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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Pizza Dog
Guys and girls, it's She-Hulk week.


Super pumped because I love this book, but why does there have to be that one panel in the preview where she has the crazy lazy eye again? There's only so much defending I can do!

May as well post my list while I'm at it:

Books of the week:
Multiversity: The Just #1
She-Hulk #9
Secret Avengers #9

Also looking forward to:
Amazing Spider-Man #8
Cyclops #6
Deadpool #36
Revival #24
The Wicked + The Divine #5
The Unwritten: Apocalypse #10
Zero #11

Checking out:
Hobgoblin #1
Catwoman #35
~ ThyComicList ~


- ZERO #11



Don't listen to him. Zombine is just super shy.

Bahaha no. Just super hungry.

So I'm having a bit of a crisis in regards to that Catwoman print. Apparently, that thing went up for sale sometime back in 2012, and it still isn't sold out. I love it a lot, but there is a point where I may want to re-sell, and I can guarantee you that if this thing has been for sale for 3 years, and 100 prints still haven't sold out...I would have to take a massive hit on resale.

I guess Albaqurque still isn't mainstream enough for people to run out and get his shit. If American Vampire gets a show this could change, but right now I wouldn't get any more than $50 for it reselling (if I wanted to.)


Welp, after two Issues, JLA/Avengers is a damn big clusterfuck.
And Superman is an super jerk.

The List:

All New Doop Vol.1
She-Hulk Vol. 1
Guys and girls, it's She-Hulk week.


Super pumped because I love this book, but why does there have to be that one panel in the preview where she has the crazy lazy eye again? There's only so much defending I can do!

Ah, is it time for my Pulido hating again?

Eh, I can't be bothered. All I will say is they should get Allred or Stegman on the book.


Welp, after two Issues, JLA/Avengers is a damn big clusterfuck.
And Superman is an super jerk.

The List:

All New Doop Vol.1
She-Hulk Vol. 1
JLA/Avengers was the comic I owned in single issues. Bought them off eBay like 10 years ago. Had never read Avengers or JLA, but I still thought it was fun!
Finished Scott Pilgrim Vol. 2 ,, Love reading this. Just such a fun relaxing easy read. Can't wait to get em all.

Started on both Shazam books I got.
SHAZAM MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL DELUXE HC is good so far. Only ready first chapter of it.

SHAZAM TP (N52) is also really good. Read about half of it last night, I like it a lot. Art is nice and I like how it started, with a back story of Billy Batson and built his character up.


Welp, after two Issues, JLA/Avengers is a damn big clusterfuck.
And Superman is an super jerk.

The List:

All New Doop Vol.1
She-Hulk Vol. 1

I'm issuing an advisory warning against All New Doop vol 1 unless you were really sold on it by the previews. I thought the story and dialog were awful, not sure if i made it through issue #5 or just flipped.
Yes! [Blacksad+Others] order on truck for delivery.

I have gone full Cheska this month, placed my 4th IST order yesterday. There will a 5th one with the Alias omnibus.
Yes! [Blacksad+Others] order on truck for delivery.

I have gone full Cheska this month, placed my 4th IST order yesterday. There will a 5th one with the Alias omnibus.

I've got Blacksad vol 1 on my order this month too, excited to check it out. I've loved pretty much every page someone has posted in these threads.

But most excited for She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel this week.


Didn't get a chance to post about it yet, but I did also read Lex Luthor: Man of Steel yesterday, too. I'll admit I knew nothing of it going in, and was kind of expecting a crazy elseworlds where Luthor was Superman or something. Instead I got a solid comic looking at a Luthor plot from his point of view. It didn't really blow me away, but it was definitely good. I also do like the touch of Superman being pretty much a silent, intimidating presence.


Captain America wasn't exactly pleasant.

Yeah, he was not very nice, too.

JLA/Avengers was the comic I owned in single issues. Bought them off eBay like 10 years ago. Had never read Avengers or JLA, but I still thought it was fun!
Yeah, my big problem with it is that so much happens in such short time. Also, I am not that familiar with the JLA side of the story... Als, I looked now in the third Issue and suddenly, everybody are friends even when they fightend on issue before... Very strange that all :D

Isn't that the book that had Bats take down Punisher off-panel?

I dont think this happened yet, but I will post when it happens.
Batmans fight with Captain America was cool, reminded me of the thread we had some weeks ago.

I'm issuing an advisory warning against All New Doop vol 1 unless you were really sold on it by the previews. I thought the story and dialog were awful, not sure if i made it through issue #5 or just flipped.

I think it ended after Issue 5. Was very interested after someone of you posted some great looking panels. I hope it will at least be ok for me.


Guys! Guys! Guuuuuuuys!


I started reading the Stephanie Brown Batgirl run and holy Christ is it fantastic. Why did no one tell me how good this stuff is?! ComicGAF what the hell!


It bothers me that the first thing my eyes were drawn to was the outline of Magnetos dick and the fact he looks so pleased about it.

I enjoyed House of M


You guys really destroyed Kingdom Come with this Shazam Penis thing for me :/
(I should really buy it at some point in the next time...)
Just read The Fade Out #1. Ehhhhh I dunno. I might bite for one more issue, give Bru a chance to line up all of his pieces where he wants them, but they aren't very interesting pieces. I'd rather go back and finish Fatale or Criminal.

Edit: and heck if I cut it outright then I only have seven more cuts to hit my goal of 40, so that second issue needs to be pretty fuggin good
I've been digging the cancerverse stuff with Rich, if only to get Rich back in a book

I'll take Annihilation to get Ritchie back at the forefront of a book. Whatever happened with all that Original Sin stuff in GotG btw?

You know they'll make it Sam though, right? That would be trolling of the highest order. I love Rich and even I wouldn't pass that up.

Best case it's Sam's dad
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