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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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I want Felipe Smith writing Spider-Man
Here is your Ghost Rider Halloween avatar.
Have you not seen these "disguises" before?
>being surprised Messi hasn't seen something
I'm already thinking of my top favorite comics of the year right now.
Yeah same. It's hard, like, is All-New Ultimates #8 better than #7, and how much better are they than every other comic? I still have a few more months, though, so #9 could beat both of them.
Yo, remove Ghost Rider and replace it with literally any book, and you'll feel better about your list. Like, She-Hulk.
She-Hulk will definitely provide the sleep to make you feel good
Where in the hell would you even put that thing?

I imagine it goes something like this




I dunno who will take over Amazing Spider-Man from Slott this time around, but in four or five years, I could definitely Nick Spencer or even Ryan North get a shot.

I wouldn't mind if they pulled a Deadpool and paired a typical comic book writer with a comedian to punch up the script and handle the in-suit one liners. Maybe even go the fan-service route and hire Donald Glover to co-write! ;)
Has anyone gotten to say anything about Wytches or Sabrina, yet?

So many damn good comics this week. So hard to pick just 3.

1. Birthright 1
2. Batman 35
3. Annihilator 2

Wytches was right behind. Grant Morrison mind fuckery will win me over now that I get it.
Birthright above Batman!?

I might have to check that out, wasn't on my radar.

It really resonated with me. Reminded me of the great adventure movies of my childhood. It has that first issue hype helping it. You are talking to someone that has voted a book that places second or third in a week in my top 3 of the month. My mind reevaluates at the end of the month.


Just reread Spider-Gwen before starting on this week's releases... damn that was too short, but so sweet. Gimme more! Now on to Batgirl!!


Marvel is gonna get so much of my money for SIXIS. Hell.

Birthright making loud noises on my radar now. I smell another Comic-GAF success story.


No Scrubs
Someone tell me if it's a good idea for me to trade wait for both SIXIS and Batman: Endgame.

Marvel's a lot better with trades than DC. We're only getting part 2 of Zero Year this month, we won't get the finale til April-ish. So at the earliest you'll be able to get the hardcover trade for Endgame this time next year.


Batgirl was amazing... but I can definitely see a lot of standard comic book readers not being able to relate to it. I felt like I was reading an issue from an alternate universe where females are the majority of the comic book readership. The creative team did a top notch job and the topics being touched upon were appropriately and refreshingly female-centric, which makes sense for a woman-led series but is seldom attempted by the Big 2. I hope it finds its audience and stays true itself. 9/10


I just read it. Hop in, the water's swell, and I generally don't like Williamson.

First there was the dilemma: the Zdarsky cover or the Skottie one. I almost bought both. Chip won out.

They sold me at SDCC but that hype train slowed. Got through the book and saw the tie-ins, my wallet's heart sank.

reading digital makes Comic-GAF the place I saw SIXIS borders the most :D

One moment in particular I wanna call out; Scarlet's face when Rogue was talking her up. Great little moment of heart in the swarm of tough emotion

I haven't even gotten to Black Science yet, which... makes me happy and sad. I feel like I'm saying this every week now, but what a great week.

On top of that, I think I have to let Rocket slide to Unlimited now that this arc just finished. It's not a knock in any way, still a great book, but I've gotta get my Unlimited value too.


No joke, I just started reading Wytches outside in the park after dark (which is where I go to smoke cigars), and started hearing a cracking sound... when I turned around, there was nothing there, so I started reading again. A few minutes later, the cracking sound happened again, much louder this time. When I turned around, again there was nothing there... until a huge tree limb broke off the tree behind me and crashed to the ground. Welp, I'm done reading for tonight. :(

I may or may not have yelped like a kicked dog.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Remember how Spawn was getting a new creative team with #250? USA Today reveals the team as... Brian Wood and Jonboy Meyers.


Grant Morrison has another book scheduled for next year. He's adapting his own original screenplay Sinatoro for Black Mask Studios.
Morrison initially wrote Sinatoro as a screenplay for a movie that was to be directed by Ballistic's Mortimer. The script, a modern take on the Tibetan Book of the Dead, proved to be a massive and ambitious undertaking, with the world and characters growing beyond the scope of a single film. While Morrison tries to figure out how to work a manageable take for an adaptation, the iconic comic author decided to use the comics medium, and Black Mask’s transmedia approach to worldbuilding, to tell his story.

Artist Vanesa Del Ray is partnering with Morrison for the comic, which tells of a necronaut who is sent into the afterlife to save Earth from destruction. The story has influences from the Western genre, and classic American highway Route 66 also figures into it. The book is scheduled for an April 2015 release. (Mortimer, meanwhile, will still be involved in Sinatoro's transmedia ventures.)


Marvel's a lot better with trades than DC. We're only getting part 2 of Zero Year this month, we won't get the finale til April-ish. So at the earliest you'll be able to get the hardcover trade for Endgame this time next year.
Batman Vol 5, the one that was just released, covers the remaining Zero Year stuff, excluding the tie-in annual. Then Vol 6 is coming at the end of April, which will include everything not previously collected, namely #0, #18-20, #28 and Annual #2 (the one with Zero Year stuff).

But yes, you're right. We almost certainly won't get Endgame as Vol 7 until September to November.


Jedeye Sniv

IST order came in.

Maybe DC have a point with not setting up a Marvel Unlimited competitor. Just my 3rd and 4th ever Marvel books. The rest are mostly DC, Vertigo and Wildstorm. Anything I want to re-read on Marvel, I find myself looking on MU and not IST.

Make sure you read the Queen and Country novel in between the last arc and the final issue!

Jedeye Sniv

Ok, Batgirl. I can appreciate the change. It's not the greatest book ever but the book has charm. I didn't like the Simone run overall (it had some shining moments), so a change was needed. I like the "sassy" art.

Futures End was fucked up. That 35 years in the Future Batman is just messed up.

Justice League United was AWESOME! Finally, just a fun issue like Lemire promised. I'm excited for this arc.

Today at the shop, I dropped Flash, Green Arrow, and Red Lanterns. I'm gonna pick GAs next issue and it has to win me over.

I laughed and laughed and laughed. He looks so EXTREME. I wish they'd play it just a little bit more tongue in cheek (maybe they could be bickering? LOL) because I don't know how anyone can look at that and keep a straight face.

I also liked how they spent 4 pages on Tim's girlfriend, that was a good use of 4 pages.

Also, I didn't like the big Future's End spoilers in the DC books this week. DC keeps doing this, giving glimpses at what's coming, but it ends up robbing the story of tension. Now we're not reading on to find out where the story goes, we're reading to join up the dots. It made Eternal less exciting, and it's just taken the wind out of Future's End's sails as well, just when it got up to C+ quality as well.


No Scrubs
Batman Vol 5, the one that was just released, covers the remaining Zero Year stuff, excluding the tie-in annual. Then Vol 6 is coming at the end of April, which will include everything not previously collected, namely #0, #18-20, #28 and Annual #2 (the one with Zero Year stuff).

But yes, you're right. We almost certainly won't get Endgame as Vol 7 until September to November.


Oh wow, I thought they'd split the next two parts into separate trades. That's actually pretty good news. DC still needs to step their trade game up though.


This is a mild-ass rec in the scope of this week, but Hawkeye vs Deadpool. I did an irl lol at a no text panel's facial expression
and Black Cat seems formidable now. Probably a trade wait for most but definite good stuff.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Oh wow, I thought they'd split the next two parts into separate trades. That's actually pretty good news. DC still needs to step their trade game up though.

They have, at least, stepped up their game with Vertigo, releasing trades quickly on a schedule similar to Image. Hopefully the sales data with that move is positive or at least neutral, and they can look adjusting the DC model, too.


Picked up Batgirl, Wytches, Sabrina, and Spider-Verse 3 & 4, pretty excited for the first three, especially Batgirl.

Meant to post this earlier. Went to APE this past weekend. To my surprise Babs Tarr had a booth, she was still setting up when we got there. When she finished, we had a pretty short chat and I bought a few of her prints.



Also met a few local artists and got their sketch books and a print

Steph Lew

Yingjue Chen


Picked up Batgirl, Wytches, Sabrina, and Spider-Verse 3 & 4, pretty excited for the first three, especially Batgirl.

Meant to post this earlier. Went to APE this past weekend. To my surprise Babs Tarr had a booth, she was still setting up when we got there. When she finished, we had a pretty short chat and I bought a few of her prints.

That's awesome, man! I'm super jealous... I almost went to APE this year but I didn't have the funds to get myself there and buy tickets, etc.
Remember how Spawn was getting a new creative team with #250? USA Today reveals the team as... Brian Wood and Jonboy Meyers.


Grant Morrison has another book scheduled for next year. He's adapting his own original screenplay Sinatoro for Black Mask Studios.

Brian Wood is the dude you pick to reinvent your character? Huh. Jonboy Meyers is a name that sounds super familiar, but i don't know why. He's probably a Socal guy or something.

and yo Vanesa Del Rey drawing a Morrison book, tight tight


No Scrubs
They have, at least, stepped up their game with Vertigo, releasing trades quickly on a schedule similar to Image. Hopefully the sales data with that move is positive or at least neutral, and they can look adjusting the DC model, too.

Honestly, I'm not so sure. They seem to be looking to jack up the price of individual issues, Snyder and Capullo just had to talk them down from pushing Batman up to $4.99. Why push out trades faster when you've got individual issues at a higher price point. Five bucks for six issues puts us above the cost of a hardcover trade of the same length.
Marvel's a lot better with trades than DC. We're only getting part 2 of Zero Year this month, we won't get the finale til April-ish. So at the earliest you'll be able to get the hardcover trade for Endgame this time next year.
Will wait for SIXIS but sucks on the Bats front. Going to buy the digital issue of Bats but will try to hold on until March to read the whole Endgame arc in one go.
Read Earth 2: Worlds End #1.

It was probably half recap and insight into a few unexplained plot threads like who killed Alan Scott's boyfriend. We also see
Dick and Barbara
of Earth 2. It was very good, both as an introduction to people who may not have read Earth 2 as well as story in general. They waste no time getting to the promise of the action (the last few pages show
the furies of Apokolips
making their entrance). It's also a surprisingly good deal at 38 pages of art for $2.99.

Jedeye Sniv

Read Earth 2: Worlds End #1.

It was probably half recap and insight into a few unexplained plot threads like who killed Alan Scott's boyfriend. We also see
Dick and Barbara
of Earth 2. It was very good, both as an introduction to people who may not have read Earth 2 as well as story in general. They waste no time getting to the promise of the action (the last few pages show
the furies of Apokolips
making their entrance). It's also a surprisingly good deal at 38 pages of art for $2.99.

This may come as no surprise, but I didn't dig this at all. Caveat - have not read any Earth 2 at all. It was horribly confusing and very hard to care about what was going on.

It made me think about DC's strategy for this title - Earth 2 sells what, maybe 30k copies at most? I don't think they'll be picking up all that many new readers based on this issue, so they're really hoping that the entire readership of E2 jump onto this weekly and stick with it. But that's a big commitment, to go from buying one title a month to 5 or 6 for the same story - I'm willing to bet that people already on the fence about E2 will use this as a jumping off point too.

So what I'm wondering is - will they cancel a weekly title? Can they?


Picked up Batgirl, Wytches, Sabrina, and Spider-Verse 3 & 4, pretty excited for the first three, especially Batgirl.

Meant to post this earlier. Went to APE this past weekend. To my surprise Babs Tarr had a booth, she was still setting up when we got there. When she finished, we had a pretty short chat and I bought a few of her prints.



these are beautiful. I adore the Spider-Gwen one
This may come as no surprise, but I didn't dig this at all. Caveat - have not read any Earth 2 at all. It was horribly confusing and very hard to care about what was going on.

It made me think about DC's strategy for this title - Earth 2 sells what, maybe 30k copies at most? I don't think they'll be picking up all that many new readers based on this issue, so they're really hoping that the entire readership of E2 jump onto this weekly and stick with it. But that's a big commitment, to go from buying one title a month to 5 or 6 for the same story - I'm willing to bet that people already on the fence about E2 will use this as a jumping off point too.

So what I'm wondering is - will they cancel a weekly title? Can they?

Earth 2 in August was #50 on the top 300 and sold 37,400 physical copies based on Diamond sales numbers. You're also likely going to catch people from World's Finest now that it's the main book for Power Girl / Huntress. Lastly, I think the general success of the weeklies will draw in a crowd as well.
I bought Birthright and Annihilator but my wife and I are not getting along today so I have not been able to read my books. It happens
Damn mang,,, saamme here. Didn't ready anything yesterday and I got like 14 books,, NOT EVEN BATMAN ! :/

I'm with you folks on Copperhead,, very cool, and I have to go check another LCS for Annihilator,, my guy couldn't get it in.


semen stains the mountaintops
Just finished volume 4 of BPRD Hell on Earth.

Fantastic! It's even better than Plague on Frogs.

The artist for The Long Death story knocked it out of the park.


Jedeye Sniv

Earth 2 in August was #50 on the top 300 and sold 37,400 physical copies based on Diamond sales numbers. You're also likely going to catch people from World's Finest now that it's the main book for Power Girl / Huntress. Lastly, I think the general success of the weeklies will draw in a crowd as well.

To me this would count against it. If you're already buying Eternal and FE then that's the same as buying 8 titles a month. Adding another 4 to that is a big ask. It certainly counts against it for me.
To me this would count against it. If you're already buying Eternal and FE then that's the same as buying 8 titles a month. Adding another 4 to that is a big ask. It certainly counts against it for me.

Sure. You're going to find people who will like it and those who don't. I have a feeling though that most people don't equate a weekly to four titles a month. It doesn't "feel" like four titles but rather one you get more often.


I re read Batman. That shit was too fucking good. My goodness.
I really hope it is actually Joker and not a Scarecrow hallucination
I re read Batman. That shit was too fucking good. My goodness.
I really hope it is actually Joker and not a Scarecrow hallucination

Its getting hard to ignore all this Batman hype and spoilers,, I brought a handful of my books with me to work today,, but Batman deserves my full devoted attention. I'll get some candles out and some classical music tonight when I sit down to read it. ...
JK that got weird quick..

My IST order shipped yesterday! Can't believe Its been 5 months since my last order.
And whats this Incal book I keep seeing. It looks really cool. Has me curious


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Hipster Batgirl was some of the most tryhard, Tumblr-pandering crap I've ever read. I think Babs Tarr is great tho. She did work on the book.
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