Is there confirmation that the game releases at midnight PST on PSN?
Dude from namco-bandai reached out for a comment from sony.
Is there confirmation that the game releases at midnight PST on PSN?
When was the last time you actually played a
PS2 game? Because I played King's Field IV all the way through in January and no, in no way does DkS2 look like a ps2 game.
Yeah, I wasn't really being serious other than saying Shadow of the Colossus looks gorgeous.Flat Level design for most of the part and 15fps
When was the last time you actually played a
PS2 game? Because I played King's Field IV all the way through in January and no, in no way does DkS2 look like a ps2 game.
Kings Field IV being the pinnacle of PS2 graphics I presume.
Is there confirmation that the game releases at midnight PST on PSN?
How are those hype levels guys?
Are people being negative still or are we back on board the hyyyyype triaaaaaain
Are people being negative still or are we back on board the hyyyyype triaaaaaain
Is psn still down? I'm trying to buy DS2 but I keep getting errors
Maybe I missed this info, but when are Dark Souls 2 reviews comin' out?
Only the greatest show ever conceived by a human being...... It's the Monogatari series. First season is called Bakemonogatari.
Bravely Default .gif? Niiiice.NOTHING STOPS THIS TRAIN
Is psn still down? I'm trying to buy DS2 but I keep getting errors
From reddit
It's been up for me for most of the afternoon - I think the maintenance should have ended like four or so hours ago. Maybe check to see if you're logged in for sure?
Tomorrow at 12:01 EST iirc.
I think GMG still has it for 40 but I havent checked today.Did I miss all the good deals (e.g., green man gaming) for this game on PC?
I keep getting an error has occured when trying to add the item to your cart. I get it on psn and the website
Gamestop ran out of copies for midnight tonight so I decided to just buy the digital version, I need this maintinence to get done with so I can download it in time!
pick this up at walmart at midnight like me
I keep getting an error has occured when trying to add the item to your cart. I get it on psn and the website
Looks like a ps2 game != looks like the best possible ps2 game, and even then, PS2 games look in general way worse than you realize. Even MGS 3 Snake Eater looks like shit on my HD tv when played on my PS2.
I keep getting an error has occured when trying to add the item to your cart. I get it on psn and the website
Yeah, it's something I sort of hate about Youtube. Oh hey let's catch this moment in a show again or check out a bit of music HEY GUYS HOW ABOUT A BIG LATE SERIES EVENT AS A RECOMMENDATION!?WTF Youtube.....I just went to my Youtube homepage and on the "Recommended" section at the very top I saw a video for a DS2 boss I never heard about that was uploaded 4 days ago.
Pissed but I think I can survive staying away from the there for the next 5 hours. They really need to change that recommended video crap, it always has spoilers or endings to games I've browsed for.
For melee build is it better to start warrior or knight ?
that's that one series that has that master chef dude right