to pull the trigger based on discussion here alone. Any good? I like Brubaker but have no clue what this is.
So, Ted Cruz just dropped out. I think I'll re-read The Wake to celebrate his return to the watery depths of the sea
About to pull the trigger based on discussion here alone. Any good? I like Brubaker but have no clue what this is.
About to pull the trigger based on discussion here alone. Any good? I like Brubaker but have no clue what this is.
Where should I start if I want to get into Doctor Strange? Could I just start reading the new series and have no problem or is their any required early material?
All you, man.
Manapul is my favorite writer.
It's focused on the GCPD. It's excellent, one of the best Batman stories ever despite having not being focused on him.
I want to read it again now. If I was the thread-making type it would be a good Book Club pick.
I'm just trying to imagine how Adam Hughes will do interiors, found these two examples,
But an entire comic book, I'm looking forward to the previews just to see how the panels will flow.
If I own all of the Gotham Central floppies, is there any reason at all to get the omni?
He did a batman black and white story that I love.
Can't find the first page but you get the gist. I love the last page.
If I own all of the Gotham Central floppies, is there any reason at all to get the omni?
Gotham Central omnibus, too.
Maze Agency, thats the good shit
Let's make the book club thing happen
I don't know why I said floppies. I meant the TPBs.
Is that a part of the Maze Runner series?
aka i cant be sexist im a liberalAs a life-long liberal Democrat and advocate for free speech and equal rights, it fascinates me to see when ultra-liberals become ultra-conservatives where they see injustices everywhere and cease to see reason, and start oppressing people who they disagree with. Thanks to the social media, we have entered into a dangerous era of Salem witch trials where no one is safe. Everything is being attacked everywhere in this hypersensitive atmosphere: The movie Grease (Sexualizes teenagers), Road Runner cartoons (Violence against animals), Game of Thrones. (Promotes rape and injustices against women.) The list goes on.
Hey Messi, I think you might have looked into this. Does John Timms do his art on digital or paper?
I really liked the few issues of Maze Agency that Hughes drew.
This looks really good, IST happens to have the first volume half off as well, I'll have to pick it up with my next order. Thanks for the recommendation.
Is that a part of the Maze Runner series?
Good on Marvel for having another openly gay protagonist (Angela), unfortunately Queen of Hel #1 didnt do much for me :/
And neither did Drax #1
Have you been following Angela before that? If not I can see why it did nothing for you. I doubt the next 6 will change that.
I was and I really liked it actually. Its why im surprised how little this did for me :/
Well keep reading. You have nothing to lose. The book is cancelled now anyway.
Damn, looks like IST was super prepared for today. Less than 7 hours after the order was placed. Gave me a tracking number too.
They went in so hard on Angela and it sure fizzled out huh? Has there been any word if she will be on any team book or something?
Shes actually one of the upcoming Marvel Heroes characters, surely from a deal made a long time ago lol >_<
She's in vote Loki and coming back to Bendis Guardians.
The book was great. People didn't buy it.
Whats Vote Loki?![]()
All-new series places a different candidate on the ballot this presidential election season
Read More: Marvel Wants You to 'Vote Loki' for President
aka i cant be sexist im a liberal
aka i dont fucking understand how free speech works
aka i dont fucking understand nuance or context
Choke on a dick Cho
the next time I see an interesting illustration by Cho will be the first