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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Oh! Speaking of this single issues/collected editions thing, I'm reading the extra stuff in the back of the first Criminal OHC right now, and there's a section that has some of the essays about noir movies and whatnot written by him and sometimes by his friends that were in the back of the single issues, and in the foreword for that, Brubaker had this to say:

He goes on to say that he's just included a few of the ones he had written.

Even though I'm the tradewaiter who's missing out here, I really respected that.
On the one hand, I think that should be a more common practice. Include more bonus stuff in the single issues, since people are essentially paying a premium for single issues as opposed to waiting for trades. I'm all for rewarding them for that.
On the other hand though, there is something nice, even for the people who have already bought the single issues, about having everything from a series and all the extras as well collected in a high quality hardcover.

But yeah, I thought that was interesting and pretty relevant to the current conversation (I do know that we're all being highly sarcastic and just having a laugh, but it's still relevant).

Brubaker and Philips have been doing this for a while and I think it's a fantastic idea. The Fade Out especially has a lot of interesting things tucked in the back about that era of hollywood and we're only on issue 2. Creators should take note.


but I am taking tiny steps forward




Finished Bedlam vol 1: Think of it as a creepy tv show involving cops who are almost always annoying and serial killer stuff. The worst part was still the end of the first issue, where it had a 2 page " hope for Gotham" Harvey Dent speech that was insufferable, had i been the editor of that book it would have never made print. Random score of 6/10, just below being recommended.
Line in the sand: Kipp or Messi?

Kipp: Likes X-Statix, Doom Patrol, and 90s Garth Ennis comics
Messi: Went out his way to buy Nocenti's Catwoman every month to complain about it, and somehow got Harley #1 as Book of the Month

Pretty cut and dry to me! Kipp is to Darkseid what Messi is to the Anti-Monitor


Guys! Cyclops #6 this week is where John Layman takes over! Artist is Javier Garron, who did the art for the Batgirl Annual #2 and the Batgirl Futures End issue.


Guys! Cyclops #6 this week is where John Layman takes over! Artist is Javier Garron, who did the art for the Batgirl Annual #2 and the Batgirl Futures End issue.

Rucka is off? That's pretty shit, I haven't read anything the new guy has done.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just read the first part of Bad Night from Criminal. Great stuff. I think this is going to be my favorite story yet.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Guys I'm gonna do it

I'm gonna read something

Me too--I'm finishing up Final Crisis DANCE.

What are you hittin' up?

Woah. That Multiversity preview is awesome. Between this and Annihilator, Morrison is just fucking dominating.
you sure you don't have anything else you wanna do first

like nothing at all

hey how about that Multiversity with the Hills universe
So good. Wednesday is gonna be so awesome this week
Me too--I'm finishing up Final Crisis DANCE.

What are you hittin' up?
The Empowered talk the other night convinced me to continue where I left off, so I'm on the third volume of that.

Fuck Dark Horse's digital reader.


That Multiverse art is lush. Can I read that issue without the other Multiverse stuff?

I am also really enjoying the art change in Uncanny Avengers. It's much closer to my tastes. It's Coipel who is doing the art where I am reading. Is this book still good currently? Is it still being released?
oops there were more pages from the preview, the world where Superman and Batman actually won, so their superhero kids don't care about anything. Also, Alexis Luthor is totally teen Emma Frost from New X-Men





but I am taking tiny steps forward
hey how about that Multiversity with the Hills universe

Oh my goodness. That art is insane. Who is that?
The writing and the setting and all that also look incredible. And Damian's outfit is badass.

Edit: Just saw the additional pages. Morrison is killing it. That writing is so good.


Me too--I'm finishing up Final Crisis DANCE.

What are you hittin' up?

Woah. That Multiversity preview is awesome. Between this and Annihilator, Morrison is just fucking dominating.

Those Fifth World
Forever People
. That was a fun tie in.

ViewtifulJC said:
oops there were more pages from the preview, the world where Superman and Batman actually won, so their superhero kids don't care about anything. Also, Alexis Luthor is totally teen Emma Frost from New X-Men

The art is beautiful and you gotta love how self referential the writing is. Morrison is just dominating again.
Haven't read any Multiversity but that looks sweet

I did burn through the first Deadly Class volume today and man, that book is so much my shit. High school punk rock assassins, fuck yeah. Wes Craig absolutely kills it here, like in that beautifully done chase sequence in #1, and
all of the acid trip sequences, including the elevator "conversation" that made me legit lol
. I think the track that the TPB is named after also is very fitting, even beyond the name itself. So yeah I'm gonna have to grab the singles now to catch up


I just finished translucid. Holy crap was that amazing. I really wish it was more than a 6 issue mini. What an ending!

I loved how it teased the flashback was horse but was actually the hero. What a dark finale
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