Game is amazing but think i already did and saw most of the stuff, including world conquest. Might do an africa and inidian campaign and thats all. Bring in the dlcs with big new mechanics!!!
I don't know. The game throws up some surprises with the random events all the time. On my umpteenth noodle starting as the Earl of Ormond in 867 (I like the twin challenge of fending off the Vikings as well as negotiating the troublesome Neill Clan to the north of me and their alliance with the King of Alba) I was looking for a primary Spouse and doing a search of 'sum of all skills' and the game threw up this Genius Bavarian Commoner with 10+ scores across the board and I was all
So I wifed that up straight away (whilst using my brother and sisters to form a few alliances), but being Insular Christian the games bugging me to get more wives, however, albeit you can marry a Christian as your primary, with insular Christianity you can no longer get successful betrothals to Christians after that, so you're limited in the pool you can draw from at the game start, namely Irish. Anyway, I found a decent Irish lass with 25 learning who I thought would come in handy as a physician.
Anyway games underway, go to romance the Primary wife, turns out the wife is more into GirlsTown (someone didn't check the sexual preference marker because they were in a rush ) so I'm like
But I'm like
But anyway apparently contrary to how I thought things were going to go. She's all up for the baby-making, dropping a genius-level daughter in the first year and then saddling up for more barely a couple of months later. I'm now
4 kids in a matter of years 3 of them geniuses (though typically my first son misses out on that, because CKIII loves first pancake syndrome) so overall I'm like
But then suddenly I get some random event chain come up. Apparently, the remains of a body were discovered and the peasants are getting restless. I'm thinking 'ooh ooh' Cannibal secret in the Court. So I've got my Spymaster full-time on the case, but nope the bodies start piling up. First one of my random dynasty courtiers, then my second wife the Physician, then one of my councillors. All the while I'm doing what I can with the event choices to try and bring the matter to an end (none of which work) eventually my father is found strung up with a note attached saying that that would be the last death but that the killer was watching me.
Anyway, Spymaster is coming back to me saying 'It's this kid' whose all of about 12 as the killer of my father so I'm kind of sceptical, but then he also comes back and points the finger my Wife (the Genius) for the other murders (implying they were working together...). So then I'm like
Problem is I don't have the crown authority to imprison either of them, plus the wife is still dropping more genius kids like there's no tomorrow (up to 7 now, including a few more sons). Ultimately I'm...
Sadly I just died from bubonic Plague, but I did have the sense to arrange a few alliances for my kids beforehand so hopefully, the dynasty will continue. I just wonder whether my heir's mother will go on any more murder sprees. I might have to marry her to the Neills...