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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Cross posting from the Bayonetta thread because the queen is here!! I have the whole weekend off, so freakin excited! I'll tryyyyyy to read some comics, but my life is basically going to be Bayo filled for now.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just a reminder, Howard The Duck Omnibus is next week. Buy it.

Ah geez. That's next week!? I thought it was further away...
I was thinking about probably grabbing that, but I think I might have to hold off. I can't handle another $50 in comics this month. My frugality would officially be dead and lying in the gutter.


The newest issue of New Suicide Squad actually got a chuckle out of me. But it was also fairly graphic and I realized that maybe I didn't want to see the most likely outcome of a fight between Harley Quinn and Joker's Daughter. The fight was like watching an adult (harley in this case) stomp a child/teenager. You get to see that Harley is still very upset with how stuff has unfolded with Joker recently and that in her mind they are broken up but that no one should have him. Joker's Daughter on the other hand is someone who has fallen in love with the idea of the Joker.

The fight is so incredibly one sided that it is uncomfortable to read. Harley essentially kicks the absolute shit out of Jokers Daughter. While berating her about how Joker is a shit head. One panel struck me near the end of it was a look of fear in Jokers Daughters eyes when she is down and helpless and bloodied. It was odd to see in a character that's usually written with an over confident streak.

So when it's all said and done this made me chuckle

I'm easily amused.

The book isn't worth reading though. Just this fight was interesting. The only other thing was Joker's Daughter copying everything Harley does and says. Kinda lends credence to her just being a confused teenager. Which was her origin in the one shot.

Edit: I really hate Harley's Suicide Squad costume. It doesn't work in the realistic style at all. In her solo book Jimmy and Amanda have made decent changes to lighten it up.


It's the cape and weird flouncy neck piece. It's like Jim Lee drew a backup story where the Hellfire Club decided they needed a jester.

Do they even acknowledge what's going on in Harley's solo book?
Cross posting from the Bayonetta thread because the queen is here!! I have the whole weekend off, so freakin excited! I'll tryyyyyy to read some comics, but my life is basically going to be Bayo filled for now.

I almost bought that Phat Company Bayonetta when she came out. But I'm waiting for the Arcadia version. Hopefully it'll come out sometime before I die. She's pretty huge.

It's the cape and weird flouncy neck piece. It's like Jim Lee drew a backup story where the Hellfire Club decided they needed a jester.

Do they even acknowledge what's going on in Harley's solo book?

I try to pretend Suicide Squad Harley doesn't exist. She's not a classy lady like the one from the solo book. :D


It's the cape and weird flouncy neck piece. It's like Jim Lee drew a backup story where the Hellfire Club decided they needed a jester.

Do they even acknowledge what's going on in Harley's solo book?

Nope and the solo book doesn't mention Suicide Squad. They also changed the Cape and neck piece to a bell collar. Fuck the eye makeup too. They removed that.

I feel like I read or hear Jimmy Palmiotti recently say that Suicide Squad harley is not their harley and it's not something they feel the need to court. Which I'm more than happy to hear. They are like two different people honestly.

Come on this is adorable and destroys all the Suicide Squad stuff

Hm. Looks like the Howard the Duck omnibus reprint comes out next week. I'm curious, but not curious enough to blind-buy it without recommendations. So what's the consensus on this one?


I almost bought that Phat Company Bayonetta when she came out. But I'm waiting for the Arcadia version. Hopefully it'll come out sometime before I die. She's pretty huge.
Is she supposed to be 1/7th scale? I'm actually wondering if the Phat version is going to be harder to find now that the game is out.

Omg, Constantine may be the best comic book show. Such great production values.
I recorded it! Can't wait to watch it tomorrow :) Zach has softball on Fridays so we usually save tv show watching for the weekend.

We need to revive the IRC chat. So we can fawn over Bayonetta and Messi.


Whitta may have a comic and a gaf account but he is not a ComicGAFfer.

He hasn't been on GAF forever. I would actually have respect for the guy if he would come over here and openly discuss his work, a heavily moderated discussion on what went wrong with After Earth would be interesting.
Between the printed page and an apple retina display what shows the better image? I just got the new iPad air 2 and I'm reading the first arc of Uncanny Avengers and man Cassady's art really pops. Is it even better on paper or is it actually better on the screen?
Is she supposed to be 1/7th scale? I'm actually wondering if the Phat version is going to be harder to find now that the game is out.

I haven't seen a scale mentioned anywhere, so she may very well be non-scale. She looks bigger than even a 1/6 based on that second pic.

As for the Phat version, I don't see her too often as it is. Nippon-Yasan has her in stock, but they're asking about 20k JPY for her. They tend to price aftermarket items ridiculously high. Last time I saw her on Mandarake, she was going for about 10k to 13k JPY.


I'm reading Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers right now. Do these take place at different times, univerises what? I'm only about 4 deep into each but I don't see how these are even happening in the same universe unless cap took some time out before going back to mars.
I'm reading Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers right now. Do these take place at different times, univerises what? I'm only about 4 deep into each but I don't see how these are even happening in the same universe unless cap took some time out before going back to mars.

Yeah I think they happen around the same time, in the same universe...try not to think about these sorts of discrepancies too much, they'll drive you nuts otherwise.

Jedeye Sniv

I'm reading Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers right now. Do these take place at different times, univerises what? I'm only about 4 deep into each but I don't see how these are even happening in the same universe unless cap took some time out before going back to mars.

Same universes, different times. New Avengers 1-3 take place before Avengers 1-3. How long isn't clear, could just be days apart, could be weeks.

But ComicGAF told me continuity is important.

ComicGAF is full of shit though.
I'm in, this looks fun
Gary Whitta had a book coming out from Image right? I don't think he's ever hung around here tho. I'm pretty sure this means that in order for me to ascend to superstardom, I need to kill Whitta.... or get him banned. Either works I think.

Did that book ever come out? It was the Oliver-Twist-but-edgy thing, i think. Rafa probably knows more about it than me

Card Boy

So is there a continuation of the story after Batman Inc (New 52)? What do I read next? Batman Eternal? I just got done with Grant Morrisons Batman comics.

Jedeye Sniv

So is there a continuation of the story after Batman Inc (New 52)? What do I read next? Batman Eternal? I just got done with Grant Morrisons Batman comics.

I guess it would be Tomasi's Batman and Robin run, you get a good year of depressed Bruce trying to resurrect Damian, totes emotes.

But really, Inc is the end of that story, all done. Anything else is just another writer picking the ball up, but that novel is done.


So is there a continuation of the story after Batman Inc (New 52)? What do I read next? Batman Eternal? I just got done with Grant Morrisons Batman comics.

Batman and Robin is the closest thing and it deals with Damien fallout. Also feels.


I'm ready to surpass you and ascend to MLG super-stardom.


Honestly, you, Korrupt, and myself are a pretty MLG team. There is a difference between a few friends getting together and playing some matches and winning a couple here and there, and us winning every single match we play in a row by blowout. If we could transition that into control we could compete.



Honestly, you, Korrupt, and myself are a pretty MLG team. There is a difference between a few friends getting together and playing some matches and winning a couple here and there, and us winning every single match we play in a row by blowout. If we could transition that into control we could compete.

This is some next level bullshitting.

Be real yo.
Got the package yesterday, Ed. That was some inception level shit of packages within packages. I'm not even sure what is real anymore. ;) It did it's job though. It's in perfect condition.

This is some next level bullshitting.

Be real yo.

We were winning some matches 10k-3kish. I think Korupt and I can modestly say we were the left and right hands of an Avenging Angel of Justice.


This is some next level bullshitting.

Be real yo.

I honest to god wish I was joking. I have been partial to shooters for most of my gaming life, and I always perform well. GH and Korrupt and I just click and we destroy. Last weekend we got a good 6+ games in and won every one. That's how it always is. It's never by the skin of our teeth either. We win by 2k+ points.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I feel like I'm missing out.

Everybody, stop playing video games so I stop feeling like I'm missing out. Thanks.

Maybe one day I'll get a console. Here's a fun history of my video game console ownership: Got a Gameboy Pocket given to my family from a friend's family who supposedly upgraded to a different Gameboy. Got a N64 from my cousin when he upgraded to Xbox. Got Xbox from cousin when he upgraded to Xbox 360. Got an Xbox 360 for free when I bought my laptop, then sold the Xbox 360. I also got a Gameboy Advance for Christmas at one point.
I've been considering getting a PS3 to be able to play some fighting games, but I don't really want to spend the money (surprise, surprise), especially when PC has been getting more fighting games this past year.

So yeah, fun stuff. Haha


Go buy an PS4 and play Alien: Isolation.

Best game ever.

Edit: Is it aviable on PC? Then just buy Alien: Isolation. Its the best game ever.
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