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Dark Souls II |OT++| Bearer of...Seek...Seek...Lest


Just finished the Ivory king dlc. I loved it. The first and third dlc areas were fantastic.

Also I was wondering,
I got all of the crown's including vendrick's. I've brought them to him in the memory and he powered them up. What exactly do they do now?
Just finished the Ivory king dlc. I loved it. The first and third dlc areas were fantastic.

Also I was wondering,
I got all of the crown's including vendrick's. I've brought them to him in the memory and he powered them up. What exactly do they do now?

They keep you from hollowing when you wear them.
So, the white ladyes prayers drops that armor set? I want a winter armor for my travels in this DLC.

So far I am not liking this DLC so many re ussed assets and still relying in the old trap "kill that visible guy while there are other hiding to punish you", its not fun when you do it for the infinite time in previous DLCs.


I got to the outskirts and managed to get to the boss within my second try. It was surprisingly easy and I even managed to almost kill the boss (
I killed one of them before the other even got down to help and got the other down to about 15%
) but a bad roll + bad estus timing got me killed.

Then over the next couple hours I never managed to do any better. Like not even close. I have no idea what I did to get through so easy early on but the I could only make it to the boss half the time and when I did make it to the boss, I couldn't even get half way before dying. Question about the boss
are they resistant to magic or weak to anything (ie strike vs slash)?

I kinda like the area in concept where it's easy to get turned around but once you know the path, it's a long run. There should have been some sort of shortcut once you make it there the first time, just to cut down on the tedium of running a line for a few minutes. Also for a co-op area, it's pretty shitty area to have people "helping". I tried using the NPC summons as bait for the enemies while I ran away but that always seemed to bite me in the ass later.


Quick question: What are the roll breakpoints?

Googling tells me that there is only one breakpoint: 70% load. Is that right?

I could swear I saw a difference when I was at 30% and 50%...
Why am I fighting Smelter Demon again? This is dumb.

I feel like taking damage in Dark Souls II is just unavoidable. The enemies that can rotate in place, the huge number of active frames on their attacks, the sheer number of times you're ganged up on by enemies that can't be beaten in 1-2 hits, the mediocre roll. It just doesn't work nearly as well as it should.


Those guys are seriously the strongest regular ass enemies I have ever seen. Just 2 can totally wipe the floor with me.

The fact that you can significantly damage yourself by getting too close while they're just standing still, not attacking is some real bullshit.


Finished up the Ivory Crown DLC earlier tonight. My thoughts...

I enjoyed this area the most out of all three, probably. Sunken King was really great for atmosphere and for overall environment, but I think I like Ivory King for enemy difficulty/variety. Not quite as brutal as the enemies in the Old Iron King dlc, but they require a lot of perfect executions of movements and attacks.

The bosses were pretty fucking incredible. Especially Ivory King. Jesus oh my god. Like.. How epic can we get?! As soon as you fall down the hole, that badass music starts playing and you just know "shit's about to get real", then the crazy battlefield emerges with the Charred Loyce Knights, your own Loyce Knight allies, and your potential phantom buddies. Man oh man, that got me pumped. And the Ivory King himself, he was pretty great. Buddy of mine pointed out that he has lots of the same moves as Pursuer. I noticed this in hindsight, but the fight itself was awesome. Prolly my fav boss from DkS2.

Gotta say though.. FUCK. THE. FRIGID. WASTES. Seriously. Whoever thought that was a bright idea... Just fuck right off. :( Damn horses gave me a hell of a time. Eventually made it in there with the two NPC summons and defeated both of the bosses, but jesus, that area is insane.

Overall, I really enjoyed it. And as far as DLC season passes go, Dark Souls 2 really delivered, imo. I didn't get around to writing my impressions for the first two DLC packs, so I may come back later and do a write-up for those. Just wanted to get my thoughts out about the newest one. Lots of fun!


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
So my thoughts on the DLC sets

Sunken King: This is still probably my favorite of the three sets. I loved the environment and enemies, and despite the (boss)
Gank Squad
being potentially the epitome of what people dislike about DS2, I thought the boss was pretty fun even if it did require most people to sign up some sunbros for help. I really liked the other two boss fights and the puzzle-like nature with the switches and moving platforms was something I'l like to see more of in Souls games. I think it would make an interconnected world like Dark Souls 1 even more engaging. Not only shortcuts and open doors and elevators, but also more platform moving and stuff within the "dungeons". Or the interior areas. And, of course, (boss)
fights are always super neat, and the lore of this area was also very cool. The ghost enemies provided a little tension as you went to find their corpse without seeming cheap. Speaking of..

Iron King: I really, really didn't like this dlc. The path seemed to be more straightfoward, 2 or 3 areas where they hide an "idol" item behind a shit ton of enemies or such that nearly make it so that you have to smash it and then corpse-run to where you probably died getting to the totem. It was a similar idea to the ghost enemies of the first dlc, but much less tactfully implemented. Especially frustrating when I had to chase a phantom into one of these gauntlets. It still was fun to overcome these, but running around willy nilly "where is the idol so that I can destroy these guys!?" just seems to be very trial and error. I did like the few outdoor areas of this dlc, and while the enemies popping out of the ground was a little bit cheap, it occured generally in places where the player should expect it. Also, I LOVE the (non re-used lol) bosses of this DLC set. Especially the (boss)
Fume knight.

Ivory King: Falls in between the other two. The area was still fairly straightfoward, but I did luck out a little bit by ignoring both of the non-outskirts boss doors until I had explored the other areas thoroughly, so I didn't have to do a lot of backtracking. I thought the invis-phantoms near the balistae were a little cheap but they were few enough in number that it was pretty clear I needed to "come back later". I really liked both bosses here, especially the first one since it was nice to see another non-humanoid one for once. I really liked the setting near the end of the area, and thought it was really hectic to effectively have (light boss spoilers)
two halves to the fight, the loyce knights and then the Ivory King. It felt pretty damn neat to have me, 2 phantoms, and multiple knights engaging all of the enemies, and then keeping everyone but the sacrificed knights to take on the king. Yeah, having so much help made it easier for sure, but I wasn't talented enough to take on the multi-knights before hand on my own. I loved the set up on the whole fight, him walking out of the flaming gateway was so damn cool.
I hated the extra outskirts area at first. But since I had the upgraded crown by that time, I was able to just keep summoning the npc help and making it to the boss door with both intact. The boss was a little lazy but I still liked it for the same reason listed above. I was happy to see that the minor re-use in this dlc was not occupying a "boss" space.

All in all, I feel like the season pass was a pretty great value. I just wish it didn't feel like 3 isolated levels that are separate from the main game. Obviously it would have been much harder (and likely require pre-planning) to integrate more thoroughly into the main game, but it would have been cool to expand pre-existing sections, and hell, maybe even connect some of the paths that were previously not connected without going back through Majula. But the amount of content is still pretty great for the price.

Thats an odd complaint when all the areas in the main game felt disconnected (Earthen Peak to Iron Keep lol)
Thanks. Interesting. It looks like staying under 50% is a good tradeoff. 20 hours into the game, and I refused to go under 30% lol. Should have known to ask before.

Equip load also dictates stamina recovery speed. I've found that staying at 60% or under and using the Chloranthy Ring +2 gives you stamina recovery comparable to having your equip load below 40%.
Ok, so of the 9 bosses, two were completely original. And they were both in the same DLC.

I'm glad I didn't pay for this myself. My poor friend. He regrets it all.

Although to be fair, the final ones were ok. It's just that they were all rehashes.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Ok, so of the 9 bosses, two were completely original. And they were both in the same DLC.

I'm glad I didn't pay for this myself. My poor friend. He regrets it all.

Although to be fair, the final ones were ok. It's just that they were all rehashes.

What? Im confused. There were two rehashes.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yikes. Worst run I have ever seen in a Souls game; really unnecessary. Oh well I guess I will despawn them.
Oh, you sweet summer child... Alonne's gauntlet is a walk in the park compared to the... run in the blizzard.

You havent played Demon's Souls then
What are you talking about? There's nothing shitty or cheap like that in Demon's.

You are missing the funnest part of the whole Souls series.
I was hoping you weren't sarcastic, but alas... what a pain this place was. Jesus.

It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the boss at the end. I mean at first I was kind of having a blast.
Running in the blizzard, then HOLY SHIT at the giant horse/reindeer thing ambushing me, then running for my life towards the shelter and fighting it there, phew, now what... Okay running again. It was vaguely exhilarating.

Then I finally made it to the fog and thought oh great, a boss. Here we go. But there's TWO of them, are you shitting me? And one of them seems to buff near the end? WTF.

I might retry over and over solo, but the excruciating run in the snow before that just sapped my will, so I summoned the NPCs. Fuck that. I think it'll be the only boss that my Company of Champions toon will give up on. This just isn't fun anymore. Damn you, From. Also, having twice the same boss as the first boss was already done in the Dark Souls 1 DLC, except it wasn't even an actual boss then. Lame.

So, the white ladyes prayers drops that armor set? I want a winter armor for my travels in this DLC.
Assuming you mean the women who just sit there doing nothing, they do drop their robe, but it's tattered and ugly. The best winter set is the northwarder cloak, my girl is rocking it right now. <3


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Too be fair, the outskirts is way worse for me cause of how my graphics are set up. Its like the blizzard barely turns off (and I tried turning off bloom and that didnt seem to change anything). Super atmospheric but I'm pretty much boned if I ever invade there. It made the less harsh blizzard in the castle amazing looking though.


This should've been the boss behind the fog gate in the outskirts:



Ok, so of the 9 bosses, two were completely original. And they were both in the same DLC.

I'm glad I didn't pay for this myself. My poor friend. He regrets it all.

Although to be fair, the final ones were ok. It's just that they were all rehashes.

I keep hearing this complaint a lot, and I'm just not seeing it. Only one boss was a total rehash in the DLCs, and while some others could be seen as being similar to other bosses from the other games, it's not a really fair assessment to call them rehashes/re-used assets.

I do lodge a complaint at From for not breaking from "dude with a sword" being the final-est bosses in the game. More weird creatures plz From.
This should've been the boss behind the fog gate in the outskirts: IMG
What? Im confused. There were two rehashes.

I keep hearing this complaint a lot, and I'm just not seeing it. Only one boss was a total rehash in the DLCs, and while some others could be seen as being similar to other bosses from the other games, it's not a really fair assessment to call them rehashes/re-used assets.

I do lodge a complaint at From for not breaking from "dude with a sword" being the final-est bosses in the game. More weird creatures plz From.

Ok, then...

Elana, The Squalid Queen: Nashandra
Sinh, The Slumbering Dragon: Kalameet
Three dudes: Do I really need to explain?
Smelter Demon: Again, must I explain?
Aava, The King's pet: Royal Rat Authority/ Great Wolf Sif
Lud and Zallen: Sanctuary guardians
Burnt Ivory King: Pursuer, with friends

I'm not saying that they're bad bosses (3 are very good), but you can't seriously suggest to me that there was a single completely original boss in the DLCs. Either way, I'm glad that I never bought it.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Elana fights nothing like Nashandra either. And Sinh doesn't fight like Kamaleet either. This list is a huge stretch. There are two rehashed bosses, Smelter 2.0 and Lud & Zallen, and the trio kinda reuses assets even though as an encounter itself it's fairly unique (though shitty).
Aava is completely original. Has no resemblance to Sif or Rat Authority in any attacks or animations.

Elana fights nothing like Nashandra either. And Sinh doesn't fight like Kamaleet either. This list is a huge stretch. There are two rehashed bosses, Smelter 2.0 and Lud & Zallen, and the trio kinda reuses assets even though as an encounter itself it's fairly unique (though shitty).

Aava is not original. Seriously. Just look at it.

And Elana summons another boss from the base game and Sinh clearly uses the same basic framework as Kalameet. They're both nothing that couldn't be achieved with a decent mod. Sorry, but that's what I think.


I'll give you
Elana(if only because she shares almost a 1-1 aesthetic with Nashandra) and Ganksquad,
and I agree completely about
Smelter Nachos
, but the others? You're stretching somewhat. Especially on the last one.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
How are Lud and Zallen like Sanctuary Guardian and Aava like Sif/Authority? How is that even possible?

Also does basic framework mean "is a dragon" or "is a lady with a direct hit weapon"? Because thats the only way Elana and Sinh are close to Nasandra and Kalameet.


I mean, Avaa has a similar sweep animation to Royal Rat authority for one of his moves but what were you expecting from a 4 legged animal?


Finished up the Ivory Crown DLC earlier tonight. My thoughts...

I enjoyed this area the most out of all three, probably. Sunken King was really great for atmosphere and for overall environment, but I think I like Ivory King for enemy difficulty/variety. Not quite as brutal as the enemies in the Old Iron King dlc, but they require a lot of perfect executions of movements and attacks.

The bosses were pretty fucking incredible. Especially Ivory King. Jesus oh my god. Like.. How epic can we get?! As soon as you fall down the hole, that badass music starts playing and you just know "shit's about to get real", then the crazy battlefield emerges with the Charred Loyce Knights, your own Loyce Knight allies, and your potential phantom buddies. Man oh man, that got me pumped. And the Ivory King himself, he was pretty great. Buddy of mine pointed out that he has lots of the same moves as Pursuer. I noticed this in hindsight, but the fight itself was awesome. Prolly my fav boss from DkS2.

Gotta say though.. FUCK. THE. FRIGID. WASTES. Seriously. Whoever thought that was a bright idea... Just fuck right off. :( Damn horses gave me a hell of a time. Eventually made it in there with the two NPC summons and defeated both of the bosses, but jesus, that area is insane.

Overall, I really enjoyed it. And as far as DLC season passes go, Dark Souls 2 really delivered, imo. I didn't get around to writing my impressions for the first two DLC packs, so I may come back later and do a write-up for those. Just wanted to get my thoughts out about the newest one. Lots of fun!
Well said. I concur with most of this. DS2 absolutely delivered and it's my favourite game this year.

How are Lud and Zallen like Sanctuary Guardian and Aava like Sif/Authority? How is that even possible?

Also does basic framework mean "is a dragon" or "is a lady with a direct hit weapon"? Because thats the only way Elana and Sinh are close to Nasandra and Kalameet.


Masquerader, you're missing out on some of the best Souls content the series has ever produced.

edit: the enemy NPC phantoms are so much stronger than my own NPC companions, it's not even funny. I swear, if you could set up a fight between AIs, Jester Thomas and Maldron the Assassin would fucking murder any of the NPC summons. :p


I do lodge a complaint at From for not breaking from "dude with a sword" being the final-est bosses in the game. More weird creatures plz From
Isn't Nashandra technically the final boss?

And if you count the DLC dudes with a sword as final bosses (Alonne/Ivory King), then DS1 had Manus as the final boss, not Gwyn. :p

I was actually disappointed they broke with tradition like that, I love the mano-a-mano fights with important characters of that world. They subverted it perfectly with Vendrick, though, which led to one of the best moments in the game, so I forgive them. Also, Alonne and Ivory King more than make up for Nashandra, imo. Excellent, interesting fights.


Isn't Nashandra technically the final boss?

Yeah, that's why I added the -est, but I coulda been a bit more clear. We got
Alonne/Fumey(whichever you consider the true final boss of Iron King), Ivory King, Allant, Gwyn
.. All dudes with swords. That's what, 4 out of 7 final bosses of vanilla Souls and the DLCs.

They do make sense and they're cool and varied, but I really love From's creature designs and fighting them as bosses instead of dude with sword.


It's a human boss, rehash confirmed!

They've been really creative with NPCs/invaders in this one.
who'd fall for the white phantom though? it' so obviously trap

These ice hedgehogs are the worst enemy in the whole game, dammit.

cleared everything else, behind the boss now. What's with that last bonfire behind the locked door? Do I get there after killing the boss?


Digging the new DLC so far, although i think there's a bit to much backtracking.
And goddamn that one invader scared the shit out of me.


cleared everything else, behind the boss now. What's with that last bonfire behind the locked door? Do I get there after killing the boss?

you need a key for the door. It's located near the second bonfire before you drop down. So you have to walk there from the first bonfire, unless i missed a ladder in the room.


It's a human boss, rehash confirmed!

They've been really creative with NPCs/invaders in this one.
who'd fall for the white phantom though? it' so obviously trap

These ice hedgehogs are the worst enemy in the whole game, dammit.

cleared everything else, behind the boss now. What's with that last bonfire behind the locked door? Do I get there after killing the boss?

I knew it was Maldron, but I really wanted to see what he did :D

He failed his backstab, and then YOLO'd it out into the cave. I love that little scamp, I hope we see him again.


I knew it was Maldron, but I really wanted to see what he did :D

He failed his backstab, and then YOLO'd it out into the cave. I love that little scamp, I hope we see him again.

Haha that invader... When i first encountered him i got invaded by someone cosplaying as him, so both were just standing there looking at me. A blue sentinel came to my help and then hell broke lose lol. I got killed eventually...
Second encounter with him i just backstabbed him couple of times with my sacred chime hammer.
Is he running to the cave with the
covetous demon and ice hedgehogs if you don't kill him fast enough? What a badass lol
I installed the update and didn't get the key to the DLC. When I try to open the door, it just says "closed". I restarted the game like ten times but still don't have the key in my inventory. Did this happen to anyone else, any idea what I can do?


I knew it was Maldron, but I really wanted to see what he did :D

He failed his backstab, and then YOLO'd it out into the cave. I love that little scamp, I hope we see him again.

That dude was a proper dickhead. i hope he's rotting in hell right now. :|
Right along side Jester Thomas.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I mean, Avaa has a similar sweep animation to Royal Rat authority for one of his moves but what were you expecting from a 4 legged animal?

TBH, if they took Sanctuary Guardian and just threw him in, I'd be super happy. He is a great boss. The fight against two of them is the toughest fight in Dark Souls (if you fight straight up). Could you imagine if Lud and Zallen were actually like them? Toughest area followed by toughest boss.
Well said. I concur with most of this. DS2 absolutely delivered and it's my favourite game this year.



Masquerader, you're missing out on some of the best Souls content the series has ever produced.

edit: the enemy NPC phantoms are so much stronger than my own NPC companions, it's not even funny. I swear, if you could set up a fight between AIs, Jester Thomas and Maldron the Assassin would fucking murder any of the NPC summons. :p

I didn't miss anything. I actually found it all to be very good (Barring Smelter). It's just that I thought it was creatively lacking in a way.


I knew it was Maldron, but I really wanted to see what he did :D

Yeah, same thing. Dude is such a lovable asshole. I love it when he bolts away if a situation turns bad for him. One of the best NPCs in the soul series.

TBH, if they took Sanctuary Guardian and just threw him in, I'd be super happy. He is a great boss. The fight against two of them is the toughest fight in Dark Souls (if you fight straight up).

The area was designed for them to abuse, though. Water to slow you down and lighting shots that spread in it.


Any tips for getting those
souls? I'm using the ring+2 and lucky coin, but I'm just getting their weapons/armor. I have 6 of them so far, getting 50 might take a while..


So where/when exactly should be Eleum Loyce? I can't wrap my head around it. In the other two DLCs there is still a sort of teleport but I can place them
Shulva is most likely under the Gulch, while the Brume Tower is probably high in the mountains above/sorrounding Iron Keep
. The city itself and miles and miles of snow around it make it almost impossible to place...maybe north from Drangleic Castle? I know the distances are sort of warped but I'd like to make sense of it all.

Another question regarding the lore
why the Chaos was starting to expand..again? Barring the usual "cycle is repeating" stuff (but it didn't seem that the Bed of Chaos was expanding in DaS1), could this event be somehow connected to the Lost Sinner? Maybe in trying to light the First Flame she inadvertedly awoken the Chaos once again
I can't wait for some lore discussion about this.


Any tips for getting those
souls? I'm using the ring+2 and lucky coin, but I'm just getting their weapons/armor. I have 6 of them so far, getting 50 might take a while..

Get summoned to co-op for the boss, the Knights drop their stuff even when summoned, and seem to drop souls more often when you're a phantom. It's a horrible slog either way.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
So where/when exactly should be Eleum Loyce? I can't wrap my head around it. In the other two DLCs there is still a sort of teleport but I can place them
Shulva is most likely under the Gulch, while the Brume Tower is probably high in the mountains above/sorrounding Iron Keep
. The city itself and miles and miles of snow around it make it almost impossible to place...maybe north from Drangleic Castle? I know the distances are sort of warped but I'd like to make sense of it all.

Another question regarding the lore
why the Chaos was starting to expand..again? Barring the usual "cycle is repeating" stuff (but it didn't seem that the Bed of Chaos was expanding in DaS1), could this event be somehow connected to the Lost Sinner? Maybe in trying to light the First Flame she inadvertedly awoken the Chaos once again
I can't wait for some lore discussion about this.

Trying to place the locations of areas in Dark Souls 2 is a fool's errand. It makes no sense. I see no reason why any of the DLC areas are necessarily anywhere close to the areas you teleport from.
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