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Concord was in development for about 8 years


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?


I don't want to blindly slag off something I haven't exactly been following closely, but 8 years is a long time. I'd understand if they said it took a total of 70128 man hours, which spread across however many staff is a lot less than 8 years.


"It would be naive for us to assume that all 10 (live service games) will be massive successes so that is not a necessary condition for us to double first party revenues," said Ryan. "That is certainly not what we're assuming. Clearly, the distinction between a hit and not a hit is not a binary one."

And if 9 are duds? They've already cancelled at least one, one is looking to flop, only one is a success so far (of the new games) and it wouldn't suprise me if that is the only success. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses (which they probably should have done with this game if it does indeed flop as expected). As others have mentioned, if they cancelled TLoU multiplayer then how bad was that game for this to still be released (my guess is it wasn't about quality but about how far along those games were, this one being very far in development, but also ND can fall back on other games in development)


Uh huh.....

Look man, we're just not excited for your the game, and in fact the majority of folks think it looks less pleasant than fermented camel shit, but taste is subjective at the end of the day, and we have a right to our opinions just as you have a right to your hustle unique viewpoint.

the majority of folks think it looks less pleasant than fermented camel shit

53 reviews ... 48 positive. must be camel shit


And if 9 are duds? They've already cancelled at least one, one is looking to flop, only one is a success so far (of the new games) and it wouldn't suprise me if that is the only success. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses (which they probably should have done with this game if it does indeed flop as expected). As others have mentioned, if they cancelled TLoU multiplayer then how bad was that game for this to still be released (my guess is it wasn't about quality but about how far along those games were, this one being very far in development, but also ND can fall back on other games in development)
"Clearly, the distinction between a hit and not a hit is not a binary one."

Without knowing Sony's criteria or expectations, we have absolutely no clue on what they consider a successfull strategy or not.

Gaas are also long-term investements, so launch sales don't tell the whole story.

People who are against the Gaas titles need to get a grip on themselves. Absolutely nothing was lost for the singleplayer fans.
So like around the time Fortnite came out. And that's the issue with chasing a trend that takes a near decade to get off the ground. How many me-toos have come out since? And how is your close to decade old design philosophy going to land in 2024? We need to return, badly, to the days of games only needing 2-3 years to make and release. Alot of shit can change in 8 years.


World’s Biggest Weeb

It's interesting, you can have huge teams of talent (audio, programmers etc), yet it only takes a few to tank the entire thing (character designers, and director/whoever signed off on them).
It’s such an “own goal”. Like the #1 rule for a hero shooter is to have heroes who look look badass/sexy/compelling that players actually want to play as.

It still would’ve been difficult to break into this space, but I bet Concord would’ve had at least an order of magnitude more players in the beta if the characters just looked good.

(For reference, Concord topped off at 2,388 concurrent players during the free open beta so even a 10x increase wouldn’t have been that impressive…. and the final game will sell for $40)


Gold Member

Eight years to add the necessary amount of humanity in a playstation AAA exclusive. Seems par for the course.
I wish they had five more so they could add God Of War levels of empathy, Crash Bandicoot loyalty, herman hulst honesty, or even Asura's wrath temperance.

Seriously though it's crazy how much Sony devs are ahead of their time. When other devs focus on stupid things like gameplay or art direction, they're programming emotions and moral character directly into their games., only for playstation IPs to be retrocompatible for when humanity finally develops existenz type gaming consoles.

All thanks to this visionnary:

(pictured with his grandfather)


May I have a cookie?
Even if this ends up being great, spending eight years on a project before receiving feedback from the market does not seem wise!

This is exactly the sort of practice that leads to derivative experiences, because the safest way to know if there's demand for your product during all that time is to look at similar products releasing before you.

I'm sure there are exceptions to this rule where talented teams lead by visionary directors manage to surprise everyone with a runaway hit, but I feel like more often then not, such an extended development schedule does not result in a superior product.
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Honestly, that's really disappointing. The gameplay and design may be there, but so much of the game just doesn't align with the fact that it took 8 years. That's SO much time for a hero shooter. Especially in a world where there are plenty of examples and other titles out there that did the same thing (and better) in much last time, and likely with a smaller budget. The MAIN part of the game just looks like it was thrown together and not really thought out IMO. My first reaction was that it was initially AI generated, and then they just made some edits.
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Even if this ends up being great, spending eight years on a project before receiving feedback from the market does not seem wise!

This is exactly the sort of practice that leads to derivative experiences, because the safest way to know if there's demand for your product during all that time is to look at similar products releasing before you.

I'm sure there are exceptions to this rule where talented teams lead by visionary directors manage to surprise everyone with a runaway hit, but I feel like more often then not, such an extended development schedule does not result in a superior product.
This is why these games look dated when they're shown. Something as volatile as the live service market, your game from conception to release needs to come out in like half the development time Concord is touting. 8 years is enough time for everyone to copy/paste and make your product look, as you said, derivative and samey. The moment Concord was shown, the immediate reaction was 'Oh, an Overwatch rip-off.'. Like....we've seen everything you're trying to sell us on here. I'm not sure if the Marvel game will land any better, that looks pretty 'been there, done that' to me as well but at least it has recognizable characters. Probably would have been more popular during the MCU peak, though.


Even if this ends up being great, spending eight years on a project before receiving feedback from the market does not seem wise!

This is exactly the sort of practice that leads to derivative experiences, because the safest way to know if there's demand for your product during all that time is to look at similar products releasing before you.

I'm sure there are exceptions to this rule where talented teams lead by visionary directors manage to surprise everyone with a runaway hit, but I feel like more often then not, such an extended development schedule does not result in a superior product.
Not sure what you are talking about. Everyone in Seattle loved it!


"Clearly, the distinction between a hit and not a hit is not a binary one."

Without knowing Sony's criteria or expectations, we have absolutely no clue on what they consider a successfull strategy or not.

Gaas are also long-term investements, so launch sales don't tell the whole story.

People who are against the Gaas titles need to get a grip on themselves. Absolutely nothing was lost for the singleplayer fans.
I am not against GaaS, not sure why have you that impression (just because I think this one game is pretty bad and none of Sonys other upcoming GaaS games look all that inspiring). I am against GaaS titles that just aren't very good but that isn't limited to GaaS.

As for no loss for single player fans, well that may not strictly be true if ND are behind on their next single player release if they had to shift some resources to their failed GaaS game. And I was personally hoping Marathon would be a single player game upon first hearing about it especially as the original game was a single player game but alas it' isn't.

Again, I am not against good GaaS games, I probably have more hours pumped into Destiny/Destiny 2 than any other game. That's one game that for me that at least starter well in it's GaaS premise (kinda, removing content is a really shitty practice) but it's gameplay is really good (gunplay especially)
Took em 5 years to come up with those characters.

I think someone should find a new line of work
That character designer "person" quoted in the OP is legit gonna get a ton of hardworking people at the developer fired just because they had to get their activist shit in, instead of just making 1 or 2 woke characters they decided to fill out the entire playable character roster with an array of undesirable designs that was guaranteed to push regular online shooter fans away even if the gameplay had of been good.


It might be fun, I do not know. But my God, 8 years for bland and ugly characters is hilarious. How blind must you be to not see how unappealing it looks.


This is just sad...
So many ambitious developers wasting years and effort, just so some cultist would lean it towards the most hated demographic.

It's sad because I can see the effort. The main problem is that the cult in the media taught us to hate everything associated with them.


I’m impressed with Concord. They finally managed to make a game that NOBODY wants.

5v5 Overwatch clone

Hideous boner-killing characters

Quippy Marvel dialog

Cutscenes like a bad Guardians of the Galaxy ripoff

Gender pronouns


Releases the same day as the biggest game of the year

Congratulations. This is truly the most spectacular failure in the history of PlayStation Studios. You’ve done it!
Usually even 3 out of those 7 would make game bomb, but this unique diseaster has all 7 :D
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