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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Apparently Midtown is sending me the International version of the Harley Rub & Smell issue.

I don't even know what that entails.

I think that's the one that smells like freshly cut grass or something instead of pot.

They don't want drug dogs going crazy at customs.
Read Multiversity and Superman just now to finish off my books for the week. They were both awesome.

My Top 5 books of the week:

5. Aquaman 35
4. Harley Quinn 11
3. Multiversity The Just
2. Superman 35
1. Catwoman 35


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I hope not. I feel like there could have been a whole mini series with just this world.

i do kinda find it a bit funny
that in the scope of trying to protect the world, superman essentially doomed it. with the superbots running raw on heroes, and the heroes too complacent/lazy/noncaring to fight back, its pretty much lambs to the slaughter


Oh, are we not gonna talk about how goddamn COLD that last X-Force was? Just, so fucking cold through and through. All cold all the time. Plus, MORE PAYOFFS, god damn.


i do kinda find it a bit funny
that in the scope of trying to protect the world, superman essentially doomed it. with the superbots running raw on heroes, and the heroes too complacent/lazy/noncaring to fight back, its pretty much lambs to the slaughter

Doesn't help that Chris is the only one who seems to have inherited his dad's sense of service. The rest of the heroes spoiled their kids/protege rotten. Sister Miracle didn't even cancel her party for MegaMorpho's suicide.
Glad I stuck around for the second issue of Copperhead which was a massive improvement over the first. The characters all feel a bit more grounded, recent history in the universe is having a bit more impact, and the plot is starting to develop in interesting directions, even though getting the kids out of the house felt too forced.


Sister Miracle didn't even cancel her party for MegaMorpho's suicide.

Speaking of, we all agree that the daughter of Mister Miracle saying everyone is doomed is a callback to 7 Soldiers and that I'm cool and clever for noticing it right?


I really hope this Moon Knight / Cyclops bait-and-switch tactic doesn't catch on...

I think it's a good tactic from the standpoint of relaunching characters. It's editorial's tendency/need to carry it on after that point. But I guess that's the point of having these superstars do a character relaunch.

Speaking of Ellis, anybody read all six issues of Trees yet? I'm through #3 and I still can't decide if it's just a slow mover.

I'm caught up. It ain't about the Trees now. They can seamlessly move between the three storylines, so it's moving. All characters now.


wowwwww Marvel Unlimited is terrible!!!

it's hecka buggy on android tablet, the interface sucks, u gotta click thru like 6 things to get comics on your device, then click another 2 to read offline,

and then it doesnt even download the whole comic!! like only a few pages and you're stuck!!

I google'd and there's even an article already about the problems:


I had so many hopes for it... I could read all of Fraction's Iron Man, Brubanker's Cap, Bendis Daredevil, etc...

instead I'm out $70 t(-_-t)

my wifi at home sucks so I'm sure that's part of the problem, so I'm really dreading having to hang out at a MacDonalds to test the app on better wifi (a place that according to google has some of the best public wifi)

I havent even been to a macdonalds in years!!


wowwwww Marvel Unlimited is terrible!!!

it's hecka buggy on android tablet, the interface sucks, u gotta click thru like 6 things to get comics on your device, then click another 2 to read offline,

and then it doesnt even download the whole comic!! like only a few pages and you're stuck!!

I google'd and there's even an article already about the problems:


I had so many hopes for it... I could read all of Fraction's Iron Man, Brubanker's Cap, Bendis Daredevil, etc...

instead I'm out $70 t(-_-t)

my wifi at home sucks so I'm sure that's part of the problem, so I'm really dreading having to hang out at a MacDonalds to test the app on better wifi (a place that according to google has some of the best public wifi)

I havent even been to a macdonalds in years!!

It's just like that. Apparently worse on Android than on iOS; which is still not good.

If you sign out and sign back in, it should take care of that partial download problem - that's kind of a free preview type thing; just 3 pages. So there's a chance that's the problem there. But I've also heard Android can't do offline at all.


It's just like that. Apparently worse on Android than on iOS; which is still not good.

If you sign out and sign back in, it should take care of that partial download problem - that's kind of a free preview type thing; just 3 pages. So there's a chance that's the problem there. But I've also heard Android can't do offline at all.
it's a gamble, I turned wifi off and I was able to access the downloaded pages of the later stuff (which only downloaded half) but the earlier stuff after I clicked a bunch of things is giving me the option to redownload instead,

which I cannot do coz of crappy wifi... it's like the download just stops and ends once a little connection hiccup occurs.

the worst thing about it is now I have no comics to read tonight :(

unless I wanna sit here behind my computer, but I didnt pay $70 to do that...
AXIS #3:I liked where the story was going until
the X-Men started to act like total asshats and decided to agree with Cyclops' random assumption
that Charles was totes fine now after BEING POSSESSED BY THE RED SKULL while the Avengers sat there with their heads up their bums.
Just excellent work all around. Also, I've lost a lot of my liking for Tony Stark after this issue because of his little tirade against Deadpool, so that's nice.

Deadpool #36:
Mostly a retelling of AXIS #3 from his perspective, but interesting stuff nevertheless. His "shift" in persona will be interesting to see when he gets back to his wife and child.
Honestly, I'm a bit excited to see where this event takes him.
(Kinda funny how the Marvel NOW reboot changed my whole perspective of the guy...)

Amazing Spider-Man #8:
This is my favorite issue of the series so far. Ms. Marvel learning from one of her biggest idols, Silk's character getting some minor development,
and Spidey doing what he does best. I'm really digging Spider-Verse so far, and this issue does not disappoint.
Spider-Girl was the first comic I ever read, so seeing the characters again was pretty damn fantastic.

Oh, and finally:
Bee and Puppycat #3:
Huzzah for talking to peeps to get an actual copy! And... It's neat!
I loved the small little comics that were present on the first two issues, so this issue was perfect.
The bite-size pages with the stylized character art was fantastic and worked well. I can't wait to get my #4 issue.
Still, I kinda want to see more of where the story was going with the first two... It was dang good.


YouTube you piece of shit, you're ruining the Avengers 2 trailer for me! I can't stand it when the progress bar doesn't hide while I'm watching in full screen. WHY?!


Reading over people's reactions to She-Hulk's cancellation on other forums, and I'm starting to see why some of you guys hate trade-waiters.
Earth 2 Worlds End #2 and 3: Is K'Li Tamaranian?
regardless, she absolutely destroyed the Earth 2 team. What is Jimmy Olson's connection to the Mother Box? Why is Apokolips on a collision course with Earth 2? Where is Darkseid?

Really enjoying this series so far!

You should have told him that you needed to save money for the baby.

She, actually, and yeah in retrospect I should have come up with something but I was just too amused to do so on the spot.
Haven't picked up my comics for the week yet,,:/ spent way to much money for the wife's birthday, I'll pickup a handful of books today.

I got my Joker mask in and Blacksad yesterday.
..Wow. Blacksad is amazing. Ive only ready 20-30 pages and everything about it is just stunning. Just flipping through it at first I didn't think id like it as much as I do. Excited to read through it all,, and buy the rest of these books.

Blankets should be arriving today. Curious to see this,, looks like a good read.
Harley / Power Girl was as delightful as you'd expect. Also,



Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I don't think I fully understand. Does it turn bad or?

The art takes a dip for a while (Stegman gets dragged to the Superior Spider-man art duties) but the story stays fun throughout and into New Warriors.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I've never read it, and notice that the deluxe hardcover just came out. Worth adding to a future IST order?

I'd say it's worth it. I think I like it more than most people here though, so it's a toss-up I suppose. At only $15 though, I'd say go for it.


Got hands on a cheap copy of the Batman Red Rain Trilogie. Loved the series back then, very happy that I got finally hands on a 20€ copy. Most of the time, the prices are like 70€

I hope everything is going good and they will really dispatch it...

Also bought the Marvel Zombies/Army of Darkness Crossover in floppys. Very excited to read this again, too.

Next up will be Fearless Defenders.

Was very good, too. I like it when females team up. This must have been like christmas for Messi :D

To bad that the second Tradepaperback is the last one :( I am a big fan of Valkyrie, so I am kinda sad that the series ended... I hope, we see her in the new Thor series, too.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I meant to tell you I picked up the first two trades. I'm fucking in. That book is incredible.

Fuck yes! I'm glad you're in, and it seems like a few more people on here are getting into Zero. Also, aside from all of the things that I usually and constantly praise the book for, exposure to new art is a damn big plus.


The art takes a dip for a while (Stegman gets dragged to the Superior Spider-man art duties) but the story stays fun throughout and into New Warriors.

Hmm okay, well let's see how it turns out for my liking. I'm really diggin the story so far, though only 6 issues in.


i do kinda find it a bit funny
that in the scope of trying to protect the world, superman essentially doomed it. with the superbots running raw on heroes, and the heroes too complacent/lazy/noncaring to fight back, its pretty much lambs to the slaughter

This story out Jupiter's Legacy'd , Jupiter's Legacy with a little bit of Kingdom Come mixed in. I loved it!


Axis #3 I'm still loving this unabashedly
lol at Wade being the only one to notice Evan hulked out

Deadpool #36 I read that this was a good companion to Axis so I thought what the hey and it turned out to be fantastic. I think i need to give his current book a closer look if this is the kinda quality its at.
Loved the spin on Tony being a tosser in Axis #3 to him begging Wade to help

I think this Inversion business is going to be fun.

Deadpool #36
I read that this was a good companion to Axis so I thought what the hey and it turned out to be fantastic. I think i need to give his current book a closer look if this is the kinda quality its at.
Loved the spin on Tony being a tosser in Axis #3 to him begging Wade to help

The run has been exceptional and highly reccomendable. The only real bump is the arc before AXIS where I seriously disliked the art.

Also, Attilan Rising.
Next year we'll have a bunch of events, but this one doesn't seem to be related to Secret Wars or whatever the other old events are about.
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