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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.


Is digital not an option? It looks loads better on a tablet, which I didn't think was even possible, because it looks superb in print.

I just don't like paying for digital outside of bundles or MU. Can't justify double dipping on print and digital right now.

I'm a trade waiter on most things, 2 weeks won't be so bad. :( My comic shop guy did say he should have ordered more of the issue, but it is really hard to tell when a fantasy book is going to sell. Can't blame him, glad he was able to sell through all his units. I did pick up Suicide Squad - Trial By Fire, so at least I have some good Ostrander to keep me busy.
Shame his art is crap and lazy and he tricks innocent people into looking at naked women tied up. Other than that it's great.

I still need to read Stitch. It's on my Comixology unread list. I forgot to even download it lololololol.

Also Messi check PMs.
I wish I lived in the universe that had Grant Morrison, Mark Waid and Gail Simone write a Captain Marvel family book.

Man, I wish I'd never heard of this so I didn't know what I was missing. DC have dropped the ball with their handling of Captain Marvel/Shazam. I know Johns keeps teasing a book, but the JL back-up was so long ago.
monstress was great. solid purchase. its triple length and the writing style makes it a pretty meaty read. certainly feels like enough stuff happened to be satisfied by the issue and enough mystery and set up to make you want to continue the series. loved the unblinking brutality of it.

i dont have a physical copy to compare it to but the book looked great digitally. the art is pretty solid. theres lots of room for Takedas art to improve. there are some places where Takeda is less comfortable and her panel composition suffers.

her backgrounds are pretty detailed in places and really added a lot. i do have to say her coloring is uneven. its really good in some spots but others muddies her linework and is too soft.

random 9/10 for debut issue
Is it ever explained at any point why Hal Jordan is considered the greatest Green Lantern ever? I'm currently reading the New 52 Green Lantern, and Sinestro putting Hal in his place is a pure joy inducing experience. Like, I get why Sinestro has a respect for him (Jordan is far more altruistic and willing to sacrifice himself, whereas Sinestro is focused on the big picture and is far more calculating and strategic), but I'm not sure why everyone considers him "the greatest." Even Guy. Like, Guy doesn't give a fuck ever.


I'm liking Identity Crisis, but there's waaaay too much monologue/narration I feel like. It's constant.
It was one of Meltzer's forest comics and he's typically a novelist so that is likely why there is an over reliance on natration.

That Captain Marvel idea sounds like it would have been amazing. Three of my favorite writers rotating to match characters would have been amazing.
Is it ever explained at any point why Hal Jordan is considered the greatest Green Lantern ever? I'm currently reading the New 52 Green Lantern, and Sinestro putting Hal in his place is a pure joy inducing experience. Like, I get why Sinestro has a respect for him (Jordan is far more altruistic and willing to sacrifice himself, whereas Sinestro is focused on the big picture and is far more calculating and strategic), but I'm not sure why everyone considers him "the greatest." Even Guy. Like, Guy doesn't give a fuck ever.

Is New 52 GL still written by Geoff Johns? From what I've read (just the first omnibus) of his Green Lantern, that was written like that too. Like if he saw him in real life, he would stand at attention, salute him and say "thank you for your service".
Is it ever explained at any point why Hal Jordan is considered the greatest Green Lantern ever? I'm currently reading the New 52 Green Lantern, and Sinestro putting Hal in his place is a pure joy inducing experience. Like, I get why Sinestro has a respect for him (Jordan is far more altruistic and willing to sacrifice himself, whereas Sinestro is focused on the big picture and is far more calculating and strategic), but I'm not sure why everyone considers him "the greatest." Even Guy. Like, Guy doesn't give a fuck ever.

I think it's more an expression of Johns' love and fondness of the character and the generation of heroes Hal comes from. The same could be said for Barry Allen. Johns brought Hal Jordan back into the fold of the Green Lantern Corps and positioned him as the central figure of the Green Lantern mythos, not only to honour the past, but also to give the Green Lantern Corps a future. What makes Hal Jordan so great is that he is a man without fear, yet immensely human.


Vision was awesome and kinda creepy and sad. I don't really know the backstory here though, so the whole family thing I'm coming in blind. But a really great first issue, perfect art for the subject/character too.

Is it ever explained at any point why Hal Jordan is considered the greatest Green Lantern ever? I'm currently reading the New 52 Green Lantern, and Sinestro putting Hal in his place is a pure joy inducing experience. Like, I get why Sinestro has a respect for him (Jordan is far more altruistic and willing to sacrifice himself, whereas Sinestro is focused on the big picture and is far more calculating and strategic), but I'm not sure why everyone considers him "the greatest." Even Guy. Like, Guy doesn't give a fuck ever.

Because Sinestro was considered the Greatest GL ever, and Hal surpassed him and eventually overtook him when Sinestro betrayed the Corps and turned out to be pretty fucked up and Hal stopped him. Then he goes on to do a bunch of things and builds the legend and took Sinestro's place as the Guy Who Can Talk Shit To The Guardians And Get Away With It.

That, and with the Big Two, Earth (and its heroes) are usually pretty central to everything else and it isn't very likely that you're going to base a book and major hero in your Universe on the Earth based character that's just another dude.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Please tell me y'all read Vision? Best book I've read in weeks.

Please tell me y'all read Vision? Best book I've read in weeks.

all I need to know about Vision is that Jordie Bellaire is coloring it. Not just because her coloring is top notch but because she's picky with projects now and shes expressed strong excitement working on this book

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Is vision good enough to buy monthly and not wait on MU?

Absofuckinglutely. It's the perfect mix of weird, tragic, and fun from the loneliest and dustiest toy in the Marvel toybox. I can't believe how much the first issue set up, and how brilliant it all is.
Absofuckinglutely. It's the perfect mix of weird, tragic, and fun from the loneliest and dustiest toy in the Marvel toybox. I can't believe how much the first issue set up, and how brilliant it all is.

It was a great book, though they went in a different direction than I was expecting. I thought it was going to be pure robot hijinx, and Marvel went a little grimdark with it.


I'm gonna post the whole page that Slug's panel is from. The unidentified omniscient narrator adds a lot to the book, it really gives the whole thing an uneasy feel. We already know bad things are going to happen, it's like waiting fur a bomb to go off or watching a car crash in slow motion.


Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
It was a great book, though they went in a different direction than I was expecting. I thought it was going to be pure robot hijinx, and Marvel went a little grimdark with it.

I think they made the right move letting King tell this story. It's ballsy, considering Vision is now in the movies, but this concept is just too damn good to be pushed aside for happy-go-lucky-hijinx. It's got this perfect permeating sadness but there's still fun throughout. The kids and the neighbors (despite dying in a future fire) provide some of that.

Edit: Haha, thanks Tim! My non-digital ass was scouring for the whole page but I couldn't find it online.


ah, i thought there was some sort of page scan rule for new books or something, but I could be wrong.

Is there? That Iron Man/Doc Strange high five page was posted and quoted about ten times between yesterday and today, so I figured this was fine as well


Is there? That Iron Man/Doc Strange high five page was posted and quoted about ten times between yesterday and today, so I figured this was fine as well

I'm waiting until the end of the week to determine what to do with all of you page posters. I think i will be merciful but then i remember i'm voting for Trump so....*shrugs* it will be the greatest punishment this country has ever had.


Is there? That Iron Man/Doc Strange high five page was posted and quoted about ten times between yesterday and today, so I figured this was fine as well

maybe so (i don't read iron man), I thought that was a joke image or something lol. my mistake i might have been off on that.


Benny the bear vs Clutch the bear, who wins in a fight silly monkey?

had to google that, I had no idea clutch the bear was a Rockets thing, and now that i know i presume Clutch would fall to the floor and wonder if the fight is over.

edit: watching the bulls/thunder now, not as good as last night's warriors/clippers but it's okay.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Dammit. Vision and Monstress bought.

Fucks yeah!

Slightly related to Marvel books with kind of sad undercurrents, Doctor Strange #1 was rad as hell. I haven't read much Strange in the past, but I love the "there's a price to pay for every good deed you do," magic-for-blood type story that's started here. Also helps that Bacchalo is busting out really awesome stuff throughout the issue.
Slightly related to Marvel books with kind of sad undercurrents, Doctor Strange #1 was rad as hell. I haven't read much Strange in the past, but I love the "there's a price to pay for every good deed you do," magic-for-blood type story that's started here. Also helps that Bacchalo is busting out really awesome stuff throughout the issue.

#2 was very good as well. This is my first Doctor Strange book. I probably wouldn't have given it a try if not for Bachalo, as I was never big into the mystic Marvel stuff. But I'm glad I did.

ANAD has been very enjoyable so far. Ultimates next week rocking that Rocafort art. Also looking forward to Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, and the new Blade series whenever that happens.
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