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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.

Huh. That Powers Omnibus must not be selling well. 60% off on CGN.

Ms. Marvel OHC 1 - 57% off
New 52 Zero Omnibus - 60% off
Planetary Omnibus 50% off

Nothing else really of note that stood out. (And I had to wade through 33 pages. Thanks CGN :/)
So far, CincyComiCon has announced Jason Latour, Robbie Rodriguez, Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palimotti, and today, Brian Azzerello. Good stuff so far.


i read comics, it's a thing i do. Buffy Season 10 #8 was good, apart from randomly bringing up
the whole spike/buffy attempted rape from season six thing out of nowhere
. Oh hey, about that. Still a solid issue if you want competent buffy comics.
I will kill everything you love

I think your Darkseid obsession has gone too far Tim

Speaking of DC. Any recommended DC deep cuts i should look into. I think i've got them all already. Hell i'm planning on buying all silver age flash that CMX has available

My recommendation for a niche title to look into:

Hard Time
Its 12 issues and its about a high school kid that is on death row after being part of a Columbine school shooting incident. Its half about him trying to survive in prison and also he has this ability to project a spirit to go do things. I remember liking it when it originally came out and there's no way it'll ever get a trade/reprint


What did he yell about to get himself banned?

Edit: Ah the play asia thread? Hahaha what a dumb hill to die on.

I presume he was in the pro-doa volleyball camp. I remember going to gamestop to buy the first game and the store clerk was talking about how terrible it was right when i was walking to the counter.

I like volleyball. Beach Spikers!
I've been reading Kirby's Fourth World Omnibus (almost done with v1) and am really enjoying it. Three different tracks seem to be running parallelly (Mister Miracle, Olsen/Superman and Orion). Mister Miracle has been the most interesting but Orion has been so dense with so many new characters and concepts introduced. Olsen/Superman has been a little difficult to read at times, more 'Golden Agey' than the other two.

But Darkseid has been an ever present menace and should be interesting to see how all these threads come together.


bought sooooooo many comics today (10). succumbed to peer pressure again and bought DKIII, even

bought it, won't be able to get to it til tonight. Art is, uh, not getting me hyped though

Yeah that is my hesitation. I love wrestling, and comics, but that art is um. Not grabbin me.


I picked up Silk, as well as Hawkeye #1, and Spider-Gwen #0 (the EoS re-release, as I've long wanted it... now I just lack SG vol.1 #5...)

Only read Hawkeye and... I wasn't really feeling it, which saddens me.
Will read Silk later (I really like the female spider characters), though I'm at least reading up to issue 4 of the volume 1 run via Marvel Unlimited (I didn't read her initial run, which I'm now regretting, as I'm enjoying it).


Finished the first big arc in Gotham Central Vol. 2 (the sniper one). Wonderful. Brubakers characterization is great. Another captivating story.
Not too shabby. St Louis Comicon is getting David Tennant and Billie Piper so far.

Holy hell, I would die. I've been watching his run on Doctor Who and JJ.. He's pretty much a nerd God rn.

Hey, who can help me with We3? I read this today and don't get something. How is it that the animals went from
hella sick to being fine at the end? Is it just because they removed their armour?
Doesn't make sense to me. Also, I hated this mini. It was too much for my animal-loving heart.


I like that part in Silk #1 where she sets that dude on fire in the wheel chair and he rolls down the parking garage and that one dude sees him and screams. Silk is 100% evil.


bought sooooooo many comics today (10). succumbed to peer pressure again and bought DKIII, even

bought it, won't be able to get to it til tonight. Art is, uh, not getting me hyped though

Pls, 10 comics? Did you forget to pick up DC and image titles also?
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