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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.


God forbid someone might like something that you don't. You should also credit Asrar with his part of the art also.

The Asrar feature was better, but, both those characters have been done better in their own books. And, you know, I'm just elaborating on what I said, it's arguing, I'm posting arguments.
Anyone pick up Justice League: Darkseid War: Green Lantern today?

I want DC to get Tom King on the main GL book pronto. This was fucking great.


Now we have to wait two weeks for another Tom King book.

Absolutely agree! The art was stellar too. I hope DC is using these one-shots to test the waters with new creative teams. I haven't finished reading this week's books, but as it stands, it's book of the week for me.


isn't "all-new, all-different" just an elaborate joke on marvel's part in an effort to game the sales numbers though

someone needs to compile a list of all the relaunches that are literally the same people doing the exact same thing they were doing before


Did Stegmans art improve in Uncanny #2? He claimed he scaled back the wibbley wobbly limbs and such after he realized he went too far in #1


isn't "all-new, all-different" just an elaborate joke on marvel's part in an effort to game the sales numbers though

someone needs to compile a list of all the relaunches that are literally the same people doing the exact same thing they were doing before

Shhh they'll hear you. You have to play along if you want to survive.
isn't "all-new, all-different" just an elaborate joke on marvel's part in an effort to game the sales numbers though

someone needs to compile a list of all the relaunches that are literally the same people doing the exact same thing they were doing before

speaking of, I did just read the new Hawkeye book, and it's still definitely a Jeff Lemire comic. If you like things that just go through motions, damn do i have the book for you


isn't "all-new, all-different" just an elaborate joke on marvel's part in an effort to game the sales numbers though

someone needs to compile a list of all the relaunches that are literally the same people doing the exact same thing they were doing before

That's the scary part. I don't think they're joking. They're serious about this being All-New, but they already said last relaunch was all-new, so, they're stuck. Which, hey, that's pretty much the story of Marvel today: running out of new, but having to do yearly relaunches.


I can only speak for myself but I have been loving this relaunch. Lots of great books with very few stinkers. Very much enjoying myself.


isn't "all-new, all-different" just an elaborate joke on marvel's part in an effort to game the sales numbers though

someone needs to compile a list of all the relaunches that are literally the same people doing the exact same thing they were doing before

Its a marketing initiative to bring in new fans and try out multiple new things as once like Marvel Now.


speaking of, I did just read the new Hawkeye book, and it's still definitely a Jeff Lemi-

fell asleep right there

That's the scary part. I don't think they're joking. They're serious about this being All-New, but they already said last relaunch was all-new, so, they're stuck. Which, hey, that's pretty much the story of Marvel today: running out of new, but having to do yearly relaunches.

Yeah, I don't actually think it's a joke either. But it sure as hell feels like one!!


Ah the iPad pro is here. Time to check it out and replace my cracked iPad. Could it be the ultimate comic reading experience?


too big for casual non-comics usage, do i want to play hearthstone on it?
back to ipad 3 weight instead of air.
MU quality has got to suffer since it's already iffy on the smaller screen.


giant comic reading.

too big for casual non-comics usage, do i want to play hearthstone on it?
back to ipad 3 weight instead of air.
MU quality has got to suffer since it's already iffy on the smaller screen.


giant comic reading.

Heading to Apple Store to look. Could instantly turn all my cmx comics into Deluxe/Library editions!

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
isn't "all-new, all-different" just an elaborate joke on marvel's part in an effort to game the sales numbers though

someone needs to compile a list of all the relaunches that are literally the same people doing the exact same thing they were doing before

All New Howard the Duck #1 was fucking fantastic! Haven't read a good Howard the Duck book since Chip and Quinoa's run.
isn't "all-new, all-different" just an elaborate joke on marvel's part in an effort to game the sales numbers though

someone needs to compile a list of all the relaunches that are literally the same people doing the exact same thing they were doing before
If that's what it takes for books that don't sell a goddamn thing to not get canceled after six issues, good on them.
Marvel Comics
ANAD Avengers #1
Thors #4

Image Comics
Birthright #11
The Goddamned #1
The Wicked + The Divine #16

Small week but that's okay, getting caught up.
I'm baaaaa-aaack!

Gonna echo a common sentiment and say that DW: GL and Shazam were both AMAZING comics. Like, legit fantastic. DC, give those creative teams an ongoing for both titles NOW.

Also, I will now be buying anything Tom King writes sight unseen. Like, I don't even care what it is. Man's amazing.

I'm also going to back up my boy Korupt and say that Superman: American Alien was astonishingly good. Not, like, "Tom King and Doc Shaner on GL" good, but really damn good. Utterly charming. "Adorable" is another adjective that comes to mind. I wasn't really expecting much, but I was very pleasantly surprised. Max Landis writing "the opposite of All-Star Superman" is not an encouraging premise, but he knocked it out of the park, at least in this first issue. If it's a sign of what's to come I'm on board 1000%.

Only (ONLY) problem is a little wonky art in spots, but by and large that's pretty good too.

Yes please

I can the changes sticking around for awhile post Darkseid War. It's a pretty interesting status quo change and works for the character.

Big thing about Shazam as opposed to the other guys is that his new powers are a) not gamebreaking and b) add a lot of character to the... uh, character.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Thors has confused the fuck out of me.

End spoiler:

How did the hammer/axe rip through dimensions into Asgard 616?


I was bored so I made that list of the new books based on what I considered a returning ongoing for ANAD Marvel and:
-14 returning ongoings have a new creative team

-4 ongoings have returned with the same team if you exclude the books that launched right before Secret Wars and 11 if you include them

6 ongoings have had some changes to their creative team, 7 if you include Angela

- This leaves us with 38 new books.

My math could be a bit off though.
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