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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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It takes a special kind of stupid to announce a new event two weeks after your event has begun.


Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
This is fucking hilariously absurd.

When's the Clone Saga announcement?


Pizza Dog
Who knows? Maybe. Might be alternate universes too.

I'm on board either way. CONFESSION: I haven't really read most of the events that these posters are referencing, so I'm actually looking forward to using this to get to grips with a little Marvel history.

I haven't been into comics for as long as a lot of you guys, I never read any ongoing comics in my youth, and although I had a knowledge by cultural osmosis (films, cartoons etc) I never really sought out comics. I started by reading graphic novels mostly (V for Vendetta was my first, then Sin City, LoEG, Watchmen, Sandman) and then moved on to mostly non-superhero stuff without a decades-old continuity, Hellboy, Y: The Last Man, Ex Machina, Fables etc. A lot of Vertigo stuff, or similar, where I'd be following a story from start to finish. It wasn't until Marvel Now that I started to get back into ongoing superhero comics, picking up a bunch of re-launched titles, and following this up with New 52 stuff too once I'd got the bug. The advent of digital comics really helped me with this, I was able to pick up a bunch of issues for cheap in sales, go back and explore older runs, check out free #1s in special events to see what other stuff I liked, it's actually been a real blast getting into the big two a little more and I feel like I've caught up a fair bit.

I lurked in here a whole bunch while I was picking up the habit again, and while I'm not as active as most people here I still like being a part of the community. It's actually really fun to have somewhere here to talk about this stuff with, and for the most part you're good people with opinions I trust (except for everyone hating on She-Hulk, you guys are the worst). I've had a bunch of great recommendations from here. Looking forward to this event and seeing what happens next. It's awesome to be a part of the discussion.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
We need Clone Saga VS Age of Apocalypse

Oh shit.

And then they bring back Ben Reilly in the classic blue sleeveless hoodie and he gets a new solo and Khoi Pham doesn't fucking come near it.

How about Clone Saga vs Spiderverse

Yes! And then they bring back Ben fucking Reilly Scarlet Spidey and nobody named Khoi fucking Pham comes near it.


Oh shit.

And then they bring back Ben Reilly in the classic blue sleeveless hoodie and he gets a new solo and Khoi Pham doesn't fucking come near it.

Yes! And then they bring back Ben fucking Reilly Scarlet Spidey and nobody named Khoi fucking Pham comes near it.

There seems to be a pattern here, hmmm...
How do you really feel about Khoi Pham and Scarlet Spidey?

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
How about Clone Saga vs Spiderverse

There seems to be a pattern here, hmmm...
How do you really feel about Khoi Pham and Scarlet Spidey?

I'm carrying the torch for my dude, Pie and Beans. He hasn't been the same since everything Scarlet Spider was cancelled.

Also, Scarlet Spidey was my favorite superhero growing up, and the most recent solo was so damn good for a little while.
My friend sent me the last page of """""DEATH""""" of Wolverine...

Oh god, ROFL..... what a pathetic "death" which just screams resurrection xx months later.
Read Deadly Class #8 and Justice League #35 today at work. Both of em were awesome.

Deadly Class is so damn good. Story just gets better and deeper. The layout and art is way different from just about everything out there. Just all-round full of awesomeness

Justice League also.. getting really good. Psyched for Jason Faboks art next issue, one of my favorite Batman artist. This next story arc is gonna be sick..


Dear Kipp,
I hope you didn't forget about me.

Yours Truly,, ThyMusicMan

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I'm waiting on that Uncanny Avengers omnibus.

Daken had the most perfect death in UXF, but I guess it's cool for Remender to bring him back.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Ultimatum versus Fear Itself.

Jeph Loeb appears in 616 as a giant Celestial sized figure, devours kid Nova whole. Sings the song that ends all Marvel comics forever. Ssssh, only films and TV now.
lol you literally didn't read the rest of the comic?

holy shit
Lol.. with what I saw in the previews and the last page, I'm glad I didn't buy it and anyway I don't have $5x4 to spend on something that won't even last for a year. So in the end it was all style and no substance. My friend is furious with what happened in it and he is a hardcore Wolverine fan.

best review I've read in years
Man, I am eating the Marvel teasers with a spoon. Delicious. So glad I took the time to read up on the ten years of events that I missed. hype hype hype


all the praise for Ms Marvel have cought my interest, is it good as a stand alone series? (I don't want to read any other comic for back story or to get a glimpse of whatever might be happening in the world)


Yep you can read it on it's own.

great, I might pick it up then, I usually don't read most of Marvel and Dc stuff because I don't like stories divided into multiple comics, for example: read comic 1 from hero 2 then jump to comic 23 of hero 6 and finally go to the main comic of hero 1
all the praise for Ms Marvel have cought my interest, is it good as a stand alone series? (I don't want to read any other comic for back story or to get a glimpse of whatever might be happening in the world)

Yes, the new Ms. Marvel is a brand new hero and I don't think they'll be pulling her into any MAJOR cross-overs or events any time soon because with that kinda thing you want to keep them mostly separate and build up their solo story and background. The run so far has had some appearances from characters like Wolverine and Spider-Man but Kamala's book can be read solo.

For the background all you really might want to know about is the Terrigen Bomb incident from Infinity, which released the Terrigen mists throughout the world creating all sorts of new Inhumans everywhere. That's pretty much right where Ms. Marvel begins.

great, I might pick it up then, I usually don't read most of Marvel and Dc stuff because I don't like stories divided into multiple comics, for example: read comic 1 from hero 2 then jump to comic 23 of hero 6 and finally go to the main comic of hero 1

That's pretty much what you won't be doing with the new Ms. Marvel. I think in the future she could definitely be involved in some tie-ins but right now the book is basically standalone.


Yes, the new Ms. Marvel is a brand new hero and I don't think they'll be pulling her into any MAJOR cross-overs or events any time soon because with that kinda thing you want to keep them mostly separate and build up their solo story and background. The run so far has had some appearances from characters like Wolverine and Spider-Man but Kamala's book can be read solo.

For the background all you really might want to know about is the Terrigen Bomb incident from Infinity, which released the Terrigen mists throughout the world creating all sorts of new Inhumans everywhere. That's pretty much right where Ms. Marvel begins.

That's pretty much what you won't be doing with the new Ms. Marvel. I think in the future she could definitely be involved in some tie-ins but right now the book is basically standalone.

great, definitely going to pick it up then, I really like stand alone stories (I was more of a manga reader but decided to give comics a try thanks to comixology and so far I haven't read a singe Marvel and DC comic because that structure really bothered me)
Does the nu52 Detective Comics ever get good? I heard there is some good stuff in there eventually but I'm ten issues in and losing faith (the fact that DC is still charging three bucks for old books because they have a crappy backup isn't helping). If it does get good, is there stuff I can/should skip or does it all tie together?

I have nothing to say today :(

Invent a new Marvel teaser!


I have nothing to say today :(

dcbs shipment supposed to arrive tmw, today is the waiting day where i pretend to get through all my backlog monthlies.

Instead, i started Night of the Living Deadpool on MU. Funnish material, but it hasn't done that much in the first two issues to stand out either as a horror or comedy book.
I was working on a welcome guide for quite a while. I honestly think that if we put something nice together Including definitions, where/what to read, sites to visit, ect. It may be able to keep the OT from having "Where to start?" threads once a month.

I still get bummed out when people don't ask us though, none of us are bad people and we would all give great recommendations.

Just wait till we get moved to Community. Then the floodgates will open.


I was working on a welcome guide for quite a while. I honestly think that if we put something nice together Including definitions, where/what to read, sites to visit, ect. It may be able to keep the OT from having "Where to start?" threads once a month.

I still get bummed out when people don't ask us though, none of us are bad people and we would all give great recommendations.

make sure to type down all the stand alone comics you might find, some new comers like myself can get overwhelmed once they find about how extensive or how many comics do you need to read to get a glimpse of everything that might be happening
Ooh, DC sale on IST. Some Absolutes and Omnibuses on sale too. Tempted by the Brightest Day omnibus ($36) and DC New 52 Villains Omnibus ($72). Will the New 52 Villains Omnibus be interesting even if I haven't ready anything from the New 52?
make sure to type down all the stand alone comics you might find, some new comers like myself can get overwhelmed once they find about how extensive or how many comics do you need to read to get a glimpse of everything that might be happening

I've talked about this before, but I think one of the most important mantras to drill into new "Big Two" comic readers is this: nobody can read everything. Everybody misses stuff, everybody has to turn to a wiki now and then. And that doesn't inhibit enjoyment of those books at all.

I mean, I should be able to recommend Uncanny X-Force/Avengers and All-New X-Men to people despite the fact that both are steeped in references to past events and obscure characters. You just need to approach them with the correct mindset: roll with it, enjoy yourself, check out the most interesting threads for yourself later and return to those books with a deeper appreciation for how well the authors pulled everything together. I'm a huge Marvel nut and even I didn't catch everything in those books, and that's okay. They're just great comics. My young daughter started in on ANXM a few days ago and she's loving it. She's never read a single X-Men comic before but she doesn't seem to care at all...because it's just a great comic.

Too often people only ever recommend standalone stories and elseworlds stuff, and while all that does have an important place in initiating new readers to the hobby, I don't think there is any way to truly penetrate these universes without diving into the books we all read every week and just accepting that you aren't going to get every single reference and that's okay. I would argue you don't even need to know who Apocalypse is to enjoy Uncanny X-Force despite how central he is to that entire book. You will pick it up as you go. Again, it's just a great comic...and you miss out on so many great comics if you harbor an aversion to continuity. Continuity is a huge part of what makes DC and Marvel so fun.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Teen Dog just isn't doing it for me. The paper is nice though. Proves Kipp and I can compete in this industry.

We should make Teen Cat.
It'll be about that weird kid at school that doesn't talk much besides when he's talking to himself and glares at people and eats lunch sitting in the corner by himself. And obviously he's a cat.

And issue #1 will be an unofficial crossover with Teen Dog so we can steal their readership.
I've talked about this before, but I think one of the most important mantras to drill into new "Big Two" comic readers is this: nobody can read everything. Everybody misses stuff, everybody has to turn to a wiki now and then. And that doesn't inhibit enjoyment of those books at all.

I mean, I should be able to recommend Uncanny X-Force/Avengers and All-New X-Men to people despite the fact that both are steeped in references to past events and obscure characters. You just need to approach them with the correct mindset: roll with it, enjoy yourself, check out the most interesting threads for yourself later and return to those books with a deeper appreciation for how well the authors pulled everything together. I'm a huge Marvel nut and even I didn't catch everything in those books, and that's okay. They're just great comics. My young daughter started in on ANXM a few days ago and she's loving it. She's never read a single X-Men comic before but she doesn't seem to care at all...because it's just a great comic.

Too often people only ever recommend standalone stories and elseworlds stuff, and while all that does have an important place in initiating new readers to the hobby, I don't think there is any way to truly penetrate these universes without diving into the books we all read every week and just accepting that you aren't going to get every single reference and that's okay. I would argue you don't even need to know who Apocalypse is to enjoy Uncanny X-Force despite how central he is to that entire book. You will pick it up as you go. Again, it's just a great comic...and you miss out on so many great comics if you harbor an aversion to continuity. Continuity is a huge part of what makes DC and Marvel so fun.

Yup. Dark Phoenix Saga was the first thing I ever read outside GI Joe and it changed my life. I had no clue who was who or what was what. It was just incredible, and that's all that mattered.
I got into Avengers with the Busiek/Perez run. It was one big paean to forgotten 60s/70s/80s Avengers comics that I'd never read. They made the Masters of Evil trashing the Mansion, Cap's Kooky Quartet and the Kree/Skrull war seem like the most important things in the world. It made me retroactively nostalgic for all this stuff I'd never heard of.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Hey, so is Bendis/Maleev's Spider-Woman supposed to be good? With Alias coming out and having read Scarlet pretty recently, Bendis's older stuff (especially the Maleev stuff) is much more on my radar.

Dear Kipp,
I hope you didn't forget about me.

Yours Truly,, ThyMusicMan

OH. Right.
I actually got about halfway through making that avatar the day after you asked me to make it. I drew the face and mask and was really happy about it, but then I got artist's block and had no idea what context to put the floating head in.
I will almost definitely get that finished one way or another tonight. Sorry about that!


Hey, so is Bendis/Maleev's Spider-Woman supposed to be good? With Alias coming out and having read Scarlet pretty recently, Bendis's older stuff (especially the Maleev stuff) is much more on my radar.
Her Origin Book is very good. The other I have still to read, sorry.
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