Oh my I hope forest is okay. Shouldn't eat and play at the same time or else you'll choke. Except me I do it all the time because I'm me..
also trading knife for 150 p250 sanddunes. No lowball.
also perhaps one of you fools can be of use. Why does my viemodel keep changing to desktop view? I want it to stay on classic.
Nothing new.Chokenitas. They lost so many after-plant situations it was unreal.
Those guys were salty as fuck.
Those guys were salty as fuck.
I'm playing some of the worst Counter Strike of my life, have lost like my last 10 games but still haven't deranked from LEM. What the hell is going on
I've lost 7-8 games in a row at DMG and not derankedim pretty sure deranking isn't even a thing anymore
I'm playing some of the worst Counter Strike of my life, have lost like my last 10 games but still haven't deranked from LEM. What the hell is going on
You gotta lose to people below you in rank and elo.also ban unknown! He's posting links.I've lost 7-8 games in a row at DMG and not deranked
Damn grats. I lost my last five games.sorry chinzo, i beat ya
Damn grats. I lost my last five games.Gonna take a while to rank up. Luckily they disabled deranking. 8)
solo q to LE. huehuehue
still shit.
He sure knows how to make a black stick figure man hard as a rock.p.s. lol Unknown, all that hate he was spitting really warmed my cockles. Glad to see he is still convinced.
Woo-hoo. After 6+ hours, I'm finally level 2 *Call of Duty promotion rank-up guitar riff here?*
SMH @ Valve for these XP gains being dismal for people that don't buy the operations and too damn fast for people that DO.
It's a one time thing, if you were just playing regularly already it wouldn't be a problem. It's a good thing and I hope they up the requirements some time soon.
I'm not grinding a different gamemode to play something I've already been enjoying and playing for a year. GG.
It's a one time thing, if you were just playing regularly already it wouldn't be a problem. It's a good thing and I hope they up the requirements some time soon.
I hope they up it to level 10. Reset it to zero for everybody the moment they implement it so nobody can play competitive for a solid week.
I felt in the mood for some CSGO tonight and am kind of confused reading about this. If it were put up to level 10 and reset for everyone as you suggest, I have two questions:I hope they up it to level 10. Reset it to zero for everybody the moment they implement it so nobody can play competitive for a solid week.
Sting. It glows when there are orcs nearby, and that's when you need to be extra careful.After playing with my Bayonet Tiger Tooth I decided it was time for change, as much as I love the Tiger Tooth pattern I didn't really like the Bayonet....so I traded for THIS
Would have loved a full blue but that shit is expensive yo!
Sting. It glows when there are orcs nearby, and that's when you need to be extra careful.
I felt in the mood for some CSGO tonight and am kind of confused reading about this. If it were put up to level 10 and reset for everyone as you suggest, I have two questions:
- How many hours would it take to hit level 10 from level 1 with default XP gains?
- How many hours would it take to hit level 10 from level 1 if you buy the $6 campaigns (missions) that boosts XP?
CS GO reddit disgusts me, not going there again unless it's for update information.