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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.

Oh man I'm going to Thought Bubble tomorrow and have like 20 books I want to get signed. I think 7 of those are for Remender alone, hope that's not too much. I'm going to buy both volumes of Low from him if he has any at his table as well.

Will need to find Ales Kot so I can buy Wolf to get signed by him and Matt Taylor. Tomorrow is going to be pretty crazy because I want to get out some prints people will be selling like whatever is at the MONDO booth.

make sure to ask Kot what his fave anime is

also, Im sure jealous Thought Bubble seems like the coolest con ever


I may be getting mixed up as I don't think I ever finished All-New X-Men but I read All New Wolverine and got a little confused with
the appearance of Angel? I would've assumed it was 1960's Angel as they put him and X23 together but I must've missed him getting his Apocalypse wings, or is it original Angel?

During the Black Vortex crossover event
certain characters were given cosmic powers and at the end kid Angel decided to keep his in order to change his future so that he doesn't end up like present Angel.


make sure to ask Kot what his fave anime is

also, Im sure jealous Thought Bubble seems like the coolest con ever

lol I'll ask him after I pay for Wolf

It's like a 3 hour drive but man it does sound great and there's so many people who I thought I would never get to meet unless going to the US. I'm pretty hyped to get Scott Snyder to sign #1 of American Vampire and my Black Mirror trade. Hopefully I'll be able to find #40 of his Batman run because I went digital for Endgame.

Going to get Gillen and Bennett to sign Angela for the Messi's of the world.
Last year JC tried to spark interest in folks posting their desert island comics, it was met with a very tepid response (I think myself, JC, and Korupt were the only ones who took part) at the time. There's a decent amount of new people who have started posting since, would there be any interest in revisiting the idea? The rules are pretty simple, you list single issues that you would want to have on a desert island with you and then why you picked those comics.

To kick things off, here's an updated version of my list:

I did but i didn't really say why i picked them. maybe i'll update mine later
Last year JC tried to spark interest in folks posting their desert island comics, it was met with a very tepid response (I think myself, JC, and Korupt were the only ones who took part) at the time.

A rewriting of ComicsGAF history so egregious, Stalin would be proud. -_-

Here are the old responses. Mine changed a bit too (I've read so many great comcis since then), will post an updated list later.

ViewtifulJC - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=128911817&postcount=1945
frye - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132667748&postcount=760
tim1138 - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132720362&postcount=875
Kipp - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132870842&postcount=1264
Serpentine - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132876137&postcount=1273
whatsinaname - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132896234&postcount=1295
KorruptData - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132946568&postcount=1358
GrandHarrier - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132949163&postcount=1365

(Sorry Messi, couldn't find your post).


A rewriting of ComicsGAF history so egregious, Stalin would be proud. -_-

Here are the old responses. Mine changed a bit too (I've read so many great comcis since then), will post an updated list later.

ViewtifulJC - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=128911817&postcount=1945
frye - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132667748&postcount=760
tim1138 - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132720362&postcount=875
Kipp - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132870842&postcount=1264
Serpentine - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132876137&postcount=1273
whatsinaname - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132896234&postcount=1295
KorruptData - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=132946568&postcount=1358

(Sorry Messi, couldn't find your post).



Can I bring 1 volume of Sunstone to this Island? I will count it as a single issue as it is an OGN. Making my list.
Last year JC tried to spark interest in folks posting their desert island comics, it was met with a very tepid response (I think myself, JC, and Korupt were the only ones who took part) at the time. There's a decent amount of new people who have started posting since, would there be any interest in revisiting the idea? The rules are pretty simple, you list single issues that you would want to have on a desert island with you and then why you picked those comics.

To kick things off, here's an updated version of my list:

Ultimates #5 by Millar and Hitch: some of the best cinematic action put to panels.

Ultimate Spider-Man #13 by BMB and Bagley: Peter reveals his superhero identity to MJ. It was just hilarious and intimate and this issue is so near to my heart

New X-Men #114 by Morrison and Quitely: kicked off my fave X-Men arc ever and blew my 14 year old mind

Sandman #74 by Gaiman and Co - The Wake changed my life. Im not sure I'd read or draw comics if it werent for Sandman.

Sandman # 31 Three Septembers and a January by Gaiman and McManus. Dream and Despair make a bet over a man's life. A beautiful story and a perfect issue IMO

Watchmen #4 Watchmaker by Moore and Gibbons: This issue encapsulates so much of what makes the craft behind Watchmen so great. Just beautiful work by both creators.

Detective Comics #854 by Rucka and JHW III: the start of Hydrology. Rucka provides a solid engaging story while JHWIII absolutely kills it on the art boards

Sharez De by Toppi: Any issue will do. This whole thing is a masterclass on design and art

Miracleman #15 by Moore and Totleben: one of the best single issues ever IMO. Absolutely brutal and one of the firsts of its kind. An absolute gem.

Thor God of Thunder #11 by Aaron and Ribic: the last issue of the Godbomb arc. So very very satisfying.

Hawkeye by Fraction and Aja: any issue will do. Sublime art design and the best. Rarely is there such a harmony between writing, line art and color.

Pax Americana by Morrison and Quitely: the greatness of comics is fully explored here. time and space is an illusion and this duo are magicians

Zero #2 by Kot and Moore a heartbreaker. Zero's themes are all here. Probably my favorite book of the last 5 years if not more.

There a few other books I have to look through to figure out which single issue Id take. All Star Superman, Batman Year Zero, Bendis DD, Hickman FF, Y the Last Man, Nextwave, Uncanny X-Force, Phonogram: Singles Club...

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Last year JC tried to spark interest in folks posting their desert island comics, it was met with a very tepid response (I think myself, JC, and Korupt were the only ones who took part) at the time. There's a decent amount of new people who have started posting since, would there be any interest in revisiting the idea? The rules are pretty simple, you list single issues that you would want to have on a desert island with you and then why you picked those comics.

To kick things off, here's an updated version of my list:

Animal Man #5​ “Coyote Gospel” Morrison/Troug
Morrison peels back the layers and reveals there may be more going on here than what the
reader initially thought. The tone and themes of this issue still inform Morrison’s writing to
this day.

Final Crisis #5​ “Into Oblivion” Morrison/Jones and Pacheco
I. Am. The. New. God. All is one in Darkseid. This mighty body is my church. When I command your
surrender, I speak with three billion voices. When I make a fist to crush your resistance. It is with
three billion hands. When I stare into your eyes and shatter your dreams. And break your heart. It is
with six billion eyes. Nothing like Darkseid has ever come among you; nothing will again. I will take
you to a hell without exit or end. And there I will murder your souls! And make you crawl and beg!
Enough said.

Mr Miracle #18 ​“Wild WIld Wedding Guests!” Kirby
Darkseid and company spoil the wedding of Scott Free and Barda!

Green Lantern #20 ​“The End” Johns/Mahnke
It’s not the best issue of Johns’ run on GL, but it’s one of my favorites. Set sometime in the
future, you have Sinestro as the keeper of the Book of Oa regaling a new recruit with the tales
of Hal Jordan and company. A nice bookend for one of my favorite extended superhero runs.

Swamp Thing #53 ​“The Garden of Earthly Delights” Moore/Totleben
Abby Arcane has been imprisoned in Gotham for sex crimes (Gotham isn’t too high on
human on Swampy sex, who woulda guessed) and Swamp Thing is running wild. He
overruns Gotham with plants and vines in an effort to free Abby. Have no fear though,
Batman is here! When negotiations don’t go his way he decides to straight up murder Swamp
Thing with a flamethrower and gets his ass handed to him. Swamp Thing ​and​ Batman getting
taken down a notch, two of my favorite things in one outstanding issue!

Flash #123 "The Flash of Two Worlds" Fox/Infantino
One of the most important comics DC has ever published, this issue singlehandedly created the DC multiverse. Surely an event of such significance was the result of some Earth shattering crisis that only the combined might of Barry Allen and Jay Garrick could halt! Nah, while doing rope tricks for orphans Barry fucks up with his super speed (this is way before there was something called the Speed Force) and teleports himself to Keystone City on what later would become Earth-2. Barry and Jay take on some villains and then Barry teleports himself back home. The birth of the multiverse everyone!
Flash Fact - To my knowledge this is the first in story mention of the writer of the comic!

X-Factor #87 ​“X-Aminations” David/Quesada
Coming out of the events of the X-Cutioner’s Song crossover, this was a catch your breath
issue where Doc Samson psychoanalyzes the team to assess their mental health. This issue
probably has my favorite description for what life would be like as a speedster having to slow
to the pace of the rest of the world. Oh and Val Cooper was totally clueless and got abducted
by a monster at the end.

New Gods #1 ​“Orion Fights for Earth!” Kirby
There came a time when the Old Gods died!​ ​The brave died with the cunning! The noble perished,
locked in battle with the unleashed evil! It was the last day for them! An ancient era was passing in
fiery holocaust! The final moment came with the fatal release of the indescribable power — which
tore the home of the Old Gods asunder — split it in great halves — and filled the universe with the
blinding death-flash of its destruction! In the end there were two giant molten bodies, spinning
slow and barren— clean of all that had gone before — adrift in the fading sounds of cosmic
thunder... Silence closed upon what had happened — along, deep silence — wrapped in massive
darkness... it was this way for an age...​ THEN—THERE WAS NEW LIGHT!
The Fourth World Saga technically kicked off in Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen, but this was
the issue that introduced New Genesis, Apokalips, Orion, the Highfather, Metron, the Source,
and many other staples of the Fourth World.

Batman #666 ​“Batman in Bethelem” Morrison/Kubert
The only future’s end story of Batman that matters to me. Bruce is dead, Damian has sold his
soul to the devil/Dr Hurt and patrols Gotham as Batman. This is one of my all time favorite
issues of Batman ever, and it narrowly beat out Batman #113 (which has the “Batman - The
Superman of Planet X!” story) to be included here. This is the one issue from Morrison’s run
that I’ve read more than any other, even when Gotham is literally at it’s worst there is still

Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual #3 ​“In Blackest Night” Moore/Willingham
What happens when a being from a sector completely devoid of light is chosen to be a Green
Lantern? A fun little story that gives the origin of Rot Lop Fan, the F-Sharp Bell. Completely
blind in a sector with no light, Katma Tui has to get creative when it came time to train Fan
and induct him into the Corps. Moore has a handful of really good GL stories (including
“Tygers!” which influenced Johns entire run) but this one is my favorite.

Uncanny X-Men #134 ​“Too Late, the Heroes!” Claremont/Byrne
My favorite issue from the definitive X-Men creative team. This issue has it all: the Hellfire
Club, Jean Grey melting Mastermind’s brain, the first appearance of the Dark Phoenix!

Green Lantern/Green Arrow #76 ​“No Evil Shall Escape My Sight!” O’Neil/Adams
The beginning of Hal, Ollie, and Appa Ali Apsa’s (aka the Old Timer) roadtrip across America

Nothing comes to mind. Can't think of any stand alone issues I'd want.


You misunderstand. I'm all digital. Digital comics are amazing.

Phone screens are just too small.

Nah, I got you. Just saying that even if you could read comics easily on portible devices I probably still wouldn't go for it because I want hard copies of everything, heh.

Last year JC tried to spark interest in folks posting their desert island comics, it was met with a very tepid response (I think myself, JC, and Korupt were the only ones who took part) at the time. There's a decent amount of new people who have started posting since, would there be any interest in revisiting the idea? The rules are pretty simple, you list single issues that you would want to have on a desert island with you and then why you picked those comics.

To kick things off, here's an updated version of my list:

Honestly, it was only recently that I started getting issues...I prefer trades. But I gotta say, one of your picks...Uncanny X-Men #134 &#8203;“Too Late, the Heroes!” Claremont/Byrne ... One of the first X-Men comics--comics in general--I ever read. This arc will always hold a special place in my heart. And Kitty <3

Probably would throw a 70s Black Widow in there somewhere, Watchmen #4 Watchmaker (the one about Manhattan's past, yes? Don't have my copy with me right now), one of the issues dealing with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver going OMG Magneto is our Dad, nooooo cause that crap's hilarious, and... damn it, I need some Batman, but a specific issue isn't coming to me right now. I love Batfamily stories, though. Also really loved Kate's stuff in the Fraction/Wu Hawkeye issues. I need something by Annie Wu...

If I knew of a good Superman issue I'd throw that in there but I really need to read Superman... ): I tried this summer but only got a few trades, and they didn't impress me. I wish DC had a bunch of their old stuff online like Marvel does. Would make my life so much easier.

I would pick something off Spider-Gwen but then I'd have to pick one issue, lol.
Also I wish we could all just call her Spider-Woman cause Spider-Gwen still sounds silly.
During the Black Vortex crossover event
certain characters were given cosmic powers and at the end kid Angel decided to keep his in order to change his future so that he doesn't end up like present Angel.

Cheers, looking at it I stopped a couple of issues short of that so I'll go back and finish them off.


between statue paint and people being killed in Paris i'm depressed more than usual. Fallout 4 came from gamefly, i presume the game will cheer me up when i see what clothing item Messi decided to murder someone for.


between statue paint and people being killed in Paris i'm depressed more than usual. Fallout 4 came from gamefly, i presume the game will cheer me up when i see what clothing item Messi decided to murder someone for.

Single shoulder blue sequin dress.

Feel better bro.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
It's cool to see y'alls responses, I knew ed couldn't do a list without Hitch. :D

Keep em coming.

I'm gonna do it this year. It's gonna take me hours to comb all my books but this thing was so cool last year I gotta.
Space Usagi - Death and Honor: I thought I would take a break from Usagi Yojimbo but how could I resist Usagi + Star Wars + Dinosaurs! This was a very fun miniseries. Some great space battles and ninjas wearing cloaking devices and samurai lighsabers electric katanas.

Also, the issue had
a duel with the bad guy being sliced in half and falling down a cliff while splitting in two
a princess disguised as a servant
7 years before Episode I.

Spoiler pics



Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Just wanted to back up Korrupt in his recommendation of Superman: American Alien by Landis & Dragotta. The first issue is a great snapshot of Clark as a kid with a much younger John and Martha. It's sincere, charming as anything, and super heartwarming. This is Landis coming into his own, and his talent finally matches his passion. To match that, Nick Dragotta's art is just so damn good here. Lots of beautiful panels, and a scene that is pulled off so perfectly I wish I could post it. Coloring brings out the mood for these farmyard memories and is just so damn good.

Also, there's a second splash-page story that tells a story using a very clever and well put-together method that could only be done via comics.
My list is superhero heavy, but these were the first ten to come to mind:
The Amazing Spider-Man #33 (Lee) - This is the comic that more or less defines Spider-Man to me. To see him continue on even when the odds are against him. Just an iconic issue:
Uncanny X-Force #4 (Remender) - So much going on in this issue, and it more or less sets the tone for Remender's run at Marvel. Just a perfectly paced issue in my opinion, that ends on a literal bang.

Hawkeye #19 (Fraction) - It's hard to really understand what having a disability is really like, but I think Fraction and Aja really nailed it. Very clever issue, not much to say.

The Superior Foes of Spider-Man #7 (Spencer) - I love this whole series but this issue is my favorite. It goes over Janice Lincoln's origins and it's hilarious. I love the idea of supervillains just casually asking each other what their mask size is.

Daredevil #7 (Waid 2011) - Matt leads a group of kids through a blizzard and it's just incredibly heartwarming. When you see the kids form a sled to pull him through the snow it's just:

Batman Inc. #13 (Morrison) - I've talked about why I love Morrison's Batman many times, but I just love this issue. His run just captures everything great about Batman and the family and it's wonderful:

Power Girl #4 (Gray, Palmiotti) / Batgirl #14 (Miller) - We talk a lot about girly hijinks here, but these two issues are my favorite ones. I place them together because they are pretty similar in that they both feature a duo of superheroes (Power Girl/Terra and Batgirl/Supergirl) and start off with them watching a movie before fighting off a threat. Just good wholesome fun.

Superman #39 (Johns) - A day in the life of Superman without powers. It's just a great issue where you see Superman and Jimmy pal around and it kind of represents what makes Superman so great. He's an alien who manages to truly understand humans.

Doom Patrol #63 (Morrison) - "There is a better world. There must be." Super powerful issue and ending to a brilliant run.

Hellboy: The Fury #6 (Mignola) - There are a million great issues but, like my last choice with Doom Patrol, this is just a great ending. Seeing Hellboy go through all this shit only to end with that ending. Master-class comics.


Third harley statue problem is it looks like her gun holding hand got melted, just didn't properly sculpt it, the top of the fingers aren't properly separated by the knuckle. It's mainly only glaring when you are looking straight down on it buttttttttt.

statue 1: chin bump
statue 2: pegs weren't put in the feet right so it leans further back than it should and wobbles around.
statue 3: hand got melted for theft.

melted hand pics, first how it was and other two i touched up a little the best i could.



Third harley statue problem is it looks like her gun holding hand got melted, just didn't properly sculpt it, the top of the fingers aren't properly separated by the knuckle. It's mainly only glaring when you are looking straight down on it buttttttttt.

statue 1: chin bump
statue 2: pegs weren't put in the feet right so it leans further back than it should and wobbles around.
statue 3: hand got melted for theft.

melted hand pics, first how it was and other two i touched up a little the best i could.

Oh jeez.
Only noticable flaw I see on my Harley statue is on her right... cuff? There's some obvious glue spilling out.


Oh jeez.
Only noticable flaw I see on my Harley statue is on her right... cuff? There's some obvious glue spilling out.


Here is what it should look like, proper hand on statue #2

Actual depth lines between the fingers instead of being melted. You'll have to forgive me for a second, i thought I was in America where we care about hand sculpt quality!


Space Usagi - Death and Honor: I thought I would take a break from Usagi Yojimbo but how could I resist Usagi + Star Wars + Dinosaurs! This was a very fun miniseries. Some great space battles and ninjas wearing cloaking devices and samurai lighsabers electric katanas.

Also, the issue had
a duel with the bad guy being sliced in half and falling down a cliff while splitting in two
a princess disguised as a servant
7 years before Episode I.

Spoiler pics



Maaan, I want this, but last time I checked Amazon it was pretty heavily price jacked...
Hmm I want to grab American Vampire tp and Fatale Deluxe 2 but...not enough to hit $75 for the free shipping...decisions.

I know exactly what you mean I put Fatale DLX vol 2 and The Goon Library vol 1 in my cart and it comes out to $49.48, thanks to these 45% off sale happening.

Although I shouldn't be buying anything cause I told myself no IST orders this month.

Probably won't do it.

Hopefully Barnes and Noble has their buy 2 get 1 free deal coming up.


Finished Superman Unchained. Very good. Appropriately "epic" feeling. Not my favorite Snyder work, nor is it my favorite Jim Lee work, but both of them delivered a very solid book.

Finally starting Gotham Central volume 1.



Ultimates #5 by Millar and Hitch: some of the best cinematic action put to panels.

Ultimate Spider-Man #13 by BMB and Bagley: Peter reveals his superhero identity to MJ. It was just hilarious and intimate and this issue is so near to my heart

New X-Men #114 by Morrison and Quitely: kicked off my fave X-Men arc ever and blew my 14 year old mind

Sandman #74 by Gaiman and Co - The Wake changed my life. Im not sure I'd read or draw comics if it werent for Sandman.

Sandman # 31 Three Septembers and a January by Gaiman and McManus. Dream and Despair make a bet over a man's life. A beautiful story and a perfect issue IMO

Watchmen #4 Watchmaker by Moore and Gibbons: This issue encapsulates so much of what makes the craft behind Watchmen so great. Just beautiful work by both creators.

Detective Comics #854 by Rucka and JHW III: the start of Hydrology. Rucka provides a solid engaging story while JHWIII absolutely kills it on the art boards

Sharez De by Toppi: Any issue will do. This whole thing is a masterclass on design and art

Miracleman #15 by Moore and Totleben: one of the best single issues ever IMO. Absolutely brutal and one of the firsts of its kind. An absolute gem.

Thor God of Thunder #11 by Aaron and Ribic: the last issue of the Godbomb arc. So very very satisfying.

Hawkeye by Fraction and Aja: any issue will do. Sublime art design and the best. Rarely is there such a harmony between writing, line art and color.

Pax Americana by Morrison and Quitely: the greatness of comics is fully explored here. time and space is an illusion and this duo are magicians

Zero #2 by Kot and Moore a heartbreaker. Zero's themes are all here. Probably my favorite book of the last 5 years if not more.

There a few other books I have to look through to figure out which single issue Id take. All Star Superman, Batman Year Zero, Bendis DD, Hickman FF, Y the Last Man, Nextwave, Uncanny X-Force, Phonogram: Singles Club...

Did you read Pax Americana IN REVERSE
because it works that way too.
BPRD Hell on Earth: New World & Gods & Demons

Daimibro knows how to rock a beard.
Shifty Panya being shifty and getting called on her bs is glorious
Johann accruing that What A Dick! cred like a bawss.
Absolutely everything going to hell in a handbasket.

based arcudi

I didn't respond to desert island before was because I am horrible at thinking of actual single issues of series or runs that stand out. It's pretty much always arcs or things along those lines. Or if I do think of a moment I don't remember the exact issue.

But one that did spring to mind.

Sandman 8 - This is when IMO sandman the series really found its voice and became one of the all time great comic series. It's the first appearance of death and it follows her doing her job for a day. Not only is the depiction of death unique to what people expect but also the outlook of death itself and her role in it. A beautiful one and done issue


Not sure I'm cut out for the con life, standing in the freezing rain because the queue for Scott Snyder is massive. Pray for me Comicgaf because the line for Remender is just as bad...
Finished Superman Unchained. Very good. Appropriately "epic" feeling. Not my favorite Snyder work, nor is it my favorite Jim Lee work, but both of them delivered a very solid book.

Finally starting Gotham Central volume 1.

You will hugely enjoy it.

Or be dead to me.


No pressure.

So I watched Vision 1, it has to be the most disturbing comic I've ever read.

Yeah, it's got this amazing psychological horror vibe to it. I loved the diversion about the vase.
Space Usagi - White Star Rising: ;(

Space Usagi - Warrior: That completes the trilogy. What great space opera. If you love star wars or space opera in general, this series is a must read. Every concept that is introduced has so many little details to flesh the world out. Right from jet blast deflectors behind fighters taking off from starships to self-healing walls on the large spaceships that close the breach behind an intrusion.

And we get a short story with the two Usagis meeting.

Maaan, I want this, but last time I checked Amazon it was pretty heavily price jacked...

Yeah, too expensive. I had to use my inter-library loan system to track a copy down.
I was the last to get Scott before he went for lunch so all is okay. Ales Kot was the easiest so far because nobody was queued for his table. He's pretty crazy wearing a tank top is shitty English weather lol
dat Sales v Line Length correlation

did you ask him about his anime?


I was the last to get Scott before he went for lunch so all is okay. Ales Kot was the easiest so far because nobody was queued for his table. He's pretty crazy wearing a tank top is shitty English weather lol

Just like no one queued up for Zero


Seriously though...I like Kot. I just wish he would tell us what his fave anime is.
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