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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Then it seems to me that they want to shuffle after the Crisis has enden/the old Universe was brought back (I hope...)

Is it ok when I read I read the two Batman: Year Zero Trades seperated or is it better if I wait a couple of months and read them as one?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So apperantly all DC creators were told to wrap up their stories in the next 6 months: http://www.bleedingcool.com/2014/10...their-stories-to-a-close-before-the-band-aid/

This jives with what I heard from a guy claiming to be an insider who said that Justice League's "Darkseid War" and Batman's "endgame" would conclude those respective runs. What do you guys think? Another reboot on the way or possible return to Post-Crisis universe?

We'll see, but I bet this is nothing. Probably just a simple request for arcs not to be left dangling for the one or two months DC does some wacky event while they sort out their corporate side. It doesn't mean the books are ending and all the creative teams are being shaken up.


Uncanny is good. I really recommend you check out Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers its a great exploration of the Marvel Universe and a good sci-fi story in its own right

Yes, definitely! The OT of New Avengers had me interested will check.

Will it confuse if I read all Uncanny first and then go over to New Avengers? I saw a reading order in the OT, but I'd like to know if it is a must?


I laughed heartily.

So you'd recommend picking up the recently solicited Dark Knight, Dark City TPB?

Would I genuinely enjoy this if I got it, or would it be more of a novelty sort of thing? I want to want it, but I have a feeling the stories would just feel really dated and I'd struggle to get through it.

It depends entirely on your attitude towards Silver Age comics. I love the stuff, but really don't recommend it because I know most people just can't get into that stuff. If nothing else, get it from the Library.


Lumberjanes #1-7:
Jeez, is this getting the attention it deserves?
It's gooooooooooood~
The characters? Excellent.
The art and the style? Excellent.
The setting and story and development pacing? Excellent.
Everything is excellent.

Magneto #11:
Hmm. Well, that's some reasoning for choosing those specific peeps.

If you liked lumberjanes, you're gonna love the original webcomic the artist did, Nimona, which JUST finished recently

There's something incredibly atmospheric about this cover. From Action Comics 38.


Lumberjanes #1-7:
Jeez, is this getting the attention it deserves?
It's gooooooooooood~
The characters? Excellent.
The art and the style? Excellent.
The setting and story and development pacing? Excellent.
Everything is excellent.

Magneto #11:
Hmm. Well, that's some reasoning for choosing those specific peeps.

I've been pimping out Lumberjanes since the beginning, and none of y'all wanted to listen. :p
This was probably already asked, but is New 52 Constantine worth a look in? I was thinking of grabbing the first volume from Comixology, while it's on sale.

Edit: Also, I have so many pages of this thread to catch up on... :(
That already happened. He was pock3tmonster, but then he realized that he wouldn't be the top poster by as significant of a margin if he posted with two accounts.

But seriously, what happened with pock3tmonster? He/she was posting even more than Messi for the first week of this thread, then just dropped off the grid.

Haha. Catching up on the thread and saw this just now. Assignments, that's what happened. :/ I've had three major assignments due in the last few weeks and had to pretty much switch off to complete them. October was a bad month to transition from lurker to full time poster. Three more days of semester left, then I'm done with my Arts degree! Still another three more major assignments too though. :( It's a good feeling to know I at least made an impression/left a mark.


Pizza Dog
That Action Comics cover looks awesome. How is Action Comics, by the way? Is that the Superman book where he wears a t-shirt and jeans? I actually love the look of that costume but couldn't figure out where it came from. Did they stop using that?
This was probably already asked, but is New 52 Constantine worth a look in? I was thinking of grabbing the first volume from Comixology, while it's on sale.

Edit: Also, I have so many pages of this thread to catch up on... :(

I've enjoyed it a lot, not as good as the Vertigo stuff but still a solid book. The stuff in the middle with Blight is ok, but it takes too many issues to get through IMHO.
That Action Comics cover looks awesome. How is Action Comics, by the way? Is that the Superman book where he wears a t-shirt and jeans? I actually love the look of that costume but couldn't figure out where it came from. Did they stop using that?

Its been decent.. Good art. Last story arc was the Superman Doomed..Last issue was a aftermath issue.
I haven't seen him and a t-shirt and jeans super out fit since I've been getting it? Must be older issues.
Starting a new arc now though,, and the very last page of issue #35 was


I totally spaced/forgot that Superman Wonder Woman is getting a new creative team,, sucks i'll miss Daniels,, but really happy that Peter J. Tomasi and Doug Mahnke are the ones taking over
He really has, the entire run is damn good. It's probably being over shadowed by Snyder's run on Batman, but Tomasi really deserves some recognition too. Shit has been FANTASTIC.

I think you're right on the money. Snyder's Batman is winning much of the spotlight, deservedly so, but Tomasi's B&R is still outstanding and needs recognition for it. The issues/story-arc dealing with the fallout of Damien's death just hit new heights.
That Action Comics cover looks awesome. How is Action Comics, by the way? Is that the Superman book where he wears a t-shirt and jeans? I actually love the look of that costume but couldn't figure out where it came from. Did they stop using that?

Good to great. It's had him teaming up with Lana Lang and Steel, and just been fun over all. I recommend it.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Haha. Catching up on the thread and saw this just now. Assignments, that's what happened. :/ I've had three major assignments due in the last few weeks and had to pretty much switch off to complete them. October was a bad month to transition from lurker to full time poster. Three more days of semester left, then I'm done with my Arts degree! Still another three more major assignments too though. :( It's a good feeling to know I at least made an impression/left a mark.

Ah! Well good for you for being able to switch off Gaf entirely to get stuff done! Good luck with your last few assignments and congratulations on almost being done!

It depends entirely on your attitude towards Silver Age comics. I love the stuff, but really don't recommend it because I know most people just can't get into that stuff. If nothing else, get it from the Library.

Good to know. Thanks for the advice!

Does J-Son of Spartax *ever* put in an appearance without referring to Earth as "backwater?" Is this a particularly cutting insult on Spartax or is that just all he has in the tank?

This made me laugh. I'm guessing this is from the Cosmic Marvel stuff?

I hate when that happens. Get to see Kipp when it does though.

And it's always a pleasure, Messi.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
He really has, the entire run is damn good. It's probably being over shadowed by Snyder's run on Batman, but Tomasi really deserves some recognition too. Shit has been FANTASTIC.

I've really been looking forward to reading his run. Along with Snyder's Batman though, I've been holding out on reading it to wait for it to end first or to wait until it gets oversized hardcovers or something. I'm not really sure.


Bullshit, Tomasi did amazing work with Bruce and Damian.

I bought and read the first volume last night and thought it was fantastic, the last few pages in particular are the best Batman pages I've read in a long time. They built that scene up so well through the book that the payoff was great. Really good character work with Damian.


I bought and read the first volume last night and thought it was fantastic, the last few pages in particular are the best Batman pages I've read in a long time. They built that scene up so well through the book that the payoff was great. Really good character work with Damian.
Just you wait till reading the first annual man.. best batfamily moment that I've read.


I just picked up a iPad Air yesterday and I'm exited to finally begin reading comics!

It's a bit overwhelming though, since I want to get into so much. House Of M, Messiah Complex, Dark Reign, Civil War, Injsutice and many Marvel NOW! runs.

For now I've settled on Uncanny Avengers to get started. Cool stuff so far.

Have you looked into signing up for Marvel Unlimited? There might be another deal this holiday season, but most of what you want to read is on there.


What happens when Guardians 2 reveals who Star Lord's father is...are they going to change his origin in the comic as well? Wouldn't make sense to leave J-son when everything else about the characters has been changed. Maybe the upcoming Secret Wars/rumored reboot will help with that

Bendis' retcons of the guardians is so distasteful.
I wish Hickman would have taken on the guardians reboot aswell :(


That Action Comics cover looks awesome. How is Action Comics, by the way? Is that the Superman book where he wears a t-shirt and jeans? I actually love the look of that costume but couldn't figure out where it came from. Did they stop using that?
It's actually been pretty solid. The biggest downside IMO is how much the Doomed storyline took over, but I believe that's wrapped up now.


Pizza Dog
It's actually been pretty solid. The biggest downside IMO is how much the Doomed storyline took over, but I believe that's wrapped up now.

I was reading up on Action Comics and thought that it was about Superman's early years, so I didn't think it'd tie into the Doomed storyline, did it jump forward to the present day?
what the hellllll

my comics order arrived in Atlanta yesterday and I was all like YES gonna get them early

checked today and they moved to Memphis overnight for some reason :<

oh the joys of shipping, they probably sent it to the wrong address...
I just picked up a iPad Air yesterday and I'm exited to finally begin reading comics!

It's a bit overwhelming though, since I want to get into so much. House Of M, Messiah Complex, Dark Reign, Civil War, Injsutice and many Marvel NOW! runs.

For now I've settled on Uncanny Avengers to get started. Cool stuff so far.
If you're liking Uncanny Avengers check out Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender. It's awesome.


If you're liking Uncanny Avengers check out Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender. It's awesome.

I bought the first Vol. and read two issues, pretty early to tell but I think I'm gonna like it. Will check out X-Force since I dig the X-men ever since I found out Cyclops became a boss.


What did he change, besides Rocket Raccoon not actually being a raccoon anymore?
Star Lord's and Gamora's complete persona IMO
He also couldn't come up with a good reintroduction of Quill he was just there again and everyone just got around with it, same for Drax.
Their ship is their commando central instead of Knowhere(Cosmo is also missing)
Outfits are gone and Quill is now a backstreetboy lookalike.

The whole Spartax empire... where were they in Annihilation and stuff if they are so big and known? Nope he just had to made up a new galactic empire and pretends lile everyone knows them


I bought the first Vol. and read two issues, pretty early to tell but I think I'm gonna like it. Will check out X-Force since I dig the X-men ever since I found out Cyclops became a boss.

I think the entire Uncanny X-Force run is on Marvel Unlimited too, but the Omnibus of UXF is worthwhile.

There are usually sales on MU every time a major comic-con happens and around Christmas/New Year too, so it just depends how long you want to wait. For NYCC they had $30 off the MU Plus sub but that expired.
Advance solicit • On sale April 22 • 512 pg, FC, 8.25” x 12.5”, $125.00 US • MATURE READERS
Collecting the first 21 issues of Warren Ellis’s dystopian masterpiece! After years of self-imposed exile, cynical journalist Spider Jerusalem is forced to return to a job that he hates and a city that he loathes. Working as an investigative reporter for the newspaper The Word, Spider attacks the injustices of his surreal 21st century surroundings.

21 issues. This is good news, looks like the collection might just be 3 Absolutes and not 4.
I'm going to post a crazy theory, in regards to Batman Endgame, and Batman Eternal. I want to emphasize the crazy part of it, just a weird thought that jumped in my head today looking at solicits.

So in Batman Eternal Alfred just got juiced the fuck up with a shit ton of fear toxin right. Dude is going insane. The image that was released for the solicits of Endgame #4 is CLEARLY Alfred in silhouette looking crazy and holding a scalpel. What if the Joker isn't actually back in Endgame, and it's an insane Alfred. Just a thought.


Today I've decided to start on Batman and Son and finally read Morrison's Batman in order. I've only read his Batman and Robin thus far.


I'm going to post a crazy theory, in regards to Batman Endgame, and Batman Eternal. I want to emphasize the crazy part of it, just a weird thought that jumped in my head today looking at solicits.

So in Batman Eternal Alfred just got juiced the fuck up with a shit ton of fear toxin right. Dude is going insane. The image that was released for the solicits of Endgame #4 is CLEARLY Alfred in silhouette looking crazy and holding a scalpel. What if the Joker isn't actually back in Endgame, and it's an insane Alfred. Just a thought.

Well it would certainly make it more plausible to how what happened has seemingly happened.

I'm still going with
it being part of Bruce's own delusions, just how the book starts that gives me that impression.
Star Lord's and Gamora's complete persona IMO
He also couldn't come up with a good reintroduction of Quill he was just there again and everyone just got around with it, same for Drax.
Their ship is their commando central instead of Knowhere(Cosmo is also missing)
Outfits are gone and Quill is now a backstreetboy lookalike.

The whole Spartax empire... where were they in Annihilation and stuff if they are so big and known? Nope he just had to made up a new galactic empire and pretends lile everyone knows them

Having seen the movie and read the first 12 issues of Abnett and Lanning's run, the only one of these that bothers me at this point is Knowhere and Cosmo.
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