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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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There's one or two plot points that weren't entirely resolved but Hickman's picked them up for his Avengers run. If you go into the New Avengers thread there's a pretty good looking theory as to what the hell is causing the incursions that has it's genesis in his FF run.

Haven't ventured into the thread because Im not caught up but does the theory concern something Galactus said in FF#600?


Edge of Spider-Verse is pretty much Spot The Anime Reference.

There was also this weird period in 80's Marvel comics where any panel with a crowd would have Popeye drawn in it. I don't know if this was some specific artist's quirk or if it was a widespread thing.

Jedeye Sniv

Do we already have an official reading order for the rest of the Hickmann Avengers Run?

Not that I know of. I made an order (not on me now unfortunately) because it gets a bit tricky while cap is spinning through time and the Illuminati are fighting the JLA at the same time - it starts in Avengers for a couple of issues until Tony gets his nose broke and then it flips over to NA.

Pretty much if you read two issues of Avengers for every one of NA then you're on the right track.


Not that I know of. I made an order (not on me now unfortunately) because it gets a bit tricky while cap is spinning through time and the Illuminati are fighting the JLA at the same time - it starts in Avengers for a couple of issues until Tony gets his nose broke and then it flips over to NA.

Pretty much if you read two issues of Avengers for every one of NA then you're on the right track.

OK, thanks :D

Kinda curious how they will deal with the Hickmann Avengers and New Avengers OHCs next year.
The Avengers OHC ends with Issue 11, which is right before Prelude to Infinity, which isnt collected in a Oversized format yet.
New Avengers goes up to 17 and collectes the Infinity-related Issues and the Tie-In 14.INF.

Infinity, including Avengers 14-23 and New Avengers 7-12 (and an two Issue Infinite Comic) is already released as one of their Event OHCs.

I dont think that they are going to reprint Infinity again, but I cant imagine that they release a second Avengers OHC without the already in the Infinity OHC collected Issues and just with the first two Issues of Prelude to Infinity (Issue 12-17). Are those Issues fillers? Than it would work out without reprinting Infinity again, but then again, why reprinting then every Infinity related Issue in the New Avengers OHC?

Also curious, how big the books would be. New Avengers OHC Vol. 2 would work out perfectly as a 11 Issue book with the same size as the first Avengers OHC. It would count up to Issue 28, which then starts Time Runs Out, which I expect to get released as a Standalone OHCs anyway.

With Avengers this is different, there would be 24 missing Issues after the first OHC and until Time Runs Out starts. I kinda expect this as to big for an OHC. Without the 9 Infinity Issues, it would be a better match for the format... Hope they dont fuck us up (I expect them to do...).


Just read Batman #35 and please tell me I misunderstood the short story at the end and that they didnt just turn
Joker into a fucking demon?
- If Thinker and Diablo were captured then they're off the board - they weren't essential to the run anyway, they were just there for the supervillain symposium and subsequent fight, their parts were over
- IIRC, one of the evil Reeds was killed and then the other two made the Supremor - could well be wrong though and he might be a purposeful loose end for later.
- The Doom thing I forgot until I re-read it - when he was inside the pocket dimension with all the other Dooms he went through the bridge and started a new universe that kicked his arse and kept him prisoner. Reed, pappa Richards and Val saved him from his own universe ("I was a god. I found it beneath me" haha so awesome), and then Val got to keep the council's pocket universe.
- I think it was just because it was awesome. Neat little Elseworlds story with a twist at the end.

I think the biggest misstep of the run was all the Inhumans stuff. It's not so bad in collected form but damn that was boring and confusing as it came out. It was kind of worth it to get the Supremor, but it was very cold and wooly compared to the core FF story that it was interrupting.

The .1 issue was the origin of
Bearded Richards.

So uh YEAH. He showed up later or something.

Jedeye Sniv

The .1 issue was the origin of
Bearded Richards.

So uh YEAH. He showed up later or something.

Technically he turned up earlier.

edit: GAMEPROFF, this is why I'm so glad I got it in singles. God damn Marvel for dropping the ball on those collections, it's so annoying. I would totally double dip if they released it with some sense behind it.


Are we really that scary where people can't come into this thread and ask us where they should start reading?


I read Deathstroke #1.


I think it says it all that I wonder how it got past 6 issues, let alone to 20. And I'm not even at Rob L's content yet.
Are we really that scary where people can't come into this thread and ask us where they should start reading?
the thread might be too intimidating for many that want to start reading something
maybe we could make some basic guides or something and place them on the OP to help those that feel that way

Ms. Marvel #9:
Is this series ever going to stop being good? Because it's good.
I like how Kamala's new discovery didn't influence her style of crime-fighting or anything of the sort. Inhuman or not, she's still the new Ms. Marvel and she still knows that she's there to help. Really neat stuff all over this chapter and the ending brought up an interesting twist.
Edge of Spiderverse #4-5:
Issue 4 was eh and boring. Not only was it expected, it was really dumb. The art was nice, though.
Issue 5 was my favorite one yet, as it was a tribute to mech anime and it wasn't afraid of showing it. Like, seriously. Evangelion. Not even subtle. And it was great. This one and Spider-Gwen deserve more than just side issues. There's so much that they can do here.
Ultimate Spider-Dude #6:
AXIS #2:
This is dumb and I should drop it.
But I know I won't. :/
Loki - Agent of Asgard #7:
Hmm... Well, there's that. I want more Loki and less AXIS soon. He's got so much potential as a character that's not being achieved through these tie-ins.
Teen Dog #2:
Welp, still can't find actual copies of these. :/
The short stories are fun and keep the concept fresh while the art shines through with a fantastic style. This deserves more readers.

I guess my comic of the month is between Edge of Spiderverse #5 and Sabrina #1. EoS 5 is just too good with the art and the world-building in a few pages, but it deserves so much more. Sabrina was able to give us information that fans of the series could totally work with, the art was superb, and the story has a neat direction so far. If you can, check out both of them. They totes excellent.



I was working on a welcome guide for quite a while. I honestly think that if we put something nice together Including definitions, where/what to read, sites to visit, ect. It may be able to keep the OT from having "Where to start?" threads once a month.

I still get bummed out when people don't ask us though, none of us are bad people and we would all give great recommendations.
I was working on a welcome guide for quite a while. I honestly think that if we put something nice together Including definitions, where/what to read, sites to visit, ect. It may be able to keep the OT from having "Where to start?" threads once a month.

I still get bummed out when people don't ask us though, none of us are bad people and we would all give great recommendations.
people here bought catwoman
Just read Batman #35 and please tell me I misunderstood the short story at the end and that they didnt just turn
Joker into a fucking demon?

Its meant to be like he told each patient a different origin of how he became the joker so that was just a story he told one of the patients


Planet Hulk is the latest event teaser



I was working on a welcome guide for quite a while. I honestly think that if we put something nice together Including definitions, where/what to read, sites to visit, ect. It may be able to keep the OT from having "Where to start?" threads once a month.

I still get bummed out when people don't ask us though, none of us are bad people and we would all give great recommendations.

people here bought catwoman

I am a bad person
Are we really that scary where people can't come into this thread and ask us where they should start reading?

This community has always felt very friendly and welcoming IMO. A lot of us give recommendations whenever someone asks. Sometimes a question may get lost in the chatter but it's not like we try to ignore anyone who isn't a regular.


The art sure is.
The writing is... weak compared to the other BOOM Comics available.
(Bee and Puppycat, Bravest Warriors, etc.)

You mean the main series written by Ryan North? That has been consistently good for ages. The various Adventure Time miniseries' less so.
looks like Mark Millar is doing a superman thing for DC(with Dave Johnson?)


Mark Millar said:
1/ These are huge superheroes.
2/ I have written TWO of these characters before.
3/ It relates to a very major series (or is that special project?) I have written in my past.
4/ The last time I worked with this artist is the gift that keeps on giving.
You mean the main series written by Ryan North? That has been consistently good for ages. The various Adventure Time miniseries' less so.
Yep. Definitely. The main series is rad for sure, but I feel like some of the other Boom Comics have gone beyond that at this point. It just doesn't feel as good as the earlier issues to me.
Not knocking on the writing of the main series, but on the side stuff and the latest issues I've read. (I stopped at the "Finn and Jake turn to ghosts" thing.)


Wait a minute...what if these stupid events are the result of all the time fuckery? That would at least be semi interesting.


Pizza Dog
Oh, so it's basically going to be a big timefuck causes massive changes to Marvel's history, and these are all going to one-shots/miniseries that tell the "changed" version of all these classic events? That's actually pretty awesome.

Jedeye Sniv

Oh, so it's basically going to be a big timefuck causes massive changes to Marvel's history, and these are all going to one-shots/miniseries that tell the "changed" version of all these classic events? That's actually pretty awesome.

Who knows? Maybe. Might be alternate universes too.
Oh, so it's basically going to be a big timefuck causes massive changes to Marvel's history, and these are all going to one-shots/miniseries that tell the "changed" version of all these classic events? That's actually pretty awesome.

Yeah I'm guessing that's what is happening here, it's probably tying in to all the time/space hijinx that have been going on in the books in the last few years. It's not going to be a full on reboot that people are saying is coming, but the new Marvel status quo will be defined by these major recent events getting fucked with.

I just wonder how far they'll go. Will Cap "live" through Civil War, will Hulk end up on a different planet other than Sakaar, etc.
Yeah I'm guessing that's what is happening here, it's probably tying in to all the time/space hijinx that have been going on in the books in the last few years. It's not going to be a full on reboot that people are saying is coming, but the new Marvel status quo will be defined by these major recent events getting fucked with.

I just wonder how far they'll go. Will Cap "live" through Civil War, will Hulk end up on a different planet other than Sakaar, etc.

I figure it'll be a maximized all new x-men situation




It takes a special kind of stupid to Civil War 2: Civil War Harder.

I think this phrase has some potential actually
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