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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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So here's the 1/6 DC crew from Kotobukiya. They just announced today that they'll be adding The Flash in 2015.
So if I'm looking to get caught up in a couple of DC books but I'm not interested in getting entangled in the big events, I can just skip the Future's End stuff that's coming out now, right? If it makes a difference, I'm mostly looking at Batman, B&R, Wonder Woman and Aquaman. I get the sense these tie-ins would just be confusing without the context of the main event book...
So if I'm looking to get caught up in a couple of DC books but I'm not interested in getting entangled in the big events, I can just skip the Future's End stuff that's coming out now, right? If it makes a difference, I'm mostly looking at Batman, B&R, Wonder Woman and Aquaman. I get the sense these tie-ins would just be confusing without the context of the main event book...

You should be fine with those, but Wonder Woman only has one issue left with the current creative team, then it's going to Finch...and Finch. And then it's going to tie into the greater DCU again. Justice League and all that. Meh.
You should be fine with those, but Wonder Woman only has one issue left with the current creative team, then it's going to Finch...and Finch. And then it's going to tie into the greater DCU again. Justice League and all that. Meh.

Yeah I'm really just looking to complete the Az run on that one. Thanks!

Christ, that Secret Wars pic is just filled with candy isn't it. Thunderstrike? Ghost Rider 2099?? Darkdevil?! Can't. Wait. I don't even care if it's mostly a merchandising thing, I fucking loved the old Secret Wars toys. Female Thor? I'd buy that in a heartbeat. Maybe we'll even get a new Marvel fighting game out of it (ha ha ha ho ho)

I've read the first two books of Avengers and the first one of New Avengers. I definitely like New Avengers, but I'm less sure about Avengers. As I said a few pages back, I'm gonna read Infinity's TPB, then decide whether to continue with them or not.

It does get better; the Original Sin tie-in was probably the best thing about that event. New Avengers just keeps getting better imho...Hickman is building towards something special with those two books.

I'm not buying Secret Wars unless it's got banners on the top and bottom

If they ever do that again I'm buying a print copy just so I can cut out all the banners and do something horribly vulgar with them on youtube


So if I'm looking to get caught up in a couple of DC books but I'm not interested in getting entangled in the big events, I can just skip the Future's End stuff that's coming out now, right? If it makes a difference, I'm mostly looking at Batman, B&R, Wonder Woman and Aquaman. I get the sense these tie-ins would just be confusing without the context of the main event book...

Check out Grayson. I've got that monthly and I'm trade-waiting on Batman.

Also, can anyone tell me if Harley Quinn really is that good? I'm a little unsure but I do like Harley.


Ask Messi. He's the authority on all things Harley Quinn.

Heh, I'm gonna need a few more people but sure, Messi can sell me on it! :D

I'm pretty much done with Marvel events, but I guess it's nice things will be more or less the same after Time Runs Out. I know of Secret Wars but never read the actual event, this one should be interesting. Looks like Captain Falcon is still around, does that mean that Steve, Tony and Thor won't be back to normal by Avengers 2?
This week's stuff:

Wytches #1

New series by Scott Snyder, Jock, and Matt Hollingsworth. Great, fantastic, very sinister and creepy opening issue. I love Snyder's American Vampire, but his The Wake disappointed me a lot. But man, if this issue is any indication, I am in it for the long haul with this one. Jock's pencils combined with Hollingsworth's colours are fantastic and very evocative. It's a little sketchy, but they really get a sense of foreboding and eeriness across, and when there's blood... Jesus, it looks fucked up. It's stylistically perfect for Snyder's take on witch mythology, which is as far from broomsticks and pointy hats as can be.

Pledged is pledged.

This issue has such a sinister and haunted feel to it. There's a sense of dread and melancholy that permeates through the pages, through the artwork.

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #1

Aaaaaaaand on the opposite end of the witch spectrum, we have The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina! I loved Afterlife with Archie, and when I heard they were gonna make a period horror piece with Sabrina, I was in like no tomorrow. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa's story really mines 60s horror for its effectiveness. We are knee-deep in classic witch depictions, but with nice horrific twists. It's not my childhood Sabrina, but I wish it was. There's quite a bit of humor in here as well to off-set the horror and nastiness, so that's good stuff. Sabrina takes on the tone of classic demony/witch flicks, like The Coven or Rosemary's Baby or something. It's pretty cool! Hack's artwork is incredibly beautiful as well. As good a match for Sabrina as Francavilla is for Afterlife with Archie. There's a classic, almost ethereal sensibility to it. I really like. Almost like, sepia-toned horror. Some great horror bits were
Sabrina's dad's mysterious fate, Madame Satan's emergence from the forest/blood, and that fucking spider

They should make a TV show out of this. I wonder what Melissa Joan Heart would think of this.

This issue is a great pulp/supernatural horror counterpart to Wytches' haunted, foreboding feeling.

Sex Criminals #8

Another really good issue delving into Suzie's life this time. I don't have a ton to say, but the early issue striptease was hysterical. Also, fuck the Sex Police.

Hawkeye vs Deadpool #1

Another really fun issue. Artwork's zany and energetic but clean, it's pretty perfect for the series. Only concern is... why the hell
is Black Cat a crime boss now?

Punisher #11

Gerads' art work here is great as usual. Edmondson's slow-burn story continues to develop, but there's a couple great twists at the end, namely
Rachel's return and the Howling Commandos kidnapping Frank's sister????
. This issue also clears up a couple things that were left ambiguous in previous issues, and Frank takes a few steps closer to trying to solve this whole big picture thing. Checking in with LA falling apart was also good, though I feel that
Stone's transformation into a guntoting vigilante is a bit quick.

I feel like that some people might have a problem with Frank's attitude near the end of the issue, but I really did just chalk that up to Frank just being tired as shit and frustrated at not getting anywhere, not actually
wanting to give up.
Also, yeah
Rachel Cole-Alves returning
was awesome.

Great week.
I looked at the SIXIS OT and only saw one post with banners, and it was from GAMEPROFF

I'm very disappointed

I'm also disappointed that I've only read one floppy since Wednesday. Between Persona and now the Bayonetta demo I've been slacking.
Wytches and Sabrina really did feel like they were worth more than the money I paid for them. I dunno... paper felt great, it felt like there was more story, and such beautiful artwork in both titles.

Fake Edit: I think they were both oversized issues.
Check out Grayson. I've got that monthly and I'm trade-waiting on Batman.

Also, can anyone tell me if Harley Quinn really is that good? I'm a little unsure but I do like Harley.

Just how good is Grayson? The more I hear about it the more I think I should check it out...but I've never been into Nightwing, and as Robin he was my least favorite. I missed out on his year as Batman, too, so there's very little pull here for me. I'm always willing to try something out if it seems like something I'd enjoy...but I have mixed feelings on this one as I've never really been into the character.

(There were five different dick jokes in this post. I killed them all. You're welcome comicgaf)


I like it. It's a solid book. It isn't as consistently spectacular as Messi will tell you it is, but there are some really great issues here and there.

Hey, I'll try issue 1, what the heck!

Just how good is Grayson? The more I hear about it the more I think I should check it out...but I've never been into Nightwing, and as Robin he was my least favorite. I missed out on his year as Batman, too, so there's very little pull here for me. I'm always willing to try something out if it seems like something I'd enjoy...but I have mixed feelings on this one as I've never really been into the character.

(There were five different dick jokes in this post. I killed them all. You're welcome comicgaf)

It's a lot of fun, and represents a new direction for Dick (har har har). It's a zany spy-esque series that has had some great dark moments too. Of course, if you've never been a fan of Richard and his wisecracking, then maybe it isn't for you.

And yes, there is a Dick joke even in one of the issues. :p
Marvel Friday sale is X-Necrosha and the Craig Kyle/Chris Yost X-Force run that is highly regarded around these parts. w/e.

I looked at the SIXIS OT and only saw one post with banners, and it was from GAMEPROFF

I'm very disappointed

I'm also disappointed that I've only read one floppy since Wednesday. Between Persona and now the Bayonetta demo I've been slacking.

Same, I've only read Hipster Batgirl, but that's because I have an actual, no pictures, all words book to read for school and i got a kinda late start on it


This is cause Doc Ock punched her in the face!?


"Since I got punched by a world-class Avenger and one of the most notable street level heroes at the peak of acclimation of power, I am now too humiliated to be a good character anymore, and must kill Spider-Man to rebuild my rep that magically didn't vanish all those decades I was dating him instead and wanting to join the Avengers with him."

T-Thanks based Slott.
Heh, I'm gonna need a few more people but sure, Messi can sell me on it! :D

I'm pretty much done with Marvel events, but I guess it's nice things will be more or less the same after Time Runs Out. I know of Secret Wars but never read the actual event, this one should be interesting. Looks like Captain Falcon is still around, does that mean that Steve, Tony and Thor won't be back to normal by Avengers 2?

Based on what we've learned about their MCU plans going forward, I think we can definitely expect to see this new status quo in place in the comics for awhile. It's the perfect way to keep those characters in their films without having to actually pay Chris Evansworth more money. It's not a coincidence that Iron Man is the only one who remains the same person.

As for Age of Ultron itself, that's a given since time will have barely run out when that hits.

Read Superior Spider-Man and Amazing Spider-Man.


No. No! Do not do this.

Okay, read Superior. I pull out a clump of hair whenever I think of Black Cat's characterization in the new Amazing. Gahhhhh. Blech. Ick. Arg.

It's a lot of fun, and represents a new direction for Dick (har har har). It's a zany spy-esque series that has had some great dark moments too. Of course, if you've never been a fan of Richard and his wisecracking, then maybe it isn't for you.

And yes, there is a Dick joke even in one of the issues. :p

If DC is finally in on that joke, I guess I am going to have to try it. You sold me with the dick joke.


"Since I got punched by a world-class Avenger and one of the most notable street level heroes at the peak of acclimation of power, I am now too humiliated to be a good character anymore, and must kill Spider-Man to rebuild my rep that magically didn't vanish all those decades I was dating him instead and wanting to join the Avengers with him."

T-Thanks based Slott.
This is pretty much what happened.
I feel sorry for Peter though, he has no way that he can prove that Otto was in his mind.


Punisher #11

Gerads' art work here is great as usual. Edmondson's slow-burn story continues to develop, but there's a couple great twists at the end, namely
Rachel's return and the Howling Commandos kidnapping Frank's sister????
. This issue also clears up a couple things that were left ambiguous in previous issues, and Frank takes a few steps closer to trying to solve this whole big picture thing. Checking in with LA falling apart was also good, though I feel that
Stone's transformation into a guntoting vigilante is a bit quick.

I feel like that some people might have a problem with Frank's attitude near the end of the issue, but I really did just chalk that up to Frank just being tired as shit and frustrated at not getting anywhere, not actually
wanting to give up.
Also, yeah
Rachel Cole-Alves returning
was awesome.

Yeah, I think Frank was just tired and frustrated, because he's been thrown around so much with no progress.

I agree with you that
Stone taking up arms was pretty quick, Rachel on the other hand had more a reason. I guess we'll see if the two ladies interact at some point, and maybe Frank tries to get her away from the life.

If DC is finally in on that joke, I guess I am going to have to try it. You sold me with the dick joke.

It's in issue 3 and is hilarious considering the context. :p
Just how good is Grayson? The more I hear about it the more I think I should check it out...but I've never been into Nightwing, and as Robin he was my least favorite. I missed out on his year as Batman, too, so there's very little pull here for me. I'm always willing to try something out if it seems like something I'd enjoy...but I have mixed feelings on this one as I've never really been into the character.

(There were five different dick jokes in this post. I killed them all. You're welcome comicgaf)

Grayson is legit. I was pretty skeptical when it was initially announced but it's been a consistently good series so far.
NotTheGuyYouKill, I am saddened by your edit. Hawkeye and Deadpool was sounding like a much more interesting book...sex police? One of them is going by Suzie? Must buy.


I thought it was funny.

It WAS funny. It was the superior sucker punch. Then Slott fucked it up with the overblown, bullshit baggage.


Now that I noticed that there are incarnations of characters from different universes in Secret War, I am extremly excited to read this.
Seems to be Crisis of Infinite Marvel for me or something like this ;)

And damn, the art of Spider-Verse is gorgeous. Finally an artist worthy to Spider-Man. Hope he stays around after the Event.


Man, reading Copperhead is kinda weird cuz there's a Dan Abnett/Phil Winslade story running in the Megazine right now called Lawless that has a very similar premise.


Neo Member
The person that could tell me a reliable source to ship physical comics (new releases as well, subscription or not) to my house in the wonderful land of Canada would be my hero.


The person that could tell me a reliable source to ship physical comics (new releases as well, subscription or not) to my house in the wonderful land of Canada would be my hero.
I'm pretty sure dcbservice.com will ship to Canada. They offer at least 30% off all comics.
"Since I got punched by a world-class Avenger and one of the most notable street level heroes at the peak of acclimation of power, I am now too humiliated to be a good character anymore, and must kill Spider-Man to rebuild my rep that magically didn't vanish all those decades I was dating him instead and wanting to join the Avengers with him."

T-Thanks based Slott.

I remember years ago when Slott started on the series, wasn't everyone going nuts over how awesome he was?


I remember years ago when Slott started on the series, wasn't everyone going nuts over how awesome he was?

I still think his run before Superior is excellent. Brand New Day, Spider-Island and Ends of the Earth are all excellent, and he gave us Agent Venom and Kaine's Scarlet Spider, both of which were spun into even more amazing things in other people's hands. Then Superior happened, and it felt like reading something from a totally different person, and now his Amazing is back, and it's...kind of bad. Maybe it's just getting off on a bad first arc, with villain Black Cat. Hopefully after Spider-Verse ends, Slott will pick things back up to his old quality level.


I still think his run before Superior is excellent. Brand New Day, Spider-Island and Ends of the Earth are all excellent, and he gave us Agent Venom and Kaine's Scarlet Spider, both of which were spun into even more amazing things in other people's hands. Then Superior happened, and it felt like reading something from a totally different person, and now his Amazing is back, and it's...kind of bad. Maybe it's just getting off on a bad first arc, with villain Black Cat. Hopefully after Spider-Verse ends, Slott will pick things back up to his old quality level.
Superior was awesome, but I hope Slott is off Spidey after Spider-Verse.
I still think his run before Superior is excellent. Brand New Day, Spider-Island and Ends of the Earth are all excellent, and he gave us Agent Venom and Kaine's Scarlet Spider, both of which were spun into even more amazing things in other people's hands. Then Superior happened, and it felt like reading something from a totally different person, and now his Amazing is back, and it's...kind of bad. Maybe it's just getting off on a bad first arc, with villain Black Cat. Hopefully after Spider-Verse ends, Slott will pick things back up to his old quality level.

Yeah, I basically agree with this. I liked Superior a lot and it sucked to watch that end like a balloon deflating only to then wade through what might be the worst Black Cat story of all time. But he has me by the balls through Spiderverse...if the "Edge" books hadn't turned out so fun I would have dropped it a couple of issues ago despite my fondness for some/most of his earlier work on the book.


owww ouch ouch... I jus spent $44 on Flash comics... thanks comixology >_<

Return of Barry Allen
Terminal Velocity
Dead Heat
Run Riot
Rogue War
Dastardly Death of the Rogues

should keep me busy??

never read Flash, it'll be my first time lol


Superior was awesome, but I hope Slott is off Spidey after Spider-Verse.

I think it was said that when Superior's sales came in, Slott was allowed to stay on TASM for as long as he wants- and Amazing's sales haven't exactly plummeted from there. I think we're in for a while.
The ride never ends.


I think it was said that when Superior's sales came in, Slott was allowed to stay on TASM for as long as he wants- and Amazing's sales haven't exactly plummeted from there. I think we're in for a while.
The ride never ends.

*sigh* Anna Maria is gonna become a villain isn't she?

Jedeye Sniv

No joke. I'll post pics of my shit when we get home after I work on Friday night. At the very least Jed will be happy because I got We3.

Good man!

Presumptuous of you to assume I like either of those books. I've never read (heard of) God Hates Astronauts and actively dislike Scott Pilgrim.

And I haven't been keeping up with Simone's Batgirl, but from what I've heard about it (and the recent events in BoP) this seems like a total 180. Dude I know said, and I agree:

I feel like ridiculous grimdark nu52 "character" "development" continuity doesn't deserve to survive in these sorts of instances, sorry.

Ding ding ding! It was boring, they fixed it. The beauty of comics is they can be different in the snap of a finger. I'm all for nu-Batgirl.
I feel like ridiculous grimdark nu52 "character" "development" continuity doesn't deserve to survive in these sorts of instances, sorry.

Doesn't like grimdark DC. Loses his shit over Marvel's characters murdering world's of people in New Avengers.

BenjaminBirdie: The Fair and Balanced of the Comic World.

Ding ding ding! It was boring, they fixed it. The beauty of comics is they can be different in the snap of a finger. I'm all for nu-Batgirl.

Aren't you always talking about how important continuity is? And you're advocating throwing out and ignoring continuity now?

owww ouch ouch... I jus spent $44 on Flash comics... thanks comixology >_<

Return of Barry Allen
Terminal Velocity
Dead Heat
Run Riot
Rogue War
Dastardly Death of the Rogues

should keep me busy??

never read Flash, it'll be my first time lol

That's some serious all in if you've never read it before!

Jedeye Sniv

Doesn't like grimdark DC. Loses his shit over Marvel's characters murdering world's of people in New Avengers.

BenjaminBirdie: The Fair and Balanced of the Comic World.

Aren't you always talking about how important continuity is? And you're advocating throwing out and ignoring continuity now?

Yeah I'm a contrarian motherfucker like that. Out with the BAD continuity yes. BAD continuity, like trying to fit all the Robins into a five year span including somehow having Damian be 10 and Dick 25 (20 year old Robin yo).


But seriously, if they're going to undo Oracle and all that good stuff then I'm glad they're going for a relevant and fun new direction. Every time I tried to read the old run it was just so boring and lifeless.

And are you reading New Avengers? It's the best.
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