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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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I buy comic books at the comic book store.



I was in the store this week and seen someone taking the plastic off of an absolute edition to 'have a look'. I nearly died of a heart attack. I believe it was Sandman.


LOL dammnit. There was supposed to be a hugging GIF attached to yours.

This one:

Anytime :)

Hahaha, guys, I don't have beef with anyone, not even Jedeye, who I know is the grandfather of comics in here.

I genuinely don't care where anyone gets their comics from. I know that for me personally, I spend hundreds of dollars a month on this hobby. Via weekly comics, trades/IST orders, statues, art work, etc. I have absolutely no problem admitting that I use digital codes to read some comics. This allows me to spend more money on indies, and overall just buy more stuff a week. Do I feel guilty? Honestly, not really because I know that for myself, I double dip on everything I love. I own trades for everything I have floppies/digital comics for. Sometimes even triple dip. I've given those creators money in multiple mediums.

I fucking love comics. I love this thread, and I love talking to you guys. Even when things can get a little heated, I think we just have to take the time to think about how awesome it is to have this community where we spend hours upon hours dissecting and adoring comics <3

Internet high five for this post.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I loooooove love love love the way Dodson draws Carol. <3

The best she ever looked. This cover with Spider-Man was one of the best covers period in the recent era:

I was interested in Captain Marvel in that period, some good stories, then they futzed with her design too much, bogged her down with some real... dreary stuff, and I briefly gave the new run a try but it just lacked the dynamism or amazing art that would sell me on it.

Hopefully when the finally fucking get round to making a movie on her, people will take a real good shot at the character in earnest once its lucrative enough numbers wise.
I knew Spider-Man 2099 was gonna play a part in Spider-Verse, but after reading this week's issue I feel like I should skip the next two. I'm not reading ASM or the event so it's not really doing anything for me right now.


I knew Spider-Man 2099 was gonna play a part in Spider-Verse, but after reading this week's issue I feel like I should skip the next two. I'm not reading ASM or the event so it's not really doing anything for me right now.

I'll make a mental note to let you know when you can come back.


Junior Member
I have a 20% percent off coupon for Midtown Comics and I now realize that even with the 20% off Amazon and B&N will still be cheaper in most cases. I was looking to buy some fables comics. So besides the volume sets which side graphic novel is worth it.
The best she ever looked. This cover with Spider-Man was one of the best covers period in the recent era:

I was interested in Captain Marvel in that period, some good stories, then they futzed with her design too much, bogged her down with some real... dreary stuff, and I briefly gave the new run a try but it just lacked the dynamism or amazing art that would sell me on it.

Hopefully when the finally fucking get round to making a movie on her, people will take a real good shot at the character in earnest once its lucrative enough numbers wise.

Is there a female superhero Parker hasn't gotten into the pants of?


Went to my local comic store the other week and bought some stuff.

Aliens # 1
Prometheus # 1
Alien vs Predator # 1

All three were pretty shit, AvP I liked the most though. Probably won&#8217;t bother reading anymore.

Wytches # 1
Enjoyed the hell out of this and may actually pick it up as it comes out instead of waiting for the trade. Never done that with a series before but thinking about starting.

Earth 2 TPB # 1
Read the first issue when the New 52 started and enjoyed it but after having read the trade didn&#8217;t really care for it. Hesitant to pick up the next trade as I fear it&#8217;ll be more of the same.

Thor: God of Thunder TPB # 1 & 2
Holy shit these were both awesome. I&#8217;d never read a Thor comic before so this was really something else to me. For some reason I went into these books thinking they were standalone from the rest of the series. When I found out they weren&#8217;t and were part of the main run I was blown away, I&#8217;d always assumed jumping into a run like this would be hard to get into but was pleasantly surprised that it wasn&#8217;t. Will have to pick up the other two trades soon and maybe start the new Thor series.

Edit: Oh yeah, I picked up the first three trades of Saga but haven't read those yet. Should be good from what I've heard though.
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