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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just realized that the Neal Adams Batman omnibus is mostly non-Odyssey Batman stuff and has an MSRP of only $75... Can anyone tell me if the writing is good for these issues? Or would it mainly just be a Neal Adams art showcase?

This massive volume collects material from Batman #200, 203 and 210; The Brave and The Bold #75-76 and 79-85; Dectective Comics #370, 372, 385, 389, 391, and 392; and World's Finest Comics #174-176, 178-180, 182-183, 185, 186; Batman #217, 220-222, 224-227, 229-231, The Brave and The Bold #86, 88-90, 93, 95, Detective Comics #394-403, 405-311, World's Finest Comics #199, 200, 202; Batman #232, 234-241, 243-246, 251, 255; Batman Annual #14; Batman Black & White #4; Brave and the Bold #99, Detective Comics #412-422, 439, 600; Heroes Against Hunger; Limited Collectors Edition C-25, C-51, C-59; Robin #1; Saga of Ra's Al Ghul #4; World's Finest #211, 244-246, 258; Batman: Odyssey Vol. 1 issues #1-6 and Vol. 2 issues #1-7.

I'm gonna be honest. I really want this omnibus to be worth getting so that I can be able to read Odyssey. I really, really want to own Odyssey but definitely won't buy it on its own.


A questions for all of you who have read comics for a while. Are there any "big" comics you haven't read at all? Books that usually pop up in the 'my first comic book' recommendation threads, e.g., Sandman or Watchmen or Dark Knight Returns?
Like how Messi hasn't seen Star Wars

V for Vendetta
Strangers in Paradise
The Invisibles
The Dark Knight Returns
Sin City
Kingdom Come
Any Crisis other than COIE
Anything by Garth Ennis

I could go on, lol

Oh boy! Let's see:

Talking Comics
Talking Games
The Hangout
Comics Conspiracy
3 Chicks Review Comics
Assembled After Dark
SLink FM
Women of Marvel
The Infinite long box
Less than Live

This is why we are friends.


Messi has even said that he didn't like Sandman before lol

This is not new news. Its just not for me, and thats OK.

Yeah, but he recently mentioned how he liked Velvet, Southern Bastards, The Fade Out and Zero. I thought he was developing a refined taste in comics.

I read a lot of great books. I just happen to talk about the bad books more because they make me angry. Come the end of the year you can all have a look at my list for books of the year and you can see that my taste is just fine.

All of those titles are great and I am happy to read them each month. We can't all like all the same books. Its great that most of you enjoy Sandman.

As for unironically picking Harley over other books. That shouldn't surprise anyone. Its a great time to be a Harley fan. She has a fantastic solo book written by two great writers and art that just speaks to me. Its selling and is the book I look forward to reading most. News just in Harley fan likes Harley book.

Velvet is fantastic though.
Just read Preacher. Punisher and Hitman are fine, quite wonderful actually, but Preacher is a masterpiece. It's the only comic I've ever read that I can actively quote directly, and do, at least once a day.

I mean, I dare you to walk through the city without saying "Fuck out the way, dipshit," under your breath at least once a day.


Alright this will probably be my next IST order.

Good thing too, I've been spending a dangerous amount of time browsing some figures...
After being sick last week and a ton of work i've been behind on my DVR and comics.

But this weekend i've caught up. It took a while though, i had around 40+ comics to read and 9 hours of DVR.

my eyes!


People hating on the Sandman?

What world am I in?



The funniest part was Messi running in to try and steal some of the spotlight with his "controversial" opinion. I'm reminded of the petting zoo baby lamb scene from the Simpsons.

I was more adding onto his dislike of Sandman and mentioning Quitely's vegetables was just a running joke here. But read into it what you will.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
What the fuck did I just read in Klarion. Y'all wanna talk about slapping random shit together along with some messy ass fucking art.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Guys, it's okay, I washed my brain out after Klarion with Secret Avengers 9. That All-Star Superman homage with MODOK was brilliant. Found it:
Klarion was not that bad, but it's almost like lowering the bar as Charlie Strong's core values. I don't know why DC insist on her being on underused characters that need every sale they can get. They must know nobody has ever complimented her writing since Murder She Wrote was on the air.....
I'm like up to volume 2 on Preacher
2 trades in on Y
4 trades into Hellboy
3 trades into 100 Bullets
4 trades into Hellblazer
never read All Star Superman but I really liked the cartoon

never enough time or money lol

I should have spent my money on more comics and not games all this time

Death/Harley Quinn team-up book.

Messi will buy every last copy.

oh what...I kinda want to see this now
I've been catching up,on some free #1s from CMX I got somehow (I forget). One I read was Princess Ugg and really liked it. Has anyone read the rest? I might catch up on this series


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just rewatched Dark Knight Rises. I enjoyed it more than I did the first time. Maybe because the first time I watched it was on a tiny 4:3 TV at a friend's house. Or maybe because I had a couple beers while watching it this time. Regardless, it was a good time.

Also, the "BRUCE WAYNE HAS HAD EVERYTHING TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM" thing reminded me of Daredevil: Born Again and got me craving a reread of that.
And me craving a reread of that made me crave a reprint of the Miller Daredevil Companion omnibus which contains it.
I really, really, really hope the Netflix TV show convinces Marvel to reprint the Bendis and Brubaker omnibuses as well as the Miller Daredevil Companion omnibus and Elektra omnibus.
Please make my dreams come true and take all of my money, Marvel.

I mean, it's not that far-fetched I don't think. The Alias omnibus got a reprint, arguably because of the Netflix series. I mean, the timing makes it seem a little bit less like a coincidence.

Sometimes gaming and ComicGAF just doesn't cross over ._.

Wait, GAF has a gaming section of the forum?

LMAO another satisfied customer


Whaaat!? Nocenti got Aja!? Maybe I do need to check out her Daredevil stuff after all.
Edit: Whoa. Nocenti got JRJR too. She was in the big leagues.


Also still curious about the non-Odyssey issues in the Neal Adams Batman omnibus. Is the writing solid on its own? Or are the stories solely remembered because of Neal Adams' art?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
You got something against Odyssey, Kipp?

Everybody says it's the most outrageous, awfully written Batman story ever. I absolutely want to read it. I just can't justify buying an omnibus simply to fully enjoy some terrible writing. Haha. To justify it, I'll also need to enjoy some good writing. :p


The Denny O'Neil/Neal Adams Batman was a big influence on Miller as a kid for what it's worth.

Guys, it's okay, I washed my brain out after Klarion with Secret Avengers 9. That All-Star Superman homage with MODOK was brilliant. Found it:


It's good to see Sixis not selling well, even though Marvel is papering the damn thing with free copies and pennies. If they try to reduce those events next year as minis it's gonna hurt them and Atillan Rising.

Oh no, god damn it, this is why we can't have nice comics.
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