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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Is Harley Quinn ever going to go back to wearing a costume again?

Her look was so iconic


but it seems like WB/DC have long since abandoned it. I mean its getting to the point when you do a google image search for Harley it becomes harder and harder to find pics of the classic look. :(

Wait for the kids who grew up with this design to become the main creative force at DC.
Kipp went the Safari Park? Nice, that place is awesome, especially the tram tour of that giant enclosure.

...Oh yeah, this is a comics thread. So, uh, I continued with book two of Saga of the Swamp Thing. It continues to deliver, "Pog" included.

If they put out a guidebook for every Grant Morrison event, everyone would be a Grant Morrison fan.


Me too. I have all of the Secret Six trades, but I would love to have it in omnibus form. I think they're just doing bigger collected editions, though.

That's dissapointing I knew she said they were doing something next year but I was hoping for an omnibus. Still buy it though some of the trades are hard to find here.

Question in the aid of the Batman and Robin news is it okay to skip volume 3 The Death of the Family? I'm pretty much had my fill of that event. My girlfriend owes me some money so I'm making her pay me back in comics.
That's dissapointing I knew she said they were doing something next year but I was hoping for an omnibus. Still buy it though some of the trades are hard to find here.

Question in the aid of the Batman and Robin news is it okay to skip volume 3 The Death of the Family? I'm pretty much had my fill of that event. My girlfriend owes me some money so I'm making her pay me back in comics.

I don't see how that news has anything to do with that story line.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Wow. Just finished the Bad Night story from Brubaker's Criminal. That ending was so great.
Criminal still isn't my all-time favorite like I was sort of expecting it to be, but that doesn't mean I'm not thoroughly enjoying it. Brubaker's writing is pure quality and Sean Phillips is an excellent storyteller.
I can already tell these stories are going to be great for re-reads.

Re: the new Robin

Not only is Damian back, he has super powers.

Ehhhhh. Not sure how I feel about that... I feel like that might take away some of what made him special.
And he'll be the first Robin to have superpowers, right? Which was probably for a reason. It doesn't make sense to have a person with superpowers as the sidekick to someone without superpowers. But oh well. Morrison's Damian will always pretty much be the only true Damian to me, so I'm not too worried.

Kipp went the Safari Park? Nice, that place is awesome, especially the tram tour of that giant enclosure.

I actually didn't do that tram tour this time (though I did it yeeears ago), but since I can get in for free with my friend who has a pass, I'm sure I'll be back soon and do that.
But yeah, it was a good time.

All yr favourite artists and colourists (well three of each anyway) take you from script to finished art for a single fight page in a book of theirs.

This is great, if superhero books are destined to have fight scenes, you should really put this kind of thought into crafting them. Think about the size and shape of your panels and what they convey, how do you control the pacing of a scene with the amount and size of your panels, how do you convey motion and impact in a soundless, static storytelling medium. You know the reader reads left to right, you can make your action flow in that direction with your widescreen panels, you know how loud colors work or how effective contrast and negative space can be, all that shit. Really fun read.

I think impact is what I’m trying to sell most. I hate it when you read a fight scene and it just doesn’t connect; figures fly around the page, but there’s no tension, no release. With this page, I had decided that last punch was the focus, as was the panel with the bullet being split. Therefore, the first two panels (which in theory could have been big action-y panels) are given less real estate on the page and made into smaller, less significant action beats.

To me, the important thing was what happens next: Moon Knight’s crazy line, the sniper about to fire, Moon Knight launching toward the sniper as he fires, etc. All those moments are given the same amount of space, they are a certain part of a sequence. The bullet split is a very important moment, but I thought it best to show restraint here and have it be a small, quiet moment (which is why it’s the shortest panel on the page), but given the same width, to prolong the tension. Then bam: Moon Knight knocks the sniper through the table. Establish the confrontation, heighten the tension, heighten it more, even more, then release.

Picked up my wife's Catwoman commission from Brian Level today and he told me that just today that he and a writer had their Image book pitch greenlit. He was super pumped. He showed me the pitch pages and they looked amazing colored.


Picked up my wife's Catwoman commission from Brian Level today and he told me that just today that he and a writer had their Image book pitch greenlit. He was super pumped. He showed me the pitch pages and they looked amazing colored.

Are we allowed to ask what it is about?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Alright guys line in the fucking sand.

Damian dead or alive?

Dead. Leave him be. I was/am a huge fan of him in Morrison's run; Morrison perfectly crafted his life story from beginning to end.
It's sort of like Watchmen, where they really shouldn't have done Before Watchmen, they should've just left it alone.

But I don't feel so strongly about that that I'm really upset or won't read the non-Morrison/post-death Damian stuff. I'm okay with the way it is, but if it were up to me, I'd keep Damian dead.


I actually didn't do that tram tour this time (though I did it yeeears ago), but since I can get in for free with my friend who has a pass, I'm sure I'll be back soon and do that.
But yeah, it was a good time.

Sad that the old monorail tour is dead :( The "new" tram tour covers a small fraction of the entire place.
Picked up my wife's Catwoman commission from Brian Level today and he told me that just today that he and a writer had their Image book pitch greenlit. He was super pumped. He showed me the pitch pages and they looked amazing colored.
That's awesome. He's very talented. Good to hear it is paying off for him. I'll keep an eye out for his work in the future.
I'm just asking because I'm going to buy the collected volumes and was wondering if the Death of the Family stuff was okay to skip.

Best Robin deserves to live and eventually become Batman.

It's important. It kind of ripples through all of the main stories.
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