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Daisy Ridley Thought Rey’s Parentage Was Revealed in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

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I think Han and Leia.

Leia's hug, Han's fondness to her (asking her to join him), Maz's line about Luke, they're taking bits from old EU (like Thawn) so a version of Jania and Jacen make sense, Daisy thinks it's obvious... those were the two she had the most exposure to who could have fit, Jedi don't normally have children (Anakin being the exception), Ben Kenobi wasn't even mentioned other than his force voice...

People are going to be let down when Kylo utters "I am your brother, Rey. Search your feelings..."


She's either Luke's kid of Obi Wan's (grand)daughter (though that last one is going to need some serious retconning). The fuck @ the people saying Han and Leia, why the fuck would they not mention that in the film if that was the case?
I'm convinced she's a Palpatine by how she used the lightsaber in the fight against Kylo Ren. Movements were almost identical to Palpatine's fight in Episode III.
That would certainly be impressive, considering Palpatine has been dead for 30 years. I suppose she could be a grandchild, but that would be a lousy twist, certainly not implied in TFA, and Palpatine having sired a child would be a huge revelation in itself.

I mean, I like the idea, but it just doesn't work.


That would certainly be impressive, considering Palpatine has been dead for 30 years. I suppose she could be a grandchild, but that would be a lousy twist, certainly not implied in TFA, and Palpatine having sired a child would be a huge revelation in itself.

I mean, I like the idea, but it just doesn't work.

Maybe she's IS Palpatine's grandchild?
something something Palpatine indirectly created Anakin by "creating life" as alluded to in ROTS


Rey's story and Luke/Kylo conflict have to be related. The master and the apprentice fell in love with the same woman and Rey happened. We won't know till the very end who of the two are the father.
Rey's story and Luke/Kylo conflict have to be related. The master and the apprentice fell in love with the same woman and Rey happened. We won't know till the very end who of the two are the father.



So not worth it
Rey's story and Luke/Kylo conflict have to be related. The master and the apprentice fell in love with the same woman and Rey happened. We won't know till the very end who of the two are the father.

Kylo is about 30.

Rey is about 19.

Which woman would have a hard choice choosing between Luke and a 10 year old boy and then proceed to (statutory) rape him so he can sire a kid at 11?

Actually, this story is pretty intriguing. Turn Star Wars into a character drama about a emotionally broken lady battling pedophaelic urges.


Remember there's the bit where she finishes Hans sentence and there's a deliberate moment of awkwardness and I think Finn does a double take as well.. I dunno.

What Maz says about her parents never coming back but that there's someone who still could, that's a confusing line that feels very important, unless that's bollocks and they just retcon that and say tada Luke IS your dad..
Seriously, all the people ITT who said Luke, answer this please:

Originally Posted by jrh2

I still hold fast to the idea that she can't possibly be Luke's daughter because of Maz's speech to her in the catacombs. Basically saying, "your parents left you but Luke won't" which wouldn't make sense at all if Luke was also her parent.

Maz is basically repeating Obi-Wan's, "Darth Vader killed your father".
Luke is no longer the man that abandoned his daughter.
So it's true, from a certain point of view.

Edit: My theory is that Luke found a girlfriend and his star pupil Kylo got jealous of all the time he was spending with her. When Luke becomes a Dad, Kylo goes nuts because he thinks of Luke as a father that has abandoned him. Kylo kills Luke's wife in a fit of rage. Luke is broken and dissapears, stopping to hide his daughter on Jakku before peacing out to become a hermit.
I'm probably wrong about the full theory, but Luke is for sure the dad.


I still believe she is directly related to either Luke, Leia or Han. They could go in a lot of directions though, definitely.

I won't be surprised if it's one of those things. But one thing I don't agree with... is people who think that her being Luke's daughter, and thus it becomes a cousin vs cousin situation rather than brother vs sister situation, is a much less desirable outcome because it is perceived to be a dramatically weaker payoff... isn't something I can get on board with.

There are tons of stories that have family drama at their heart that prove it doesn't have to be about warring siblings to be powerful storytelling. Cousins can be just as close as siblings if they are raised in close quarters anyway.

BTW... i'll just leave this here.



I still believe she is directly related to either Luke, Leia or Han. They could go in a lot of directions though, definitely.

I won't be surprised if it's one of those things. But one thing I don't agree with... is people who think that her being Luke's daughter, and thus it becomes a cousin vs cousin situation rather than brother vs sister situation, is a much less desirable outcome because it is perceived to be a dramatically weaker payoff... isn't something I can get on board with.

There are tons of stories that have family drama at their heart that prove it doesn't have to be about warring siblings to be powerful storytelling. Cousins can be just as close as siblings if they are raised in close quarters anyway.

BTW... i'll just leave this here.

That image is very interesting. I actually thought that ship was very out of place during my first watch.
One thing I don't see talked about often enough is that Kylo seemed to clearly know who she was, or at least that she existed. When he first hears about "a girl" who helped Finn escape Jakku, you can clearly see him has a moment of realization before asking "what girl?" As if that question wasn't really him not knowing, it was him looking for confirmation.

People keep saying this, but their interaction later on doesn't show that he already knows her.

To me, his reaction to 'there was a girl with them', was more of a last straw and they fucked up because a girl helped them. The 'what girl' question as he was chocking the guy, was a question that needed to be asked because he doesn't know who that is.
Immaculate conception from Luke.

Luke experimented with old Force techniques developed by Plagueis that were discovered in the Imperial records after Palpatine's death, in an attempt to manipulate the Force into creating the perfect generation of Jedi to protect the balance of the Force. Snoke suspected Vader was the result of such manipulation by Palpatine, deeming it Sheev's greatest mistake, and was terrified of Luke's creations being successful in eradicating the Dark Side, as Vader once had. Snoke thus leads Kylo to eradicate Luke's creations, without informing him of the Vader connection.

Rey was Luke's final, an perfect creation, hidden away to be protected from both until the time was right.

This is the worst thing I've ever written.


Maz is basically repeating Obi-Wan's, "Darth Vader killed your father".
Luke is no longer the man that abandoned his daughter.
So it's true, from a certain point of view.

Edit: My theory is that Luke found a girlfriend and his star pupil Kylo got jealous of all the time he was spending with her. When Luke becomes a Dad, Kylo goes nuts because he thinks of Luke as a father that has abandoned him. Kylo kills Luke's wife in a fit of rage. Luke is broken and dissapears, stopping to hide his daughter on Jakku before peacing out to become a hermit.
I'm probably wrong about the full theory, but Luke is for sure the dad.

While Luke being the father would be the easiest explanation (along with her being completely unrelated to anyone) it does present some big issues for the character and the story, which is why I think it won't be Luke.

First of all Kylo/Ben was targeted by Snoke from a very young age as described in the novelization, because of his heritage of being part Skywalker:

Leia bit her lower lip, refusing to concede. “No. It was Snoke.”

Han drew back slightly. “Snoke?”

She nodded. “He knew our child would be strong with the Force. That he was born with equal potential for good or evil.”

“You knew this from the beginning? Why didn’t you tell me?”

She sighed. “Many reasons. I was hoping that I was wrong, that it wasn’t true. I hoped I could sway him, turn him away from the dark side, without having to involve you.” A small smile appeared. “You had—you have—wonderful qualities, Han, but patience and understanding were never among them. I was afraid that your reactions would only drive him farther to the dark side. I thought I could shield him from Snoke’s influence and you from what was happening.” Her voice dropped. “It’s clear now that I was wrong. Whether your involvement would have made a difference, we’ll never know.”

He had trouble believing what he was hearing. “So Snoke was watching our son.”

“Always,” she told him. “From the shadows, in the beginning, even before I realized what was happening, he was manipulating everything, pulling our son toward the dark side.”

Now Leia knew this and Luke too. This means that, assuming Rey is Luke's daughter, he would willingly conceive a child while both his father fell and now his nephew is falling to the Dark Side. Like would it be likely that Luke would choose to impose such a destiny on his child? I just don't see it in the cards for that character and it would honestly destroy a lot of the character that was build up during the OT.

El Topo

Now Leia knew this and Luke too. This means that, assuming Rey is Luke's daughter, he would willingly conceive a child while both his father fell and now his nephew is falling to the Dark Side. Like would it be likely that Luke would choose to impose such a destiny on his child? I just don't see it in the cards for that character and it would honestly destroy a lot of the character that was build up during the OT.

You don't always plan children. Sometimes things just happen. At least the whole "Snoke is in the shadows and has vast influence" would explain, at least a tiny bit, why Luke would abandon Rey on a planet.
It's still nonsensical to me, but I *could* see them attempt that explanation. I think someone also pointed out in one of the many threads how the timelines don't quite work for "Luke=Father".


Now Leia knew this and Luke too. This means that, assuming Rey is Luke's daughter, he would willingly conceive a child while both his father fell and now his nephew is falling to the Dark Side. Like would it be likely that Luke would choose to impose such a destiny on his child? I just don't see it in the cards for that character and it would honestly destroy a lot of the character that was build up during the OT.

No, Leia suspected it. She even says she hoped she was wrong.

What if Luke dumping Rey in the middle of the desert is actually a reaction to Kylo being turned to the dark side? I.e Luke and Leia start realising Snoke is the big bad manipulator and to make sure Rey does not suffer the same fate as Kylo the connection between Luke and Rey are 'severed'. Rey is put on the desert planet just like her father was so that the evil guys (Snoke/Kylo, much like Sheev/Vader)) have no idea where Skywalker is.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Only thing possibly implied in movie is that she is a Skywalker and Luke's daughter.

Lightsaber force connection.
Force sensitive.
Some mysterious connection to Leia
Luke at the end.

Why she has been separated is a wierd mystery though
Occam's razor says Luke's her father. Besides all the heavy implication everyone else has mentioned, Disney would never assassinate the characters of Han and Leia so thoroughly as to have them continue to treat their estranged daughter as a complete stranger once she somehow fell back into their laps. It would be unbelievable callousness.

They'll gin up some reason why Luke had to leave her on Jakku "for the greater good" under the watchful protection of Max von Sydow and his Jedi groupies. Do you really think they cast him for nothing but a 2 minute intro? There will absolutely be a big emotional flashback in VIII where Luke explains to Rey why he did what he did, including how Max served the Jedi as best he could by being her Obi-wan.

El Topo

They'll gin up some reason why Luke had to leave her on Jakku "for the greater good" under the watchful protection of Max von Sydow and his Jedi groupies. Do you really think they cast him for nothing but a 2 minute intro?

"Hey dad, why did I have to grow up all alone and in such shitty conditions without a parent, in the care of that alien shop owner who did not care about me?"
"Uh...for the greater good? I had a friend there."
"Why could he not raise me? Why did I have to suffer so much?"
"Uh...something something greater good?"


She better be a nobody. Making her Luke's daughter is type of fan fiction shit you would see in the craptacular EU of old.

But seeing how Disney is all about playing it safe (nuking the prequels from existence), she's probably Lukes daughter


Still could be Han and Leia. Would explain why leia hugged Rey instead of Cherie and could explain Kylo's reaction to "what girl?".


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I still think she's Han/Leia daughter. It's the only way this story has some weight. Fighting your evil cousin doesn't have as much weight as fighting your evil, irredeemable brother.

I think so too.

The saber calling out to her, Leia is Luke's sister...

How she's into ships, piloting...


Luke being the father is the right choice. It's a parental match that inherently makes sense with Jedi otherwise being extinct, and the Star Wars franchise has always been arcs of Skywalkers. Anakin (I-III) -> Luke (IV-VI) -> Rey (VII-IX).

Why? Why do all Jedi have to be related to other Jedi? Given that the Jedi Order did not allow love or marriage or family, how could they possibly have continued to exist unless there was a somewhat steady stream of totally unrelated force-sensitive children being born all over the place? Think about it. Once they find and recruit all the potential Jedi, and then never breed, the Jedi are finished! They'd just age out of existence.

So no, force sensitive children don't have to have force sensitive parents. They can, we've seen it in action--but it's not necessary.

It can't be Luke. Jedi's aren't allowed to find love. Anakin did and it caused him to go to the dark side.

a) Luke was never taught this.

b) This rule was always stupid, if only because the Jedi Order would essentially deny itself easy access to potential new members by preventing their existence.

But seriously, the Jedi in the prequels were all kinds of stupid, and their own blindness and stupidity led to their downfall. Now, was this because George is a secret genius and meant them to be idiots, or because George is an idiot and wanted that sweet soap opera forbidden love in Episode II? Only George knows, and we know which one he'd claim. But if the prequels are supposed to be the height of the Jedi Order (you know, to maximize the tragedy) then sorry, they were on their way out one way or another.

c) Maybe if the Jedi, who love the Force--and the Force is life, had bothered to address and incorporate love and family into their lifestyle, Anakin would have been better equipped to handle the passing of Padme, and wouldn't have lost his shit. As it was, he had no idea how to handle his emotions, and ended up getting tricked, like some kind of idiotic super-powered dog, into becoming Darth Vader.

For me, personally, if Rey has to be related to someone, I hope it's Kenobi. No matter how it's handled, if we find out that Rey is yet another Skywalker, I will have no choice but to cringe and roll my eyes so hard it makes an audible screech. Even worse if she is Luke's own daughter and we get another "I am your father". Like, I loved TFA, but I know there was a whole lot of rehasing going on, and I get it, I accept it, they were playing it safe. But now they've got our attention, they've got their foot in the door, it's time for something new and different with VIII and IX.

What, Kenobi wouldn't have sex, it's against the Jedi way! To this, I say the Jedi way was incredibly closed minded and dumb, they all got destroyed for it, and maybe, just maybe, Kenobi came to see how he was wrong, how they were wrong, and allowed himself some love.


I think so too.

The saber calling out to her, Leia is Luke's sister...

How she's into ships, piloting...

The saber calling out to her could also be because she is Luke's daughter. Same with the piloting.

For those people who say it is Han/Leia.... why do neither of them actually acknowledge their daughter? Nor Kylo his sister?
Luke was more shook about seeing his dad's lightsaber for the first time since his fight with Vader at the end of empire

20-30 years since that fight would make anyone shook

They better explain that first or in the first hour because I want answers
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