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Daisy Ridley Thought Rey’s Parentage Was Revealed in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

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All I got from this pic is holy shit, Maz's eyes really DO look like assholes...
One thing I don't see talked about often enough is that Kylo seemed to clearly know who she was, or at least that she existed. When he first hears about "a girl" who helped Finn escape Jakku, you can clearly see him has a moment of realization before asking "what girl?" As if that question wasn't really him not knowing, it was him looking for confirmation.


Junior Member
The main characters in Rogue One are entirely unrelated to saga characters, I guarantee it. Part of the whole point of Rogue One is to see if Star Wars movie are bankable without relying too much on the Jedi and the Skywalkers. A big part of that movie's appeal is that its looking at different corners of that universe. Directly related to the events of the saga yes, but still a completely different side to those events. It's an attempt to see how much movies can explore the wider Star Wars universe.

I'm just going to put here that the reason Game of Thrones worked with fan theories is because a lot of them turned out to be true. Rey not having parents is weird because it has been shown that the force is pretty much genetic. It also makes sense that Kyle Ren is her cousin or her brother as it pushes the stakes higher.

Strength with the force can indeed be inherited, but everyone strong with the force isn't a Skywalker. Rey could easily be some unrelated person who happens to be highly force sensitive.

I figure she's an orphan, but connected to the Church of the Force folks in some way. Hidden after Ben goes postal in Luke's academy.

Leia would know if Luke had a kid. Han would've known.

I also think it's possible, probably even likely, that Rey is at least somehow connected to Luke's attempt to revive the Jedi order even if she isn't related to him. Here's the thing though: Kylo's betrayal of Luke probably happened long AFTER Rey got left on Jakku.

The timing is pretty difficult otherwise. We don't know their ages, but we know Kylo can't be any older than late 20's. Rey is at most eight or nine years younger than him, if even that. She looks what? four-to-six years old when getting left on Jakku? I guess Kylo could have plausibly been a teenager when he betrayed Luke and started wearing the armor. I just don't think it's likely.


I still think she's Han/Leia daughter. It's the only way this story has some weight. Fighting your evil cousin doesn't have as much weight as fighting your evil, irredeemable brother.
Meh I think that would make the universe seem incredibly tiny. I hope she's a nobody at this point.
Why? Even if you believe SW can only be about the Skywalkers we already have one in the new films, Kylo Ren.

In the eyes of a film going audience after killing his father and such a beloved character he is all but irredeemable, unless he sacrifices himself. Also I recall JJ on some show where people submitted questions and one of those questions came form Lucas who asked "What happens to Darth Vader's grandchildren" JJ's response was both noncommittal and cryptic, but telling in my opinion.
Until VIII none of us can say for sure unless its spilled and confirmed but its always fun to speculate.

I say at the very least she isn't Luke's daughter

My reasoning is due to the new Canon books that came out, specifically "Bloodline" and "Star Wars TFA Visual Dictionary"

Bloodline is 6 years before TFA which in turn is 34 years after Battle of Endor.

So at this time Ben Solo is 23 or so since he is born a year after Battle of Endor based on Bloodline. At this time the whiny brat wasn't Angst side yet so he hasn't been under Snoke's command for too long since its only 6 years till he is Kylo Ren.

Rey was not mentioned in the book but neither was Luke. BUT! Rey was born in 15 ABY vs Ben's 5 ABY so there is a 10 year difference between them. Then another 19 years for Rey until TFA happens. I find it hard to believe Luke would keep a daughter secret for over 10 years with no evil nephew yet.

More than likely Rey is someone else's child or a secret child of Leia's that might or might not be Han's. Rey looks a lot like Padme and Leia from their younger days. Same brown eyes and stance. So I think there is a strong tie to the Skywalker/Solo family. But not Luke himself I would say. Of course Luke's lover/wife could give Rey her looks but I doubt Rey is his daughter.


I also think it's possible, probably even likely, that Rey is at least somehow connected to Luke's attempt to revive the Jedi order even if she isn't related to him. Here's the thing though: Kylo's betrayal of Luke probably happened long AFTER Rey got left on Jakku.

The timing is pretty difficult otherwise. We don't know their ages, but we know Kylo can't be any older than late 20's. Rey is at most eight or nine years younger than him, if even that. She looks what? four-to-six years old when getting left on Jakku? I guess Kylo could have plausibly been a teenager when he betrayed Luke and started wearing the armor. I just don't think it's likely.

Kylo Ren is 29 in TFA. He was born within a year of Endor. Rey's 19. Ben didn't turn until after Vader was revealed to the public as Leia's father, which was 5 or 6 years before TFA. So Rey was definitely dropped off on Jakku before the massacre, because there's no way she was 13 on that scene.


There's no deep logic to the Chewie snub, JJ has more or less already owned up to it. He said Chewie was focused on getting Finn medical attention, and Leia and Rey felt each other's feelings through the Force. If he had framed the shot differently, nobody would have even noticed.
Obi Wan's grand daughter is what I think. Clone Wars is still canon and Obi Wan had a love interest there.
But she died. And while he got too close to her it's not implied he broke the rules of the order to such an extent that he had a child with her before that point, and there's literally no indication of her being a mother anyway. And after her death, Anakin's turn, and Anakin's relationship with Padmé it seems very unlikely that he had another relationship with another woman, let alone having a child with her and her randomly disappearing all before A New Hope.

There's no way to make Obi-Wan a father without it winding up clumsy, inconsistent, and illogical. Either:

Satine has a secret child that was hidden away all of Clone Wars and after (come on)


Obi-Wan abandoned the teachings of the Order after his closest friend destroyed the Order in large part due to his own illicit relationship AND had another relationship after the love of his life was murdered AND she completely disappeared AND the child got hidden away and was never heard from until said child dumps off their own child on a shithole planet decades later.

Either option is terrible.


Its the old guy from the start of the films daughter, the one thats been keeping the map safe, he said he'd been keeping it safe fr a long time, that would entail leaving.
My favorite theory is that she's a Palpatine, but I doubt the writers will go in that direction.

Most likely, she's a Kenobi or Skywalker.
What if Obiwan had a fling once and had a daughter he didn't know abuot, and said daughter at one point had a fling with Han Solo, and they had a daughter he didn't know about, and this daughter finally had a fling with Luke Skywalker, and had a daughter he didn't know about.

Rey Obi-wan Solo Skywalker.
Are they humans? Honest question. A space future. High tech weapons, space flight yet everything has a gender and is heterosexual



In all fairness, Luke being her father is the simplest explanation.

Her being related to Obi-Wan is just convoluted shit.
How is it convoluted? Obi had sex some time in those years he spent on tatooine. Whatever child, male or female, was born that way is one of Rey's parents.
Even though it is predictable, the revelation that Rey is a Skywalker will be great just to see the death of all these tortured Kenobi paternity plots.

It'll be like a mini EU!


Got to be Luke.

Her "parents" that left her are the people Luke left her with to protect her. They were probably captured and killed so Luke assumed she was too.

I feel like Han or Leia would have said something.

This makes the most sense to me.


While Luke would be the easiest explanation (though it does bring some major story issues with it). There is a lot of imagery involving Rey that suggests she is a Kenobi. These were the things I noticed on my second viewing (copied from the spoiler thread):

Regarding Rey being a Kenobi and the imagery involved this is what I noticed so far on my viewings:

  • Brit accent
  • First words spoken is some alien language that scares away someone and saves a droid
  • Gives Luke his father's lightsaber
  • When climbing down the troopers there are talking about a BT-17, when Obi-Wan goes to pull down the switch on the Death Star the troopers there are takling about a BT-16
  • Mind trick on a Stormtrooper
  • Sir Alec Guinness can clearly be heard saying 'Rey'. Followed by Ewan McGregor saying 'these are your first steps' closely mirroring Sir Alec's line 'this is your first step into a larger world'
  • Gets BB-8 to 'play' the message. Han says to BB-8 'show me what you have' BB-8 turns to Rey who says 'go ahead' and BB-8 proceeds to play the message. Once again mirroring Obi-Wan who gets the full message played from R2

Now there are more things that are interesting:

Another one happens aboard Han's ship when Rey save Finn and he asks how and she responds with "The was lucky", a playful way of saying "there is no such thing as luck" which is a line Obi says aboard the Falcon in ANH

Then there's the moment where Rey force pulls the saber. A familiar leitmotif makes its return (Binary Sunset/The Force theme). This theme represents the force but is also closely connected to Obi-Wan:

Force Theme or Ben Kenobi's theme or Jedi Knights and the Old Republic theme (all episodes). This theme represents Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi and most importantly the Force from which they draw their power

Furthermore there is only one other instance where it's used in a way that closely mirrors the situation in TFA. And that's the moment where Obi-Wan pulls Qui-Gon's saber towards him to defeat Darth Maul.

Now the final bit is the fact that she's living as a hermit outside of town by herself which is in terms of imagery once again much closer to Obi-Wan than to Luke.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I hope she isn't related to anyone, which is actually how I received her comments. My personal choice would be that she was just a really gifted student at the academy that was hidden from Snoke/Ren.

I don't think we need another secret Skywalker moment, going by in-universe chronological order there have been 2 such reveals in the last 3 movies.
Those lists of Rey/Obi-Wan connections will never stop being completely terrible, lol.

How is it convoluted? Obi had sex some time in those years he spent on tatooine. Whatever child, male or female, was born that way is one of Rey's parents.

Obi-Wan just fucking around and having secret lovechildren is completely out of character.

No, his relationship with Satine does not prove otherwise.

That would be nice, but highly unlikely

There's no reason Kylo Ren had to be related to anyone, could have just been some random guy that admired Vader.

I wouldn't say no reason.

The "Star Wars Saga" is the "Skywalker Saga". There will always be at least one Skywalker at the heart of the Saga films.


I'm convinced she's a Palpatine by how she used the lightsaber in the fight against Kylo Ren. Movements were almost identical to Palpatine's fight in Episode III.
Realistically though, her parents being of no consequence is completely supported by those statements, and it's entirely possible VIII is simply more explicit. Other than that the only other scenarios that line up are her being a Skywalker and/or Solo, so anyone trying to read super deep and say Obi-Wan or someone random because [lengthy list of forced comparisons] or [over-reading of random reference/cameo/Easter egg] or [tenuous connection] is going way off mark.

then again what the fuck do I know
It can't be Luke. Jedi's aren't allowed to find love. Anakin did and it caused him to go to the dark side.

It was the ultimate catalyst of his final fall to darkness, though not the sole cause of it. It's a good case for why Obi-Wan wouldn't find love (again) and have a child since they were practically brothers and Obi-Wan saw his final fall first hand - plus he was also one of the last of the old Order. But Luke formed a new Jedi Order, so the same rules need not apply, and he may not see Vader's story as an eventuality. Also, Luke's unconditional love for his father and Anakin's love in return is what saved him in the end, so Luke may have a very different perspective on Jedi forming families.

While it's no longer canon, Luke did in fact change those rules in the old EU. See: Mara Jade and Ben Skywalker.
Obi Wan sacrificed himself in front of Luke, not giving a fuck that his 12 year old kid was going to grow up not knowing their father and then continuing the cycle by abandoning their own child 30 years later. Fuck Obi Wan.


You thought wrong. There was nothing pertaining to parenthood in the ending, neither in the filmed version nor in the script/novelization.

nothing about ANH has any subtlety whatsoever. they made and destroyed a third death star ffs.

luke is her father.
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