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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Look at the poster for Secret Wars. Notice which are the only two marvel franchises missing.

See also: Marvel NOW poster
See also: All New Marvel NOW poster

I mean jeepers creepers it's the same thing every time.

Just because Marvel isn't dtp them on big p-tional images, doesn't mean they're relegating them to the bottom of the scrub bucket i mean jesus lol

bendis is writing the x-men books for pete sakes
remender is writing an avengers book that's half x-men

what planet is this
are the builders here yet
call the shiar guard

i mean wtf lol


See also: Marvel NOW poster
See also: All New Marvel NOW poster

I mean jeepers creepers it's the same thing every time.

Just because Marvel isn't dtp them on big p-tional images, doesn't mean they're relegating them to the bottom of the scrub bucket i mean jesus lol

bendis is writing the x-men books for pete sakes
remender is writing an avengers book that's half x-men

what planet is this
are the builders here yet
call the shiar guard

i mean wtf lol

Just to be a dick, but the Marvel NOW poster was where we first saw Cyke's new costume and young Jean from ANXM. :D
That doesn't mean things can't change in the next year though.

No, I don't expect Marvel to straight up kill off all these FF and X-Men characters, but I would not be surprised if by the end of 2015 we're not seeing any books with the "X-Men" name on it, and instead have those characters having their own solo books or split up among other teams, just more widely integrated into the 616 universe instead of being labeled with brands that Marvel does not gain as much revenue from.

i thought Bendis writing the x-books was their punishment.

I'm honestly really enjoying Bendis' X-Books. They're not mind-blowing or anything, but All-New X-Men specifically is a really solid book with some strong character moments. I just read issue #25 last night, it was amazing
(dat surprise Bruce Timm art! And holy shit, Uatu throwing some shade at Hank.)
Read Elegy yesterday. Quite good fun but I thought was The Hiketeia was better constructed as a narrative. The jumping around in Batwoman's timeline was nice but it did felt a bit disjointed. The 2 page spreads looked great, but I thought they would have been a lot more effective if there were fewer of them. They needed some more build up to them.


lol are you reading them?
best they've been in years

i dropped every Bendis book after Avengers vs X-men, which i hated. I'll read them on MU when i resub though to see what's up, Bendis books for me have always read best when i'm not paying $2.40 an issue at dcbs. I even liked Ultimatum when i read it on the cheap.

er, i mean Battle of the Atom is when i dropped Bendis stuff.
See also: Marvel NOW poster
See also: All New Marvel NOW poster

You mean this one with four X-Men and Sue Storm:


See also: All New Marvel NOW poster

You mean the one with Wolverine RIGHT AT THE GODDAMN FRONT?

I have loved Marvel Comics since I learned to read almost 25 years ago, but this is a straight-up burial and it's disgusting. I dunno if any of you are wrestling fans, but this is some Triple H 2002-2005 shit going on here.


I have loved Marvel Comics since I learned to read almost 25 years ago, but this is a straight-up burial and it's disgusting. I dunno if any of you are wrestling fans, but this is some Triple H 2002-2005 shit going on here.

No Mutants and No Reeds is what's best for business.
Sorry, bros I just can't get on board this hypothesis.

Wolverine is tent-poling his own event.
X-Men are at the forefront of this Fall's biggest event.

Secret Wars is continuing Hickman's monster Avengers storyline, which has clearly been leading to Marvel's Crisis On Infinite Earths. That's what Secret Wars is.

But, huh, yeah, maybe Hickman is slowly phasing out these characters as the story moves on…

Let's see, there's no Namor since he's an X-…

oh wait never mind

But there's probably definitely no Reed Richards because he's in…

oh no he's pretty prominent

But okay, so what does the STORY have to do with the X-Men, though, right? There's been no trace of the idea of mutants in…oh no…wait…they just tortured Professor X with the corpses of his kids Xorn and Zorn…all of whom are likely…mutants...



I guess.


I guess I'm just…

right again?



I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Big part of the reason I stopped reading comics was Marvel took all my favorite creators, stuck them on Avengers books and took all my least favorite creators and stuck them on X-books. I feel like the burial started a while ago.
Here's why they won't cancel or fuck with FF or X-Men books, even if they aren't dtp them.

Because, come on guys, these are COMICS. They DO NOT promote the movies. NO ONE reads them. Avengers books sell 150k. X-Men books sell 125k. Those 25k are somehow a wave of promotion that has made The Avengers movies successful?? Which dimension has Lockjaw taken us all to?!?!

And why, when people have this conversation, not mention Spider-Man? It's the same exact story! And the dude's everywhere! HE'S got his own crossover too!
X-Men franchise had a good run, I think. Time to make room for the Inhumans and all their new stories.

probably not

1 Death of Wolverine 1 $4.99 Marvel 261,975
2 Death of Wolverine 2 $4.99 Marvel 129,999
3 Batman Futures End 1 $3.99 DC 127,823
4 Harley Quinn Futures End 1 $3.99 DC 105,382
5 Amazing Spider-Man 6 $3.99 Marvel 93,564

96 Inhuman 6 $3.99 Marvel 30,761
I guess I'm just…

right again?


A broken clock is right twice a day.

It's funny, because I am actually an Avengers fan first above everything else at Marvel. The Busiek/Perez run took me from "reads some comics" to "reads all the comics". I just don't agree that everything else should be pushed to one side Because Movies.

And because of this, I think I get where X-Men fans are coming from. Avengers Disassembled was one of the hardest things I have ever read as a comics fan, because it really did feel like the end even though it wasn't. I still love the story where Bendis and Millar pitched The New Avengers and the other writers had a freakout over Spider-Man and Wolverine joining the team:

"They were going through all of the books, and when we got to 'Avengers,' Mark Millar and I were doing a lot of talking. We were told to feel free to talk, but sometimes we were the only ones talking which can be embarrassing. Mark and I really got into a tizzy about Avengers," Bendis recalled. "It was just us bitching, saying things like, 'Why isn't it really Earth's Mightiest heroes? What the fuck is Jack of Hearts?' Then Mark, in his lilting Scottish brogue, said, 'You know, when I was a wee young lad in Scotland, I would only buy "Justice League" because I would get all of my DC heroes for just 10 cents. It was a bargain and featured some of their greatest characters.'

"I responded, 'Yeah, why isn't "Avengers" a book made up of the coolest guys? Why doesn't it have characters like Spider-Man and Wolverine?' Then a ruckus broke out in the room. People were screaming and yelling. It was really just madness," Bendis continued. "So it was me, Mr Schmucky, and Scottish Schmucky coming in and going, 'Your book sucks! This could be better.' That's not what we were doing, but there's no way that it didn't come off that way. Meanwhile, as soon as I said that Spider-Man should be an Avenger, people were pounding on the table going, 'SPIDER-MAN WOULD NEVER BE AN AVENGER!'"

Bendis' statement about Spider-Man and the Avengers did not go unnoticed. Joe Quesada and then-Executive Vice President of Marvel Bill Jemas were very pleased by the commotion.

"Chaos had erupted for a good 20 minutes, and I looked over to Joe and Jemas and I literally saw cartoon dollar signs in their eyes because they knew if something was causing this much chaos in the room, it was going to happen. This conversation would be happening all over the internet and in every comic book store in the country," Bendis said. "While this was going on, I had this vision of what the book could be, but I didn't want to do the book. I had my gigs and couldn't be happier with them. Plus, I was scared of the book."

Maybe X-Men needs to change. Most writers have lived in Claremont's shadow with the exceptions of Morrison and Whedon, although you could argue Whedon's was a step-back from the sweeping Morrison's run. I think it could be handled with a little more tact and respect for the characters. To me, this run of changes seems like an angry child running in the room and breaking all the toys to stop the other kids having fun.
Enh, who cares if they retcon them. The concept of mutants is pretty dumb and lazy anyway.

"Okay, these guys, what's their origin? How did they get their powers?"

"I dunno. They just have them."


That drop between issues 1 and 2 of Death of Wolvie. And how in god's name is,Harley selling 106000 copies a month? How many of those did you buy Messi?


Here's why they won't cancel or fuck with FF or X-Men books, even if they aren't dtp them.

Because, come on guys, these are COMICS. They DO NOT promote the movies. NO ONE reads them. Avengers books sell 150k. X-Men books sell 125k. Those 25k are somehow a wave of promotion that has made The Avengers movies successful?? Which dimension has Lockjaw taken us all to?!?!

And why, when people have this conversation, not mention Spider-Man? It's the same exact story! And the dude's everywhere! HE'S got his own crossover too!

It's not the same situation with Spider-Man. Sony and Marvel are playing nice with each other and Sony gave Marvel back some rights in regards to Spidey.

That drop between issues 1 and 2 of Death of Wolvie. And how in god's name is,Harley selling 106000 copies a month? How many of those did you buy Messi?

Good book × character people love= sales. People love Harley.

Also I buy it digitally and physically plus Variants.
Enh, who cares if they retcon them. The concept of mutants is pretty dumb and lazy anyway.

"Okay, these guys, what's their origin? How did they get their powers?"

"I dunno. They just have them."

They tried that though, for almost eight years. Most X-Men stuff from that time period is flat-out bad IMO. It's no coincidence that the franchise only got better once they re-opened the school.
I'm just ready for stories that are just about the characters doing other things than always having to be about the "mutant struggle." If that means the end of "X-Men" as a team, a brand, even a book, that's fine by me. I really like the way Uncanny Avengers mixes mainstay Avengers and X-Men characters, and I think that would be cool to see across the entire line of books.
They went through the whole gimmick train of ideas milking Wolverine these last couple years. Took his powers away, gave him a gun, gave him armor, three different relaunches, now they're killin' him in a super decompressed event with multiple tie-ins. Clearing the board for the Inhumans
Shelving the X-men is fine. I no longer recognize the characters.

So hoping for a Marvel reboot after this Crisis copy is done. No more heroes left.
I don't see how changing SW and QS into whatevers is demolishing the x-men or even changing the direction of those books.

Can someone unpack that?

Dumb speculation on their part. I'd say the only reason Pietro and Wanda are featured heavily there is because they're definitely going to get a big presence push next year in the run up to Age of Ultron.

Yeah there is a precedent for Quicksilver being tied in with the Inhumans but I don't see it going there.
Dumb speculation on their part. I'd say the only reason Pietro and Wanda are featured heavily there is because they're definitely going to get a big presence push next year in the run up to Age of Ultron.

Yeah there is a precedent for Quicksilver being tied in with the Inhumans but I don't see it going there.

It seems pretty obvious/clear that they will no longer be mutants and they were barely mutants to begin with. SW ain't never even been a x-man.

Marvel is King Troll these days, pump-faking the Reboot and now have rope-a-doped the eradication of an entire line of comics. Genius.


Its a genius move because people will buy it to see how they off the x-men (they won't but they will make that cash).

Also changing up the status quo... Names Brian Wood. Looool

That wasn't real PR. I was just fuckin' around. No worries Messi. No Wood today.
Anyone here read Green Arrow Year One by Diggle and Jock?

Just saw this somewhere on sale and i've been looking to kinda get into GA a lil more.. can it be recommended?


Yup, his daughter is Inhuman too.

Is the marriage still a thing? I don't think I've read anything QS has been featured since House of M. I have vague recollections of him appearing in Children's Crusade but don't remember any of the details.
Anyone here read Green Arrow Year One by Diggle and Jock?

Just saw this somewhere on sale and i've been looking to kinda get into GA a lil more.. can it be recommended?

A solidly entertaining story, and Jock's art is great. If you're getting into it through Arrow, it's a nice bridge. The Lemire/Sorrentino stuff has been terriffic, that's collected as "The Kill Machine" and "The Outsiders War" with one more volume coming.
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