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Daisy Ridley Thought Rey’s Parentage Was Revealed in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

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Worse than going off and listening to Linkin Park for years?

So on top of going into hiding and abandoning the Resistance when Kylo turns to the Darkside and the Empire makes a comeback, Luke is also a deadbeat dad? And maybe committed Force incest with Leia? I think I saw a few of his posts in the Confessions thread.

This is what episode VIII needs to answer about Luke disappearing on the Galaxy and his friends because his nephew went all emo side.

If I am not satisfied by the answer then some people are gonna get hella flamed on twitter and all social media and I won't be the only one part of a raging nerd mob out for Disney blood.


Ya'll do realize Rey was dropped off on Jakku before Ren attacked Luke's Jedi academy, right? Years before, at the very least 6 - 7.

Maybe Luke had a feeling that Ren was a bad apple and dropped Rey off to be safe.

Ren convinces everyone he is harmless and Luke and Leia (was Han still in the picture at this point?) have an argument about the whole deal (We need to talk about Kylo) before they finally convince Luke that it was all in his head.

And then Ren does the murder thing and Luke thinks he failed his students by not trusting his own instincts and goes into hiding.
About ten years before TFA (I don't recall it being stated how old Rey was when she was left on Jakku), Rey, having been mind wiped of her training and her father and in turn leaves her connection to the Force dormant which makes her much more difficult, if not impossible to find, having just had Ben fall and knows he'll be returning and doesn't want his daughter to either get killed or be taken to Snoke, decides for their safety she and her mother would be better off away from him before Ben returns. However Ben, now Kylo Ren returns with the KOR sooner than expected as Rey and her mother along with a Jedi Priest or whatever hastily escape the planet they're on, eventually they get found but Mrs. Not Mara Jade manages to get away long enough to quickly leave Rey on a random planet as they're being pursued by the 1st Order. She doesn't manage to evade them for long though and after the 1st Order catches up again her mother again with no means of escape, decides the only way to prevent them from finding their daughter is to sacrifice herself (and Jedi Priest dude if he's still there) and blows up their own ship, leaving everyone to believe Rey went along with it. Luke doesn't know what happened to his daughter but feels the loss of his wife and through reports assumes Rey died along with her. Maybe later as the Force within Rey starts awakening Luke senses her, sets events in motion to reunite them but not without him feeling guilty as fuck and feeling he's made not just the same mistakes that lead to Anakin and Ben's fall but worse, top it off she's got Granpakin's old Lightsaber (Luke's hand not included) for an extra helping of "oh fuck, what have I done?"

All coincidences are "The Will of the Force"... In other words.


It's really late and I'm probably forgetting a lot along with stuff I'm likely unaware of.

Ya'll do realize Rey was dropped off on Jakku before Ren attacked Luke's Jedi academy, right? Years before, at the very least 6 - 7.

Was it stated in the books or by the story group? I don't remember any source for her age in the flashback but that drivel I wrote above is easy enough to adjust. Just throw in Ben's struggle and Luke knowing of Snoke and tweak it a bit.


I know Lucas isn't in charge anymore but didn't he say, that the main Star Wars saga was about skywalker family. Why would it change now..


I just rewatched TFA for the first time since it was in cinemas, and honestly, the theory that feels like it is blatantly spelled out is her being Leia and Han's. But it doesn't quite work. My big sticking point is Han offering Rey a job. If Han knows Rey is supposed to be hiding on Jakku, either because she's his secret child, or Luke's or whatever, why does he try and get her to join him? Rey then says she can't, because she is waiting for someone, and Han doesn't immediately say 'actually the person you're waiting for is....', so if he knows who Rey's parents are, he's purposely keeping it a secret whilst simultaneously going against the idea of her staying in the spot this person has left her. It's not major but to me it's odd.


I think the question is going to be about why she was left on Jakku, of all the planets that exist. I think the answer to that question is going to tie into her abilities. I think the answer will explain why she was left there before Ben's turn and the resultant massacre and why Luke disappeared.

Life Debt
explains that Palpatine had an excavation site and research facility/lab of some kind on the planet. He left a confidant there with a mission to protect the installation; a confidant that would be the defacto leader of the remnants of the Empire after Palpatine's death (at least at this point in the story). There was obviously a massive battle, there too - why did the Empire regroup on Jakku?

If she is Luke's, would her abandonment on Jakku be in close proximity to revelation of Darth Vader's relationship to Luke and Leia? If so, her mother could have spirited her away from Luke (who was off doing Jedi stuff and training Ben) to a place closely linked with the Force, where it was hoped she would guard and protect whatever it is on the planet.

Luke could have been looking for her in his search for the first Jedi temple. Maybe it's on Jakku?
God damn if only someone had gone upto her and said "damn your parents I just can't believe it was them" she would have continued the conversation and revealed all
It wasn't obvious to me... Please explain how it was obvious.

well the light saber scene in the basement, that she was left on the planet as a young girl and that luke is gone and nobody knows where he is and that she is such a powerful jedi" skywalker powerful"

also that Kylo knows who she is, they met during lukes training camp for jedies perhaps
well the light saber scene in the basement, that she was left on the planet as a young girl and that luke is gone and nobody knows where he is and that she is such a powerful jedi" skywalker powerful"

also that Kylo knows who she is, they met during lukes training camp for jedies perhaps

That is pure speculation, they have multiple face to face interactions in the movie and he says nothing that would indicate he knew her. And she clearly doesn't know him. That definitely falls out of the realm of "obvious".
What if she doesn't know/misunderstood it/was told a lie by the producers during the shooting of TFA? Or just that it was obvious in the scenes they shot but they edited the movie such that it's ambiguous now?


It wasn't obvious to me... Please explain how it was obvious.

1. Thematically, her journey matches both Anakin and Luke's journey; enormously gifted force user stuck on desert planet that gets adopted and taught how to become a Jedi.

2. She has the hallmark traits of the Skywalker family: instinctively gifted with technology/spaceships (heavily telegraphed), strong and innate connection to the Force.

3. The Skywalker lightsaber called out to her.

Being a Kenobi would be cool, but doesn't seem nearly as likely.
What if she doesn't know/misunderstood it/was told a lie by the producers during the shooting of TFA? Or just that it was obvious in the scenes they shot but they edited the movie such that it's ambiguous now?

Not likely. Actors are very often given context on set for their actions/reactions that aren't included in the script. Things to provide a basis for their portrayal. A lot of times that stuff never comes to light but it's there.

An example would be Alan Rickman being told the meaning behind the "Always" line by Rowling so he could better understand the complexity behind Severus Snape for the Harry Potter films. This way he could internalize it and use it throughout his portrayal.
Not likely. Actors are very often given context on set for their actions/reactions that aren't included in the script. Things to provide a basis for their portrayal. A lot of times that stuff never comes to light but it's there.

An example would be Alan Rickman being told the meaning behind the "Always" line by Rowling so he could better understand the complexity behind Severus Snape for the Harry Potter films. This way he could internalize it and use it throughout his portrayal.
Yeah but then again there's the "I am your father" scene from ESB that was shot with altered dialog for the purpose of preventing leaks. It's not unthinkable that they would do something similar again.


I always thought Leia knew who Rey was when they met. It was more like a close family moment or comforting a child she already knew. I think the fact she didn't say anything could easily be the journey was meant to happen and the right thing to do.

Mr Swine

You mean Luke paired with the Emperor? That;s really wild, Jacobi.

There was no mother. Luke carried her, gave birth to her. I can't explain what happened.

The Emperor was using Force Jizz Lightning on Luke making him pregnant. No Wonder why Vader threw him down the shaft!

I think it could be someone else than alike or Leila that is the parents to her
1. Thematically, her journey matches both Anakin and Luke's journey; enormously gifted force user stuck on desert planet that gets adopted and taught how to become a Jedi.

2. She has the hallmark traits of the Skywalker family: instinctively gifted with technology/spaceships (heavily telegraphed), strong and innate connection to the Force.

3. The Skywalker lightsaber called out to her.

Being a Kenobi would be cool, but doesn't seem nearly as likely.

Anakin wasn't adopted. He left to train at the Academy.

She isn't instinctively gifted with technology. She's worked at a scrapyard since she was a child and learned to pilot from a simulator. She's shown herself to be a gearhead not a savant.

The saber did call out to her. However that's not something that has ever been shown to be specific to a particular lineage or common between relatives belongings. It could just as easily be the working of The Force at large as we've seen throughout the series.


Neo Member
What about Ray is a Ups-Baby of Luke, and they dont know and never known if they are truly family and it leave to the audience especulation, just random memorys of Rey Mother than was know for Luke/Leya?
Yeah but then again there's the "I am your father" scene from ESB that was shot with altered dialog for the purpose of preventing leaks. It's not unthinkable that they would do something similar again.

This isn't common practice and there is zero reason to believe that JJ would do this just because Lucas and Co did it in ESB.

Thematic mirros make sense. Production mirrors don't.


Anakin wasn't adopted. He left to train at the Academy.

She isn't instinctively gifted with technology. She's worked at a scrapyard since she was a child and learned to pilot from a simulator. She's shown herself to be a gearhead not a savant.

The saber did call out to her. However that's not something that has ever been shown to be specific to a particular lineage or common between relatives belongings. It could just as easily be the working of The Force at large as we've seen throughout the series.

Dude, you're just rebutting with technicalities and semantics.

When I say "adopted" I don't mean literally. I mean they are taken off of a sand planet and taken into Jedi training. Thats the entire catalyst of the previous two trilogies.

She flies the Falcon without ever touching it before, and when Finn asks about it shes just as surprised as he is - she doesn't say "I'm a gearhead, Finn!". This harkens back to Anakin and Luke being gifted pilots with little to no formal training. Its an obvious telegraph.

The saber was Anakins, then Lukes. Just saying there is already a precedent for the blade finding its way into the hands of the next of kin.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Anakin wasn't adopted. He left to train at the Academy.

She isn't instinctively gifted with technology. She's worked at a scrapyard since she was a child and learned to pilot from a simulator. She's shown herself to be a gearhead not a savant.

The saber did call out to her. However that's not something that has ever been shown to be specific to a particular lineage or common between relatives belongings. It could just as easily be the working of The Force at large as we've seen throughout the series.

Why would Rey's abandonment on Jakku be part of the lightsaber vision if Rey were not closely connected to Luke? The vision hinted at Luke's training with Yoda/duel with Vader, Kylo turning on the Jedi, Rey being abandoned, and finally Kylo confronting Rey. The visions were highly specific to Luke and his protégés. It's logical to assume that Rey is Luke's daughter on that scene alone. Why else would Luke's saber trigger that vision of her parents leaving her on Jakku?
Dude, you're just rebutting with technicalities and semantics.

When I say "adopted" I don't mean literally. I mean a Jedi discovers them on a sand planet and takes them into Jedi training. Thats the entire catalyst of the previous two trilogies.

She flies the Falcon without ever touching it before, and when Finn asks about it shes just as surprised as he is - she doesn't say "I'm a gearhead, Finn!". This harkens back to Anakin and Luke being gifted pilots with little to no formal training. Its an obvious telegraph.

The saber was Anakins, then Lukes. Just saying.

No, I'm replying with facts. Anakin had a mother for years. He just went into Jedi training. Like every single other Jedi.

She has actually touched the Falcon before. She's intimate with the changes that the Scrapyard owner made to it and knows the internal layout. She never *flew* it before but again, she has simulator flight training. She's a trained pilot who is amazed she flies as well as she does with no practical experience.

It was Anakins and then Obi's and then Luke's and then touched dozens of hands before coming into Maz collection. And there was no mystical aspect to Luke getting it. It was literally handed to him unceremoniously by Obi Wan. No force visions, feelings, or even goosebumps.

The point I'm making is that the connections are not knock it out of the park definite at all.

Why would Rey's abandonment on Jakku be part of the lightsaber vision if Rey were not closely connected to Luke? The vision hinted at Luke's training with Yoda/duel with Vader, Kylo turning on the Jedi, Rey being abandoned, and finally Kylo confronting Rey. The visions were highly specific to Luke and his protégés. It's logical to assume that Rey is Luke's daughter on that scene alone. Why else would Luke's saber trigger that vision of her parents leaving her on Jakku?

The vision was preparing Rey for *her* journey so everything was contextualized for her to glean understanding from. Its not so much based around Luke's protege's as much as Luke is key to Rey's journey sp his history is relevant. No matter who she is related to, she will be dealing with things that have resulted from Luke's choices... Much like Luke was dealing with things that resulted from Obi Wan's.
It would be weird if she if she was han and leia's simply because of the english accent.

Has to be luke and somebody else or a decedent of obi wans.

Don't you remember Leia's British accent in ANH? The accent is dumb anyway because she would have picked up whatever the local dialect was on Jakku.


Junior Member
I think the question is going to be about why she was left on Jakku, of all the planets that exist. I think the answer to that question is going to tie into her abilities. I think the answer will explain why she was left there before Ben's turn and the resultant massacre and why Luke disappeared.

Life Debt
explains that Palpatine had an excavation site and research facility/lab of some kind on the planet. He left a confidant there with a mission to protect the installation; a confidant that would be the defacto leader of the remnants of the Empire after Palpatine's death (at least at this point in the story). There was obviously a massive battle, there too - why did the Empire regroup on Jakku?

If she is Luke's, would her abandonment on Jakku be in close proximity to revelation of Darth Vader's relationship to Luke and Leia? If so, her mother could have spirited her away from Luke (who was off doing Jedi stuff and training Ben) to a place closely linked with the Force, where it was hoped she would guard and protect whatever it is on the planet.

Luke could have been looking for her in his search for the first Jedi temple. Maybe it's on Jakku?

Interesting theory -- Rey being linked more closely to the First Order/Empire than the Skywalkers. It would be a neat "break the pedestal" moment for the memory of her parents.

As for Obi-Wan talking to Rey, I think that's either his force ghost having interacted with her at some point during her childhood, or his force ghost talking to her through the vision itself while she was having it.


I'm going to go with the Obi-Wan theory... only because it would be genius marketing leading into an Ewan Mcgregor Star Wars Story film/series.


Lukes the dad and ObiWan is the gdad on the other side. Thats my vote.
That's a pretty cool possibility too, but it would also be major lawls for the shrinking of the Star Wars universe. A lineage that produces potentially the most powerful Jedi ever.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
I don't think a spoiler and non spoiler thread is asking too much, personally.
The Review thread will probably be up sometime this week and the idea was that non-spoiler stuff discussion would go into there. Not to mention it's where most of it usually happens for a bunch of movies this year anyway.


The Review thread will probably be up sometime this week and the idea was that non-spoiler stuff discussion would go into there. Not to mention it's where most of it usually happens for a bunch of movies this year anyway.
I was thinking.. spoiler/review thread and a non spoiler thread OT. Spoilers are naturally in reviews. Thought that made the most sense.
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