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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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but I am taking tiny steps forward
Zombine balls pretty hard. I remember when he ordered the Sandman omnis just cause. Or how he spent like $300 on that short period at NYCC.

Yeah, true. But he doesn't seem to have the consistency. It seems that he just balls moderately and then on occasion balls superhard. He's definitely close to Cheska/Freeza levels of hard balling, but needs to step up his game just a tiny bit.

Only one way to solve this for sure though. Bring out the credit card statements, guys. Time to determine once and for all who the 10 is on this scale.


I'm ready to smell Harley

And I'm done here.


Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Sooo Guardians. That was entirely unsatisfying. Also, Thanos is the only person who knows the proper spelling of Nova's name.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I really can't decide what to fill my IST order out with. I'm getting volumes 5 and 6 of Preacher, but that leaves me $30 short of free shipping. My top choices right now are either Best of Milligan & McCarthy + something else $15-ish, Hellboy Library Edition vol 2, or Stray Bullets Uber Alles Edition. I'm incredibly indecisive though. Please somebody help me.

I wish that was real, I wish we could be rid of the Actual Worst Character In Marvel. ALAS.

Everyone knows Spider-Man is the Actual Worst Character In Marvel.


I really can't decide what to fill my IST order out with. I'm getting volumes 5 and 6 of Preacher, but that leaves me $30 short of free shipping. My top choices right now are either Best of Milligan & McCarthy + something else $15-ish, Hellboy Library Edition vol 2, or Stray Bullets Uber Alles Edition. I'm incredibly indecisive though. Please somebody help me.

Everyone knows Spider-Man is the Actual Worst Character In Marvel.

Kipp Pls unpopular opinions are not welcome here.

Could this guy be any more wrong. Srsly

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I really can't decide what to fill my IST order out with. I'm getting volumes 5 and 6 of Preacher, but that leaves me $30 short of free shipping. My top choices right now are either Best of Milligan & McCarthy + something else $15-ish, Hellboy Library Edition vol 2, or Stray Bullets Uber Alles Edition. I'm incredibly indecisive though. Please somebody help me.

Everyone knows Spider-Man is the Actual Worst Character In Marvel.
Have you hit up the Manhattan Projects HC 1? It's incredible, and prrtty damn cheap.


A little late but I'd definitely recommend Cable and Deadpool (kind of funny to see them switch the title since their mindshare has changed so much). It's been a good while since I read it, but I remember it being a great run.

Having recently reread it, I second this. Cable and Deadpool was a fun buddy cop style adventure, with one of the best written versions of Deadpool, from before Way shat up the character.

Thank you guys! Definitely adding this to the order then.

In terms of todays releases, is anyone reading LOW still? It's sitting in my cart as a big maybe, along with Wayward, which I'm not toally sold on. I feel like both Black Science and Deadly Class clicked with me a lot faster than this.
I really can't decide what to fill my IST order out with. I'm getting volumes 5 and 6 of Preacher, but that leaves me $30 short of free shipping. My top choices right now are either Best of Milligan & McCarthy + something else $15-ish, Hellboy Library Edition vol 2, or Stray Bullets Uber Alles Edition. I'm incredibly indecisive though. Please somebody help me.

Did you get on that Blacksad bandwagon??

You should Strange Attractors out,, idk what type of book you are looking for but I recommend that everyone should read this.. one of my favorite OGN
Thank you guys! Definitely adding this to the order then.

In terms of todays releases, is anyone reading LOW still? It's sitting in my cart as a big maybe, along with Wayward, which I'm not toally sold on. I feel like both Black Science and Deadly Class clicked with me a lot faster than this.

Yeah, I dropped both of those. Neither is working for me. I might have stuck with Low for a different artist, the world is pretty interesting.
In terms of todays releases, is anyone reading LOW still? It's sitting in my cart as a big maybe, along with Wayward, which I'm not toally sold on. I feel like both Black Science and Deadly Class clicked with me a lot faster than this.
Not me. Dropped both Wayward and LOW after 3 issues. Last month was enough LOW for me and this month's issue of Wayward was more of the same.


Yeah, I dropped both of those. Neither is working for me. I might have stuck with Low for a different artist, the world is pretty interesting.
Not me. Dropped both Wayward and LOW after 3 issues. Last month was enough LOW for me and this month's issue of Wayward was more of the same.

Okay, good to see I'm not the only one. I really love Greg Tocchini's art, but I don't think it's enough for me to stick with the story. Who knows, maybe the first arc takes a turn and I end up picking up the trade.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Did you get on that Blacksad bandwagon??

You should Strange Attractors out,, idk what type of book you are looking for but I recommend that everyone should read this.. one of my favorite OGN

Nah, I'm not sure Blacksad is for me. I don't think I can handle the animal people thing, unfortunately.

And I'll look into that! It seems pretty interesting. Thanks for the recommendation!
Edit: I just read the preview. I'm intrigued...
Thank you guys! Definitely adding this to the order then.

In terms of todays releases, is anyone reading LOW still? It's sitting in my cart as a big maybe, along with Wayward, which I'm not toally sold on. I feel like both Black Science and Deadly Class clicked with me a lot faster than this.

I'm still pickin up LOW at of now,,, I keep thinking im going to drop it,, so we'll see how this issue is,, where it goes.

Wayward has been decent,, I just need to start sliming by damn pull list down a bit so I am dropping it.
Nah, I'm not sure Blacksad is for me. I don't think I can handle the animal people thing, unfortunately.

And I'll look into that! It seems pretty interesting. Thanks for the recommendation!

I hear ya,, they do a really good job in Blacksad of making it seem like their just regular people. I was surprised myself,, at first was thinking it'll be a little weird with animal people,, but they do such a good job of not making it like animals trying to be human.
And its cool how the different characters really fit the animals.. they nail that part of it too.

As far as Strange Attractors,, I cant recommend it enough,, its one the best graphic novels I've read. When I was done reading it I kept thinking about it for days,.,, almost changes how you think or look and things.. in some sort of way lol.

Good luck


Zombine balls pretty hard. I remember when he ordered the Sandman omnis just cause. Or how he spent like $300 in that short period at NYCC.

All in all I dropped about a grand at comic con, and I only went on Thursday this year. In 2015 my girlfriend and I are doing 4 days.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I hear ya,, they do a really good job in Blacksad of making it seem like their just regular people. I was surprised myself,, at first was thinking it'll be a little weird with animal people,, but they do such a good job of not making it like animals trying to be human.
And its cool how the different characters really fit the animals.. they nail that part of it too.

As far as Strange Attractors,, I cant recommend it enough,, its one the best graphic novels I've read. When I was done reading it I kept thinking about it for days,.,, almost changes how you think or look and things.. in some sort of way lol.

Good luck

I'll definitely keep Blacksad in mind for future orders then. That's good to know.

And awesome. It does seem really cool. I've narrowed my IST order down to three options now... Best of Milligan & McCarthy + Robocop vs. Terminator, Best of Milligan & McCarthy + Strange Attractors, or Hellboy Library Edition vol 2.
Unfortunately, between the time I posted about being undecided on my order and your recommendations, I was convincing myself that the Hellboy Library Edition was the right choice, so I'm leaning towards that. Haha
I am absolutely awful at making decisions. It's truly terrible.

But anyways, even if I don't go with Strange Attractors today, I'll definitely pick it up eventually.
I'll definitely keep Blacksad in mind for future orders then. That's good to know.

And awesome. It does seem really cool. I've narrowed my IST order down to three options now... Best of Milligan & McCarthy + Robocop vs. Terminator, Best of Milligan & McCarthy + Strange Attractors, or Hellboy Library Edition vol 2.
Unfortunately, between the time I posted about being undecided on my order and your recommendations, I was convincing myself that the Hellboy Library Edition was the right choice, so I'm leaning towards that. Haha
I am absolutely awful at making decisions. It's truly terrible.

But anyways, even if I don't go with Strange Attractors today, I'll definitely pick it up eventually.

Lol,, making decisions suck huh.
I really need to get the next Hellboy Library Edition. Midnight Circus and Hellboy Library Ed Vol 1 were the first Hellboy I read.
Freakin loved it.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Lol,, making decisions suck huh.
I really need to get the next Hellboy Library Edition. Midnight Circus and Hellboy Library Ed Vol 1 were the first Hellboy I read.
Freakin loved it.

Oh man. I completely forgot about the Hellboy OGNs! They're completely standalone/not tied to the main Hellboy/BPRD story, right? I need to pick those up sometime. Or maybe I should focus on the Library Editions first. Haha
Reading something with young Hellboy seems fun though.

But yeah, I would say Hellboy is probably my favorite series ever and I only own the first Library Edition (as well as the First 20 Years art book). Even though I've read a little more Hellboy than just that, it feels wrong to only own the one Library Edition. It's good to hear you support that decision should I choose to go with it. :p


Special Edition Revival prints:

One by Jenny Frison:


I'm gonna get the Jenny one. Its awesome.

Delicious eye candy

In terms of todays releases, is anyone reading LOW still? It's sitting in my cart as a big maybe, along with Wayward, which I'm not toally sold on. I feel like both Black Science and Deadly Class clicked with me a lot faster than this.

I am reading Low and I like it a lot. Maybe I have the benefit of Remender looking me in the eye and telling me what the theme is, tho, cuz it seems like others are falling off at a high rate.


It's great. The only thing you really need to know is that the Multiverse is being threatened by evil and each issue, aside from the bookends and the guide issue, is a one-shot in that specific universe.

But, it totally is more exciting if you've read Final Crisis and brushed up on who Nix Uotan is/was, how stuff like the Ultima Thule and the Orrery function, etc. I imagine these things will be explained in the guidebook, but it's always great to go in and completely understand all the elements that Morrison is using/expounding upon/changing.

And annotations from David Uzumeri are always helpful.

would reading 52 help as well?

And what's this thing about monitors?
Wait. Is she supposed to smell like weed? Because there's a picture of a marijuana leaf on there.

Yeah the US version is gonna smell like weed and some other things. The international version has grass scent instead IIRC. Messi won't experience the true scent of Harley.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Okay, finally decided to go with the second Hellboy Library Edition to fill out my IST order (along with the last two Preacher TPBs). It ended up being $50.37, so it seems like it was meant to be.

I'm just glad I was able to finally settle on something. That took way too long.
And now from the time I spent figuring out what I wanted to go with, I've got enough books for a whole other order that I want to buy sometime soon. Strange Attractors, Hellboy: Midnight Circus, Best of Milligan & McCarthy, and Stray Bullets will all have to wait a little longer.

I've got an interview for this pretty well-paying job in a few hours, so if I end up getting that, I'll be able to splurge way more on comics without feeling guilty for spending so much.


I've got an interview for this pretty well-paying job in a few hours, so if I end up getting that, I'll be able to splurge way more on comics without feeling guilty for spending so much.

good luck at, uh [searches memory for places over there] ... Legoland.

in all seriousness, knock em dead


Yeah the US version is gonna smell like weed and some other things. The international version has grass scent instead IIRC. Messi won't experience the true scent of Harley.

I'm tempted to pick it up to see if it smells like it.

Okay, finally decided to go with the second Hellboy Library Edition to fill out my IST order (along with the last two Preacher TPBs). It ended up being $50.37, so it seems like it was meant to be.

I'm just glad I was able to finally settle on something. That took way too long.
And now from the time I spent figuring out what I wanted to go with, I've got enough books for a whole other order that I want to buy sometime soon. Strange Attractors, Hellboy: Midnight Circus, Best of Milligan & McCarthy, and Stray Bullets will all have to wait a little longer.

I've got an interview for this pretty well-paying job in a few hours, so if I end up getting that, I'll be able to splurge way more on comics without feeling guilty for spending so much.

Wishing you the best of luck! Let us know how it goes.
Okay, finally decided to go with the second Hellboy Library Edition to fill out my IST order (along with the last two Preacher TPBs). It ended up being $50.37, so it seems like it was meant to be.

I'm just glad I was able to finally settle on something. That took way too long.
And now from the time I spent figuring out what I wanted to go with, I've got enough books for a whole other order that I want to buy sometime soon. Strange Attractors, Hellboy: Midnight Circus, Best of Milligan & McCarthy, and Stray Bullets will all have to wait a little longer.

I've got an interview for this pretty well-paying job in a few hours, so if I end up getting that, I'll be able to splurge way more on comics without feeling guilty for spending so much.

Nioce. Yeah Midnight Circus is a stand alone story when he was younger,, its good.

Gotta feed that habbit! Good luck mang


Yeah the US version is gonna smell like weed and some other things. The international version has grass scent instead IIRC. Messi won't experience the true scent of Harley.

It's OK. I know what she smells like.

I doubt harley smells like weed anyway. Does she seem mellow to you?

I'm tempted to pick it up to see if it smells like it.

Wishing you the best of luck! Let us know how it goes.




but I am taking tiny steps forward
good luck at, uh [searches memory for places over there] ... Legoland.

in all seriousness, knock em dead

Haha. It's actually a job with the City of Oceanside. :p

Wishing you the best of luck! Let us know how it goes.

Thanks! Will do!

Nioce. Yeah Midnight Circus is a stand alone story when he was younger,, its good.

Gotta feed that habbit! Good luck mang

Awesome. Thanks. It's a shame it's only 56 pages, but I'll definitely add it to an order sometime soon.

And thank you!

Jenny Frison prints?! Yes.

Don't lie. The only reason you're buying that print is because you want to prove to us that you ball the hardest.


Goddammit, nothing makes me question my decision to care about comics quite like reading Bendis' Guardians. Today's issue was such an offensively garbage way to end such a pitiful arc, and I can't even remember the last time I read something that made me so actually angry. What a fucking hack, what a shitty book. Hopefully the rest of the pull list will wash the taste out of my mouth.


Don't lie. The only reason you're buying that print is because you want to prove to us that you ball the hardest.

Pretty much lol.

By the way, how long does Mondo take to send their prints out? I still haven't received my Archie one.





In other news, I just started on Power Girl: Power Trip. I'm a bit confused, are they rewriting PG's origins or something? I've only read up to where it was revealed that
Psycho Pirate is messing with her mind
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