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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Marvel gave during their big #1 Giveaway some Issues if Heroes Reborn away and they were the stupidest thing ever. Even the art was so ugly. I really dont get why people love Liefeld that much...


I think cutting all the mutants down to the popular ones made them less effective, just as a concept. Even after Messiah Complex supposedely gave them directions, to go to this "Divided We Fall" thing and just twiddle their thumbs until the big move to San Francisco. The San Francisco move ought to work in part by playing off the traditional metaphor that mutants equal minorities. But by getting rid of almost all the mutants, M-Day has left the X-books with too few mutants for that metaphor to work any more. The whole island thing was a real dud, I don't know if I blame Fraction or Greg Land or whoever for that, but I can't imagine its a period anybody is gonna look back on with fondness.

All my favorite X-Books of that period tended be tetirarly connected to that status quo. Whedon/Cassaday Astonishing X-Men just outright ignored it, BKV/Immonen Ultimate X-Men was another universe, Uncanny X-Force had its own thing going on. I have to commend Kieron Gillen for doing anything of worth with his brief stint on Uncanny X-Men, but honestly that was the first time that book was legit good since Claremont left 20 years ago. Crazy we lived in a world where the main X-Book wasn't the one you'd recommend to people.

Yeah I think the main problem for the comics was that instead of continuing with "regular" stories, they kept throwing stuff on the wall hoping something would stick. Utopia wasn't a bad idea in theory as a quasi-Israel but like you said it was a dud.

As for the metaphor, I think this is the point where the language the mutants use to refer to themselves changes from minorities into species which is pretty antithetical to the premise imo

As clunky and sorta offensive as that Havok speech was I kinda get what he's trying to say about how mutants are human too, which I think was got a bit lost for a while there

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Oh yeah, I'm two weeks into 52, and Question busting into Renee's room and holding her panties while watching her spoon with a chick was great. Also, Geoff Johns wrote the first issue, right, because a Black Adam ripped a dude's arm off?
Oh yeah, I'm two weeks into 52, and Question busting into Renee's room and holding her panties while watching her spoon with a chick was great. Also, Geoff Johns wrote the first issue, right, because a Black Adam ripped a dude's arm off?

They never said who wrote what but in general it seems like:

Geoff Johns: Black Adam
Grant Morrison: Booster Gold & Mad Scientist story
Mark Waid: Back ups & ralph dibny
Greg Rucka: Question/Renee Montoya
Keith Giffen: Story breakdowns and general advisor
My main thing with Havok speech was they probably shouldnt have a straight good lookin white dude saying that shit, like its a bit easier when you don't look like Glob Herman, ya know? But now he's all scared and shit so meh

As for 52, the writing credits kinda intermingle. Like sometimes multiple writers will do the dialog or cooperate on pages and characters. David Uzumeri did a plausible breakdown.


I caught up on Uncanny Avengers and Axis, and Steve is old now and not Captain America anymore. So all this happens after the Original Sin arc in Avengers, where Steve remembers everything. But he's still working with the Avengers (including Iron Man, Strange etc.) Have they addressed that? Is it a thing where he was supposed to be waiting for his opportunity to get them?

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
They never said who wrote what but in general it seems like:

Geoff Johns: Black Adam
Grant Morrison: Booster Gold & Mad Scientist story
Mark Waid: Back ups & ralph dibny
Greg Rucka: Question/Renee Montoya
Keith Giffen: Story breakdowns and general advisor

As for 52, the writing credits kinda intermingle. Like sometimes multiple writers will do the dialog or cooperate on pages and characters. David Uzumeri did a plausible breakdown.

Awesome, thanks fellas. I figured there was some assembly line sort of process throughout.Reading 52 makes for an interesting comparison to the current weekly books DC is pumping out.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Well, I just finished Fury MAX. All in all, I didn't enjoy it a ton (I mean, I enjoyed it, but I expected to enjoy it more since it was an Ennis comic and a well-regarded one at that), but I definitely respected it. The overarching story really came together very well during the last couple issues and made for a very powerful and thought-provoking message.

Anyways, with that finished, I'm pretty sure Manhattan Projects is going to be up next.


Havok's speech and a couple of issues afterwards made me drop Uncanny Avengers. Too much of the speech was more about assimilation instead of integration. And Wanda's explanation to Rogue regarding it was also dumb. THEN Remender goes on twitter with his hobo piss comment and I ignored the book for a while.

I'm caught up though.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
truly Kipp's turn to the dark side is complete

you were the chosen one

you were supposed to bring balance to the taste of ComicsGAF

I take no pleasure in not loving a book that everyone else here loves. This is where Messi and I are different. :p

I'll reread it sometime in a few months and see if it clicks with me then. I have a feeling part of the issues is that I went into it expecting some action-packed, violent craziness similar to Punisher: MAX and was a little disappointed when it wasn't that. When I reread it, since I'll know what I'm getting into, perhaps I'll love it like everyone else does.

The same thing happened with Hawkeye, actually. The first time I read it when I was first getting into comics, I thought it was really boring. Since I was just starting to read comics, I had wanted some standard superhero mayhem and what I got was Hawkeye. Everyone said it was great though, so I figured I just didn't "get" it and ordered the OHC. Turns out my expectations had just screwed me over the first time, because I absolutely loved it the second time and Hawkeye is one of my favorite comics now.

I figure it has to be something like that with Fury MAX, because I'm as shocked as you are that I didn't absolutely love it. Ennis is one of my all-time favorite writers and I really loved the Fury appearances in Punisher: MAX, so it had all the makings of a favorite.

It's misleading to dwell on the negatives though, since I did enjoy it. I just didn't enjoy it as much as I expected I would.

Fury: MAX is only $20? Might as well give it a go.

It's a solid comic. Definitely worth a read even if you only like it as much as I did. Hopefully you love it like everyone else does!
Oh yeah, I'm two weeks into 52, and Question busting into Renee's room and holding her panties while watching her spoon with a chick was great. Also, Geoff Johns wrote the first issue, right, because a Black Adam ripped a dude's arm off?

It's been so long since I read that series. You're making me itch for the omnibus, now.


My shelf.
which is also in my ass.

Finished Hellboy vol. 3 (The Chained Coffin and Others) today. It's probably my favorite Hellboy book so far. The Corpse and The Wolves of Saint August in particular were a lot of fun.

RASL vol. 1 kinda surprised me, and not just because it only three freaking issues. I like the direction it's going in. Good to see Jeff Smith can write more than just Bone (and Bone itself is probably my favorite comic ever, thanks in part to nostalgia).

And for those of you asking about Howard the Duck, I'm gonna start reading my omnibus tomorrow. Skimming through, it looks great, can't wait to start it.

..Oh, hey, Essential Doctor Strange Vol. 3 arrived. Shame that it's black-and-white, but hell, it'll likely deliver anyway.

So excited for the Marvel Studios Event tomorrow :D
It will be so glorious when they finally reveal that Spider-Man is coming in the MCU

Wont happen and I will be so disappointed...

Aww shit, Marvel Studios' got a press event tomorrow? My birthday is tomorrow, too, so they better have something good.


Messi and Freeza and I are like 80 years old combined and I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up...and I'm 25.
Throw in Tyrant for good mix and we're like 120.


So I'm working out right now, and right when I'm about to finish a set I get one more in for Quitely. All Star Superman is some inspirational shit.
Felipe Smith needs to become a comedy writer. Ghost Rider is fucking hilarious. Robbie's brother starving and crawling to GHE fridge only to eat some weird purple thing is one of the great panels of the year. Pitching a hook to Marvel where his wheel chair bound brother embraces the spirit of Vengance.


You guys still giving fucks about Batman Eternal? I think it's losing me.

And I'm done with Wonder Woman after #35.

You aren't going to continue to the end of wonder woman?

I am still enjoying Eternal if for nothing else other than the varied art. That said it's kind of aimless.
You aren't going to continue to the end of wonder woman?

I am still enjoying Eternal if for nothing else other than the varied art. That said it's kind of aimless.
You don't know aimless until you've read Future End. I was holding out hope they were holding back until oneshot month...... These brahs couldn't come up with anything more interesting for five years in the future. I don't wanna know how much I spent on this series......


My hype levels for thick Wonder Woman know no bounds. It's going to be fucking amazing. Imagine if she had the Perez Perm...



Felipe Smith needs to become a comedy writer. Ghost Rider is fucking hilarious. Robbie's brother starving and crawling to GHE fridge only to eat some weird purple thing is one of the great panels of the year. Pitching a hook to Marvel where his wheel chair bound brother embraces the spirit of Vengance.

I actually primarily know the guy as being the mangaka (it was published in Japan so I consider referring to him as such fair game here) for Peepo Choo, which was a solid parody. Maybe a little rough in places and if I recall correctly it may not have followed through as well as I would've liked, but an enjoyable and quirky little work.
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