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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Could be. I think there's a Dazzler daughter chick and a girl Magneto too, but I only read one non-Spider-Girl trade (Wild Thing) in that universe so I ain't sure.

Crazy Eight is one of my favorite villains though and Darkdevil is just badass.

OK someone needs to link me to info about this universe. It sounds crazy. Where's the mulutverse issue about an all girls universe...
Too occupied with Smash yesterday, but I had seven books arrive:

Avengers Vol. 1 - Avengers World
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Vol. 2 - The Crime of the Century
Justice League Vol. 1 - Origin
Swamp Thing Vol. 1 - Raise Them Bones
The Sandman Vol. 3 - Dream Country
East of West Vol. 1 - The Promise
Saga Vol. 1

I also ordered Jeff Lemire's Animal Man and Warren Ellis's Moon Knight along with those, but Animal Man comes next week and Moon Knight isn't out yet.
Todays reason for Messi to read the Legion: Glorith. Trained by Black Witch And Blok, hailing from Sorcerer's World, and perhaps a reincarnation of their one time nemesis? She is a skilled magic user with time manipulation powers.


Bonus: Ti'julk Mr'asz, aka Gates, an insectoid with teleportation powers with a chip on his shoulder against the fascist man. Sprock the man!



Too occupied with Smash yesterday, but I had seven books arrive:

Avengers Vol. 1 - Avengers World
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Vol. 2 - The Crime of the Century

Justice League Vol. 1 - Origin
Swamp Thing Vol. 1 - Raise Them Bones
The Sandman Vol. 3 - Dream Country
East of West Vol. 1 - The Promise
Saga Vol. 1

I also ordered Jeff Lemire's Animal Man and Warren Ellis's Moon Knight along with those, but Animal Man comes next week and Moon Knight isn't out yet.

I've read these and really enjoy them. East of West is alot to take in and it all seems to be world building but it reads really nicely in trade.

Saga is incredible.
Too occupied with Smash yesterday, but I had seven books arrive:

Avengers Vol. 1 - Avengers World
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Vol. 2 - The Crime of the Century
Justice League Vol. 1 - Origin
Swamp Thing Vol. 1 - Raise Them Bones
The Sandman Vol. 3 - Dream Country
East of West Vol. 1 - The Promise
Saga Vol. 1

I also ordered Jeff Lemire's Animal Man and Warren Ellis's Moon Knight along with those, but Animal Man comes next week and Moon Knight isn't out yet.

Seeing these kinds of posts makes me jealous that I have nothing coming to me in the mail system. I want to order something.
I just checked out Batgirl and holy crap what a tone shift. The last time I checked it out was with Cassandra Cain and it was as dark and mature as Batman. Now its like Babs is 13 and this is going to be the sweetest teen experience. I thought that was why we had Spoiler. Oh well, different strokes and all that.


I had some real bullshit deaths early on. But you eventually reach a point where you ascend to another level and scythe through them all like an avenging Death God.

I'm still struggling with the dying a lot tier. I also don't like how i'm either walking through quicksand or sprinting. Rangers need to learn how to jog.


I just checked out Batgirl and holy crap what a tone shift. The last time I checked it out was with Cassandra Cain and it was as dark and mature as Batman. Now its like Babs is 13 and this is going to be the sweetest teen experience. I thought that was why we had Spoiler. Oh well, different strokes and all that.

Teen Batgirl is my hero. When I grow up I'll be just like her
I'm still struggling with the dying a lot tier. I also don't like how i'm either walking through quicksand or sprinting.

I had some issues with getting stuck on geometry for quite some time. Not Assassins Creed level bad but like I was snagging a foot on a root or something. When you unlock upgrades like lowering the combo meter for executions to 5 and double executions for each combo you can just cull herds of them real quick.
I just checked out Batgirl and holy crap what a tone shift. The last time I checked it out was with Cassandra Cain and it was as dark and mature as Batman. Now its like Babs is 13 and this is going to be the sweetest teen experience. I thought that was why we had Spoiler. Oh well, different strokes and all that.

I've been thinking about it and I don't think it is as "sweet" as appearances make it out to be. The content is still mature, but in a different context; the approach is more contemporary but lighter in tone. There might be some minor spoilers here, having just read the ten-page leak, but
getting wasted and hooking up with strangers is more common of people in their 20's than tweens. Overdrawn accounts, insurance premiums, the pressures of college/university,
these are real-world issues and represent a different kind of maturity.
I've been thinking about it and I don't think it is as "sweet" as appearances make it out to be. The content is still mature, but in a different context; the approach is more contemporary but lighter in tone. There might be some minor spoilers here, having just read the ten-page leak, but
getting wasted and hooking up with strangers is more common of people in their 20's than tweens. Overdrawn accounts, insurance premiums, the pressures of college/university,
these are real-world issues and represent a different kind of maturity.

My biggest concern is how un-Barbara like she seems in it. Especially when she
wrecks a thief to the point of knocking out a tooth when he didn't fight her at all just made a snarky comment.


Oh how i miss thee

Why does Spiderman have breasts?
My biggest concern is how un-Barbara like she seems in it. Especially when she
wrecks a thief to the point of knocking out a tooth when he didn't fight her at all just made a snarky comment.

It feels almost too obvious,
I mean the writers themselves highlight this through a text message from her ex-housemate, Alysia: "I stopped by the party late last night after all and was told you were out cold. Kinda unlike you.". Then later, her new housemate says, "This is weird, even for her (Babs)".The writers even make a joke about her age, "What are you, like, fourteen?".
It feels on the nose, these are the kinds of comments people have been making in response to the new look. I think it's an intentional approach; the writers want people to question Babs.


I don't think Batgirls look matters all that much when everyone around her looks similar and is in the same age range. It's clearly a style choice.
I don't think Batgirls look matters all that much when everyone around her looks similar and is in the same age range. It's clearly a style choice.

Definitely, it's appropriate for the content. It looks far removed from everything else in the Bat-verse and this is what makes it refreshing. However, at the same time, such an upheaval can be confronting to readers, because there is nothing familiar to connect with. Or at least, nothing immediately visible. I love the new look though, it's more animated and has far more personality.


Definitely, it's appropriate for the content. It looks far removed from everything else in the Bat-verse and this is what makes it refreshing. However, at the same time, such an upheaval can be confronting to readers, because there is nothing familiar to connect with. Or at least, nothing immediately visible. I love the new look though, it's more animated and has far more personality.

Yeah, but they have been very upfront about the change and have had a massively positive reaction to it. The art in Gail Simones run was as dc house style as they come. I think we need to give readers more credit that we are. Comic readers are willing to give new stuff a go even if they don't stick with it. See Klarion.


It annoys me to be making a DCBS list, adding a book to my order, and then having to debate whether or not to spend nearly twice as much on the Annual issue.
Yeah, but they have been very upfront about the change and have had a massively positive reaction to it. The art in Gail Simones run was as dc house style as they come. I think we need to give readers more credit that we are. Comic readers are willing to give new stuff a go even if they don't stick with it. See Klarion.

The fact that everyone on the creative team has been honest and upfront about the changes has afforded them not only respect but trust too. Your point about the book's positive reaction is spot on. I cannot imagine the reaction being near as positive if the changes were not acknowledged and discussed on the promotion rounds. The hype for this book is real.
The fact that everyone on the creative team has been honest and upfront about the changes has afforded them not only respect but trust too. Your point about the book's positive reaction is spot on. I cannot imagine the reaction being near as positive if the changes were not acknowledged and discussed on the promotion rounds. The hype for this book is real.

I just hope it's actually a bat book. I want Batgirl v. Super Villains, not Barbara v. Tracksuit Mafia in between having random drunken hookups.
I just hope it's actually a bat book. I want Batgirl v. Super Villains, not Barbara v. Tracksuit Mafia in between having random drunken hookups.

Why can't it be all 3? I'm pretty sure they said she will be fighting super villians

She'll be encountering her own villains in Burnside and hopefully developing her own 'rogues gallery':

Stewart: "Our approach is to do a series of standalone, single-issue stories, connected by a longer story-arc. There will be a variety of new opponents for her to fight that arise from her new environment. Her first task is to deal with a sleazy internet blackmailer."

Stewart: "What we are not going to do is have cameos from Batman, the Joker, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn and so on. We are taking the opportunity to create a whole new series of opponents for her. ... We are trying to do a series of self contained stories that each issue is sort of a one-off story but then they are connected by a larger arc, so she will have a variety of interesting, flamboyant opponents for her to fight in each issue."

It is interesting that Stewart consistently uses the word 'opponents' instead of villains (super or otherwise), but his reference to Gotham's most well known super-villains suggests Babs is to confront her own at some stage.
She'll be encountering her own villains in Burnside and hopefully developing her own 'rogues gallery':

It is interesting that Stewart consistently uses the word 'opponents' instead of villains (super or otherwise), but his reference to Gotham's most well known super-villains suggests Babs is to confront her own at some stage.

Again, if she is suddenly fighting Hawkeye style Tracksuit Mafia, I'm out.
Damn that's cool as hell... Might be a little too much for a avatar? very cool tho

Zombie Batman is definitely "Halloween" worthy. I'm looking for a smaller one, or at least a version that could work better as an avatar but I'm not having much luck. Sorry. Your new one is rad though.
Todays reason for Messi to read the Legion: Glorith. Trained by Black Witch And Blok, hailing from Sorcerer's World, and perhaps a reincarnation of their one time nemesis? She is a skilled magic user with time manipulation powers.

You're convincing me to read Legion. What books do I have to pick up to get a dose of these fine ladies?
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