Shasta the Living Mountain needs to be put on a team book ASAP.
And regarding Marvel titles, I'd highly suggest Hawkeye and Waid's Daredevil. Both are fantastic and totally standalone. I don't have any idea what's happening with the Marvel universe either, but I really enjoy those two series. I feel like I've been reading other recent Marvel stuff as well, but maybe not... I do have Ellis's recent Moon Knight TPB coming in the mail which is supposed to be super great.
So, you kinda pegged the stuff I have kept in touch with.
Daredevil is my favourite Marvel character, I used to have a collected run from Miller to the end of vol 2. I drifted out partway through the initial Waid run. It, and old school, but for whatever reason it didn't keep me reading. I got the first two issues of the current volume, same thing - "hey, this is good," then I forgot about it and didn't feel motivated to keep buying. Maybe one day.
I read Moon Knight up through #7. Ellis' brief run is a great take on the character, I just wish he'd stuck around to do more with it. When his run ends it's like "enh? That's it?"
I know everybody loves Hawkeye and one day I'll get around to reading it, but I have pretty strongly disliked every Matt Fraction comic I've ever read outside of Five Fists of Science.