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Daisy Ridley Thought Rey’s Parentage Was Revealed in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

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Same guys for 8. Most of the reshoots were for Saw and then additional stuff for KS20. Disney didn't want a character killing themselves and I'm wondering if that even made it to set. It caused quite the controversy and made them rethink some of the film.

They also reshot the ending, whatever it was that Gareth Edwards wanted, it was not the ending Disney/Lucasfilm wanted.
From what I heard, this was all part of Edwards pitch. Dying by the sword was supposed to be evocative. None of the other writers were involved. Also, they knew toy sales would drop.

Basically, you're never getting another SW like RO lol.
Too bad, as R1 was the only Star Wars movie ever made (or will ever be made?) which actually had actual Wars besides Hoth in ESB.

I seem to recall that the K-2SO reshoots were because Disney thought the film was too bleak and comic relief was needed. I'm willing to bet that all of K-2SO's wisecracks and quips were added in reshoots, they felt very out of place from the rest of the film.
They also reshot the ending, whatever it was that Gareth Edwards wanted, it was not the ending Disney/Lucasfilm wanted.

RO was a test and it didn't pass. Tarkin, Saws scenes all being redone and new dialogue for plenty of scenes...no one is being blamed but I tried to play it down last year because I'm too die hard to nitpick.

I hated the last 5 minutes of the movie, so fucking bad. Too much. I think sometimes Lucasfilm should let the directors go with their gut for these spin offs but I think they're going to play it even safer until after the next slate of films.
From what I heard, this was all part of Edwards pitch.

Again, this doesn't make sense. It wasn't Edwards' pitch, it was Knoll's. And if it was part of a pitch and they didn't like it, why would they still let him shoot it, or for that matter, let it get through at least three different drafts and a polish by Chris McQuarrie before paying him to shoot it just to cut it out and have it redone after assembly if they never liked it?

None of this sounds right. I thought the reshoots were primarily to

a) change Jyn's relationship to the Rebel Alliance and make her character less of a pouty smartass
b) Change Bodhi Rook's character to actually be a character
c) reorganize the end battle so that the plans got off the planet differently.

Is the information you're getting coming from people inside Lucasfilm, or from marketing, or from guys who heard some shit from guys who know a guy?

I don't understand the assessment that Rogue One was a failed test, considering the end result, the audience reactions, its positive reviews, and its financial take. How was it a failure in any respect?
Again, this doesn't make sense. It wasn't Edwards' pitch, it was Knoll's. And if it was part of a pitch and they didn't like it, why would they still let him shoot it, or for that matter, let it get through at least three different drafts and a polish by Chris McQuarrie?

None of this sounds right. I thought the reshoots were primarily to

a) change Jyn's relationship to the Rebel Alliance and make her character less of a pouty smartass
b) Change Bodhi Rook's character to actually be a character
c) reorganize the end battle so that the plans got off the planet differently.

Is the information you're getting coming from people inside Lucasfilm, or secondhand shit via internet sources?

It sounded amazing on paper. Knoll pitched the idea, the writing team fleshed it out but Edwards gave it zero humor. Bodhi had almost no dialogue and Jyn gave the plans to a ship herself, yes. Lucasfilm said "more Vader, more humor, more connection to ANH". Jyn had dialogue cut and it was given to other characters, Whitakers character was totally dropped...it wasn't a disaster by any means but there was conflict of interest and this kind of film is never happening again.

McQuarrie hacked the fuck out of it, don't let his name fool you on this one. I'd say 60% of the original vision is there. Nobody can agree what was right for film. The Obiwan film, Knights of Ren, Solo, Bounty Hunters, Old Republic, Jedi Academy...none of those are risks and they're all being workshopped as films, shows, cartoons as we speak. I don't think risks will be taken until 10 is ready to go in a decade.


Saw's scenes were definitely refilmed, but wasn't one of the shots of Bald-Saw and adult Jyn of them standing outside looking up while it was windy? I always figured that was the original version of him getting Death Starred.


Who's going to be the mom?

I keep telling you guys

It sounded amazing on paper. Knoll pitched the idea, the writing team fleshed it out but Edwards gave it zero humor. Bodhi had almost no dialogue and Jyn gave the plans to a ship herself, yes. Lucasfilm said "more Vader, more humor, more connection to ANH". Jyn had dialogue cut and it was given to other characters, Whitakers character was totally dropped...it wasn't a disaster by any means but there was conflict of interest and this kind of film is never happening again.

McQuarrie hacked the fuck out of it, don't let his name fool you on this one. I'd say 60% of the original vision is there. Nobody can agree what was right for film.

They appear to have agreed on Tony Gilroy figuring it out, though? They certainly paid him as if that was the case.

I'm not surprised at the idea that Edwards didn't get the tone right on first cut. That makes total sense to me. But Whitta's been talking about Vader having been in it from his initial draft, and the ending (
Vader in the hallway, Leia on the ship
) was also always going to be the ending. Whitaker's character changed as a result of Jyn's relationship to the rebellion getting changed (which was also partially due to Edwards not getting a good performance out of her as the sassy, snotty rebel).

I don't know what you mean by conflict of interest, though, or how that would apply to this movie.


Did McQuarrie work on the film or didn't he? Because he was pretty explicit about having no involvement in the reshoots.
Did McQuarrie work on the film or didn't he? Because he was pretty explicit about having no involvement in the reshoots.

He did a script polish.

Kaneda is the first person I've heard to suggest he "hacked the fuck out of it," though.

His statement to Slashfilm was in regards to their reports that he was taking a strong role in the reshoots, which he wasn't. That was Gilroy.


He did a script polish.

Kaneda is the first person I've heard to suggest he "hacked the fuck out of it," though.

His statement to Slashfilm was in regards to their reports that he was taking a strong role in the reshoots, which he wasn't. That was Gilroy.
Thanks, Bobby. Was that before or after principal photography?


It sounded amazing on paper. Knoll pitched the idea, the writing team fleshed it out but Edwards gave it zero humor. Bodhi had almost no dialogue and Jyn gave the plans to a ship herself, yes. Lucasfilm said "more Vader, more humor, more connection to ANH". Jyn had dialogue cut and it was given to other characters, Whitakers character was totally dropped...it wasn't a disaster by any means but there was conflict of interest and this kind of film is never happening again.

McQuarrie hacked the fuck out of it, don't let his name fool you on this one. I'd say 60% of the original vision is there. Nobody can agree what was right for film.

I don't think you answered Bobby's question on where specifically you're getting your information from.

It's not hard to understand why we wouldn't believe you when the story beats you have told us ahead of time from Rogue One were wrong, and in an effort to save face you said you're getting your info from the same guys who are telling you the info on Episode 8 which we can also not really vet on being accurate. Again if this is true you don't really owe us anything to prove it to us. Just trying to help you understand why we wouldn't believe you.
Thanks, Bobby. Was that before or after principal photography?

From what I understand, it was before? Coulda been during. It seemed as if, as he was commenting on the rumors flying around this year, that his contributions had already happened, which is why he was so annoyed that nobody had bothered to even contact him as to his presumed role, they just regurgitated other sites reports without even bothering to vet them.
I mean yes but there was still war

I think there was that one badly CGI animated lightsaber battle at the end, and then some CGI of clones marching onto dropships? I don't really consider that war. R1 was a straight-up war film, it was like Star Wars Battlefront at one point on Scarif with everyone fighting on the ground and in the air. There was even a final sequence at the end where Jyn had to re-align a satellite dish to transmit the Death Star plans, I was like damn this shit is just like Call of Duty "Press F to re-align dish" LMAO


U apart of the Ezra & Sabine = Rey squad? I don't think they would do it, but hooooly shit if they did. Internet would go crazy and casuals would cry

I'm only half joking, but the fact that they seem to be setting up in Rebels that
Sabine may be Obi Wan's and Satine's daughter
which is some place I NEVER thought they would have the gall to go, I'm not sure anymore.

Not specifically Ezra, but maybe Sabine met someone else?

You wouldn't even need to explain all the baggage from Rebels just like they didn't need to with Saw. Just say she used to be part of the Rebellion against the Empire and once the Empire went down she went to Jakku but then had to leave for whatever plot reason. Just treat her like a new character in the films.


Put me in the Rey's parentage doesn't matter camp.

Also, wasn't Johnson recently tweeting or instagraming about how they're still editing recently? I'm a little suspect of Kaneda hinting at a rough cut being how his sources might be getting information. I mean, I imagine info does leak every so often but how no major site would have picked that up by now? Odd

Dumb fanfic time: Obi Wan had a daughter. Luke finds out about her after Episode 6. Rey is half Skywalker, half Kenobi. Brings balance to the fan fiction.


I'm only half joking, but the fact that they seem to be setting up in Rebels that
Sabine may be Obi Wan's and Satine's daughter
which is some place I NEVER thought they would have the gall to go, I'm not sure anymore.

Not specifically Ezra, but maybe Sabine met someone else?

Sabine is not Obi-Wan and Satine's daughter and she is not going to be in any way related to Rey, because Sabine is Asian.
Disney didn't let any negative press get out. By hacked I mean he gave them what they wanted and Edwards input was long gone. He was obviously hurt but I think still happy to be a part of Star Wars. I heard about CG Leia but that was never the original idea but trust me, it was not loved except by Lucasfilm.

We're never going to get the full story because Lucasfilm will never allow it. I'd say half the film was the original intent, the rest was a massive group effort including top level people.
We're never going to get the full story because Lucasfilm will never allow it. I'd say half the film was the original intent, the rest was a massive group effort including top level people.

If it made for the best possible film considering the footage they got at the assembly, does it really matter if the original intent got altered?

The original intent almost never makes it through filming intact. It's not always a bad thing. In fact, it's often not a bad thing at all. Sometimes you just don't see things you need to see until that assembly comes in, and you realize your original intent needs shifting to tell a better story you didn't realize was hiding within it.
Put me in the Rey's parentage doesn't matter camp.

Also, wasn't Johnson recently tweeting or instagraming about how they're still editing recently? I'm a little suspect of Kaneda hinting at a rough cut being how his sources might be getting information. I mean, I imagine info does leak every so often but how no major site would have picked that up by now? Odd

Initial cuts often don't take long to put together.

We know that Williams started scoring the film this month so the film is in some kind of assembled shape at this point.

Not to say that I think Kaneda's stuff is correct. It doesn't have the ring of truth.
I think there was that one badly CGI animated lightsaber battle at the end, and then some CGI of clones marching onto dropships? I don't really consider that war. R1 was a straight-up war film, it was like Star Wars Battlefront at one point on Scarif with everyone fighting on the ground and in the air. There was even a final sequence at the end where Jyn had to re-align a satellite dish to transmit the Death Star plans, I was like damn this shit is just like Call of Duty "Press F to re-align dish" LMAO
You can't just say there wasn't war in this movie. U can say it was shit, u can say u hated it but that doesn't erase the fact that it actually happened. That's just one scene too
I'm only half joking, but the fact that they seem to be setting up in Rebels that
Sabine may be Obi Wan's and Satine's daughter
which is some place I NEVER thought they would have the gall to go, I'm not sure anymore.

Not specifically Ezra, but maybe Sabine met someone else?

You wouldn't even need to explain all the baggage from Rebels just like they didn't need to with Saw. Just say she used to be part of the Rebellion against the Empire and once the Empire went down she went to Jakku but then had to leave for whatever plot reason. Just treat her like a new character in the films.
I like the way you think in explaining Sabine. However, I think Rey being from Ezra fits so damn well because he's a damn good force user thus far and it wouldn't have to be a 3rd Skywalkers rue the day trilogy
Put me in the Rey's parentage doesn't matter camp.

Also, wasn't Johnson recently tweeting or instagraming about how they're still editing recently? I'm a little suspect of Kaneda hinting at a rough cut being how his sources might be getting information. I mean, I imagine info does leak every so often but how no major site would have picked that up by now? Odd

Dumb fanfic time: Obi Wan had a daughter. Luke finds out about her after Episode 6. Rey is half Skywalker, half Kenobi. Brings balance to the fan fiction.

MSW probably knows the film from beginning to end with hints of dialogue.

And of course, I totally understand if nobody believes me. I get my info from people who not only don't really care that much about the films themselves but they give teases as well because specific info can be traced. .

Until more people see it which like I said is now going into full swing.

Responding to RO discrepancies, it had too many cooks in the kitchen. Again, something like that is not happening again. Maybe Kathleen was excited about the gritty war movie take at first then changed her mind when she saw concept art, I can't explain that part.
MSW probably knows the film from beginning to end with hints of dialogue.

They probably don't, though.

And even if they did, considering their relative inabilty to succinctly, clearly share the information they do get, what they do know tends to be communicated in such a way that there's built-in confusion/obfuscation.


They probably don't, though.

And even if they did, considering their relative inabilty to succinctly, clearly share the information they do get, what they do know tends to be communicated in such a way that there's built-in confusion/obfuscation.

It's a bit like Nintendo Switch rumors. Paint with big broad strokes when presenting rumors or leaks and when there is evidence that comes up to the contrary, just say Nintendo gave them newer dev kits or that Lucasfilm decided to change something.
Responding to RO discrepancies, it had too many cooks in the kitchen. Again, something like that is not happening again. Maybe Kathleen was excited about the gritty war movie take at first then changed her mind when she saw concept art, I can't explain that part.

Again, this doesn't have the ring of truth.

They just stated that (Rogue One spoilers):

The original treatments had some of the main cast surviving but Lucasfilm said that it didn't feel right tonally and they ended up killing off everybody in the script stage.

And the final movie still takes the gritty war movie thing about as far as it can go while still being Star Wars and making a PG-13 rating.

It seems more likely that the original cut just didn't hang together well as an actual film and needed a lot of emergency surgery to make it work. After seeing Godzilla, I have no trouble believing that.

But, in the end, all of that triage still seems have been in service of delivering on the original vision they've been promising since the movie was announced.


MSW has poor writers. I swear I have to read their rumors a couple times over to even grasp what they're getting at sometimes.

It's like they write things in another language and put it through a Google translation.
They probably don't, though.

And even if they did, considering their relative inabilty to succinctly, clearly share the information they do get, what they do know tends to be communicated in such a way that there's built-in confusion/obfuscation.

Interesting. Most of their stuff has been spot on. The thought was, they make up fake spoilers once in a while as to not piss off Lucasfilm and pretend they're spies when passing along fake info to other sites. Guess things really have changed after TFA.
I do kinda like their tendency to get amateur cartoonists to draw their spoilers in cartoon form now.

It's sorta like the early, early prequel days, when Father Roderick was photoshopping old spoilers into storyboards for JediNet.com

Interesting. Most of their stuff has been spot on. The thought was, they make up fake spoilers once in a while as to not piss off Lucasfilm and pretend they're spies when passing along fake info to other sites. Guess things really have changed after TFA.

What? Even I didn't think they were just wholesale making shit up every now and again. Especially not to avoid Lucasfilm's ire. That wouldn't work anyway. "Hey, we made up like, 30% of it. Hopefully that makes up for the 70% of the shit we turned into paid advertising almost a year before the movie came out."

They're terrible writers but I wouldn't have thought they'd be so silly as to purposefully bullshit their audience with fully made-up "news" as some sort of safety-net.
Again, this doesn't have the ring of truth.

They just stated that (Rogue One spoilers):

The original treatments had some of the main cast surviving but Lucasfilm said that it didn't feel right tonally and they ended up killing off everybody in the script stage.

And the final movie still takes the gritty war movie thing about as far as it can go while still being Star Wars and making a PG-13 rating.

It seems more likely that the original cut just didn't hang together well as an actual film and needed a lot of emergency surgery to make it work. After seeing Godzilla, I have no trouble believing that.

But, in the end, all of that triage still seems have been in service of delivering on the original vision they've been promising since the movie was announced.

Do you know why some of them originally survived? Toys, books etc. This is what I mean by conflict of interest. I'm not arguing, it's just there was a reason they reshot all of a characters scenes again. They're not the Marvel division yet.

Disney doesn't treat the Lucasfilm team the same as the others. They're more hands on. Feige is left alone because he's proven himself. Once the cash rolls in from RO, it'll be the same.
Disney doesn't treat the Lucasfilm team the same as the others. They're more hands on.

This isn't true, though. Like, of all the things you've mentioned, this is the wrongest.

Iger & Horn didn't even get involved on Rogue One until Kennedy asked them to look at the assembly. And their contribution was some story notes, and the go-ahead to spend more money to get the film in the order it ended up in.

The idea that Feige has more leeway with those two than Kathleen Kennedy doesn't make any sense.
Do you know why some of them originally survived? Toys, books etc. This is what I mean by conflict of interest. I'm not arguing, it's just there was a reason they reshot all of a characters scenes again. They're not the Marvel division yet.

Disney doesn't treat the Lucasfilm team the same as the others. They're more hands on. Feige is left alone because he's proven himself. Once the cash rolls in from RO, it'll be the same.

But they never survived. It was the screenwriters' assumption that Lucasfilm wouldn't allow it so they wrote in the happily ever after ending in the first draft. It was Lucasfilm who said "No, this doesn't feel right. They should all die." which is exactly what the screenwriters wanted to hear.

And that's how it was filmed. The reshoots didn't change that.


But they never survived. It was the screenwriters' assumption that Lucasfilm wouldn't allow it so they wrote in the happily ever after ending in the first draft. It was Lucasfilm who said "No, this doesn't feel right. They should all die." which is exactly what the screenwriters wanted to hear.

And that's how it was filmed. The reshoots didn't change that.

Yeah, Pablo even said on Twitter that the ending never changed. Obviously the path to transmitting the data changed, but the outcome was the same.


I do find it funny how many people automatically treat any canon woman who isn't black as a possible mother of Rey (if it's a black woman then obviously she must be Finn's mom).

Sabine? Satine? Aphra? Jyn? Leia? Phasma? All Rey's mom! Surprisingly nobody has mentioned Merei Spanjaf yet.
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