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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.


Currently reading through Wolverine by Greg Rucka Ultimate Collection.
Really enjoying it and the art is fine. Darick Robertson is the artist for the final arc, and I remember enjoying it a lot last time I read it.
I like how it doesn't have a lot of characters in it, which helps appreciate the characters that are on focus. Rucka writes a really good
Sabretooth too
If this is your definition of stale, you should run away and never look back, because there's no possible way you're ever going to be happy. What is the tone or genre or style you're looking for that isn't represented in the current lineup that would actually have a place at a publisher like Marvel? They haven't had a lineup this diverse since they were putting out books like G.I. Joe, Barbie, Ren & Stimpy, Beavis & Butthead, and Groo, and even then, their superhero stuff was so homogenous that I don't even think those off-kilter licensed books made for a lineup as varied overall as what we see today. If you look at this and think "stale", that's about you, not Marvel.

excellent post. there's a lot of surprising stuff coming out of ANAD.
Does All-New Wolverine stand on its own? I've read a few reviews and taken in the impressions here and it sounds interesting. I'm just not keen on the current direction of the X-books from what Extraordinary X-Men #1 implied.
Bring on Vader Down! Vader was good again. Nice little conclusion to lead into the cross over.

I'm annoyed, I spaced out Vader Down event,, I see Star Wars: Vader Down #1 comes out 11/18

Is there a list of these Vader Down event books ??


Carmine Infantino Batman and Robin B&W statues.

They aren't jumping of the shelves at me or anything,, but I like the Robin mainly because idk if ive seen a B&W Robin


Following this thread as a trade-waiting Walking Dead reader is not easy.

Following this thread as mainly a DCBS sub. is hard,, couple weeks behind.
I'm annoyed, I spaced out Vader Down event,, I see Star Wars: Vader Down #1 comes out 11/18

Is there a list of these Vader Down event books ??

The Vader Down issue is just a one-off. It carries on in the main books.

Vader Down #1
Darth Vader #13
Star Wars #13
Darth Vader #14
Star Wars #14
Darth Vader #15


New arrival



Love it




I'm looking to pick up a 10" tablet for Xmas for using with Marvel Unlimited. Can anyone shed some light on getting MU to work on the Amazon Fire 10? I know they don't offer the app but they do have Comixology and I read that you could link your Marvel account to Comixology.

I'm also looking at two Samsung tabs, the Galaxy A and Galaxy E.

Any recommendations/advice would be appreciated.


I'm looking to pick up a 10" tablet for Xmas for using with Marvel Unlimited. Can anyone shed some light on getting MU to work on the Amazon Fire 10? I know they don't offer the app but they do have Comixology and I read that you could link your Marvel account to Comixology.

I'm also looking at two Samsung tabs, the Galaxy A and Galaxy E.

Any recommendations/advice would be appreciated.

Comixology will sync your purchases through the MU app, but it doesn't allow you to use the subscription service (for shame, as MU's app sucks).

You can just about get a version of MU to sideload but it's extremely unstable on the KF10. I wouldn't rely on it working.

So with that in mind the Galaxy devices would be better. Also, as much as there are plenty of issues with the Nexus 9, there have been some crazy discount sales on it recently and you may be able to pick one up very cheaply.


New arrival

Love it


I watched a pretty good mavs clippers game but I missed out on true greatness. Also, you're shrinking down actors and keeping them, might as well put them in glass jars like Braniac.
Thinking on it a bit more, I can't really articulate why I enjoyed Fear Agent but took such a dislike to the main character/narrative of Black Science.

And maybe it's just me but there also seems to be an increased audience for the "shocking death! you don't know who dies next! and how!" kind of writing in comics and manga and tv. Can't really say I enjoy that much.


Reading some comics finally,, The Humans is an awesome fucking book,, is no one else reading this ?!?!

Its fuckin raunchy


And then there's this,,, this fucking cracked me up,, comics don't usually get a real "lol" from meh..

yeah i got caught up with it last week and it fuckin rules


Comixology will sync your purchases through the MU app, but it doesn't allow you to use the subscription service (for shame, as MU's app sucks).

You can just about get a version of MU to sideload but it's extremely unstable on the KF10. I wouldn't rely on it working.

So with that in mind the Galaxy devices would be better. Also, as much as there are plenty of issues with the Nexus 9, there have been some crazy discount sales on it recently and you may be able to pick one up very cheaply.
Thanks! I'd prefer the Samsung over Kindles. Both will be aroun the same price as the Fire on Black Friday.


I rather liked the first issue of the Superman mini-series. Especially the last two pages
going into Ma and Pa Kent's past. So, Martha was pregnant up until a car wreck, losing the baby, and then she has to keep popping all the meds cause of the accident? Poor Martha, lol.
I always liked seeing stuff on Clark's parents and his younger years...Should find more comics that delve into that, lol. I've always been intimated about finding Superman stuff to read for god knows what reason. It's not like I have this problem with Batman.

And yeah, that Aja copying in Hawkeye is real weak. I was excited about the idea of that new comic at first, but I tried a few issues and...nope. And the "All New" edition is just the same crap.
Hate how Clint and Kate are at each other's throats all the time now. Previous character development doesn't matter, nope... The worst part is their spats aren't even clever like they were under Fraction. And Clint talks like someone Kate's age as an old man. Sure...


So, I guess I'll say "good enough" to Amazon this time. Though the packaging was poor, the one book made it out mostly okay. The one corner of the cover has a crease, but I can live with it and don't super feel like dealing with Amazon customer service anymore.

Oh, and in a random note (and at the risk of sounding stupid: I was reading Usagi Yojimbo the other night, and I hit a story wherein there was a town controlled by two corrupt bosses, and then Usagi and Gen split up to play both sides as powerful newcomers, and ultimately end up forced into a duel. The thing is... I watched an episode of Dirty Pair with literally the exact same plot the night before. So I figure those have to be a spoof/reference to something more famous, so anyone know what?
So, I guess I'll say "good enough" to Amazon this time. Though the packaging was poor, the one book made it out mostly okay. The one corner of the cover has a crease, but I can live with it and don't super feel like dealing with Amazon customer service anymore.

Oh, and in a random note (and at the risk of sounding stupid: I was reading Usagi Yojimbo the other night, and I hit a story wherein there was a town controlled by two corrupt bosses, and then Usagi and Gen split up to play both sides as powerful newcomers, and ultimately end up forced into a duel. The thing is... I watched an episode of Dirty Pair with literally the exact same plot the night before. So I figure those have to be a spoof/reference to something more famous, so anyone know what?


Possibly this?


Edit: Gen was inspired by Mifune in that film and its sequel btw.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
And yeah, that Aja copying in Hawkeye is real weak. I was excited about the idea of that new comic at first, but I tried a few issues and...nope. And the "All New" edition is just the same crap.
Hate how Clint and Kate are at each other's throats all the time now. Previous character development doesn't matter, nope... The worst part is their spats aren't even clever like they were under Fraction. And Clint talks like someone Kate's age as an old man. Sure...

This Hawkeye run really shouldn't exist. It's clear the team had/has no real fucking idea for the characters, and they just wanted to bum on the momentum created by the definitive Hawkeye run. What the shit was that pitch meeting like for the new Hawkeye?


Oh awesome, thanks! I really need to get around to watching Kurosawa's films sometime. Been wanting to pull the trigger on just purchasing Rashomon or something for a while...

I plan on watching Yojimbo again but I should expand to watching all the Kurosawa films. I say go ahead and pull the trigger.
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