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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.


I inspired comics-gaf into existence.

Well least now I know who to blame for that :V
For that matter, reposting an old post I made featuring Atomic Robo goodness
For your entertainment, I am reposting Atomic Robo goodness



Thread incidentally enough was one sillymonkey321 was posting it.
Five internet points to the person who can remember who made the threads before Spike

Also, first person recommending Umbrella Academy that I recall was Birdie

edit: Actually maybe it was Blader that I first remember pimping UA. He doesnt post here anymore


Five internet points to the person who can remember who made the threads before Spike

Also, first person recommending Umbrella Academy that I recall was Birdie

That's not fair, he recommends everything!

I think that issue Tizoc ( FCBD?) was the first time i really read anything of Atomic Robo, i might have owned vol 1 of the trades before reading that, and i've owned the first six volumes for awhileeeeeeee but i've only read three of them so far.


Five internet points to the person who can remember who made the threads before Spike

Also, first person recommending Umbrella Academy that I recall was Birdie

edit: Actually maybe it was Blader that I first remember pimping UA. He doesnt post here anymore

When we had the weekly threads a couple of people made them - Spike, omg rite, and FnordChan are the ones that jump immediately to mind
I think he liked Shazam. So, 52 seems like a very good recommendation. Is it a standalone comic book or does he have to read something else before 52?

I will check this one, too.

There's one minor storyline in the beginning that is a conclusion from Identity Crisis. Another minor storyline that follows up on events from Infinite Crisis, but for the main storylines they're pretty much self contained.

The only problem is they don't print the TP's so you'll either have to buy used (which usually isn't so bad), the Omnibus ($82), or go digital, or I guess check your library.


Five internet points to the person who can remember who made the threads before Spike

Also, first person recommending Umbrella Academy that I recall was Birdie

edit: Actually maybe it was Blader that I first remember pimping UA. He doesnt post here anymore

I never actually cared who made the thread; I cared more about discussing comics :3


Man, I keep seeing praise for Grayson. I love Dick, but I tried one or two issues of that thing when it was new and nothing grabbed at me. Does it pick up later on?
didn't even know google play did comics

Google is announcing an update to the Play Books app specifically designed to allow for a better comic reading experience. To enable it, readers can simply rotate their phones into landscape mode and they'll be able to scroll through the entire story using only vertical swipes, no panning required. This sounds a lot like the "tap to scroll" feature we dug up back in August.

Additionally, Google has also made it easier to browse and discover new comics in Play Books. "We're offering a new comics destination and a bunch of beautifully curated series pages on the Google Play Store that organize volumes, issues and other editions of the top comic series," said Greg Hartrell, the Senior Product Manger for Google Play Books, in a blog post. The hope is that fans will be able to receive personalized recommendations for new comics and series they might also enjoy reading. This is also something we had found in a teardown from last month.


Man, I keep seeing praise for Grayson. I love Dick, but I tried one or two issues of that thing when it was new and nothing grabbed at me. Does it pick up later on?

Definitely yes. I started off thinking it was alright, but I came around as it went on. One of the recent issues is one of the best comics I've ever read.
I haven't read a comic in about a month and I refuse to start any of Marvel's new series until Secret Wars finishes and I won't even continue that until it's done.

I'm free!


Five internet points to the person who can remember who made the threads before Spike

Also, first person recommending Umbrella Academy that I recall was Birdie

edit: Actually maybe it was Blader that I first remember pimping UA. He doesnt post here anymore

We don't talk about the pre Messi Era. Please read and remember the comicgaf rules and regulations.
Thanks for the recommendations.

Seems good.

He has seen the movie, but I will check some stories with Kang in them.
Uncanny Avengers is best read, however, after Remender's Uncanny X-Force. There's a huge overarching plot between both books, but you don't NEED to read UXF. I highly recommend it though, as it is extremely good, and on top of that there are two story arcs involving time travel and two involving alternate dimensions.
The 2007 Booster Gold series would scratch that itch as it heavily focuses on time travel. The creative teams changed several times so quality fluctuated a lot but overall it was good.
Umbrella Academy has a character that messes with time a bit and the series is excellent.
The Boy is one of my favorite characters ever.

Paging BKatastrophe


Yeah, I don't even know.

So, my guess, as I can only surmise from that mess of a chapter, is that
based on what we know, the Earl used to be one person (Adam), but SOMEHOW got split into two people. This is how Nea exists. A big question is "who the fuck is Mana then?" Because it certainly isn't the Earl, and we're lead to believe that Nea resides within Allen. In an earlier chapter, Nea was talking to himself in the mirror wondering what Allen had "done" to him, implying the Innocence bonded to Allen was in fact Allen's fault. Which means at some point, Allen was actually older. Both the Earl and Nea refer to Mana as a separate person in previous chapters. In fact, in the last chapter, we were lead to believe that Nea and the Earl were brothers, but the Earl was actually two people because the previous Earl fell in love, giving birth to himself (fucking cosmic births, I swear to god), as two people: Nea and Mana.

So bearing that all in mind, we're now shown that Nea and Mana are just personalities that the Earl has and don't exist. But apparently Allen is Nea. He has to be, otherwise the 14th doesn't exist, and we KNOW it does. But apparently now the Earl is Mana? So, then who was the old guy who took care of Allen? AND WHO IS ALLEN?



Yeah, it's a little rough in the beginning but picks up a bit more later.

Definitely yes. I started off thinking it was alright, but I came around as it went on. One of the recent issues is one of the best comics I've ever read.

Interesting. I'll try and catch up on it winter holiday then! I miss reading comics with Dick.

That Google app update looks pretty nice...but I neither own a smartphone or a tablet. Hmph.
Is it bad I want a smartphone just to read digital comics on it?
Interesting. I'll try and catch up on it winter holiday then! I miss reading comics with Dick.

That Google app update looks pretty nice...but I neither own a smartphone or a tablet. Hmph.
Is it bad I want a smartphone just to read digital comics on it?


Comics are terrible on phones.


Last year JC tried to spark interest in folks posting their desert island comics, it was met with a very tepid response (I think myself, JC, and Korupt were the only ones who took part) at the time. There's a decent amount of new people who have started posting since, would there be any interest in revisiting the idea? The rules are pretty simple, you list single issues that you would want to have on a desert island with you and then why you picked those comics.

To kick things off, here's an updated version of my list:

Animal Man #5​ “Coyote Gospel” Morrison/Troug
Morrison peels back the layers and reveals there may be more going on here than what the
reader initially thought. The tone and themes of this issue still inform Morrison’s writing to
this day.

Final Crisis #5​ “Into Oblivion” Morrison/Jones and Pacheco
I. Am. The. New. God. All is one in Darkseid. This mighty body is my church. When I command your
surrender, I speak with three billion voices. When I make a fist to crush your resistance. It is with
three billion hands. When I stare into your eyes and shatter your dreams. And break your heart. It is
with six billion eyes. Nothing like Darkseid has ever come among you; nothing will again. I will take
you to a hell without exit or end. And there I will murder your souls! And make you crawl and beg!
Enough said.

Mr Miracle #18 ​“Wild WIld Wedding Guests!” Kirby
Darkseid and company spoil the wedding of Scott Free and Barda!

Green Lantern #20 ​“The End” Johns/Mahnke
It’s not the best issue of Johns’ run on GL, but it’s one of my favorites. Set sometime in the
future, you have Sinestro as the keeper of the Book of Oa regaling a new recruit with the tales
of Hal Jordan and company. A nice bookend for one of my favorite extended superhero runs.

Swamp Thing #53 ​“The Garden of Earthly Delights” Moore/Totleben
Abby Arcane has been imprisoned in Gotham for sex crimes (Gotham isn’t too high on
human on Swampy sex, who woulda guessed) and Swamp Thing is running wild. He
overruns Gotham with plants and vines in an effort to free Abby. Have no fear though,
Batman is here! When negotiations don’t go his way he decides to straight up murder Swamp
Thing with a flamethrower and gets his ass handed to him. Swamp Thing ​and​ Batman getting
taken down a notch, two of my favorite things in one outstanding issue!

Flash #123 "The Flash of Two Worlds" Fox/Infantino
One of the most important comics DC has ever published, this issue singlehandedly created the DC multiverse. Surely an event of such significance was the result of some Earth shattering crisis that only the combined might of Barry Allen and Jay Garrick could halt! Nah, while doing rope tricks for orphans Barry fucks up with his super speed (this is way before there was something called the Speed Force) and teleports himself to Keystone City on what later would become Earth-2. Barry and Jay take on some villains and then Barry teleports himself back home. The birth of the multiverse everyone!
Flash Fact - To my knowledge this is the first in story mention of the writer of the comic!

X-Factor #87 ​“X-Aminations” David/Quesada
Coming out of the events of the X-Cutioner’s Song crossover, this was a catch your breath
issue where Doc Samson psychoanalyzes the team to assess their mental health. This issue
probably has my favorite description for what life would be like as a speedster having to slow
to the pace of the rest of the world. Oh and Val Cooper was totally clueless and got abducted
by a monster at the end.

New Gods #1 ​“Orion Fights for Earth!” Kirby
There came a time when the Old Gods died!​ ​The brave died with the cunning! The noble perished,
locked in battle with the unleashed evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in
fiery holocaust! The final moment came with the fatal release of the indescribable power — which
tore the home of the Old Gods asunder — split it in great halves — and filled the universe with the
blinding death-flash of its destruction! In the end there were two giant molten bodies, spinning
slow and barren— clean of all that had gone before — adrift in the fading sounds of cosmic
thunder... Silence closed upon what had happened — along, deep silence — wrapped in massive
darkness... it was this way for an age...​ THEN—THERE WAS NEW LIGHT!
The Fourth World Saga technically kicked off in Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen, but this was
the issue that introduced New Genesis, Apokalips, Orion, the Highfather, Metron, the Source,
and many other staples of the Fourth World.

Batman #666 ​“Batman in Bethelem” Morrison/Kubert
The only future’s end story of Batman that matters to me. Bruce is dead, Damian has sold his
soul to the devil/Dr Hurt and patrols Gotham as Batman. This is one of my all time favorite
issues of Batman ever, and it narrowly beat out Batman #113 (which has the “Batman - The
Superman of Planet X!” story) to be included here. This is the one issue from Morrison’s run
that I’ve read more than any other, even when Gotham is literally at it’s worst there is still

Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #3 ​“In Blackest Night” Moore/Willingham
What happens when a being from a sector completely devoid of light is chosen to be a Green
Lantern? A fun little story that gives the origin of Rot Lop Fan, the F-Sharp Bell. Completely
blind in a sector with no light, Katma Tui has to get creative when it came time to train Fan
and induct him into the Corps. Moore has a handful of really good GL stories (including
“Tygers!” which influenced Johns entire run) but this one is my favorite.

Uncanny X-Men #134 ​“Too Late, the Heroes!” Claremont/Byrne
My favorite issue from the definitive X-Men creative team. This issue has it all: the Hellfire
Club, Jean Grey melting Mastermind’s brain, the first appearance of the Dark Phoenix!

Green Lantern/Green Arrow #76 ​“No Evil Shall Escape My Sight!” O’Neil/Adams
The beginning of Hal, Ollie, and Appa Ali Apsa’s (aka the Old Timer) roadtrip across America
Last year JC tried to spark interest in folks posting their desert island comics, it was met with a very tepid response (I think myself, JC, and Korupt were the only ones who took part) at the time. There's a decent amount of new people who have started posting since, would there be any interest in revisiting the idea? The rules are pretty simple, you list single issues that you would want to have on a desert island with you and then why you picked those comics.

To kick things off, here's an updated version of my list:

Animal Man #5​ “Coyote Gospel” Morrison/Troug
Morrison peels back the layers and reveals there may be more going on here than what the
reader initially thought. The tone and themes of this issue still inform Morrison’s writing to
this day.

Final Crisis #5​ “Into Oblivion” Morrison/Jones and Pacheco
I. Am. The. New. God. All is one in Darkseid. This mighty body is my church. When I command your
surrender, I speak with three billion voices. When I make a fist to crush your resistance. It is with
three billion hands. When I stare into your eyes and shatter your dreams. And break your heart. It is
with six billion eyes. Nothing like Darkseid has ever come among you; nothing will again. I will take
you to a hell without exit or end. And there I will murder your souls! And make you crawl and beg!
Enough said.

Mr Miracle #18 ​“Wild WIld Wedding Guests!” Kirby
Darkseid and company spoil the wedding of Scott Free and Barda!

Green Lantern #20 ​“The End” Johns/Mahnke
It’s not the best issue of Johns’ run on GL, but it’s one of my favorites. Set sometime in the
future, you have Sinestro as the keeper of the Book of Oa regaling a new recruit with the tales
of Hal Jordan and company. A nice bookend for one of my favorite extended superhero runs.

Swamp Thing #53 ​“The Garden of Earthly Delights” Moore/Totleben
Abby Arcane has been imprisoned in Gotham for sex crimes (Gotham isn’t too high on
human on Swampy sex, who woulda guessed) and Swamp Thing is running wild. He
overruns Gotham with plants and vines in an effort to free Abby. Have no fear though,
Batman is here! When negotiations don’t go his way he decides to straight up murder Swamp
Thing with a flamethrower and gets his ass handed to him. Swamp Thing ​and​ Batman getting
taken down a notch, two of my favorite things in one outstanding issue!

Flash #123 "The Flash of Two Worlds" Fox/Infantino
One of the most important comics DC has ever published, this issue singlehandedly created the DC multiverse. Surely an event of such significance was the result of some Earth shattering crisis that only the combined might of Barry Allen and Jay Garrick could halt! Nah, while doing rope tricks for orphans Barry fucks up with his super speed (this is way before there was something called the Speed Force) and teleports himself to Keystone City on what later would become Earth-2. Barry and Jay take on some villains and then Barry teleports himself back home. The birth of the multiverse everyone!
Flash Fact - To my knowledge this is the first in story mention of the writer of the comic!

X-Factor #87 ​“X-Aminations” David/Quesada
Coming out of the events of the X-Cutioner’s Song crossover, this was a catch your breath
issue where Doc Samson psychoanalyzes the team to assess their mental health. This issue
probably has my favorite description for what life would be like as a speedster having to slow
to the pace of the rest of the world. Oh and Val Cooper was totally clueless and got abducted
by a monster at the end.

New Gods #1 ​“Orion Fights for Earth!” Kirby
There came a time when the Old Gods died!​ ​The brave died with the cunning! The noble perished,
locked in battle with the unleashed evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in
fiery holocaust! The final moment came with the fatal release of the indescribable power — which
tore the home of the Old Gods asunder — split it in great halves — and filled the universe with the
blinding death-flash of its destruction! In the end there were two giant molten bodies, spinning
slow and barren— clean of all that had gone before — adrift in the fading sounds of cosmic
thunder... Silence closed upon what had happened — along, deep silence — wrapped in massive
darkness... it was this way for an age...​ THEN—THERE WAS NEW LIGHT!
The Fourth World Saga technically kicked off in Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen, but this was
the issue that introduced New Genesis, Apokalips, Orion, the Highfather, Metron, the Source,
and many other staples of the Fourth World.

Batman #666 ​“Batman in Bethelem” Morrison/Kubert
The only future’s end story of Batman that matters to me. Bruce is dead, Damian has sold his
soul to the devil/Dr Hurt and patrols Gotham as Batman. This is one of my all time favorite
issues of Batman ever, and it narrowly beat out Batman #113 (which has the “Batman - The
Superman of Planet X!” story) to be included here. This is the one issue from Morrison’s run
that I’ve read more than any other, even when Gotham is literally at it’s worst there is still

Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #3 ​“In Blackest Night” Moore/Willingham
What happens when a being from a sector completely devoid of light is chosen to be a Green
Lantern? A fun little story that gives the origin of Rot Lop Fan, the F-Sharp Bell. Completely
blind in a sector with no light, Katma Tui has to get creative when it came time to train Fan
and induct him into the Corps. Moore has a handful of really good GL stories (including
“Tygers!” which influenced Johns entire run) but this one is my favorite.

Uncanny X-Men #134 ​“Too Late, the Heroes!” Claremont/Byrne
My favorite issue from the definitive X-Men creative team. This issue has it all: the Hellfire
Club, Jean Grey melting Mastermind’s brain, the first appearance of the Dark Phoenix!

Green Lantern/Green Arrow #76 ​“No Evil Shall Escape My Sight!” O’Neil/Adams
The beginning of Hal, Ollie, and Appa Ali Apsa’s (aka the Old Timer) roadtrip across America

I can only think of two:

X-Treme X-Men #17 (I think) - The fight between Rogue and Vargas is godlike.

Uncanny X-Men #600 - I thought it was a perfect X-book.

I don't have more complicated answers. Sorry. I could list trades better.
I may be getting mixed up as I don't think I ever finished All-New X-Men but I read All New Wolverine and got a little confused with
the appearance of Angel? I would've assumed it was 1960's Angel as they put him and X23 together but I must've missed him getting his Apocalypse wings, or is it original Angel?


Oh man I'm going to Thought Bubble tomorrow and have like 20 books I want to get signed. I think 7 of those are for Remender alone, hope that's not too much. I'm going to buy both volumes of Low from him if he has any at his table as well.

Will need to find Ales Kot so I can buy Wolf to get signed by him and Matt Taylor. Tomorrow is going to be pretty crazy because I want to get out some prints people will be selling like whatever is at the MONDO booth.
But then I could read comics anywhere!

You're right though, haha. I prefer hard copies of everything anyway. I still buy CDs.

You misunderstand. I'm all digital. Digital comics are amazing.

Phone screens are just too small.

Rocafort Batman and Turtles. Pretty rad

Rocafort da gawd. Hope DC didn't lose/drive him away entirely.

Last year JC tried to spark interest in folks posting their desert island comics, it was met with a very tepid response (I think myself, JC, and Korupt were the only ones who took part) at the time. There's a decent amount of new people who have started posting since, would there be any interest in revisiting the idea? The rules are pretty simple, you list single issues that you would want to have on a desert island with you and then why you picked those comics.

To kick things off, here's an updated version of my list:

Animal Man #5​ “Coyote Gospel” Morrison/Troug
Morrison peels back the layers and reveals there may be more going on here than what the
reader initially thought. The tone and themes of this issue still inform Morrison’s writing to
this day.

Final Crisis #5​ “Into Oblivion” Morrison/Jones and Pacheco
I. Am. The. New. God. All is one in Darkseid. This mighty body is my church. When I command your
surrender, I speak with three billion voices. When I make a fist to crush your resistance. It is with
three billion hands. When I stare into your eyes and shatter your dreams. And break your heart. It is
with six billion eyes. Nothing like Darkseid has ever come among you; nothing will again. I will take
you to a hell without exit or end. And there I will murder your souls! And make you crawl and beg!
Enough said.

Mr Miracle #18 ​“Wild WIld Wedding Guests!” Kirby
Darkseid and company spoil the wedding of Scott Free and Barda!

Green Lantern #20 ​“The End” Johns/Mahnke
It’s not the best issue of Johns’ run on GL, but it’s one of my favorites. Set sometime in the
future, you have Sinestro as the keeper of the Book of Oa regaling a new recruit with the tales
of Hal Jordan and company. A nice bookend for one of my favorite extended superhero runs.

Swamp Thing #53 ​“The Garden of Earthly Delights” Moore/Totleben
Abby Arcane has been imprisoned in Gotham for sex crimes (Gotham isn’t too high on
human on Swampy sex, who woulda guessed) and Swamp Thing is running wild. He
overruns Gotham with plants and vines in an effort to free Abby. Have no fear though,
Batman is here! When negotiations don’t go his way he decides to straight up murder Swamp
Thing with a flamethrower and gets his ass handed to him. Swamp Thing ​and​ Batman getting
taken down a notch, two of my favorite things in one outstanding issue!

Flash #123 "The Flash of Two Worlds" Fox/Infantino
One of the most important comics DC has ever published, this issue singlehandedly created the DC multiverse. Surely an event of such significance was the result of some Earth shattering crisis that only the combined might of Barry Allen and Jay Garrick could halt! Nah, while doing rope tricks for orphans Barry fucks up with his super speed (this is way before there was something called the Speed Force) and teleports himself to Keystone City on what later would become Earth-2. Barry and Jay take on some villains and then Barry teleports himself back home. The birth of the multiverse everyone!
Flash Fact - To my knowledge this is the first in story mention of the writer of the comic!

X-Factor #87 ​“X-Aminations” David/Quesada
Coming out of the events of the X-Cutioner’s Song crossover, this was a catch your breath
issue where Doc Samson psychoanalyzes the team to assess their mental health. This issue
probably has my favorite description for what life would be like as a speedster having to slow
to the pace of the rest of the world. Oh and Val Cooper was totally clueless and got abducted
by a monster at the end.

New Gods #1 ​“Orion Fights for Earth!” Kirby
There came a time when the Old Gods died!​ ​The brave died with the cunning! The noble perished,
locked in battle with the unleashed evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in
fiery holocaust! The final moment came with the fatal release of the indescribable power — which
tore the home of the Old Gods asunder — split it in great halves — and filled the universe with the
blinding death-flash of its destruction! In the end there were two giant molten bodies, spinning
slow and barren— clean of all that had gone before — adrift in the fading sounds of cosmic
thunder... Silence closed upon what had happened — along, deep silence — wrapped in massive
darkness... it was this way for an age...​ THEN—THERE WAS NEW LIGHT!
The Fourth World Saga technically kicked off in Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen, but this was
the issue that introduced New Genesis, Apokalips, Orion, the Highfather, Metron, the Source,
and many other staples of the Fourth World.

Batman #666 ​“Batman in Bethelem” Morrison/Kubert
The only future’s end story of Batman that matters to me. Bruce is dead, Damian has sold his
soul to the devil/Dr Hurt and patrols Gotham as Batman. This is one of my all time favorite
issues of Batman ever, and it narrowly beat out Batman #113 (which has the “Batman - The
Superman of Planet X!” story) to be included here. This is the one issue from Morrison’s run
that I’ve read more than any other, even when Gotham is literally at it’s worst there is still

Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #3 ​“In Blackest Night” Moore/Willingham
What happens when a being from a sector completely devoid of light is chosen to be a Green
Lantern? A fun little story that gives the origin of Rot Lop Fan, the F-Sharp Bell. Completely
blind in a sector with no light, Katma Tui has to get creative when it came time to train Fan
and induct him into the Corps. Moore has a handful of really good GL stories (including
“Tygers!” which influenced Johns entire run) but this one is my favorite.

Uncanny X-Men #134 ​“Too Late, the Heroes!” Claremont/Byrne
My favorite issue from the definitive X-Men creative team. This issue has it all: the Hellfire
Club, Jean Grey melting Mastermind’s brain, the first appearance of the Dark Phoenix!

Green Lantern/Green Arrow #76 ​“No Evil Shall Escape My Sight!” O’Neil/Adams
The beginning of Hal, Ollie, and Appa Ali Apsa’s (aka the Old Timer) roadtrip across America
I am terrible at these. I can never narrow it down.
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