I don't dislike Buccaletto as much as Filthy Slug does, if only because he's a great colourist, but those comics are real tough to get through.
The writer for the JPL stuff is a novelist but he's pretty smart about not overwriting, and the story feels timeless in that it could have been written in any decade with some variation - the more I think about it the more I think it's probably by favourite non Morrison Batman in years
It reminds me of those Legends of the Dark Knight stories they used do back in the 90s, kinda continuity light, evergreen stories.
My favorite detail is actually how Batman is illustrated. Dave Stewart uses a lot of deep blacks so you can't make out everything, and the way his cape comes around and folds on his arms makes him look like fuckin' Count Dracula. I like it when artists make Batman look weird, cuz he kinda is, he's a dude in a giant bat costume. Kinda coldly detached lookin' at dead bodies, "Curious" his only reaction.