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Cops in standoff w/couple in car shoot them dead...turns out the couple was sleeping

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Until you need them, right?

Yeah, like if I ever got into a car wreck, and staggered door to door looking for help...and then someone lies to the police and says I was trying to rob them. Then when the police show up and I try to flag them down, I get shot and killed.

Yeah...I don't need that kinda help.
Families for both described them as devoted parents who made arrangements for care of their children while they took a night off.
This is every young child's fucking nightmare. Your parents take off for a night for themselves, and they never come back.

Kisha Michael was on probation for a misdemeanor theft last year, court records show. Her probation was revoked for a failure to appear in court earlier this month, and on Feb. 11, a bench warrant was issued for her arrest.
What does this have to do with anything?


When you give a gang the legal right to murder and never have to go to trial for it, this what happens.

Also, it's a known thing where they always fire when someone else fires. It's not an actual tactic. It's basically a strategy to make it impossible to pinpoint who exactly fired killing shots, so that a grand jury is even more likely than they already do to not persue the case.
In the news release on Monday, following the shooting, police claimed that the woman in the car had a gun. Scott Collins, a spokesman for the Inglewood Police Department said that the couple refused to obey the officers’ commands to exit the vehicle. The officers then feared for their safety and opened fire on the car — killing the couple.

Of course, as is standard procedure for all those killed by police, their arrest records were released to shame them. Michael was on probation for a misdemeanor last year, and 7 years ago, Sandlin was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm in Los Angeles.

The gall of these fucking crooks.


No one will be held responsible and this will be forgotten as an unavoidable tragedy.

The police involved will go home with a sense of security that they'll never be blamed for the pointless deaths they've caused. If anyone has a conscience they've probably already been threatened into never saying anything about the terrible "they had a gun" cover-up that's been thrown together.
Until you need them, right?

I was mugged in a city and afterwards I wrestled with calling the police because the police in the small town I grew up in used to harass me because I had long hair. I ended up calling them, and after I told them what happened they asked me what race the muggers were. I told them I couldn't see because they came up behind me and put a gun to my neck. The cop turned around and reported into the radio that they were looking for a #1 male in my neighborhood. I will not call the police for any reason in the future. It's like throwing gasoline on a fire.


I don't even understand how the cops let this happen?


given a gun and trained as if you have the solution and you need to go look for a problem

blue wall of silence

"tried by a box of 12 instead of carried in a box by 6" mantra

complete lack of any force continuum and de-escalation

kkk plants that enjoy getting away with executing black people legally
I don't even understand how the cops let this happen?
The victims were black. My God...something drastic needs to happen fast for the sake of Americans everywhere. I think if I get pulled I'll be super defensive like a dog backed into a corner worried they'll shoot me at any second for moving my hand an inch to scratch my leg.
What does this have to do with anything?

For a lot of the general public, one strike when you're a minority is one too many and you're ready for a death sentence. Unless you're a saint, sitting quietly in the library reading Chaucer when you're brutalized, you get no sympathy. Even then, "you probably did something to deserve it."
I'm trying to comprehend how this actually happened.

Like...didnt the cops actually go up to the car and see what's inside? They have no issue doing that to people they pull over, what difference is it in this scenario?
Until you need them, right?
Have you ever called the police?

Here's what happened in my situation: someone gets beat up, police are called, friends are called, police arrive an hour later to interrogate everyone at the scene, the state takes over the case since it's domestic violence, no charges are filed by the state, criminal gets away, fucking nothing is accomplished other than trying to incriminate everyone interrogated that night.

People say the police are only good for showing up at a crime scene late to aggressively harass everyone at the scene, and I didn't believe it until I saw it for myself.


Any shooting by anyone needs to go through a trial. End the stupid "justified homicide" crap. Start by getting rid of grand juries - we're only one of two countries that use such an outdated system. All grand juries do is let prosecutors stay buddy buddy with cops by burying any potential trial with them in the secret GJ process.


No but I mean what are you doing for 45 minutes in a 'standoff' with people that are asleep.

Like how did that happen.

Say You're an idiot, And you are in fear of your life, for reasons. They were being disrespectful by not adhering to the finger men's requests. So execution.

Quite simple.


"Feared for my safety" is a catch all that automatically makes the situation fuzzy to Joe Public and when in doubt, Joe Public tends to side with the police.
What the fuck is "fearing for one's safety" supposed to mean? It's part of the fucking job description. Cops are supposed to put their safety in danger during a regular day's work. It should be literally illegal for cops to fear for their safety. A cop fearing for his/her safety is guilty of criminal incompetence, since s/he is not actively putting that safety on the line for the average citizen.
This is the worst one by far. How can shooting 2 people who are sleeping possibly be defensible? Even to the type of people who normally rush to defend the shooters?

I would guess the woman was "roused" by the cops yelling out orders and in a confused panic, grabbed her weapon. There is no mention she actually fired the weapon, every report has the cops firing first, not returning fire.

Again, the question I have is, if they were in cover, why in the name of christ did they just lay into the vehicle with heavy firepower? The woman was probably just startled and confused, and as a mother of children, Im sure the situation could have been resolved without a hail of gunfire.


At this point nothing else can be said. These incidents seem to be a daily occurrence.

To balance things I did read this article a few days ago that does show that there are restrained cops out there (above and beyond, even)

The suspect exited the truck with a rifle over his right shoulder. He leveled the weapon and pointed it at Bowerman.

Bowerman said he instructed Kauer to drop the rifle several times. But he refused and ordered the sheriff off his property.

The sheriff took cover at the rear of his truck and unholstered his sidearm, continuing to tell the suspect to drop the rifle.

That’s when four decades of law enforcement training paid off — Bowerman fired one shot and managed to shoot the rifle out of Kauer’s hand, wounding him in the wrist.

Bowerman then used his Taser to take the suspect into custody before calling for an ambulance.

I can't even begin to process this....what, are they trying to dial it back to needing the entrances smeared with ram's blood or some such to avoid getting slaughtered in the night without the slightest chance of survival? This is the sort of shit that perhaps even the KKK in antiquity might not have been quite so...something...as to undertake as even they tended to attack folks that were awake, even if in their homes versus vehicles. Combine that with the irrelevant victim info...just...how in the hell...

This is one of the most insane stories of this sort I've ever heard---and we've all seen the bottom fall out of that many times over within just the last few months alone.
What the fuck is "fearing for one's safety" supposed to mean? It's part of the fucking job description. Cops are supposed to put their safety in danger during a regular day's work. It should be literally illegal for cops to fear for their safety. A cop fearing for his/her safety is guilty of criminal incompetence, since s/he is not actively putting that safety on the line for the average citizen.
Yeah the argument that cops have a risky job always seems to lead to giving them extraordinary benefit of the doubt and to let them off the hook for their behavior. It's appalling. How does knowing the dangers of their profession mean they aren't to be held accountable for their actions?


This story doesn't make any sense.

What exactly did they do for 45 minutes? Did anyone try yelling at the couple to see if they respond? Maybe put on some loud sirens?

Where is the gun in question that the cop saw? Well, was there a gun or not?

Who the fuck shoots into a car when they get no response from someone?

What the fuck is going on?


I'm struggling to come to grips with how inept your police force is. Holy shit America what the fuck.

No but I mean what are you doing for 45 minutes in a 'standoff' with people that are asleep.

Like how did that happen.

Johnson A "It looks like they're asleep Johnson"

Johnson B "These black folks are sneaky Johnson they might be pretending"

45 minutes pass

Johnson A "I think I see a gun Johnson!

Johnson B "Shoot them!"
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