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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Aren't most Japanese comics anthology format? There isn't like, "One Piece Weekly" or anything (I don't read manga, although I have friends who do)? I've no problem with anthologies, I love 2000 AD for instance. I'm guessing those same books aren't $4 for 20 pages either.

The digital English version of Shonen Jump is $1 for like 200 pages. If you want to subscribe digitally for the year, it's 50 cents an issue.

It's too bad that Marvel and DC aren't able to do the same. Hell, I'd buy way more monthly books if it was $1 digitally for 20 pages, nevermind 200.


Aren't most Japanese comics anthology format? There isn't like, "One Piece Weekly" or anything (I don't read manga, although I have friends who do)? I've no problem with anthologies, I love 2000 AD for instance. I'm guessing those same books aren't $4 for 20 pages either.

I think the best attempt at this sort of thing was Brand New Day, really. It wasn't the same of course but in the end largely preferable to year-long series written by a committee with (at best) a single person doing layouts


Most of the MARVEL SHOCKER! OT threads come from the same handful of person/s who very clearly have a preference for things Marvel and also tend to make a lot of threads in general.

And they very likely were casual comic readers (if even that) prior to the Marvel movies grabbing their attention.
Hey guys, I finished the first trade of the New 52 Batman and...


Wouldn't get too excited nick spencer is pretty hit or miss

I can vouch for this. I read a trade of his run on his Marvel Now run of Secret Avengers, hated it. I read the first two trades of Superior Foes, loved them.


NorCal needs a big con... this weekend is "Super" Sac-Con (Sat & Sun instead of just Sun), which will be awesome, but it's the most rinky-dink convention ever. I still love it, but I miss when WonderCon used to be in SF. :(


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Simmer down with this Civil War fight. Too many posts for me to scroll past.

So, you kinda pegged the stuff I have kept in touch with.

Daredevil is my favourite Marvel character, I used to have a collected run from Miller to the end of vol 2. I drifted out partway through the initial Waid run. It was...fun, and old school, but for whatever reason it didn't keep me reading. I got the first two issues of the current volume, same thing - "hey, this is good," then I forgot about it and didn't feel motivated to keep buying. Maybe one day.

I read Moon Knight up through #7. Ellis' brief run is a great take on the character, I just wish he'd stuck around to do more with it. When his run ends it's like "enh? That's it?"

I know everybody loves Hawkeye and one day I'll get around to reading it, but I have pretty strongly disliked every Matt Fraction comic I've ever read outside of Five Fists of Science.

Haha. Glad to hear we have similar interests!
Since it seems we drift towards the same stuff, what are some of your current favorites?

And regarding Hawkeye: If you haven't like anything by Matt Fraction before, I won't try too hard to convince you to read Hawkeye. Though if it does make a difference, I really didn't care for Fraction's Iron Man stuff that I read (I read the first OHC volume which is the first 18 issues or so) and I absolutely love Hawkeye. I'd say a good way to judge whether or not you'll like Hawkeye is whether or not you enjoyed the more down-to-earth/lighthearted aspects of Fraction/Brubaker's Immortal Iron Fist run if you've read that. The conspiracy and superheroey parts of IIF don't have much in common with Hawkeye, but reading IIF after I'd read the first volume of Hawkeye, I found the aforementioned parts to be pretty similar in tone to Hawkeye.
But yeah, if you haven't enjoyed previous Fraction stuff, don't feel forced to read Hawkeye.
I was being hyperbolic about my feelings re: "Hawkguy" (ugh) but there's pretty much no way I won't like Lemire's run more than I did Fraction's.


I wonder what regular Sac-Con was like?

The exact same, just on Sunday. Sac-Con is just about every 3 months, and once a year it's "Super" Sac-Con, which goes two days. I've worked every Sac-Con for the last 6+ years. One time, long ago, Mike Mignola was the special guest, but the con was even smaller than it is now and he didn't have a line the entire time. He was selling his original art from Hellboy for about $350 a page (rather than $2000+ now) but I was an idiot and only bought a little piece he did for one of the Hellboy books.


wait hold up
is this an omnibus thing?

oh please not again

If it was, then Marvel would've said so outright, no? Comic companies are usually low-key when it comes to announcing collections, unless it's a highly-requested series that hasn't been collected before (which isn't really the case with Civil War). Marvel's own Agent M referred to it as a #1.

It's either a re-release or some reimagining, I'd say.
We're thinking that it's a Secret Wars thing. Otherwise, today will probably be remembered as the day we were warned.
Well, at least we still have hope.
Maybe it'll be better than last time!
I mean, the cover art looks...

If it was, then Marvel would've said so outright, no? Comic companies are usually low-key when it comes to announcing collections, unless it's a highly-requested series that hasn't been collected before (which isn't really the case with Civil War). Marvel's own Agent M referred to it as a #1.

It's either a re-release or some reimagining, I'd say.
That would be interesting, actually. Have they ever done that before?


Anyone else noticed that the out of the usual people here none of us seem to ever pick up bans. When I was in footie gaf they regularly got months long bans. Are we goodie 2 shoes? I remember Spike got banned and someone made an MS paint comics thread.
Anyone else noticed that the out of the usual people here none of us seem to ever pick up bans. When I was in footie gaf they regularly got months long bans. Are we goodie 2 shoes? I remember Spike got banned and someone made an MS paint comics thread.

I got banned probably 3-4 times for various reasons 1-2 years ago.


Footie GAF?

Like the pajamas? There's a fan for everything.

Anyone else noticed that the out of the usual people here none of us seem to ever pick up bans. When I was in footie gaf they regularly got months long bans. Are we goodie 2 shoes? I remember Spike got banned and someone made an MS paint comics thread.

I think it has a lot to do with the fact that most of the joking is picking at one another is light hearted at best. We also tend to nip shit in the bud FAST. Everyone typically just says "stop" and it ends.


I realize I'm probably late to this party as I tend to let 3-4 issues pile up before I read them but... DC, bro, why'd you have to pull Jeff Lemeire off of Green Arrow? To Arrowize it? It was fine, great even! I'd say The Outsiders War is the best Green Arrow arc I've read.

Green Arrow is now back to the shitfest it was before Lemeire got a hold of it. Damned shame. Oh well, one less book to buy each month I suppose.

If this is a significant character and I have to wade through a sea of fat girl jokes every time she's brought up, I'm going to lose it. :([/QUOTE]

Considering the entire premise behind this book and who's writing it and why, I'm gonna highly doubt that will happen


But which football?

The one with all the flopping and GOOOOLOLOLOLOLOAL!

Edit: and "Dear god...it's all over. The corner kick. The dreaded. Fucking. Corner. Kick. Nothing ever defeats the corner kick. Wrap it up now. Game over. Time to go home. It's the corner kick." -announcer


Anyone else noticed that the out of the usual people here none of us seem to ever pick up bans. When I was in footie gaf they regularly got months long bans. Are we goodie 2 shoes? I remember Spike got banned and someone made an MS paint comics thread.

I've never been hit with a ban in my 3+ years on NeoGAF. Everyone always seems pretty chill with me.


Considering the entire premise behind this book and who's writing it and why, I'm gonna highly doubt that will happen

I mean by the comics community, outside of this thread.

Anyone else noticed that the out of the usual people here none of us seem to ever pick up bans. When I was in footie gaf they regularly got months long bans. Are we goodie 2 shoes? I remember Spike got banned and someone made an MS paint comics thread.

I've never been banned in my 8+ years with a GAF account, but I only really post here.
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