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Daisy Ridley Thought Rey’s Parentage Was Revealed in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

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R1 is gonna make over a billion dollars, with mostly great WoM. I just can't buy that they are so unhappy and unwilling to make a similar movie.

I think ideally people like making movies where extensive reshoots and script rewrites aren't necessary. The director is not happy when another guy is brought in to reshoot his picture. Screenwriters aren't happy when another guy is brought in to rewrite his script, and then another guy is brought in to rewrite that guy's script, and so on and so forth.

Especially since TFA went through the same thing and the final cut of that film wasn't delivered until 3 months before scheduled release. (Which you can see in the final picture, what the hell happened to the movie when they were on Maz's planet?)


I would hope that Lucasfilm wouldn't be afraid of doing another gritty war movie just because RO was a mess to make. It's going to make tons of money so obviously it pays off. I still want something from Stormtroopers' POV or from the Separatists' POV (fat chance of that ever happening).


Plenty of half asians that take after their white side way more in the looks department to the point where u can't tell. Same goes for all mixed races


None of these people are as white as Emma Stone or Daisy Ridley

EDIT: lol Kristen Kreuk in there twice
I think ideally people like making movies where extensive reshoots and script rewrites aren't necessary. The director is not happy when another guy is brought in to reshoot his picture. Screenwriters aren't happy when another guy is brought in to rewrite his script, and then another guy is brought in to rewrite that guy's script, and so on and so forth.

Especially since TFA went through the same thing and the final cut of that film wasn't delivered until 3 months before scheduled release. (Which you can see in the final picture, what the hell happened to the movie when they were on Maz's planet?)

Reshoots are a fact of life on almost every movie. It's standard in actors' contracts that they have to allow time for reshoots for a reason.

And final cuts are often down to the wire as well. That's the nature of just about all media. People will use all of the allotted time.

Rogue One obviously had a more troubled path to the screen than normal. It's certainly not usual for a script doctor's fee to balloon to $5 million. Hell, I'd be surprised if Edwards made much more than Gilroy for Rogue One.

But they still pulled it together in the end.

Scheduling was clearly a problem. Given a few extra months maybe Edwards could have done more of the fixes himself, maybe Desplat doesn't get replaced, etc. But they were up against a wall when they realized that changes needed to be made.

Honestly, I think it's a huge credit to Lucasfilm that the movie turned out as well as it did. I think if Legendary had given Edwards' Godzilla the same amount of attention they would be in a better position to launch their monster movie shared universe.


I think ideally people like making movies where extensive reshoots and script rewrites aren't necessary. The director is not happy when another guy is brought in to reshoot his picture. Screenwriters aren't happy when another guy is brought in to rewrite his script, and then another guy is brought in to rewrite that guy's script, and so on and so forth.

Especially since TFA went through the same thing and the final cut of that film wasn't delivered until 3 months before scheduled release. (Which you can see in the final picture, what the hell happened to the movie when they were on Maz's planet?)
Since you mentioned it I'm just going to say that I wish Lucasfilm would loosen up a bit on discussing their filmmaking process. It's great during production, when the picture is in flux and they want to keep spoilers in check, but afterwards they play just as coy as they did before release. A year out after TFA, and I think I know just as much about it now as I did in 2015. What gives? They shitcanned Rinzler's book and I have no doubt they'll be as tight-lipped about Rogue One as they were with VII. And VIII. And so on. Pablo will settle lightweight shit on twitter and that'll be it.
Wanted it to be Jyn and Luke.

The Kenobi grandchild doesn't sit well with me. Takes away from Obi Wan as a character in my opinion.

She should either be nobody or some daughter of Luke's that was hidden from him or kidnapped from him.


As a fan of the Skywalker melodrama it would be only be satisfying if Rey's is Luke's daughter, but this really makes no sense with the things we saw from TFA...

I can also live with her being a Kenobi but Star Wars should be about the Skywalkers dammit!

Rey is conceived by the Midichlorans but PLOT TWIST she was birthed by Luke!


Well tfa was so focused on being just like the Old trilogy that I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being the daughter of Kylo Ren from the future who sent her to the past to stop Snoke or something like that.

Only so they can have a "I am your father". Just as in the original !!!!!

It's going to be either Like or Snoke


The only predictable thing from Ep VIII will be the "No, I am your father" equivalent for Rey, where she finds out who her parents are/were.


As a fan of the Skywalker melodrama it would be only be satisfying if Rey's is Luke's daughter, but this really makes no sense with the things we saw from TFA...

I can also live with her being a Kenobi but Star Wars should be about the Skywalkers dammit!

Rey is conceived by the Midichlorans but PLOT TWIST she was birthed by Luke!

Wait, English is not my primary language so you mean as in
Luke being the mother or him being ntr'd by the force?
Something that my wife and I noticed after hearing her quote that her parentage should be obvious is her accent. John Boyega and Daisy Ridley are both English yet only Finn has an American accent. I doubt this wasn't intentional and if her parents dropped her off on Jakku at age 4 or 5 and was taken into care by Unkar then where would she have developed her English accent? Leiah, Han, and Luke all have American accents so maybe this very subtle hint was the obvious thing she was talking about.

Also not sure if this has been posted anywhere else but after digging into the subject even more it looked like there was some pretty hardcore and convincing research into the Obi-Wan as her grandfather theory done by the Huffington Post:


It pretty much lays out how essential the relationship of Obi-wan to Anakin and Luke trickles down to Kylo and Rey. If she is his granddaughter then her being able to "save" Kylo from himself the way Obi-wan couldn't with Anakin would be why thematically it would be cool for Obi-wan to be her grandfather.

Not only that but it adds much more to the light saber scene when she finds it as Maz's. It called out to her since it was her job to delivery it to Luke, just how Obi-wan had done the same in ANH. The final voice in her vision of Ewan Mcgregoe saying "these are your first steps" also is telling.

Finally, if her true calling in the movie is to deliver Luke's light saber and motivate him to come back to fix things, then the stare down finale has more weight since Luke possibly did train her as a child but had to force erase her memory. So seeing Rey, whom he still sees as this young child who he had gone out of his way to protect, a relative of his mentor, to get her away from the knights of Ren, only to show up and deliver his light saber... it's just wow. Kinda like... "why did it have to be you." Or maybe a "the force isn't done with me yet" sorta thing.

All in all it's super fun to guess and just play around with the idea even if it ends up being something obvious like she's Luke's daughter.
"Dear child. I see your eyes. You already know the truth. Whomever you're waiting for on Jakku... they're never coming back... But... there's someone who still could.

Rey: Luke."

Luke can't be her dad becaues Maz just said that the family she's waiting for on Jakku isn't coming back - and then SPECIFICALLY says Luke still could. Thus delineating between "your family" and "Luke Skywalker"

Luke Skywalker can't be her family because if he was that sentence would make zero sense.

The mother left her on Jakku. The person who left her there fully intended to come back for her. The quote does not rule out Luke at all. It's meant to spell out that Luke wasn't the one that left her there.

The Skywalker legacy will not be allowed to die off. Yes, Ben has Skywalker blood in him, but if he's redeemed he will return to his name of Ben Solo.

Luke is likely the father and I don't think that it's meant to be revealed in some explosive way like Vader was. There must be some deeper secret to why Luke is hiding away on that island. It can't just be from frustration about what happened with Ben. If that was the case he would/should have either redeemed or killed Ben and then exiled himself. Letting The Knights of Ren and the First Order run roughshod over everything is just not in Luke's character at all. He must have a task he feels is more important, or critical to stopping them.
I was so confused about which thread I was in reading this last page :/

Anyway, I saw TFA for about the 5th time over the weekend and I think it's made very obvious in the film that Rey is not a Skywalker.

I had assumed when I saw the film the first time that the twist would be that she's somehow descended from Palpatine but since Daisy is saying she thought it was revealed in the movie I'm pretty sure now that she's a Kenobi.

Ben also had a strong connection to Luke's lightsaber and it would explain Rey's British accent (none of the other Skywalkers ever had one, why now?). I think it would also explain the significance of Rey handing the lightsaber to Luke at the end of the movie just as Ben gave it to him in ANH.

I think the Kenobi movie Disney has planned is going to explain Rey's parentage and that's why it's being held so closely under wraps for now.


The final voice in her vision of Ewan Mcgregoe saying "these are your first steps" also is telling.

This is one of the moments where I realized that she is probably Luke's daughter, as Obi Wan essentially says the exact same thing to Luke in ANH after he first starts down his path towards becoming a Jedi - "These are your first steps into a larger world".

I think Luke is her father, but like a few others have mentioned, I don't think it's going to be built up in Episode VIII as some stunning reveal - I think it will be mentioned fairly early in a rather anti-climactic manner.

I still hold fast to the idea that she can't possibly be Luke's daughter because of Maz's speech to her in the catacombs. Basically saying, "your parents left you but Luke won't" which wouldn't make sense at all if Luke was also her parent.

That't not what Maz said. The exact quote - "Whomever you are waiting for on Jakku, they're never coming back...but there's someone who still could."

Kylo, Rey's mom, some random Knight of Ren, etc, all could have taken her to Jakku and abandoned her.


May someone who knows the script better than I do can clarify for me

At any point does Rey refer to waiting for her parents? I can only recall her saying "my family".


May someone who knows the script better than I do can clarify for me

At any point does Rey refer to waiting for her parents? I can only recall her saying "my family".

BB-8 asks her a question (presumably who she's waiting for on Jakku), and Rey's response was "For my family. They'll be back. One day."

Which is telling, because later in the film when Maz tells Rey that whoever left her on Jakku isn't coming back, "but there is someone who still could", Rey's next line is "Luke...?"


I always thought this line was telling...

Maz - "That lightsaber was Luke's, and his father's before him and now it calls to you!"
BB-8 asks her a question (presumably who she's waiting for on Jakku), and Rey's response was "For my family. They'll be back. One day."

Which is telling, because later in the film when Maz tells Rey that whoever left her on Jakku isn't coming back, "but there is someone who still could", Rey's next line is "Luke...?"
Things in the Star Wars universe can change at the drop of a hat but it's very clear that for the purposes of TFA Rey is not Luke's daughter.


I think it'd be cool if Rey's parents were just nobodies, not every powerful Force user has to be a Kenobi or a Skywalker. Plus Luke's about to be her mentor/father figure for the rest of the trilogy and that's all that really matters


I don't think it's all that foolish.

Maz Kanata ruled it out in the movie.

Looking at this "twist" (if it even is one - a twist recontextualizes everything you thought you already knew. This is likely just going to be a reveal whose usefulness is exhausted shortly after it's done) in terms of not much more than "how can we maximize the twisty surprisiness of it" is probably the wrong way to look at it.

Here, have a twitter thread people liked :)
Wait.. How did she rule it out? I saw no evidence of this.

I really hope she's not a Kenobi though. Talk about a small universe.. Might as well throw in Palpatine's offspring in the drama, too (gasp.. Maybe it's Hux?). I think think they should stop at Skywalkers and turn her into a nobody if she isn't one.

"She's a Kenobi" feels real close to fan fic for me.

Edit: Really? We're drawing conclusions based on that vague ass statement? Look I get people looking into particular theories but that is NOT definitive evidence of anything. Rey never even mentions her family in their conversation and we don't even know who actually dropped her off and if it was even her family in the first place.

That's what I mean about being careful.. There's absolutely no reason why we should form a conclusion based on something that was intentionally discussed generally and non specifically.

Rey being Luke's daughter is NOT ruled out yet. That sentence proves nothing.


Wait.. How did she rule it out? I saw no evidence of this.

I really hope she's not a Kenobi though. Talk about a small universe.. Might as well throw in Palpatine's offspring in the drama, too (gasp.. Maybe it's Hux?). I think think they should stop at Skywalkers and turn her into a nobody if she isn't one.

"She's a Kenobi" feels real close to fan fic for me.

I never get the small universe complaints in regards to the main episodes of Star Wars

it's a story that's about a specific set of characters, of course the universe is going to seem small
I never get the small universe complaints in regards to the main episodes of Star Wars

it's a story that's about a specific set of characters, of course the universe is going to seem small
There's that and the fact that the force guides everything and brings people together for specific purposes in every film. It would be weird if the universe wasn't small with that in mind.


I never get the small universe complaints in regards to the main episodes of Star Wars

it's a story that's about a specific set of characters, of course the universe is going to seem small
It's one thing to focus on one family but it's another to start throwing in other families that just so happen to be involved with saving/destroying the entire galaxy. Not a fan of making things overly complicated with more lineages and their kids.


It's one thing to focus on one family but it's another to start throwing in other families that just so happen to be involved with saving/destroying the entire galaxy. Not a fan of making things overly complicated with more lineages.

I think you're underselling obi wan and his relationship with the skywalker line just a bit here
I think it'd be cool if Rey's parents were just nobodies, not every powerful Force user has to be a Kenobi or a Skywalker. Plus Luke's about to be her mentor/father figure for the rest of the trilogy and that's all that really matters

You would hope, but this is Star Wars where those are the only 2 family lines that are important. And maybe the Calrissians lol. Actually, I think that's an irk I have with fictional universes in general when they span decades. Everyone has to be related to everyone you knew in the original stories for some reason (looking at you Harry Potter)
You would hope, but this is Star Wars where those are the only 2 family lines that are important. And maybe the Calrissians lol. Actually, I think that's an irk I have with fictional universes in general when they span decades. Everyone has to be related to everyone you knew in the original stories for some reason (looking at you Harry Potter)
Except nah. Ezra Bridgers in SW:Rebels is canon and he's putting in work as a force user without a legacy last name in that show. Let the Bridgers be up next


I think the father is probably Luke.

I agree with the poster above...it feels too much like fan-fic to be a Kenobi.

I absolutely think it takes away from the character of Obi-wan to have him be the father as he was always the straight laced Jedi.

I would have much rather Rey be some rando though. Makes the universe "bigger."
I think the father is probably Luke.

I agree with the poster above...it feels too much like fan-fic to be a Kenobi.

I absolutely think it takes away from the character of Obi-wan to have him be the father as he was always the straight laced Jedi.

I would have much rather Rey be some rando though. Makes the universe "bigger."

Everyone can have a moment of weakness.


I think it'd be cool if Rey's parents were just nobodies, not every powerful Force user has to be a Kenobi or a Skywalker. Plus Luke's about to be her mentor/father figure for the rest of the trilogy and that's all that really matters

This is how I hope it's handled
I don't get why people think it might be Obi-Wan. Doesn't Episode 7 take place 30 years after Jedi? Obi-Wan died in ANH. Rey seems to be in her late teens or early twenties. The math doesn't add up.

Luke being her father also wouldn't really make sense either. Seemed like she was left on Jakku around when she was 9-10 years old. I don't think it was a such an early age where she completely forgets who her parents are. Remember when Luke Skywalker is first mentioned to her...."I thought he was a myth".

Her parents might just be new characters. Or she just has a mother who got knocked up by The Force, like Anakin.


I think the father is probably Luke.

I agree with the poster above...it feels too much like fan-fic to be a Kenobi.

I absolutely think it takes away from the character of Obi-wan to have him be the father as he was always the straight laced Jedi.

I would have much rather Rey be some rando though. Makes the universe "bigger."

I think it could actually add a lot to obi wan's character and strengthen the skywalker/kenobi relationship

obi wan saw what happened to anakin. I think it could be cool (and would make perfect sense) knowing that he didn't just put all of his eggs in another skywalker's basket.


I think it'd be cool if Rey's parents were just nobodies, not every powerful Force user has to be a Kenobi or a Skywalker. Plus Luke's about to be her mentor/father figure for the rest of the trilogy and that's all that really matters

So she's just super good with the force becuz? Luke was the son of a midicholorian record-holder and trained by Yoda, and was still kinda eh in ESB.


So she's just super good with the force becuz? Luke was the son of a midicholorian record-holder and trained by Yoda, and was still kinda eh in ESB.

Why is Obi Wan super good with it? Or any other Jedi? Or Palpatine? Or any Force user ever?
I think it'd be cool if Rey's parents were just nobodies, not every powerful Force user has to be a Kenobi or a Skywalker. Plus Luke's about to be her mentor/father figure for the rest of the trilogy and that's all that really matters

I wouldn't get your hopes up too much. I have a feeling Luke might do a Yoda, helps to train Rey but stays on the island. I hope I'm wrong.
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