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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Zero, Multiversity, and Bayonetta all in the same week? Fortune smiles upon me.

Reminds me need to buy a classic controller pro, no way am I going through both games with the tablet. Can't wait to replay Bayonetta again it's been a while.
Why post Olivia Wilde GIFs, when we could have the superior Jennifer Lawrence?

You've never watched Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes have you?
Never much cared for Avengers and don't watch cartoons.

Don't enjoy superhero groups. Most writers can barely write for one character, let alone 5+.
Hickman's is being decent, tho.

Finished dynamite's Doc Savage.
Such a weird, perfectly passable comic. Always seemed that it had the potential to become excellent, but never did.


Never much cared for Avengers and don't watch cartoons.

Don't enjoy superhero groups. Most writers can barely write for one character, let alone 5+.
Hickman's is being decent, tho.

Finished dynamite's Doc Savage.
Such a weird, perfectly passable comic. Always seemed that it had the potential to become excellent, but never did.

Far as team books go, ones I found were well done for the most part are:
Morrison's Justice League
Giffen & DeMattie's 2000s JL revival
Morrison's Doom Patrol
Morrison's X-Men
Bendis' New Avengers
Milligan's X-Statix
Whedon's X-Men run
Thunderbolts from Ellis til pre-reboot
Mark Millar's Ultimate Avengers

...and that's it off the top of my head.

EDIT: ...and Avengers EMH was a great fun show, at least Season 1 and the first half of Season 2.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
There's no reason not to.

I mentioned it in one of these threads before but a new convention (Zappcon) started up in my city this weekend. It has a mixture of everything from comics, role-playing, anime, video games, among many other hobbies. I only attended the first day and was mainly looking to fill up my sketchbook. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures while I was at the con.

One of the artists that caught my eye was Justin Prime. He was selling some of his prints and his TMNT piece looked great. I asked if he was comfortable drawing Batman and he said sure. I gave him my sketchbook and he asked if he could look at other drawings that were done in my book. I said sure and as soon as he flipped it open, he saw Edwin Huang's commission and just about turned over. He flipped to the next page and saw Long Vo's. He reluctantly says "...I know these guys. And you want me to follow them up? DAMN!" He chuckled and I gave him my utmost confidence that he'll do good based on the prints he had on his table. He even posted a video on his Instagram of this dilemma. Here's the finished product. It was only $10 and I was floored at how amazing it was. I tipped him some extra cash and I think he was happy with how it came out as well. Very humble guy. I'll definitely look for him again if I attend the cons that he's going to.

I was most excited to meet Khoi Pham. His art is crazy good in the few Daredevil issues he's worked on. It sucks that I had went digital for a few months and it was during those Daredevil issues that he drew in. Oh well, I wanted his art to grace my sketchbook and this is what he came up with. Phamtastic! I love the crosshatching.

There was another artist (Richard Jacobo, http://instagram.com/rjacobot) that I wanted to get art from and he was only charging $5 for a sketch card-sized drawing! He had a backlog of sketches to get done and I didn't plan to stay there for any longer, so it was a no-go. :(

Something of note, once we got home, we decided to check out our little swag bags. In one of them, we got a paper saying that we won a prize and for us to go redeem it. Of course, this was after we had already left and we don't plan on going on the second day. I wonder what we would have won...

Haha. That's a great story. And an equally great sketch!
And that Khoi Pham sketch is probably even cooler still! That's so unique and awesome. I really, really like that.
And from that short instagram video, your other sketches look fantastic as well! You ought to at least post a "Best Of Bii's Batman Sketchbook" sometime, if not just show us all of them. Haha

Good to hear you had a nice time!
Far as team books go, ones I found were well done for the most part are:
Morrison's Justice League
Giffen & DeMattie's 2000s JL revival
Morrison's Doom Patrol
Morrison's X-Men
Bendis' New Avengers
Milligan's X-Statix
Whedon's X-Men run
Thunderbolts from Ellis til pre-reboot
Mark Millar's Ultimate Avengers

...and that's it off the top of my head.

EDIT: ...and Avengers EMH was a great fun show, at least Season 1 and the first half of Season 2.
Remender's X-Force


I read all of it and don't.. really remember them all.

Head Key, I think.
because it was wack as fuck, yo


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I haven't read Locke & Key... The collected editions are so pricey. Stupid IDW and their refusal to give 42+% discounts.
Won't stop me from getting the TMNT ongoing OHC in January though. I'm really, really excited about that after reading the Micro Series from the library.
Far as team books go, ones I found were well done for the most part are:

...and that's it off the top of my head.

EDIT: ...and Avengers EMH was a great fun show, at least Season 1 and the first half of Season 2.

Thanks for the suggestions. I`ll have a go at the morrison, ellis and milligan suggestions. Got Doom Patrol from when y'all were going cray for it two threads ago, should get around to reading it someday.

Can't stand JLA tho >__>


I haven't read Locke & Key... The collected editions are so pricey. Stupid IDW and their refusal to give 42+% discounts.
Won't stop me from getting the TMNT ongoing OHC in January though. I'm really, really excited about that after reading the Micro Series from the library.

It's only about $120 or so for the lot. It's a tiny bit less + free shipping on IST. I picked the series up on Amazon with my free 2-day shipping so I get it sometime this year.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
It's only about $120 or so for the lot. It's a tiny bit less + free shipping on IST. I picked the series up on Amazon with my free 2-day shipping so I get it sometime this year.

"Only" :p
It's still about twice the price per page of most other books I buy, so it's just a little too painful for me.
My local library does have the complete hardcover set though, so I should probably put those on hold or something.

Hopefully I'll get one of these two jobs I think I have a good chance at and I'll make some half-decent money and be able to splurge a bit more on comics.
I'm still determined to make a massive IST order with all of the Hellboy/BPRD hardcovers right when I find out I've gotten a decent full-time job. Haha

Thanks for the suggestions. I`ll have a go at the morrison, ellis and milligan suggestions. Got Doom Patrol from when y'all were going cray for it two threads ago, should get around to reading it someday.

Oh man. Don't wait around too long on Doom Patrol. It will blow you away.


Justice League 3000 is pretty amazing, if giffens JL is anything like this I need to read it. Really interesting concept he's changed them all in such minor ways but it adds a lot to each of them. Hal and Barry are such bro's and Clark is hilarious.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
This line in the sand thing is amazing.

Line in the sand: me or lines in the sand. Because it's one or the other. There ain't enough room in this thread for the two of us.
But yes, "line in the sand" is my new favorite ComicsGAF recurring theme. It has taken the place of Freeza spoilers.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just read the first issue of COPRA. Really, really cool stuff. Everything about it was great, but the paneling and composition was actually what stood out to me the most. The choices of perspective and such from panel to panel were so on point.
Also, the action scene was one of the most well done action scenes I've ever seen. It gave you such a clear sense that the fight was continuing all around even if you could only see one slice of it in any particular panel.
I'm really looking forward to the rest of it. Michael Fiffe is an incredibly creative guy and I can't wait to see the stuff he pulls off.

I pick lines in the sand. Kipp, sorry. I picked you the last few fights but I've got to draw the line here.

It's okay. I understand. A line in the sand is a better friend than I am anyways.
Hey Bii, that's a really sweet sketchbook you got there.

Holy shit GH, that is an impressive cut.

I still played Destiny all night last night. Smh

I love you guys!

Ok back to sleep.

Oh yeah, I pick the Animal Key.


Knocked out a little more Justice League last night. Just two two-parters. The Injustice Society with Grodd was okay, though the forced "teamwork" theme was a bit meh. And I realize
there was a double cross trick deal going on in there too
, but
Martian Manhunter having a brawl with Clayface seems especially silly

And then there was the "Death of Superman" one, which was pretty great. Though it's a bit hard to mentally deal with Brad Garrett Lobo. Like, his voice is too linked to the brother from Everybody Loves Raymond, which makes it hard to see him as Lobo, little as I may know of the character.


Hand egg? Or real football. The Italian in you better say football.

Nope, the hand throwing kind.

We're actually both fans of soccer
Forza Juve!
,but my fiancé is an especially big football fanatic. He's gone to plenty of cons with me, but I feel bad dragging him out for this on his only day off.

I need more IRL friends who are into this kind of stuff :(
All New Superior List-Man

Aquaman #35
Arkham Manor #1
Batman Eternal #29
Catwoman #35
Deathstroke #1
Earth 2 World's End #3
Flash #35
Harley Quinn #11
Infinity Man And The Forever People #4
Justice League Dark #35
Multiversity The Just #1
New 52 Futures End #25
Red Lanterns #35
Secret Origins #6
Superman #35

Wicked + The Divine #5

I've dropped the Super Secret Crisis Wars tie - ins and Samurai Jack. The Samurai Jack comic was just really disappointing me.


Thanks for the suggestions. I`ll have a go at the morrison, ellis and milligan suggestions. Got Doom Patrol from when y'all were going cray for it two threads ago, should get around to reading it someday.

Can't stand JLA tho >__>

Well JLA has the BEST Darkseid story/moments, but it's cool, really hope you enjoy those series =D
Real talk for a moment. Your original work is pretty stellar. You have a beyond amazing foundation, you just need an inker/colorist to compliment your work. Also, a writer.

You are one piece to an amazing puzzle, you just need talent to fill in the blanks.
Thank you very much, Zombine. Drawing has always been my passion. There's never been a time in my life in which I haven't drawn. I didn't start inking until I was about 19 and didn't start coloring/painting digitally until maybe 2 years ago. Color examples, here and here

So yeah, my level of skill in both those fields are way below my drawing skill. Digitally drawing helps with the inking but I still have ways to go. My dream team ups would be Dexter Vines on the inks and Dean White on the colors. Hickman on the scripts. A man can dream.

Seconded. If you could find someone to color your stuff that has a really simple, understated sort style (sort of like Laura Allred or how Mike Mignola's art is colored), it could be incredible. But even without a colorist or inker, it's clear that you've got some great talent.

Also, I'm pretty sure Ed has officially replaced me and Rafa in ComicsGAF as future comics superstar, and I'm not even mad (mostly because Ed actually has a realistic shot at this). Haha

Out of curiosity, have you read Morrison's Doom Patrol? If you have, I might be interested in getting a commission from you, if you're up for it.
Thank you, Kipp. I imagine there will be an official ceremony for the passing of the title 'Official NeoGaf Future Comics Superstar'? Or maybe we can be a triumvirate!

So unfortunately, I have not read Doom Patrol yet. I have heard that its basically his Animal Man taken to the next level, so I'm 100% sure I'd love it. Is there a scene/moment from there you'd like to have done?

Batman: TAS Intro is one of the greatest of all time
90s X-Men is the GOAT intro

Now back to regular comics talk,

Just read the first volume of Ms Marvel. I loved this so much. Hilarious and gorgeous stuff. I have a friend who is Pakistani, Muslim and speaks Urdu and I couldn't help thinking of her as Kamala Khan. My wife was getting annoyed with me because I kept laughing so often.


You live in Turin? I lived there when I was 2 for about an year :D

Nope, my family is actually from Sicily, but my dad was a huge Juventus fan, so we grew up loving and supporting the team. For his birthday last year, Juventus played in San Francisco, so my brothers and I pitched and got him and us first row tickets to the game. It was worth the cost to see my dad so happy and excited. He moved to the U.S. when he was 17, so he never got the chance to see them play live.

Sorry for going off topic there :p

Hurray, new Catwoman!!


It finally happened, guys. I have read... an American comic once more! Because of how I am though, it was one a friend loaned me rather than something from my backlog (I try to prioritize borrowed things).

And as such, I have now read the back half of Captain America: Castaway in Dimension Z. It was still good, though didn't have quite the punch of the first volume. The stuff with Jet felt a tad predictable. And I'm kind of grumpy that
they decided not to follow through with Ian in any significant way.
Still a good read though. I feel like you guys have said this run isn't particularly special after this arc, yeah?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Edit: Just in case anyone's interested, there's a copy of the out of print Art of Hellboy hardcover on Ebay that's ending in half an hour and seems like it's going to go for a pretty good price (looks like it could go for $45 and it regularly goes for $70ish). I was going to bid on it, but after thinking about it, I'm happy enough with just my Hellboy: The First 20 Years since it contains pretty much the best prints from the Art of Hellboy book and I really shouldn't be spending $45 more than I already am this month.

There is only one sport that matters.


Imagine how good these dudes must be at cleaning linoleum floors.

Real talk: I watched HOURS of that during this past Winter Olympics. The first time I watched it I just got accidentally sucked in and ended up watching the full hour and a half or however long match. After that, I fully gave in and recorded all the matches. Something about it is just engrossing. Haha

Thank you, Kipp. I imagine there will be an official ceremony for the passing of the title 'Official NeoGaf Future Comics Superstar'? Or maybe we can be a triumvirate!

So unfortunately, I have not read Doom Patrol yet. I have heard that its basically his Animal Man taken to the next level, so I'm 100% sure I'd love it. Is there a scene/moment from there you'd like to have done?

Oh, of course. It's not going to be for a while though. There is a lot of preparation as it's quite the event. I mean, for starters, the ice sculpture guy I always use is booked up 8 months in advance. These things take time.

And no worries! I didn't have any scene in particular in mind, more just something that captured the personalities of the group.
Even completely disregarding my inquiry, I'd highly, highly recommend reading it. It's without a doubt my favorite run of all time. It perfectly captures everything about comics that I love.
I'd agree with that statement about it being Animal Man taken to the next level. Although to be fair, Tim, for example, prefers Animal Man to Doom Patrol.
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