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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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subtle request for a hug imo

I would just like to say during the Zombie Apocalypse and the power goes out and you can't charge your little tablets, I'll be kicking back and reading my comics. Physical for life!


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I would just like to say during the Zombie Apocalypse and the power goes out and you can't charge your little tablets, I'll be kicking back and reading my comics. Physical for life!

And I'll be out and about saving everyone's lives, bashing some heads in, dual-wielding Colossal Conan and Big Damn Sin City.


I would just like to say during the Zombie Apocalypse and the power goes out and you can't charge your little tablets, I'll be kicking back and reading my comics. Physical for life!

Jokes on you. You will be long dead after all of your longboxes have fallen onto you


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Mike Mignola's art blows me away every single time.
I think I just spent 30-45 minutes looking at the Hellboy: The First 20 Years book and I only made it through like 15 pages. I can't believe this book was only $11. Every page, I was just baffled at how someone could draw something so utterly brilliant. And I promise that isn't hyperbole.

I really need to buy myself more Hellboy Library Editions. Mignola absolutely astonishes me. I'm guessing not everyone feels as strongly as I do about his art, but whatever it is he does, it really resonates with me.

The Official Omnibus Reading Position builds wrist strength. Y'all limp-wristed digital lovers.



but I am taking tiny steps forward
I'll side with Team Digital if we're strictly talking single issues. Even though I don't buy single issues in either form, I could never do floppies. They just seem like a major pain all around.

With that said, I still can't imagine I'll ever want to switch from glorious collected editions to digital.


my shortboxes are where comic runs go to die. Marvel digital codes that come with print issues + rebuying OHCs of things that i will actually reread, i never go back to floppies. I still buy them because they are more economical than digital pricing and i can sell them afterwards.


I've really learned to embrace digital for my weekly reading. I love not having to drive to the store and buying some of these Image books for less on release.

Digital for weekly reading, physical trades/hardcovers for the collection. LOVE IT!


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Ah! The Zenith (Grant Morrison) hardcover is coming out next week too! I keep forgetting exactly how many things are coming out this month that I plan to buy. Hopefully besides Alias, nothing else is coming out next Tuesday. My frugality is hurting.

It's okay though, since I made another chunk of extra cash from playing bass for an hour the other day. As far as I'm concerned, that money should only be spent on comics.

Edit: Oh! The Ronin Deluxe Edition comes out next Tuesday! If you're a fan of early Frank Miller and/or Bladerunner-esque dystopian stories, I'd highly recommend it.
my shortboxes are where comic runs go to die. Marvel digital codes that come with print issues + rebuying OHCs of things that i will actually reread, i never go back to floppies. I still buy them because they are more economical than digital pricing and i can sell them afterwards.

Yeah, it's crazy what a premium you pay for the digital experience, but for me it's totally worth it. Birdie brought up the most salient points....I mean, I decided to re-read a few runs I already have earlier today. I think it took me ten minutes to get everything queue'd up and start reading. It's great...the quality never degrades, and no I don't miss comic shops. Still, I'm glad there are a handful of diehards slumming it at those filthy dens.

It's odd that I experience very little nostalgia going into a comic shop. I just love watching my kid browse. I should take her to the gigantic Mile High Comics now that I'm in Denver...THAT will hit me hard.
I mix & match. Most stuff I get digitally because it just takes up too much damn space otherwise. Plus, digital is great for those "it's 1am on a Sunday night but I wanna get ___" moments. No more having to wait until you can get to the store later in the week.

But I still drop by every week or so because I enjoy it, and because I like owning physical versions of some things.
My longbox is practically full and i don't wanna buy another one. Looks like I'm gonna be selling some comics! I'll post them here first because Ebay didn't seem to want some of the stuff

Once you go digital you never go back.
Untrue! I'm not sold on digital 100%!
it's mostly the tablet tho
I totally forgot The Wake was coming out! And of course it's coming out November 4th... So if I want to get it for 50% off, I'll have to make an IST order for the third week in a row. Which would be like 5 orders in about 6 weeks. Eek.

You're a better man than I. I really wish I could bring myself to do that.

dang man, read the books you got, kipp
I'm thinking of going digital for floppies etc, and then just buying the omni's and other such fancy collected editions of runs I really enjoy. Sure I'd be double dipping, but I'd like to have the physical editions of things I really like (such as Hickmans F4/FF run). But for something like the edge of spider-verse issues I've been buying? I enjoy them, they are neat little stories, but I don't think I'd be any worse for wear if I just had them digitally and not have them taking up room in my house.

Of course I also feel like that would just have me double dipping a whole lot. But maybe I'd have self control...maybe? I should also note the only tablet I have is an original Kindle Fire that I barely use. Though I have been pretty tempted to perhaps get myself a nice ipad air or something for Christmas.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
dang man, read the books you got, kipp

I have been! There were a couple weeks where reading was slow going, but the past few days I've been reading like crazy.
And I almost never place this many IST orders. October is just a crazy month for releases that interest me, and they're all books that I know I'm going to buy, so I figure I might as well buy them when they're 50% off.
From April through September, for example, I only placed four IST orders (and I don't buy singles nor do I buy collected editions from anywhere besides IST).

I have honestly never noticed that Kipp doesn't buy singles. Never even posts a list? Am I correct?

Haha. I thought I was well-known as the resident Collected Editions Guy.
I own one floppy and it's Next Men #21 (Hellboy first appearance) that Fauxtrot so generously gave me.
I do feel like I'm missing out a tiny New Comic Book Day, but definitely not enough to make me buy single issues.


I'm on a Marvel kick this evening. About to read Guardians 3000. Just finished Black Widow , Amazing Spider-man and Legendary Star Lord.
I'm on a Marvel kick this evening. About to read Guardians 3000. Just finished Black Widow , Amazing Spider-man and Legendary Star Lord.
Guardians 3000 was fun. If you like Ramos's art on ASM you'll like the artist on that since they have a pretty similar style


I have been! There were a couple weeks where reading was slow going, but the past few days I've been reading like crazy.
And I almost never place this many IST orders. October is just a crazy month for releases that interest me, and they're all books that I know I'm going to buy, so I figure I might as well buy them when they're 50% off.
From April through September, for example, I only placed four IST orders (and I don't buy singles nor do I buy collected editions from anywhere besides IST).

Haha. I thought I was well-known as the resident Collected Editions Guy.
I own one floppy and it's Next Men #21 (Hellboy first appearance) that Fauxtrot so generously gave me.
I do feel like I'm missing out a tiny New Comic Book Day, but definitely not enough to make me buy single issues.
My only floppies come from free comic book day. Otherwise it's trades all the way.
I can't even truck with collected editions much anymore. Even an oversized hardcover isn't so much better than an HD digital edition to justify the space they take up.

And print, even the best of it, is still imperfect. Digital is just the most perfect display of comics you can get. There is this weird jaggedy thing on line art sometimes with Marvel books that I've complained to CMX about but Marvel wouldn't fix it, but that's only like one in fifty books.

But I'd feel disingenuous if I didn't mention digital's single, only, actual flaw.
I still need to finish Empowered, I don't remember where I left off. Fuck the Dark Horse app.

Nudull, when are we going to become ComicsGAF IRL friends like Korupt and Tim? We can't let them win.
I have a problem paying money for digital content as it currently stands. The ownership rights is a huge deal for me and buying digitally feels like paying for itsfuckingnothing.gif.

In my mind a $2.99 physical comic is worth like, $0.25-0.50 as far as my comfort zone with it goes. $0.99 digital sales should be the baseline price.

Also, Messi. I come from the future. There is something about Nocenti you need to know. Something very important. She---
I have a problem paying money for digital content as it currently stands. The ownership rights is a huge deal for me and buying digitally feels like paying for itsfuckingnothing.gif.

In my mind a $2.99 physical comic is worth like, $0.25-0.50 as far as my comfort zone with it goes. $0.99 digital sales should be the baseline price.

Also, Messi. I come from the future. There is something about Nocenti you need to know. Something very important. She---

As someone who had literal tons of comics and tried to sell them and ended up donating them to a library, I can assure you, comics are actually worth less than nothing because they take up space.

This digital apprehension people have has literally never come to pass.
You guys are lucky to still have comic shops near you. All of them, except one, remains in my city and the one remains is still too damn far. The last closest comic shop to me was in this basement store kind of place. When I went down there the first time, I thought I wasn't going to leave there alive. I was pretty much in someone's dungeon and I'm sure the lady running the shop was a witch. The only thing I purchased there was a trade paper back of 100 Bullets and never went back. That was 10 years ago.

The only place near me that sells comics now is the book store, but only just trades and omnibuses....which are sometimes cheaper to buy online even from their own website.
As someone who had literal tons of comics and tried to sell them and ended up donating them to a library, I can assure you, comics are actually worth less than nothing because they take up space.

This digital apprehension people have has literally never come to pass.

I lost access to several digital games when direct2drive went out of business and then got bought out. The rights for them didn't get transferred over to the new company or something or they didn't renegotiate them.
Am really enjoying The Flash tv series. Makes me want to find some good Flash comics. (I know some were recommended on here a few pages back, will look those up).
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