Yeah why haven't you done that yet
5 hours casual with weekly xp bonus and your done. No need to pay for those worthless missions.Spend 6 dollars on the stupid campaign, play a handful of missions, done.
It's like a subscription.
And yeah, I think everyone feels the same way.
pls Superior Yaiba game. Others are trash.why the fuck is Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z filed under not shit? lol
you've taken the trolling too far
To the people that are complaining about the rank three limit. It serves three purposes. We will get the worst one out of the way. It encourages to purchase the new mission pack so that you level up faster. I know that it sucks to level up (I had to do that on my main account), but it absolutely helps people that deal with cheaters, and smurfs in the higher ranks.
Now on to the good parts of this change. As I mentioned before, it stops people from creating multiple smurfs. There are a lot of people with terrible attitudes that go onto their smurfs, and trash talk to the enemy team. That discourages the players on the enemy team to continue playing the game. And that's bad because well, if they're still playing CS. There's a chance that they might consider purchasing a skin or two. Thus, stopping the smurfers from ruining the game is what this new rank limit is doing, and it is sort of working (tbh, it's really easy to get to rank three).
There might be one or two more additional pros, and cons to the system, but the one I will write about is the most important one of them all in my humble opinion. The new rank limit system prevent cheaters from simply logging on to dozens of accounts that they must have bought due to CS:GO going on sale. The chances of them having all of their accounts rank three is pretty slim due to the time it takes to level up. So, they will have to go through the tedious process again (after the vac ban, of course), but you will not have to do it ever again because you would already be rank three or higher long before that happens.
Will this prevent cheating? No. Will this make it a tedious process for cheaters in the long term? Yes. Will there be sites selling rank three accounts for cheaters, and smurfs to buy? Yes. When they do buy those accounts, they will have to spend additional money for it. And that will introduce another tedious step for the smurfers, and cheaters.
So it encourages IAP and helps prevent smurfs. Got it. Sounds like a horrible decision.
.So it encourages IAP and helps prevent smurfs. Got it. Sounds like a horrible decision.
Everyone complaining about the Level 3 requirement, and Valve apparently "ruining" ppls favourite game by trying to improve the experience for ppl that.. you know.. actually play the game (instead of not play, and then complain about how they're so loyal to CS yada yada) -
I'm sure they'll help. Good luck.
I think you missed the part about it being tedious for smurfs and cheaters. If you would like, I have an extra mission ticket thing. I can give it to you so you can level up faster.
Why doesn't Valve just eliminate the mission boost XP then? That could simultaneously kill the paid smurf XP boost possibilities, and eliminate accusations that Valve is just trying to make money off a paid subscription model to play competitive.
*edit* I gained another rank after maybe 10 competitive games, but then I did the math...if each competitive game took 1.0-1.5 hours, that's 10-15 hours total. I gained about 2 levels in the same amount of time doing arms race. I'm not sure if competitive XP is slower, or if it just becomes drastically harder to level up the higher levels get.
Thanks for the detailed reply. What I don't understand is why the XP boost for missions needs to exist. Here's the math I'm doing, so please tell me if I'm missing something:There might be one or two more additional pros, and cons to the system, but the one I will write about is the most important one of them all in my humble opinion. The new rank limit system prevent cheaters from simply logging on to dozens of accounts that they must have bought due to CS:GO going on sale. The chances of them having all of their accounts rank three is pretty slim due to the time it takes to level up. So, they will have to go through the tedious process again (after the vac ban, of course), but you will not have to do it ever again because you would already be rank three or higher long before that happens.
Thanks. I didn't measure the match times after I started competitive so some of the maps were probably shorter than they felt.You get 30 points per round win.
If you're spending 60 to 90 minutes in matchmaking you're doing it extremely wrong. They last 45 minutes tops.
Also Arms Race gives you almost nothing (the second lowest of any game mode) so you must be including the weekly XP bonus. It doesn't get harder to rank up, it's always 5k exp per rank
[*]Let's assume the maximum reasonable discount (75%) for a game price of $3.75 USD.
Thanks. I didn't measure the match times after I started competitive so some of the maps were probably shorter than they felt.
I love the bullshit in the first part of your post...that you quoted.
This all leads back into the exact thing I've been asking about...getting rid of the XP boost for missions would discourage smurfs/cheaters temporarily. Wouldn't that therefore be a positive thing in the long run?Which, in fact, is quite the opposite of ruining the game. The level 3 requirement is a good thing, and to be honest it should be a higher level even. Every little thing that might at least discourage smurfs/cheaters temporarily is a positive thing in the long run.
This all leads back into the exact thing I've been asking about...getting rid of the XP boost for missions would discourage smurfs/cheaters temporarily. Wouldn't that therefore be a positive thing in the long run?
It would, a lot of cheaters are already paying over 30 dollars a month to cheat. Paying for the game and operation won't phase them.
OK, I can agree with this then. I don't think the level 3 requirement would be near as weird if the XP gains applied to everyone equally. I wasn't playing much, if any, when the last Operation was out, and I didn't realize it only had item drops as rewards.Yes, I agree with you there. The missions should not give any XP. It would've been perfect if they would've done this Operation like the last one and have the mission rewards just be item drops.
It's no bullshit, and it's not even directed at you personally. There just has been alot of.. drive-by complaining by ppl new to this thread recently and it's getting tiresome lol
And most people are like "I'm so loyal to CS" or "It's my favourite game" or "I have 1000s of hours and yada yada cant play competitive" -- but if that would be the case then they would've either been level 3 before the restriction was put in place OR would at least see the point in the whole thing - aka it improving the experience for people that play alot of matchmaking in the long run.
Which, in fact, is quite the opposite of ruining the game. The level 3 requirement is a good thing, and to be honest it should be a higher level even. Every little change that might at least discourage smurfs/cheaters temporarily is a positive thing in the long run.
because if you've played Destiny for the past 8 months you clearly like grinding
Thanks for the detailed reply. What I don't understand is why the XP boost for missions needs to exist. Here's the math I'm doing, so please tell me if I'm missing something:
- You suggest cheaters could log onto dozens of accounts they must have bought due to a CSGO sale.
- Let's assume the maximum reasonable discount (75%) for a game price of $3.75 USD.
- Let's assume the minimum number of dozens, 2.
- This means a cheater would have spent 2 * 12 * 3.75 = $90 USD on CSGO accounts alone? Or do you mean multiple cheaters, and each one only has a few accounts?
- If one or more cheaters has $90 USD in disposable income or Steam wallet cash, they can simply skip buying some of the accounts and get some Bloodhound access passes instead.
- The end result is 9 cheater accounts that can very quickly be rank 3, rather than 24 such accounts, for the same price.
- Disclaimer, all of the above math ignores any possible market sales from ingame drops. I don't know if that might recover some of the operation cost.
This seems to support the argument that it is reducing cheater accounts. Cheater accounts could be cut in half or more.
However, take the alternative, if missions were changed to have no XP boost: Now the person has the 24 cheater accounts again, but has to spend 10-15 hours on each account to get it to rank 3. Wouldn't this discourage cheating more than the price restriction?
Thanks. I didn't measure the match times after I started competitive so some of the maps were probably shorter than they felt.
I get you. The thing is, I've never had a problem with smurfs. I'm sorry for those who do. The cynic in me can't help but feel a part of this new program is to get people to buy things. I wanted a respite from the Destiny grind, so I figured jumping back into tried-and-true CS would do the trick. Instead, I'm greeted with yet another grind. Do you understand my frustration?
You're a charming individual who brings a lot to the discussion. Would read again.
Yeah, I absolutely do. I know that it's probably frustrating for a bunch of people.
If you don't mind me asking, what MM rank are you? At the moment, for me (Legendary Eagle), smurfs are not that big of an issue anymore. But back when I was still hanging around in Nova/MG we basically had one person carry the whole enemy team on their back in 90% of the matches. And I like to think that the player average is somewhere in Nova/MG - so that affects the most people.
LE and up it's more the cheaters that cause trouble. Level 3 requirement is a small step into discouraging both though. So, in the long run, it's gonna improve MM as a whole. Sure, it's not gonna stop smurfing/cheating completely - but it's another annoying procedure they have to endure which might discourage them, just like the "new accounts can only win 2 games a day before they get a skillgroup" thing.
It's definitely something that is also gonna annoy legit players, but I look at it as a "for the greater good" kind of deal. CS is a game that requires alot of time, so the first 5-10 hours might be annoying but at least the next 100-1000 are gonna be a better experience thanks to that.
And yeah, I'll not pretend that Valve does not have money in mind doing the whole "XP rewards for doing operation missions" thing. That is definitely something that came up during one of their meetings on how to increase revenue haha.
You're like the 8th person in the past two weeks with this shit. There's nothing to discuss because everything has been said. What else can be said in response to "I don't care that you guys have problems with smurfs and cheaters, I don't because I only play 1 match a year so fuck your enjoyment"
When Operation Bloodhound launched almost a month ago the entire fucking CS community knew what it was leading up to. The pros and cons have been debated for weeks. One would think someone would follow one of their "favorite" games at least a tiny bit to the point where they have some kind of idea on the state of the game and where it's headed.
Are people noticing this helping with smurfs? I'm an eagle, too.
Welp just be glad you aren't playing Destiny.beat the million dollar mission and then started the 300 chicken mission. got to 282 left in one game and then uninstalled CS:GO.
Nope. You get a bunch of dumb missions, some maps you'll never play again. Only worth getting it is on day 1, pray for a casedrop and sell it for a profit. That ship has sailed now.Is it worth buying these missions? Like Bloodhound for example. Watched WarOwl's video on it just now, seems like a waste of money.
Hell no!!! As in do not buy!Is it worth buying these missions? Like Bloodhound for example. Watched WarOwl's video on it just now, seems like a waste of money.
We're twinsiesThanks for the knife Lastflowers!
Why I outta!Also damn riv how have you not been banned lately lol
"Judiie"Why I outta!
And why you say that? What did I do?
"Opinions on feminism""Judiie"
"Opinions on feminism"
My mom calls me Jackie.Rivi if you were a gurl your name would be Rodentia.
because if you've played Destiny for the past 8 months you clearly like grinding
You're a charming individual who brings a lot to the discussion. Would read again.
My mom calls me Jackie.
Looks like ENCORE is gong to switch out some players. Sunny and aslak joined the roster.
That Inferno map was one of the more exciting maps I've seen these last few weeks. It just went back and forth.What an incredible final between Na'Vi and enVyUs, super fun to watch. They really went head to head. So many sick plays, mindgames and they proved to be so evenly balanced.
nV leading 9-0 and then Na'Vi winning 25-23, crazy.
He's too busy playing in a good team known as nerdrage with spaghetti... Errr I mean villg.Bring in the jOELZ!