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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.




Ended up getting the blank cover version of 007. For 10 dollars I'd expect the paper used for the blank cover to not be garbage.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Glad Psyche only communicates in Star Wars gifs now.
My LCS had a blank variant of Extraordinary X-Men, cover price. I wasn't going to pick it up before I saw that, because if i pay 4.99 for a comic, it better not have a cover


Why is there a blank cover version and why did you buy it

To hopefully get a Connery Bond sketch from Hardman or maybe Francavilla at some point but I'm not even sure this thing will take ink. I think the higher price blank cover is strictly a Dynamite thing.


To hopefully get a Connery Bond sketch from Hardman or maybe Francavilla at some point but I'm not even sure this thing will take ink. I think the higher price blank cover is strictly a Dynamite thing.

Get someone to draw Archer on it.
Would you peeps be okay if Marvel created alternate reality "What if?" stories for the Star Wars comics?

They can't be any worse than the Dark Horse Star Wars Infinities ones (although technically 99% of Dark Horse Star Wars is now What If?).

I would still buy them though. It's probably our best shot of a What If? ongoing, since Web Warriors and Guardians of Infinity won't last long.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
These gallery editions are a bit big, aren't they...

I really need to get one... I just don't know which one I want.

I'm almost definitely gonna get the DKR Gallery Edition coming out next year.

I'm still a bit tempted to get the Kelley Jones Batman Gallery Edition too.


Well it looks like the first month of Marvel Now was successful on a freaky level.

Would you peeps be okay if Marvel created alternate reality "What if?" stories for the Star Wars comics?

I would like more what if stories and alt universe stories around the holidays in general
Wowie zowie, I got my Catwoman cover girls statue in the mail today. That was quick, and the shop I bought it from was some place in Florida. Way to go place in Florida.

Target is on my shit-list though. They were sold out of Inside Out, those fucks.


i rented Inside Out from redbox, will probably watch tonight or tmw depending on how boring this Democratic Forum thing is hosted by Maddow. Rockets/Kings would be watchable if Cousins wasn't hurt.

Also, dcbs shipment arrived so COMICS READING BEGINS. And it begins with caps. Walking Dead #147 was a bit dull with perhaps a nice character moment between
Rick and Michonne but i am starting to groan a little when these moments happen
I also read through the LL Bean holiday guide catalog...that might have been better than Walking Dead. So much flannel and general coziness.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Man, you should'a told me about Electrostache before I went to my shop yesterday. Dammit, Tim.

E: Also, Black Science is about to get dropped hard. I do not give a shit about Grant or this story at all.


I'm watching that movie Death of Superman Lives whatever on showtime and damn do I wish this movie would have been made. The Brainiac design was actually pretty damn cool
Took a 4 hr nap today. Perhaps drawing consistently til 1 am is bad for me

Man, you should'a told me about Electrostache before I went to my shop yesterday. Dammit, Tim.

E: Also, Black Science is about to get dropped hard. I do not give a shit about Grant or this story at all.

outside of the art and classic Remender narration, nothing grabs me about Black Science. I think Im done after this 3rd volume.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Not sure, I imagine if there's any extras he'll sell them on his Etsy shop
Great, thanks, I'll keep an eye out for it.

outside of the art and classic Remender narration, nothing grabs me about Black Science. I think Im done after this 3rd volume.

I really thought, initially, that it was the spiritual successor to Fear Agent. Problem is Grant is insufferable, and there's nothing particularly gripping about a shitty father trying to save his shitty kids from shitty circumstances he put them in. Like, there's no real anchor for me to latch onto here, and because the setting keeps shifting and the sci-fi fuckery is just random chaos, there's not much beating to the heart of the book.

The best thing Remender did here was
make the supposed villain of the story the hero after Grant "dies".
That was fucking fascinating, and could have worked so well. Eh, this book just bums me out for what it could have been.
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