What a bummer. Now I'm feeling buyers remorse.
Edit: I have no regrets buying Quorra.
Always and forever.
Two new Sunstone strips are up for up to date folks. Feels.
Is it just me or does that figure look nothing like Lee?
Oh godHad a weird Sunstone-related dream. Messi was there. That's about all I want to say about that.
Had a weird Sunstone-related dream. Messi was there. That's about all I want to say about that.
Had a weird Sunstone-related dream. Messi was there. That's about all I want to say about that.
Had a weird Sunstone-related dream. Messi was there. That's about all I want to say about that.
You don't just say something like that and not go into detail.
Is it just me or does that figure look nothing like Lee?
It looks like they want him to fit in with the comic figures.
Shit guys I had a dream I was playing real life mafia. I went into Timeaisis' bedroom and murdered him and his wife, then played in their blood.
It honestly wasn't that bad. He and I went to this brothel-type place where we could pay to have someone be Ally or Lisa for us. He went into one of the rooms first. Then I get a text from him telling me to join his room and "holy shit dude you can get them to dress up as Ninjak!" and I'm like "why the fuck would I want someone dressed up as Ninjak". So i went in to a different room then and got my Lisa fantasy and that was it. Actually, didn't really get to the sex in the dream, even.
Also, not the first time I have a weird dream involving a GAF member.
It honestly wasn't that bad. He and I went to this brothel-type place where we could pay to have someone be Ally or Lisa for us. He went into one of the rooms first. Then I get a text from him telling me to join his room and "holy shit dude you can get them to dress up as Ninjak!" and I'm like "why the fuck would I want someone dressed up as Ninjak". So i went in to a different room then and got my Lisa fantasy and that was it. Actually, didn't really get to the sex in the dream, even.
Also, not the first time I have a weird dream involving a GAF member.
It honestly wasn't that bad. He and I went to this brothel-type place where we could pay to have someone be Ally or Lisa for us. He went into one of the rooms first. Then I get a text from him telling me to join his room and "holy shit dude you can get them to dress up as Ninjak!" and I'm like "why the fuck would I want someone dressed up as Ninjak". So i went in to a different room then and got my Lisa fantasy and that was it. Actually, didn't really get to the sex in the dream, even.
Also, not the first time I have a weird dream involving a GAF member.
Female ninjak would be Mileena, fwiw. Same colour scheme and about as much muscle.
They should have went with the game aesthetics like the Borderlands figures. A black and white variant would be cool, they do those as well right?
You can admit that dream-messi asked you to dress up as ninjak, Lunch. No shame in that.
Does Thw Valiant read well on its own?
Does Thw Valiant read well on its own?
I'm going to feel really silly buying the valiant if they come out with another humble bundle later. Always wait for the humble bundle.
Let's face it, another bundle is coming eventually. However, it's worth the already meager price they have it for on CMX. Nothing to feel silly about.
$4 is the cost of four Valiant humble bundles....maybe even more!
Have a very good offer for the Ultimate Avengers Omnibus... 32... But I am kinda unsure. After finishing booth Ultimates OHCs, I am all in for more Millar Ultimate Comics and I need the Death of Spider-Man Prelude in my Collection anyway, but I did not enjoy this stuff on my first read through...
Ultimate comics avengers was bad comics. Don't buy bad comics.Have a very good offer for the Ultimate Avengers Omnibus... 32... But I am kinda unsure. After finishing booth Ultimates OHCs, I am all in for more Millar Ultimate Comics and I need the Death of Spider-Man Prelude in my Collection anyway, but I did not enjoy this stuff on my first read through...
I rather enjoyed Millar's follow up runs of Ultimates.
It was this awful Red Skull and Vampires arc, right?Ultimate comics avengers was bad comics. Don't buy bad comics.
This past week I've managed to read:
Neonomicon (all 4 issues)
Afterlife With Archie (8 issues)
Big Trouble In Little China (11 comics, issues 1-11)
Marvel Max - Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft and Poe (6 issues, 3ea series)
Weird War Tales (7 comics, issues 86-92)
ROM Spaceknight (7 comics, issues 10-16 - X-Men cross over is up next!)
It's been a good week. I usually do not read this many comics by a long shot, but the wife has been going to bed early every night fighting a cold, so that means comics have replaced our usual Diablo 3 activities after the kids go to bed at 8.