Filthy Slug
Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Why isn't The Just an ongoing series?
Why isn't The Just an ongoing series?
A questions for all of you who have read comics for a while. Are there any "big" comics you haven't read at all? Books that usually pop up in the 'my first comic book' recommendation threads, e.g., Sandman or Watchmen or Dark Knight Returns?Like how Messi hasn't seen Star Wars
Still haven't read sandman.
Why isn't The Just an ongoing series?
I fucking love this post.Neither have I.
Probably never will. From the little bits I've seen, the art looks awful.
This one, too. For the same reasons.
I can't get over how dumb the main character's design is.
I fucking love this post.
You really want nocenti's dialog on that? After what happen to Klarion?
Read half of The Invisibles
I fucking love this post.
What happened to Klarion? From what I was told here is was shadowy and confusing ect. Some people even enjoyed that intrigue. I don't think they realize that it is confusing because Nocenti is a shit writer.
A questions for all of you who have read comics for a while. Are there any "big" comics you haven't read at all? Books that usually pop up in the 'my first comic book' recommendation threads, e.g., Sandman or Watchmen or Dark Knight Returns?Like how Messi hasn't seen Star Wars
Yo, you just reminded my that I have Klarion sitting in my read pile. How could I have forgotten.You really want nocenti's dialog on that? After what happen to Klarion?
Did an angsty teen design this.
I haven't read any of the essential Garth Ennis stuff:
Actually, the only thing I have read by him is like the first half of The Boys.
Sorry bro, just rolled Sunslinger. Ressurected.
Quitely draws fantastic vegetables
Dang, people in here need to read themselves some Sandman! Also, I'm sure there's a ton of gaps that I've got. Off the top of my head I really feel like I need to read some Hellblazer at some point.
Shit, I forgot one: Moore's Swamp Thing.
Sorry, we've moved on to this new guy.
Those of you who are listing what you haven't read yet, you are making your next IST order and you don't even know it yet.
I live outside the US. IST international shipping charges means it's never happening.
I live outside the US. IST international shipping charges means it's never happening.
Cheska what pods do you listen to?
Oh boy! Let's see:
Talking Comics
Talking Games
The Hangout
Comics Conspiracy
3 Chicks Review Comics
Assembled After Dark
SLink FM
Women of Marvel
The Infinite long box
Less than Live
I have the same message for both of you:
Get on it.
Those of you who are listing what you haven't read yet, you are making your next IST order and you don't even know it yet.
Oh boy! Let's see:
Talking Comics
Talking Games
The Hangout
Comics Conspiracy
3 Chicks Review Comics
Assembled After Dark
SLink FM
Women of Marvel
The Infinite long box
Less than Live
Oh boy! Let's see:
Talking Comics
Talking Games
The Hangout
Comics Conspiracy
3 Chicks Review Comics
Assembled After Dark
SLink FM
Women of Marvel
The Infinite long box
Less than Live
This post with that avatar was particularly funny, the excitement of pouring out all these links.
Those of you who are listing what you haven't read yet, you are making your next order and you don't even know it yet.
It's good to see Sixis not selling well, even though Marvel is papering the damn thing with free copies and pennies. If they try to reduce those events next year as minis it's gonna hurt them and Atillan Rising.
I guess that's fine. Anyways I'm going start rounding up some books to take with me on my 2.5 week holiday getway in December mostly what's on comixology wish list though.
I've been reading comics for ...a long ass time... and I've never read Tank Girl or Hellboy.
Just read Preacher. Punisher and Hitman are fine, quite wonderful actually, but Preacher is a masterpiece. It's the only comic I've ever read that I can actively quote directly, and do, at least once a day.
I mean, I dare you to walk through the city without saying "Fuck out the way, dipshit," under your breath at least once a day.
Oh my goodness. Since you're someone who particularly appreciates a good OHC, you NEED to at least pick up the first Hellboy Library Edition. By far the best hardcover I own, both in quality of the book itself and in content.
I love your avatar so much. I hope they bring her back (I haven't read any after progeny so shhhh)
I have been tempted, and have been meaning to read it for years. But that's an expensive drug you're pushing.
I can confirm that I thought Sandman was shit after two volumes.
Messi, I don't even know what to say.