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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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dammit that is adorable

You had to go start a new page, didn't you? ;D

Repost for new page.

She-Hulk, and Zatanna prototype:
I was very hyped for these before this picture but I do not like the faces

Zatanna looks like a FF11 Taru taru in the face

I think She-Hulk's eyes might have been made a bit too big, and her face looks like it's a bit too pointy. Zatanna should be fine once she's painted, I think the reason it looks off is because of all the shadows.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
My point is I don't see the distinction between pandering and simply using the different aesthetics (even if they're using it heavily). It sounds more like that that the particular aesthetic doesn't appeal to you and that's not justification enough to call the book dumb, I think. Which is different from your friend's complaints about the babs character shift. That I totally get behind...but at the same time, I've just accepted that as a weakness of a medium that wants to have continuity while having multiple independant writers of the same property. It's a dissonance that would happen even if the new writer tried to write as closely to Gail Simone as they could because they are not Gail Simone. So it's hard for me to rag on it just because it's doing it's own thing.

I don't have any problem with the aesthetic vis a vis the art of the book. My problem was that every element of the story, from the set up (moving to hipster neighborhood "Don't get hit by a fixie!") to the conflict (people are stealing our laptops and smartphones!), to the villain (ersatz Riff Raff cyberthieving data into his computer brain) to the climax (the QR code virus) just reeked of trying to reach out to The Youth. It just went too far too hard. It's not about relating to the material, it's about how stark a departure it is from the rest of DC's books and the previous iteration of Batgirl.

How will it look when the Bat family books crossover now? Can you imagine Snyder and Capullo's Batman in this book? Will Joker show up and start murdering people in this book the same way he did in the Batman book? I'm actually pretty curious about how this is going to be more implemented into the DCU as a whole.


WTF, Funko? You'll just give exclusives to anyone, won't you?

The prices didn't even match up. The place had next to no identifying features and had them priced at $17 and $35. I was like lol no.

I'm heading back now. It's all about those prints during round two. I'll hit up who I can.


but I am taking tiny steps forward

She-Hulk, and Zatanna prototype:

Is She-Hulk's outfit made of melted marshmallows or something?
You know the commercials for Toll House pre-made cookie dough where they pull the cookies apart and they're all gooey? That's how She-Hulk's shirt looks.


I don't have any problem with the aesthetic vis a vis the art of the book. My problem was that every element of the story, from the set up (moving to hipster neighborhood "Don't get hit by a fixie!") to the conflict (people are stealing our laptops and smartphones!), to the villain (ersatz Riff Raff cyberthieving data into his computer brain) to the climax (the QR code virus) just reeked of trying to reach out to The Youth. It just went too far too hard. It's not about relating to the material, it's about how stark a departure it is from the rest of DC's books and the previous iteration of Batgirl.

How will it look when the Bat family books crossover now? Can you imagine Snyder and Capullo's Batman in this book? Will Joker show up and start murdering people in this book the same way he did in the Batman book? I'm actually pretty curious about how this is going to be more implemented into the DCU as a whole.

I think it's going to be a hard sell to a lot of comics readers, but I can tell you from experience that this "stereotypical" hipster stuff was spot on. These neighborhoods and people and concepts should have no problem co-existing with the typical depictions of Gotham, just like how places like Williamsburg/Bushwick are right next to the seedier areas of Brooklyn.
Read my last book, Black Science and it was a solid issue. There is a pretty big reveal at the end but this particular issue did raise more questions than answers. Art was jaw-dropping as usual.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I think it's going to be a hard sell to a lot of comics readers, but I can tell you from experience that this "stereotypical" hipster stuff was spot on. These neighborhoods and people and concepts should have no problem co-existing with the typical depictions of Gotham, just like how places like Williamsburg/Bushwick are right next to the seedier areas of Brooklyn.

Tthat's fine but I mean tonally now the books are so disparate. This Batgirl book doesn't seem like the demented clown, giant, bipedal crocodile, ninja assassin type of book. We will see how it shakes out when/if it shakes out.


Tthat's fine but I mean tonally now the books are so disparate. This Batgirl book doesn't seem like the demented clown, giant, bipedal crocodile, ninja assassin type of book. We will see how it shakes out when/if it shakes out.

I can agree with you that they could have (and maybe should have) eased readers into the techno-centric / hipster-esque aspects of the book. I personally like that it made a statement by being itself from the first page, but it may have deterred readers like yourself.

I'm just glad that Babs Tarr knocked it out of the park... all of the characters were expressive and well composed. I wasn't completely sold by what I had seen on her site, but she moved farther away from the over-exaggerated eyes and lips that made some of her pieces look like Bratz dolls. The art was probably my favorite part of the issue.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I can agree with you that they could have (and maybe should have) eased readers into the techno-centric / hipster-esque. aspects of the book. I personally like that it made a statement by being itself from the first page, but it may have deterred readers like yourself.

It didn't deter me. I like the book. Dunno how many times I have to say that.

I dunno, I probably should have prefaced even talking about this book by saying that I have no affinity or attachment to any of the Bat-family books or the characters contained therein*. I only kept up with the first few arcs of Snyder's Batman book because the art was so damned good.

This includes Simone's Batgirl which I thought was one of the worst books books from the entire nu52 launch. Anything would have been a step up from that.

This is a lie actually, Batwoman is amazing


It didn't deter me. I like the book. Dunno how many times I have to say that.

I dunno, I probably should have prefaced even talking about this book by saying that I have no affinity or attachment to any of the Bat-family books or the characters contained therein. I only kept up with the first few arcs of Snyder's Batman book because the art was so damned good.

This includes Simone's Batgirl which I thought was one of the worst books books from the entire nu52 launch. Anything would have been a step up from that.

Sorry, that sentence wasn't clear... I didn't mean you were deterred, I meant that it may deter other readers that felt the same way you did about that aspect of the book. I imagine that would be enough for a lot of folks who just bought the issue to try it out to skip it next month.

This is a lie actually, Batwoman is amazing

Well I wholeheartedly agree with you here! :)
JMS Thor is pretty damn good, loving it.

Make sure to keep reading Gillen's work afterwards, even if the art isn't as good(cept that one Siege: Loki #1 drawn by McKelvie), it ties up a bunch of loose ends JMS left dangling. Then read Gillen's Journey Into Mystery. Then read Thor: God of Thunder.


Tthat's fine but I mean tonally now the books are so disparate. This Batgirl book doesn't seem like the demented clown, giant, bipedal crocodile, ninja assassin type of book. We will see how it shakes out when/if it shakes out.

I think that's kind of the point though. I think the creative team wants to divorce Babs from the grim Batman stuff and have her stand on her own away from Gotham and its rogues. I'm pretty sure I read in an interview that now of those villains will be appearing, at least in the initial six issue arc.


Ladies and gentlemen, meet your new favorite comic:


Hahahaha, oh my god... I will buy anything with Zander Cannon's name on it after reading Heck. This is not what I expected from him, but it looks amazing.

I hope you guys don't mind, when I come back and post all of my prints I'll be posting artist info along with them.

Mind? I'd be upset if you didn't! I want a total dollar amount at the end of it all, too... so I can shake my head.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Make sure to keep reading Gillen's work afterwards, even if the art isn't as good(cept that one Siege: Loki #1 drawn by McKelvie), it ties up a bunch of loose ends JMS left dangling. Then read Gillen's Journey Into Mystery. Then read Thor: God of Thunder.

I've read that while Gillen's stuff is good, it's part of the Siege event and can get confusing if you're not up to speed with the other events/titles. Is that true? I tend to shy away from the big Event storylines as much as possible

But yeah, I've read good things about Gillen's Thor and even more about Aaron's! Some people call Aaron's run the best since Simonson...
Impressions on Fraction's Thor seem to be more mixed.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I've read that while Gillen's stuff is good, it's part of the Siege event and can get confusing if you're not up to speed with the other events/titles. Is that true? I tend to shy away from the big Event storylines as much as possible

Dude, it's fine. I read all that Gillen JIM and I didn't touch the crossover junk. There was a bunch of Fear Itself bullshit too. That stuff is kinda confusing for a slew of reasons unrelated to Marvel's wanky crossovers. Good stuff tho.
That run on Journey Into Mystery comes straight out of Siege and explains everything important, Fear Itself does play a big part in the early arc but you really don't need to read the event (it kinda sucked), just read a synopsis online and you'll be good.
Yeah, there's really not a whole lot of plot to Siege, and Gillen is pretty good about trying to make his work stand up years from now away from events. Like, he'll introduce the Avengers an arc early in Uncanny X-Men so when they show up in the inevitable AvX tie-in issues, they don't feel like they came out of nowhere.

You should be ok.


So The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #1 was pretty great, aside from a few of the lines that felt a little clunky... I'm not sure whether or not it was due to the 60s era lingo, though. Heck's art has that EC horror vibe, so it fits the story like a glove... and his style is different enough from Francavilla's to keep this and Afterlife with Archie from looking too similar. The backup story (a reprint of the first Sabrina comic) was an interesting inclusion that helped show how many of the concepts they kept from her original incarnation.

The only thing that is going to be tough for me is that Sabrina looks so much like the last girlfriend I had (and dumped), so I found myself feeling guilty about the break-up all over again, even though it was 3 or 4 months ago... it would be so stupid if that keeps me from being able to fully enjoy future issues as well, so hopefully I get over it!
JMS's thor is great. But like everything else he does, it loses steam the longer it goes. Even though I've only read a bit of Gillen's work on thor and loki, I'd prefer that. I was really looking forward to fractions run on thor based on some of his previous work on thor mini series, but it didn't hit those same highs.
Has there been any good Marvel book Matt Fraction has done, or was Hawkeye his one fluke?

Invincible Iron Man (flat out amazing until the end of Stark Disassembled, then debatable) Immortal Iron Fist, FF, Punisher War Journal, Defenders and that one issue of Spider-Man he did. Lots of good stuff there.
His run on Iron Man had some really strong moments. Stark losing his mind got to me. It also featured traced Google image searches by Larroca so that's cool if you like your art real stiff like.
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