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Daisy Ridley Thought Rey’s Parentage Was Revealed in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

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Star Wars "spoilers" are the only thing I care about, most films I like to be surprised so yes, things I've heard through the grapevine.

So someone connected to the film told you
her lineage wouldn't be revealed in the movie
. Okay. That's all I was trying to get at.

Not sure if that's going to remain the case for the next year, especially considering I'm pretty sure she's also said that aspect of her character will be answered in this movie as well, but who knows. Like you said, shit can change between the rough cut and the final.

Maz Kanata: [to Rey] That lightsaber was Luke's. And his father's before him. And now, it calls to you.

no shit she thought it was revealed...

Wrong Maz line to listen for.
So someone connected to the film told you
her lineage wouldn't be revealed in the movie
. Okay. That's all I was trying to get at.

Not sure if that's going to remain the case for the next year, especially considering I'm pretty sure she's also said that aspect of her character will be answered in this movie as well, but who knows. Like you said, shit can change between the rough cut and the final.

Wrong Maz line to listen for.

Right and then there's the reshoots but I think people need to understand her parents and who they are is not part of main plot, if it happens.

Apparently, major scene spoiler,
she has a meditation session with Luke, Old Ben and Yoda where they walk through the force and you see some "trippy" images. Why wouldn't they say something to her about her parents then? Is this before or after she asks about her family?
These are small holes I've found which makes me wonder if they really intentionally are making us wait or they filmed something and locked it up right away or Rian is just really going balls deep with new Jedi lore/weirdness and doesn't want to be bothered with the obvious questions/answers lol.
Right and then there's the reshoots but I think people need to understand her parents and who they are is not part of main plot, if it happens.

Yeah, that's what Griffy & I were trying to get at on the last page: It's not really a big deal who her parents are. At this point the laser-focus on the answer to the question is fueled by a self-perpetuating fan-speculation engine. It's the same sort of puzzle-game shit that caused Westworld to suffer like two mini-backlashes even before the first season ended, caused people to be disappointed in True Detective, so on and so forth...

There's something about the gamification of storytelling by viewers that is irresistable for some people, but I'm not sure that the extra thrill gained by being able to say "I called it" is worth all the energy and investment into theorycrafting, especially when most of that theorycrafting is being removed from the context of the larger story.

Anyway: Thanks for being patient with me, and thanks for being up front. Very much appreciated on both counts.
Right and then there's the reshoots but I think people need to understand her parents and who they are is not part of main plot, if it happens.

Apparently, major scene spoiler,
she has a meditation session with Luke, Old Ben and Yoda where they walk through the force and you see some "trippy" images. Why wouldn't they say something to her about her parents then? Is this before or after she asks about her family?
These are small holes I've found which makes me wonder if they really intentionally are making us wait or they filmed something and locked it up right away or Rian is just really going balls deep with new Jedi lore/weirdness and doesn't want to be bothered with the obvious questions/answers lol.
You should post what you've heard in the spoiler/rumour thread we've got going for future films. It would be nice to have something to talk about :)
You should post what you've heard in the spoiler/rumour thread we've got going for future films. It would be nice to have something to talk about :)

I posted about that scene in the thread months ago :)

But like Making Star Wars, it's too soon to let everything out of the bag at once. It's a year away, I'd like more people to join in on the discussions and that thread sadly seems mostly dead. Don't know why MSW sits on it for THAT long though, they should do a morsel a week or something.
I posted about that scene in the thread months ago :)

But like Making Star Wars, it's too soon to let everything out of the bag at once. It's a year away, I'd like more people to join in on the discussions and that thread sadly seems mostly dead. Don't know why MSW sits on it for THAT long though, they should do a morsel a week or something.
Oh damn, you're right. Really goes to show how dead that thread is (for now).
Oh damn, you're right. Really goes to show how dead that thread is (for now).

If it makes you feel any better, from the bits I've heard, none of the story leaks from Reddit are true. Zero. This is truly a completely new story. Just like any good film, I think it will divide people because
I already know the biggest (probably) complaint some of the nerd community are going to make.
Some are going to dislike the story choices they made but I think they're looking at the bigger picture (how it'll wrap up in 9).

I don't trust J.J.s quotes, ever but you better believe Daisy has her quotes run by Kathy before they're approved for the press.

whats the right line?

Probably the one about her family and Luke being her future as that is very telling.
If it makes you feel any better, from the bits I've heard, none of the story leaks from Reddit are true. Zero. This is truly a completely new story. Just like any good film, I think it will divide people because
I already know the biggest (probably) complaint some of the nerd community are going to make.
Some are going to dislike the story choices they made but I think they're looking at the bigger picture (how it'll wrap up in 9).

I don't trust J.J.s quotes, ever but you better believe Daisy has her quotes run by Kathy before they're approved for the press.

Probably the one about her family and Luke being her future as that is very telling.
Are you excited about viii? Moreso than TFA?
Are you excited about viii? Moreso than TFA?

I love stories about Jedis and Ben is my favorite new character so yeah, I'm more excited for 8. I can't wait to hear Old Luke and his buddies chat it up, Ben grow even more etc. I'm thinking 9 is going to be something special too. I love Han a lot but I knew he would be the focus of 7 as far as the old crew so I was dying for 8...for a few years now lol.

Also, I don't think people have really thought about how little will change depending on her parents. The universe and story isn't going to go through some huge alteration now that we know who her parents are, its like everyone is waiting for a twist. You guys realize nobody who worked on this film gave a shit who Snoke was as well? He's a scary looking old dude that everyone is afraid of and is cunning as fuck. I hope everyone just enjoys the story for what it is.
I love stories about Jedis and Ben is my favorite new character so yeah, I'm more excited for 8. I can't wait to hear Old Luke and his buddies chat it up, Ben grow even more etc. I'm thinking 9 is going to be something special too. I love Han a lot but I knew he would be the focus of 7 as far as the old crew so I was dying for 8...for a few years now lol.

Thanks for giving some deets about viii. I know Rian Johnson will deliver.
Thanks for giving some deets about viii. I know Rian Johnson will deliver.

Like I reminded people a million times in the other thread, besides his story pitch blowing them away, they picked Rian because of Breaking Bad, not his films. This is why he was on the short list with people like Ben Affleck, he gets the emotional dynamic that's needed and will get it out of his actors. This is going to be a ridiculously emotional film for the good guys and bad, which is also why I'm excited to see a
Luke. On paper, this is my favorite one already but we'll see how editing goes.

If you can't tell, I'm way too hype for this even at my age. It brings out the kid in me. Can't wait to see what quote everyone disects next lol.
Nothing but faith in Rian Johnson.

I mean, I'm not expecting him to make a better movie than Empire. But I also won't be at all surprised when he does so, either :)
Like I reminded people a million times in the other thread, besides his story pitch blowing them away, they picked Rian because of Breaking Bad, not his films. This is why he was on the short list with people like Ben Affleck, he gets the emotional dynamic that's needed and will get it out of his actors. This is going to be a ridiculously emotional film for the good guys and bad, which is also why I'm excited to see a
Luke. On paper, this is my favorite one already but we'll see how editing goes.

If you can't tell, I'm way too hype for this even at my age. It brings out the kid in me. Can't wait to see what quote everyone disects next lol.

He got a godlike performance out of I dont give a fuck era Bruce Willis.

Im excited.


Yeah, she's Luke's kid. That was pretty obvious and I don't even think they intended for it to be this mystery that the fans have made it out to be.
Nothing but faith in Rian Johnson.

I mean, I'm expecting a better movie than Empire. But I also won't be surprised if he makes it, either.

I think because of the ridiculously entertaining story, the emotion he's going to get out of the actors, his editing style and new visuals for a SW film, this could easily top Empire for many. Not even something I doubt anymore. This is so far away from the prequels, it's like part of a different series and I mean that in the best way possible. Not that Hamill and company were bad actors, it's just their new dialogue combined with Rian is going to make it feel like more of a "real" film, if that makes sense. It's what I've always wanted. I called it realistic fantasy, just didn't think I'd get it with SW.

Unfortunately, I think guys like Snoke and the Knights might have the same effect Vader had in Rogue One for some. They'll be jarring sometimes after cutting away from the "human" drama scenes. Anyways, listen to Daisy, she knows what she's talking about lol.


I recently rewatched Breaking Bad. Rian's episodes got me immeasurably hyped for VIII. I play it calm and collected on the outside, but I'm really Starkiller levels of unstable, unbridled hype on the inside.


"Dear child. I see your eyes. You already know the truth. Whomever you're waiting for on Jakku... they're never coming back... But... there's someone who still could.

Rey: Luke."

Luke can't be her dad because Maz just said that the family she's waiting for on Jakku isn't coming back - and then SPECIFICALLY says Luke still could. Thus delineating between "your family" and "Luke Skywalker"

Luke Skywalker can't be her family because if he was that sentence would make zero sense.

You realize that it actually is a big hint towards Luke being her actual father in that very scene and dialogue right?

Maz Kanata: Dear child. I see your eyes. You already know the truth. Whomever you're waiting for on Jakku... they're never coming back... But... there's someone who still could.
Rey: Luke.
Maz Kanata: The belonging you seek is not behind you... it is ahead. I am no Jedi, but I know the Force. It moves through and surrounds every living thing. Close your eyes... Feel it... The light... it's always been there. It will guide you. The saber. Take it.

"whomever" =/= her actual family. Maz is making it as clear as possible between that line that borderline discards the "whomever" as her real family, and the line about Luke 's lineage and the lightsaber.
It was whoever Luke left her with as her adoptive parents, who had to run off while leaving a discreet guardian behind (Lor san Tekka) to make sure she would be as un-remarkable as possible and give her a chance to grow older.

It also mirrors Luke's upbringing on Tattooine with Ben keeping a distant eye on him (and helps bringing down the "coincidence factor" a big deal too, between Poe -> Map with Tekka / BB8 runs into very powerful force wielder / who happens to know where the Falcon is / Cue Han and chewie).
I think because of the ridiculously entertaining story, the emotion he's going to get out of the actors, his editing style and new visuals for a SW film, this could easily top Empire for many. Not even something I doubt anymore. This is so far away from the prequels, it's like part of a different series and I mean that in the best way possible. Not that Hamill and company were bad actors, it's just their new dialogue combined with Rian is going to make it feel like more of a "real" film, if that makes sense. It's what I've always wanted. I called it realistic fantasy, just didn't think I'd get it with SW.

Unfortunately, I think guys like Snoke and the Knights might have the same effect Vader had in Rogue One for some. They'll be jarring sometimes after cutting away from the "human" drama scenes. Anyways, listen to Daisy, she knows what she's talking about lol.

I dont know if you can answer this but.... Do you know if Rian is writing a treatment for IX? Or is it all Trevorrow and his team?
Why some folks clinging on to the Luke is the daddy theory so hard is beyond me. It makes no sense after watching TFA outside of fan fiction nonsense. She related to Ben or just a strong force user.

the extraordinary piloting skills, the lightsaber calling to her, Luke being the right age. I mean, the Skywalker lineage has to continue somehow..
Maz Kanata: [to Rey] That lightsaber was Luke's. And his father's before him. And now, it calls to you.

no shit she thought it was revealed...

She says other stuff implying Rey is Luke's kid, but yea this is another thing in the pile

I love the conspiracies and debates but I guess in reality this one is pretty obvious
I dont know if you can answer this but.... Do you know if Rian is writing a treatment for IX? Or is it all Trevorrow and his team?


Lucas laid out some general outlines

Toy Story 3 writer did some treatments

JJ took over completely

Got help from Rian Johnson for making the trilogy flow from TFA (and in turn ended up shaping the trilogy)

Trevorrow called in to make sure it lands smoothly and probably takes less risks compared to TFA an Ep. 8
She says other stuff implying Rey is Luke's kid, but yea this is another thing in the pile

I love the conspiracies and debates but I guess in reality this one is pretty obvious

yeah i'm like...why would she be related to Ben? Then Ben's lightsaber would call to her, not Luke's/Anakin's
I dont know if you can answer this but.... Do you know if Rian is writing a treatment for IX? Or is it all Trevorrow and his team?

Because of his story, Trev has no choice but to follow his direction. Rian might be credited along with them for story but he's not doing any of the screenplay, that's Trev and his guys. This film will stick out moreso than 7 did compared to the original trilogy, for better or worse (better for me).

You guys have to remember, he is the first person besides Kasdan to be let loose and get the SINGLE writing credit for the film (story and screenplay). That's how much they fell in love with his pitch. I can't even imagine the joy he felt when they told him it's all his let alone starting the script on his computer and getting to type in the words Luke Skywalker. That is a once in a lifetime dream come true.

J.J. is in a weird spot. He revived a franchise and has the highest grossing domestic film of all time...but he knew before even the film rolled that Rian had the best script and was able to play around more. 8 is not going to top 7 in the box office either, Disney is fully prepared for that. I think their estimate is 1.40. Below that would be "good".


yeah i'm like...why would she be related to Ben? Then Ben's lightsaber would call to her, not Luke's/Anakin's

To top it off ALL the visions relate to Luke to some level, but several visions do not relate to Ben at all, including the fight on Bespin.
It's not just related to events the lightsaber went through either, as a big vision is the fight vs the knights of Ren (when Luke was betrayed).
Trevorrow called in to make sure it lands smoothly and probably takes less risks compared to TFA an Ep. 8

Is that even possible? TFA was the safest movie imaginable. I mean look at the cool stuff they left on the floor during the design stages. Jakku used to be a volcanic ice planet, Snoke used to be an otherworldly beautiful female. Poe used to be dead. The Starkiller base was added late in the process. It's not a horrible film, as much as I don't like a lot of aspects of it, but it is the very definition of safe. It was created that way on purpose.
You realize that it actually is a big hint towards Luke being her actual father in that very scene and dialogue right?

I see how it can be read that way, but I don't think that it is.

My problem with the "Luke gave her up for adoption" theory is the age at which she's left on Jakku, which is years before Ben turns and becomes Kylo. Why would Luke give her up? Why would her adoptive parents abandon her? There's almost no reason for any of that to happen if there's a familial connection with Luke, I don't think. It doesn't make much story sense for him to give up his kid at a time when he's so put together he's starting Jedi temples, training people, the galaxy is more or less at peace... don't see why he'd give up his kid. Much less give him up to two people who then ditched her on Jakku with Unkar Plutt.

None of that makes sense unless Luke is in some sort of frightened/disadvantaged position wherein he can't take care of his kid. But that doesn't really seem to jibe well with the timeline.

So it seems more plausible to me to take Maz at face value when she delineates between "your family" and "Luke" as if they're two separate things. Give up on the hope of your family returning, and go get a new family instead. Stop waiting on the past, and instead build a better future.

She can still be Luke's family without having to be born to him. Basically I guess I'm coming at this adoption angle from the other end: I don't think she was adopted out from Luke because he bailed on his responsibilities as a parent (bailing on responsibility obviously came afterwards, when his nephew lost his fuckin mind), but I think she will become Luke's "daughter" via her time learning from him.

To top it off ALL the visions relate to Luke to some level, but several visions do not relate to Ben at all, including the fight on Bespin.

Who needs the visions to relate to Ben when Ben is directly speaking to her. For all we know, Ben's showing them to her. Specifically. Past, future, the path of that saber, the people it will affect, the people it's affected.

But the fact Ben is speaking to her from the vision likely means something.
I have a burning feeling that reading into the lines of TFA is going to be an exercise in futility when we look back after VIII. The script in that movie seemed very willy-nilly about setting things up or explaining what's happening in the world. "A good question... for another time" for example :/. I'm not completely confident thr movie knew exactly what it was doing on these fronts, and it's not like this is new for Star Wars (Vader murdered your father, what I told you is true lololol).


It's possible Rey is Luke's daughter, but it's extremely unlikely that those who left her in that ship is him, unless Rey is amnesiac or has false memories which is pretty far fetched, although I would almost like that because her character is so bad it would fix it with a magic wand.

I would assume that if Rey is Luke's daughter, the family she remembers were foster parents whom Luke left Rey in the hands of, and who ended up bolting out and left Rey behind in exchange for a flight out later. She was left in the hands of someone who treats her poorly, so presumably in exchange of being able to fly away, probably a trade for a ticket purchase, a debt payment or whatever. Considering how much they copied the old Star Wars, I would assume they copied it for Rey's background too.

And I would guess that said folks were somehow related to Von Sydow and co.'s characters, for Luke to trust them. Why the heck Rey would not have been with those folks though who knows.

They better clear things up nicely cause her character right now is completely nonsensical and that's kind of stupid after a whole movie where she was the protagonist.
Is that even possible? TFA was the safest movie imaginable. I mean look at the cool stuff they left on the floor during the design stages. Jakku used to be a volcanic ice planet, Snoke used to be an otherworldly beautiful female. Poe used to be dead. The Starkiller base was added late in the process. It's not a horrible film, as much as I don't like a lot of aspects of it, but it is the very definition of safe. It was created that way on purpose.

Lucasfilm was fully prepared for the backlash from the prequels to rear its ugly head. They seriously had no idea how people would take TFA, even if it was super safe. They didn't know if people would be okay with that (going retro) and weren't sure how much of the bad taste of the prequels still existed in people's minds.
I see how it can be read that way, but I don't think that it is.

My problem with the "Luke gave her up for adoption" theory is the age at which she's left on Jakku, which is years before Ben turns and becomes Kylo. Why would Luke give her up? Why would her adoptive parents abandon her? There's almost no reason for any of that to happen if there's a familial connection with Luke, I don't think. It doesn't make much story sense for him to give up his kid at a time when he's so put together he's starting Jedi temples, training people, the galaxy is more or less at peace... don't see why he'd give up his kid. Much less give him up to two people who then ditched her on Jakku with Unkar Plutt.

None of that makes sense unless Luke is in some sort of frightened/disadvantaged position wherein he can't take care of his kid. But that doesn't really seem to jibe well with the timeline.

Things like that I think are part of the mystery, we've yet to figure that out. Maybe Luke started having visions like his father did, and hid her for safety.
Lucasfilm was fully prepared for the backlash from the prequels to rear its ugly head. They seriously had no idea how people would take TFA, even if it was super safe. They didn't know if people would be okay with that (going retro) and weren't sure how much of the bad taste of the prequels still existed in people's minds.

LucasFilm must be happy as shit with R1 heading for 1 billion. Their first spin-off.
Things like that I think are part of the mystery, we've yet to figure that out. Maybe Luke started having visions like his father did, and hid her for safety.

But then why would he keep working with his nephew so closely? It doesn't jibe. He's gonna take his nephew under his wing while taking a whole bunch of other students in as well, trying to train them in the ways of the force, while everything's peaceful... but his own daughter gets stashed with a pair of knuckleheads who drop the kid off with Unkar Plutt?

It doesn't really track. Whatever happens to Luke happens in the wake of Ben turning and killing the rest of his students, right? Up until then he's engaged, involved, present. Only then does he get broken and go into exile.

What "mystery" would there be to explain Luke's treating his daughter like that, and how would that mystery serve the larger story as a whole?

Basically, what purpose would this backstory serve that would keep the main story moving forward?
Von Sydow's character giving the map when he did and R2 waking up might be part of the whole "the force works in mysterious ways". I know people should look into things but...not everything.

Next Christmas is going to have so much nerd rage lol. I think even that Maz scene was also saying "Who are your parents? Who cares, anyway let's move you forward in your journey". Rey finally didn't seem concerned who her parents were in the last act and she went through two acts talking about waiting for them non-stop.


Von Sydow's character giving the map when he did and R2 waking up might be part of the whole "the force works in mysterious ways". I know people should look into things but...not everything.

Next Christmas is going to have so much nerd rage lol. I think even that Maz scene was also saying "Who are your parents? Who cares, anyway let's move you forward in your journey". Rey finally didn't seem concerned who her parents were in the last act and she went through two acts talking about waiting for them non-stop.

Abrams is already on record explaining why R2 woke up when he did. Essentially he was in Low Power mode for a long time and his reboot took ages. He had the missing piece of the map from the old imperial archives due to his previous adventures
Von Sydow's character giving the map when he did and R2 waking up might be part of the whole "the force works in mysterious ways". I know people should look into things but...not everything.

Next Christmas is going to have so much nerd rage lol. I think even that Maz scene was also saying "Who are your parents? Who cares, anyway let's move you forward in your journey". Rey finally didn't seem concerned who her parents were in the last act and she went through two acts talking about waiting for them non-stop.


Rey's parentage, ultimately, won't matter much because they were never there for most of her formative years, and part of her journey involves leaving them behind finally. It's safer to leave her parents as nobodies, or rather nobody we've ever heard of before, whose story can be summed up in a couple sentences as a means to explain some aspect of her character, before that aspect is either tested or strengthened by Luke and/or some villainous obstacle. Or if she is related to someone we know, it's gotta also be someone whose involvement can be summed up in a couple sentences to explain an aspect of her character in the same way.

But either way, it's not going to be some earth-shattering thing that refocuses the entire point of the sequel trilogy, I don't think.

And the idea this can't stay "The Skywalker Saga" if the only Skywalker is a bad guy doesn't wash with me. A Skywalker that goes bad and stays that way is a thing these films hasn't done yet. I think there's something to the idea of having a Skywalker-trained Kenobi take down the last Skywalker, before claiming the name for her own and taking it into the future.
But then why would he keep working with his nephew so closely? It doesn't jibe. He's gonna take his nephew under his wing while taking a whole bunch of other students in as well, trying to train them in the ways of the force, while everything's peaceful... but his own daughter gets stashed with a pair of knuckleheads who drop the kid off with Unkar Plutt

I can't wait until this is explained in one or two lines (the time difference between starting the school and the Rens killing everyone) to the general audience because everyone still associates Rey as a child with the slaughter. But you have to remember, Ben might also remember a student being "kicked out" because she was maybe too powerful (or something along those lines) and that might be one of the reasons he wants answers from Luke. Everyone is assuming Ben wants to kill Luke...


I can't wait until this is explained in one or two lines (the time difference between starting the school and the Rens killing everyone) to the general audience because everyone still associates Rey as a child with the slaughter. But you have to remember, Ben might also remember a student being "kicked out" because she was maybe too powerful (or something along those lines) and that might be one of the reasons he wants answers from Luke. Everyone is assuming Ben wants to kill Luke...

Ben is the girl.



I see how it can be read that way, but I don't think that it is.

My problem with the "Luke gave her up for adoption" theory is the age at which she's left on Jakku, which is years before Ben turns and becomes Kylo. Why would Luke give her up? Why would her adoptive parents abandon her? There's almost no reason for any of that to happen if there's a familial connection with Luke, I don't think. It doesn't make much story sense for him to give up his kid at a time when he's so put together he's starting Jedi temples, training people, the galaxy is more or less at peace... don't see why he'd give up his kid. Much less give him up to two people who then ditched her on Jakku with Unkar Plutt.

None of that makes sense unless Luke is in some sort of frightened/disadvantaged position wherein he can't take care of his kid. But that doesn't really seem to jibe well with the timeline.

So it seems more plausible to me to take Maz at face value when she delineates between "your family" and "Luke" as if they're two separate things. Give up on the hope of your family returning, and go get a new family instead. Stop waiting on the past, and instead build a better future.

She can still be Luke's family without having to be born to him. Basically I guess I'm coming at this adoption angle from the other end: I don't think she was adopted out from Luke because he bailed on his responsibilities as a parent (bailing on responsibility obviously came afterwards, when his nephew lost his fuckin mind), but I think she will become Luke's "daughter" via her time learning from him.

Who needs the visions to relate to Ben when Ben is directly speaking to her. For all we know, Ben's showing them to her. Specifically. Past, future, the path of that saber, the people it will affect, the people it's affected.

But the fact Ben is speaking to her from the vision likely means something.
Luke likely had a vision of what was possibly coming, but the timeline isn't clear anyway. All we know is that she seems to be about 10 at most when left on Jakku, and about 20 when TFA happens.

Ben is talking to her as a guardian/ guide, just as he has to Luke, and before that he was a mentor to Anakin.

See the link?

You just seem to reject the (all too) obvious for no good reason tbh.

The only way she isn't Luke's daughter is if there was a concerted desire to deceive about it, and even then I still haven't seen -anything- that would hint at Obi Wan being involved (cf above for his voice being heard during the vision).
I am really curious about the bond between Luke and Ben. Does Ben have more affection for Luke than for his own father, because of their training? What does Luke think about Ben?

Lots of potential for some drama.

Rey's parentage, ultimately, won't matter much because they were never there for most of her formative years, and part of her journey involves leaving them behind finally. It's safer to leave her parents as nobodies, or rather nobody we've ever heard of before, whose story can be summed up in a couple sentences as a means to explain some aspect of her character, before that aspect is either tested or strengthened by Luke and/or some villainous obstacle. Or if she is related to someone we know, it's gotta also be someone whose involvement can be summed up in a couple sentences to explain an aspect of her character in the same way.

But either way, it's not going to be some earth-shattering thing that refocuses the entire point of the sequel trilogy, I don't think.

And the idea this can't stay "The Skywalker Saga" if the only Skywalker is a bad guy doesn't wash with me. A Skywalker that goes bad and stays that way is a thing these films hasn't done yet.

My personal hope is that Ben takes up teaching new students having been on both sides in the next trilogy. That would be something fresh and new. Meanwhile Rey is some Jedi master somewhere else, who knows.

Your "explaining her past in a couple of sentences" thought is the exact reason she is not a Kenobi. Worst theory I've ever heard. It's absolutely insane for one reason: you'd have to then tell the story of Ben's kids and forget that. No, what a mess that would be. Then, you'd have to explain how, after giving so much shit to Anakin for so long about love to watch him literally destroy the universe because of that, he goes and has his own kid...god no, fucking horrible. Would make Obi wan a worse character and then you'd have too much dialogue on something so ridiculous. Then I'd need a film on his kids...that never met Luke until episode 6 was over?! Yeah, no.
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