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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Warren Ellis Moon Knight is amazing.
To bad he left the series. Does the new writer keep the done in one Style, or does he write the usuall arcs?


So Cameron Stewart is doing a signing near me next month. I should go and get him to sign my Batgirl #35. I wonder if he still does commissions as he does lovely art.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I also just bought my first Omnibus. X-Statix

Very well done, Messi. I really think you'll like X-Statix.

Pretty great interview with Giffen on CBR about JL3K and the current state of comics.

That's some interesting stuff. It also reminded me that I really need to read the original Giffen/DeMatteis Justice League run sometime in the near future.


My spider Gwen piece made it on comics alliance!

I'm totally getting shown up by the other artists in that collection but still...

Very nice! Congratulations on sharing the same page as all of that other great art! You definitely deserve it.

Also, this one is too cool:



Pretty great interview with Giffen on CBR about JL3K and the current state of comics.


Some highlights:

-Again, Beetle and Booster ARE Beetle and Booster, as last seen in I Can't Believe It's Not the Justice League. No shenanigans, it's really them -- they got the Fry treatment.
-On that note, Ice is the same Ice (she's a goddess after all) but changed by a thousand years or so, and Fire will be Fire (promises more on that).
-That said, don't expect a full JLI reunion any time soon. They're introducing a whole crop of new characters the next few issues, but they don't want to lose sight of the main cast either.
-Giffen has at least three years of story ideas banked for JL3K, that may or may not ever see the light of day. Anything can happen.
-On the current state of comics, Giffen remarks that "asses have tightened" compared to the JLI days, BUT that within the last year or so there's been an unclenching among editors allowing creators to take risks.
-Of course, that also means that if a book fails it's on the creators to take the blame for that failure if the editors are being hands-off.
-Fans have every right to trade-wait, it's their money; just don't complain when a book is canceled because you weren't buying it. Sales = longevity.


That's a great interview, thanks for sharing Spike. I love what they're doing in this book and that editorial is pretty much giving them free reign. Giffen and DeMatteis are as sharp as they've ever been, and Porter is absolutely crushing it on art. Anyone complaining about DC being too dark and not having books that are fun really should give JL3K a shot.
And Cap is perfect as an angry old man. It fits him perfectly. It is time he is on the wrong side of a storyline, even after what the Illuminati did to him. Blaming everything on Tony is just too easy. Cap is a hypocrite and I wonder if heis to blind to see it.

Cap is a gigantic asshole. Tony, Reed and Cyclops are to be arrested on sight, but don't worry Namor - one of the Phoenix 5 and the Illuminati, who drowned thousands of Wakandans, destroyed a populated alternate Earth and unleashed the Cabal - you're AOK with me buddy, LOL (All-New Invaders).


Read She-Hulk now... I really liked the Issues Pulido worked on, Wimberlys Art is like the ungliest drawings ive ever seen in a comicbook. Wow, it made the book almost unreadable o_O

Kinda sad that the series is canceled :(


Damn, the new Marvel Unlimited update on android is actually good. Comics load pretty much as soon as you open them now and everything is smooth.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Read She-Hulk now... I really liked the Issues Pulido worked on, Wimberlys Art is like the ungliest drawings ive ever seen in a comicbook. Wow, it made the book almost unreadable o_O

Kinda sad that the series is canceled :(

Whenever I see people talk like this about Wimberly, it hurts my heart. I mean, I understand it. His art is definitely unconventional and clearly doesn't have the mass appeal, but I love it so much. It has so much energy and soul.
And this isn't one of the "your opinion's wrong and mine's right" kind of things. I do understand why people don't like it. But at the same time, I wish everyone could see in him what me and Filthy Slug (pretty sure it was Filthy Slug) and a few others do.

Is Ed our first legitimate comics superstar?

Well, Birdie has a quote on the back of the Remender Punisher omnibus. I feel like that counts.


Finished Age of Ultron on my lunch hour, and boy does it really fall apart in the back half. The concept of the story was interesting (I'm a sucker for a time travel story, but the execution in the end fell to pieces. I'm guessing that had to do with however long this thing was gestating before Marvel shoved it out the door. The whole Angela reveal at the end was so obviously shoehorned in, a year and a half later and I still don't think Marvel knows what they're doing with her (she's from space, no wait she's from the lost realm of Heven, no wait she's Asgardian! and you get the sense they thought the reveal would be a bigger deal than it was.

With all that said it still doesn't manage to unseat Fear Itself as the worst Marvel event in recent history. And please Birdie, we don't need another diatribe about how secretly brilliant Fear Itself was and how Tony sacrificing his sobriety was literally the most moving scene ever in comics because it was written by Fraction who has had his own personal battle with alcohol and substance abuse or whatever else you project on to it to convince yourself it was good.

I'd give Age of Ultron a it was ok but I'm glad I didn't pay for it out of five.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
So I'm halfway done with Ennis' Fury MAX now, and... I'm not really all that impressed if I'm honest. I mean, it's good, but probably my least favorite Ennis thing I've read. I don't feel attached to any of the characters and the stories haven't been very interesting.
Also, I don't like saying this, but Parlov's art isn't doing it for me. I like some of what he does, but his panels, at least in this book, are so incredibly boring. Every single page is pretty much just four widescreen panels. And also, a lot of times his rough style tends to look less like style and more like lack of effort.
Just so that I'm not totally bagging on him though, his compositions are great (when they're not just a single face looking straight) and his more zoomed out drawings are excellent. He does a great job at drawing the right amount of detail when things are far-ish away; it's mostly the up-close stuff I don't care for.
I sincerely apologize, Parlov lovers. I'd love for you to bombard me with images of some of his great panels though. I want to like him.
Well, Birdie has a quote on the back of the Remender Punisher omnibus. I feel like that counts.


i drew a webcomic for four friggin years
illustrated infinite jest (INFINITE FUCKING JEST) for the graphic canon
drew a card for a gaddamn best show premium card set

but TTOB says one word and my legacy is CBR.

that dude is the worst forever
Finished Age of Ultron on my lunch hour, and boy does it really fall apart in the back half. The concept of the story was interesting (I'm a sucker for a time travel story, but the execution in the end fell to pieces. I'm guessing that had to do with however long this thing was gestating before Marvel shoved it out the door. The whole Angela reveal at the end was so obviously shoehorned in, a year and a half later and I still don't think Marvel knows what they're doing with her (she's from space, no wait she's from the lost realm of Heven, no wait she's Asgardian! and you get the sense they thought the reveal would be a bigger deal than it was.

With all that said it still doesn't manage to unseat Fear Itself as the worst Marvel event in recent history. And please Birdie, we don't need another diatribe about how secretly brilliant Fear Itself was and how Tony sacrificing his sobriety was literally the most moving scene ever in comics because it was written by Fraction who has had his own personal battle with alcohol and substance abuse or whatever else you project on to it to convince yourself it was good.

I'd give Age of Ultron a it was ok but I'm glad I didn't pay for it out of five.

I don't know how you write off the core lynchpin of the whole thing, though! "Man, fuck Magnolia! And Birdie, don't come in here and tell me about how we're all interconnected by circumstance and pain, it's a bad movie!"

Ok! It just, it still is what it is, dude. And that's what Fear Itself is about. It doesn't mean YOU have to like it but it doesn't make ME wrong either.


The art in Batman Eternal #27 and #28 is wonderful. I know it's two different artists but they have very similar styles in places. I knew I had seen some of Meghan Hetrick's art before. She did the nice art in the Jokers Daughter one shot. Say what you will about they story in that one shot but the art was pretty.

Helped that the story in the eternal issues centered on Catwoman.
I was just re-reading the Infinite Avengers arc (Avengers 29-34), and I have what I think is a decent theory of how next summer's events are going to play out...

Earth-616 is doomed, and it's Cap's fault.

At the end of the arc, Immortus/Kang/Iron Lad tell Cap that his decision to convince the Illuminati to use other means to stop the incursions is going to cause them to fail. This is exactly what is going to happen, and it's going to mean the death of Earth-616.

However, this doesn't mean the incursions won't eventually be stopped on another Earth. This new Earth, new number, will feature the altered takes on all of the important events on Earth-616. We're going to get to see how these events played out differently before stepping into the new, mainline Marvel continuity. This lets Marvel avoid some of the pitfalls of the new 52: everything will have still happened, and the universe will have that "lived-in" feel because we'll be just as far along as we were in Earth-616...but with the changes Marvel wants to make the universe feel more like the MCU, and to provide that ultimate jumping-on point of a "new" universe.

I haven't read much of the Time Runs Out issues yet, and for all I know this has already been spelled out. If not, what do you guys think?
Just started Batman Red Rain which is a Tale of the Multiverse. Written by Moench and art by Jones it has a familiar quality to it from the HC I bought a few months ago of their work. What separates this, besides Vampires and Dracula is it is much more poetic than his regular Batman run. Moench almost made this Bruce/Batman deeper and more complex than he already is. Not done but fun story so far.
I was just re-reading the Infinite Avengers arc, and I have what I think is a decent theory of how next summer's events are going to play out...

Earth-616 is doomed, and it's Cap's fault.

At the end of the arc, Immortus/Kang/Iron Lad tell Cap that his decision to convince the Illuminati to use other means to stop the incursions is going to cause them to fail. This is exactly what is going to happen, and it's going to mean the death of Earth-616.

However, this doesn't mean the incursions won't eventually be stopped on another Earth. This new Earth, new number, will feature the altered takes on all of the important events on Earth-616. We're going to get to see how these events played out differently before stepping into the new, mainline Marvel continuity. This lets Marvel avoid some of the pitfalls of the new 52: everything will have still happened, and the universe will have that "lived-in" feel because we'll be just as far along as we were in Earth-616...but with the changes Marvel wants to make the universe feel more like the MCU, and to provide that ultimate jumping-on point of a "new" universe.

I haven't read much of the Time Runs Out issues yet, and for all I know this has already been spelled out. If not, what do you guys think?

boy that sure sounds about right.

i think there'll be a little overlap to let them cover any bases they feel like, keep the old whoever or whatever. i don't think every 616 dude will just be replaced.
Though as I write that I just don't see how it could impact the whole line. Waid's Daredevil just ends? Punisher? Black Widow?


boy that sure sounds about right.

i think there'll be a little overlap to let them cover any bases they feel like, keep the old whoever or whatever. i don't think every 616 dude will just be replaced.
Though as I write that I just don't see how it could impact the whole line. Waid's Daredevil just ends? Punisher? Black Widow?



But who's to say on new Earth, let's call it Earth-n, Waid's Daredevil isn't happening exactly as it is on Earth-616? They don't even have to reboot their entire line for this to work. It lets them pick and choose.

I do think some Earth-616 characters would be spared in this scenario, definitely


Is X-Men cancelled in this new universe though? This is important before we can truly assess the validity of the theory


Guys I'm trying to read Red Sonja on my lunch, but I keep thinking about Bayonetta 2. Now I'm watching the newly released anime on my iPad to pass the time lol

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Finally picked up two weeks worth of floppies. I'll be back to joining y'all fellas in the conversation as soon as I read Multiversity and She-Hulk and Zero and Batman & Robin.


So I'm halfway done with Ennis' Fury MAX now, and... I'm not really all that impressed if I'm honest. I mean, it's good, but probably my least favorite Ennis thing I've read. I don't feel attached to any of the characters and the stories haven't been very interesting.
Also, I don't like saying this, but Parlov's art isn't doing it for me. I like some of what he does, but his panels, at least in this book, are so incredibly boring. Every single page is pretty much just four widescreen panels. And also, a lot of times his rough style tends to look less like style and more like lack of effort.
Just so that I'm not totally bagging on him though, his compositions are great (when they're not just a single face looking straight) and his more zoomed out drawings are excellent. He does a great job at drawing the right amount of detail when things are far-ish away; it's mostly the up-close stuff I don't care for.
I sincerely apologize, Parlov lovers. I'd love for you to bombard me with images of some of his great panels though. I want to like him.

On my phone but here's a quick and dirty on why I think both are gr8:

The thing about Parlov for me is that he can do both comic and deathly serious, often within the same drawing (which is why he's the perfect dude for Barracuda). He does ultra violence and gore in a way that's completely frank and horrifying in a way that makes it seem effortless. He's got a knack for caricature, he draws impossibly hard men and impossibly beautiful women and every single line is confident.

Fury MAX is kind of the ultimate Ennis comic. It's really only missing an Irish dude and a disfigured person that's mocked. It's one of the most damning indictments of the American wars in the latter half of the twentieth century that I can remember reading in comics. El-P and Killer Mike like to fuck and rap; Fury likes to fuck and fight, and he can't stop. One of the most interesting things about Ennis for me is his Ameriphilia and Fury MAX is a great exploration of that. War comics should make you feel sick. And that's what Fury does

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Fury Max was my first exposure to Goran Parlov, and I was floored by his work. Frye pretty succinctly said exactly what impressed me about his work, but I'd add that his vision for characters is pretty fucking impeccable. The way he ages the main crew throughout the story is entirely plausible, and smooth as shit considering the amount of time-period shifts.


Got my David Mack life drawing book/poster/shirt from the Kickstarter. This thing is amazing, happy the stretch goal to make it oversized came through.

Now I get to live in terror of messing it up like I do the Kabuki portfolio.



Whenever I see people talk like this about Wimberly, it hurts my heart. I mean, I understand it. His art is definitely unconventional and clearly doesn't have the mass appeal, but I love it so much. It has so much energy and soul.
And this isn't one of the "your opinion's wrong and mine's right" kind of things. I do understand why people don't like it. But at the same time, I wish everyone could see in him what me and Filthy Slug (pretty sure it was Filthy Slug) and a few others

Nah, you're right about Wimberly. It didn't fit as a fill-in at all but that style is gorgeous in its own right.
Reading some of the back and forth about the new Batgirl direction has been fascinating. All of hype for the relaunch followed by what seems to be a split reaction; some people who love it so some who hate it. I fall somewhere in the middle, I dropped the book but wish it no ill will, I'll keep an eye on it and pick it back up again when I feel it matches my tastes.

I'm still mixed about it, and I'm giving it another issue or two to decide. I like the art other than everyone looking 14, but the writing is another thing. It just doesn't feel like the same character I've been reading for 3 years, it is SUCH an enormous departure. Specially the getting blackout drunk and possible having a 3 some part, just doesn't feel in anyway like Barbara.


Speaking of Parlov, I bought Starlight 1 - 6 from my LCS on Wednesday... I haven't started it yet and I'm super apprehensive since Millar is the writer, but my friend swears by it so I'll be back later this weekend with some impressions.
I am still kinda new in ComicGAF compared to most of you guys, but we really consider Secret Invasion and World War Hulk as better?!?

yea World War Hulk is the only marvel event I liked...do the X-men ones count? because I like X-men crossovers but I didn't read Avengers vs X-men because I didn't care. Just the ones that stay in thier own books

Got my David Mack life drawing book/poster/shirt from the Kickstarter. This thing is amazing, happy the stretch goal to make it oversized came through.

Now I get to live in terror of messing it up like I do the Kabuki portfolio.

why the fuck didn't I know this was a thing....dammit
I am still kinda new in ComicGAF compared to most of you guys, but we really consider Secret Invasion and World War Hulk as better?!?

I like Secret Invasion. It was my favourite event from that stretch from Civil War to Fear Itself.

/shrug I just like Skrulls and it had some really fantastic tie-ins, like the Inhumans stuff and Cho/Hercules' God Squad.
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